
Young Writers Society

Masked Resistance vs Aradian Tyranny (Started/Still Open)

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:24 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Thaertus

Morgan had requested he and I spar. I starred at him thinking, on the one hand I was doing okay at cards with the guys. But, on the other hand I was miserably bored and cards was doing little to help. I smiled and slapped my cards face down, "well guys looks like the old man is looking for a good match. Watch and learn guys." I drew my blades and started charging them with lightening. "Well let's do this old man."

"No magic just steel to steel." I swallowed hard and looked at the small group gathered in the training room. "You ready to do this kiddo?" Morgan closed the small gap between he and I and swung his sword in a downward arc. I felt the wind off the blade as he swung. I quickly swung my blade at him and he easily parried. Without my magic he was more than a match for me in speed and had years on me in experience. He stabbed and I knocked the blade down with one of my swords and angled my other sword at his neck.

"Yield I've got you beat easy Morgan." Morgan in one deft movement knocked away one of swords and got away from the one at his neck. "You got lucky I'll easily beat you I promi-" Before I could finish what I was saying Morgan slammed my sword away leaving me disarmed.

Morgan pulled me in close so the rest of the people in the training room couldn't hear. "Leopold don't get so cocky you had me and could have disarmed me and more easily forced me to yield. When you have any enemy at any sort of disadvantage end it understood."

"Yes master Morgan I won't act so foolishly in the future." I bowed and gathered my twin swords and sheathed them I announced to the room. "Thank you for an excellent match Morgan. I apologize for calling you an old man I guess you still have quite a bit of fight in you."
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:10 pm
KingLucifer says...

Garnet Ashtaroth - Roof of the Castle - Before Daybreak

Garnet was tired, she had just woken up and barely did anything about her appearance aside from changing out of her night gown and into loose fitting jeans, and a plain pair of jeans. Her hair was a total mess, she wore no make up, and didn't even have her daily shoes on. But there she was sitting on the roof of the castle, waiting for the sun to slowly rise. She yawned and rubbed her left eye as she waited.

"Last time I stay up late and wake up early." She murmured to herself.

No one else in the castle was awake yet, and the sky was slowly lightning up as the sun rose, it signaled a new day to begin her father had called for a War Meeting, and Garnet was to be there, why a War Meeting, Garnet didn't know, but chances are the country was about to go to war. Wonderful, there couldn't be a single day where there wasn't any fighting going on, not that Garnet was complaining or anything, it gave her something to do. But the Resistance was still something that had to be dealt with, and Garnet was normally first crack at it all. As the sun peaked over the horizon, Garnet got up and stretched only to yawn again.

"Time for a work out eh?" She said to no one in particular.

Garnet backed up steadily, and then began to run forward just as she reached the edge of the castle, she leaped forwardand then tucking in her arms and legs, she plumted downwards. Speeding towards the moat of castle, she willed what was under the water to come up, then a large metal platform rose out of the water. Garnet landed on her feet, only to feel a searing pain run though her legs.

"Oh, shoot!" She groaned in pain.

Garnet rubbed her legs to make sure every bone was where it was supposed to be, then stood when she was done. "ok, now that I know that I'm alive, time for some airborne training." She said.

The edges of the large platform that Garnet stood on, began to curve upwards protectively, all the water began to drain out as small holes at the bottom of the platform drained the water out and back into the moat. The platform, rose into the sky, and then sped off. The breeze going though Garnets hair was enjoyable, as she sped though the sky, looking down, she saw no one out and about yet. The low buildings gave Garnet plenty of room to maneuver with, Garnet decided to make a round on the city, doing fancy tricks and flips and barrel rolls, now if only she had her weapon, she could get really fancy with her training. But soon, Garnet returned to the roof of the castle, only to see her father standing on the roof of the castle. The platform slowed and stopped just before the castle, and then Garnet jumped from the platform and onto the roof of the castle.

"Hey dad." She said hugging him.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:54 am
Redfang18 says...

Morgan Darkrai~~~~~~Resistance Headquarters (Daylight)

Nemesis chuckled as she perched on my shoulder, having shrunk the size of a hawk. He had the right to call you an old man, you know. You're not really getting any younger.
I growled at Nemesis mentally. Not everyone in the Resistance knew I had a fire dragon at my command, but it was no secret among the Resistance the true identity of the Ninja of Retribution. To the Crown, the Ninja was my hired hand and the least known member of the Resistance. It was something that took me a full decade to conjure up without the use of magic and develop a second reputation. Nemesis, you got room to talk. After all, you're even older than I am. I looked at Leopold. "No offense taken, my friend. Just remember to end the battle even when you have your opponent at a disadvantage. Otherwise, it'll be the death of anyone on our end of the field." I raised my voice, gaining the attention of the others in the training room. "And may that be a lesson to all of you. The Crown may be cunning, but so are we. As long as we train ourselves and each other in combat, we still have literally a fighting chance. If you don't disarm your enemy before forcing them to yield, then you might as well say your prayers while you still have your life."
A metal bird with a note in its talons made its entrance and landed on my waiting hand.
Nemesis sighed. That metallic electro sorceror's work. He's so insane, he could snap at any given moment. Want me to kill the bird? I could use the entertainment.
I took the note from the bird. No. Spare the bird. I want to keep it for more physical company. It's very lonely up there in the forge, you know. I took a moment to read the message the mechanical messenger bird brought me. Typical of Mercury, huh, Nemesis? He's always bored, so he assumes I don't have anything for him to do. Well, as a leader, I'm supposed to take heed to my team's needs. I shealthed Justice. "I'd like to give another lesson to all of you, but I have other business to take care of." It didn't take me long at all to reach Mercury's quarters.
His note told me he was bored, but I didn't think he'd be very bored. He beamed when he spotted me.
I showed him the bird that still stood on my hand. "I must admit, you make quite the impressive creatures out of metal. This little bird served its purpose quite nicely." I took a moment to think, then got an idea. "Maybe you could use a challenge to keep yourself busy. Make those gears in your head turn more in the way of thinking rather than boredom. I'd build it myself, but my family trade forbids me to do what you can do."
Mercury's eyes seemed to double in size. "You can't do machinery? I thought you were the Metal Master."
I chuckled. Although out of his mind, Mercury was an amusing conversation. "I am the Metal Master, but only in the terms of bladesmithing. My father was from a long line of bladesmiths and I'm not going to break tradition by any means." I sat down in a chair, putting my chin on my fist. "My challenge to you is to create something bigger than this bird. More specifically, I want to see if you can build..." I paused for effect, cracking a sly grin. "...a dragon."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:17 pm
Caesar says...

King Jormungandr | his bedroom | not quite dawn

Jormungandr awoke, yawning. The sun had yet to rise, shadows still lurked in the corners of the circular room and behind the sparse furniture.

He rubbed his eyes blearily. No rest for the weary, it seemed. If there was but one day he could sleep in, maybe take ease in his villa, write some poetry...

He stood further in this bed, raising himself on his elbows. That could wait. He had a kingdom to attend to, and conquests to plan.

The King padded over to his wardrobe. It, like all other items of furniture in his room, was pushed firmly against the wall, and left no space under it to hide. It was also slightly circular, to fit with the wall. He opened the varnished door. It creaked satisfyingly. He dared anyone to open the wardrobe without making noise. Inside were neat racks of suits, all mostly identical, save color, of course. Most were shades of green, some where white, a few black. Choices, choices.

Not bothering to agonize over it, Jake chose a neatly pressed white undershirt, a dapper dark green shirt, sleeves made stiff by a very very thin metallic band within the layers of fabric, and a sleeveless black jerkin, with equally black pants. He also grabbed a pair of underclothes. Padding back to the bed, he dumped the clothes there, and moved to the small adjacent bathroom.

It contained a medium-sized tin bath, with a series of knobs, valves and tubes over it. He was quite proud of that bath. A series of pipes pumped water from a well under the villa, and were heated when necessary. When the water was drained, it sluiced down a second set of pipes which made sure it was reusable, then it went back to the well. It also contained a mirror, and a rack with bathrobes and towels. Under the mirror was a basin, working like the bath. It leeched smaller amounts of water from the main set of pipes. The villa itself, fountains and kitchen included, drew water from the same system, but with a different set of industrial pipes. There would be no poisoned water for this king.

Jake turned a valve, and the familiar whirring sound of the system activating could be heard below him. A few seconds later, cold water poured into the basin. Jake splashed some onto his face, cleansing all traces of sleep from his visage. He shuddered at the sudden cold wash. He then also rubbed a hand through his hair, keeping with his traditionally messy style. Finally, Jake chewed on a mint, the white spheres held in a small cup by the basin.

Satisfied, he returned to his room. Tossing the bedrobe onto the wooden floor, Jake slipped on his clothes.

Grabbing his hat, also circled by a strip of metal, he walked out the door, reminding himself to have the room cleaned today. The floorboard's creak sounded flat. He'd spent hours figuring out the correct note progression to ensure he knew exactly where a person or object moved and was standing.

Now, to the castle he went.

*** ***

Aradia Castle gates | half an hour or so later

The carriage halted, robotic stallions neighing, jets of steam curling from the various orifices.

The castle gates were, if not impressive, then certainly something you didn't see every day. They were ten meters tall, made of solid bronze, with steel and brass hinges, capturing the timid daylight. Three gates and twenty sets of locks and bars separated an outsider from the outer castle courtyard.

And of course, the moat. Jake was rather proud of the moat. The water was deceptively deep, and murky. Below, he knew there were liquid metallic compounds, highly toxic if ingested, that could also be set on fire. Furthermore, the bottom was spiked. Furthermore, a series of metallic platforms were buried in the sides. A metal sorcerer could make them slide out and up at will. He noticed one wasn't retreated properly, and grinned. Garnet was at it again. The moat was fifty paces wide, and circled the entire caste. As of now, however, the drawbridge was lowered. There was no need to keep it shut at all times.

Jake traced a gloved finger on the thin golden carriage window, and it slid down. Lazily, he extended an arm out, then saluted the guards standing at the battlements above lazily. Slowly, he then stretched his hand out and pointed his index finger at the massive gates.

There was a rumbling noise, actually water rushing through hydraulic mechanisms, ticking gears and balancing counterweights. The first set of locks, by far the thickest, swung back ponderously. A half-moon bar slid up and sideways, retreating into the wall. Steam hissed, and the gate opened, revealing another.

The carriage moved forward, followed by the king's personal guard, green helmet feathers tall and proud. Jake was looking out the window, sideways, at the slits in the gates. Automated firing mechanisms could be activated, and mounted crossbows inside would fire deadly bolts at potential invaders.

Jake moved his arm out again, this time closing his hand into a fist. With a series of cracking noises, the stone of the floor sank in programmed depressions, and the walls besides retreated in segments. Another series of locks went off, and the gate sank into the ground. The carriage continued.

The next series of gates were opened manually by designated guard.

Once the carriage was fully inside the courtyard, Jake hopped down. His guard saluted smartly. The king dismissed them. Wheeling around, they saluted again, then moved towards the castle.

Jake moved towards the next wall, which marked the inner courtyard. Around him were the booths and workspaces of the crafstmen and guard that resided within the castle. He nodded when those who worked in the courtyard called out to him.
Jake then stopped, nearer to the gates. He flexed his hands and shrugged back his shoulders.

Slowly, he rose from the ground. Hands behind his back and looking up at the dark sky streaked with light yellows, reds and oranges, Jake smiled.

The King had no need for platforms to fly.

He rose further, past the gates, and flew above, following the slanting castle walls and alighting on the roof, between several buttresses and spire-points. The view he commanded was quite impressive. Homes, parks and streets were spread down below him like a child's toy playground, kissed by the rising sun.

It did not take his daughter long to return.

"Hey dad," she said, hugging him.

Smiling wider, Jake stepped back, clasping her by the shoulders. "Ah, Garnet," he said, warmly. "It has been a while, has it not? How have you been keeping?"

"Well enough," she replied.

"How has your military strategy class been going?" the King asked.

Garnet gave a little shrug. "I prefer actual combat more than learning about it," she said, evasively.

Jake gave a little laugh. "You have not changed, then." He shivered. "It's cold here... let us head down where the temperature is more agreeable, and then perhaps we shall see what your fencing instructor has taught you."

Jake spread his arms wide, and shadows ran to him, climbing their way up his body. Taking his daughter by the hand, Jake sank through the roof and down several floors, straight to an inner training yard.

Garnet blinked as the shadows sank back into the ground. "Little trick of mine," Jake said, pleased.

There were racks of weapons lining one wall. Training dummies were in a corner, and a few bullseyes. The rest was bare.

"Well?" he asked. "Go on."

Uncertainly, Garnet walked to a weapon's rack and drew a double-bladed, plain steel sword. Jake did the same.

The king turned the sword this way and that, testing its weight and the feel in his hand.

"I haven't held a sword till about the time you were born," he murmured, chuckling. Tracing a finger down it, he blunted the edge, Garnet doing the same.

Then he slid into guard position with a flair. "En garde!" he called out.

Jake lunged forward, aiming for Garnet's chest. His daughter stepped into the blow, deviating it with her own blade, then twisting and lunging for Jake's heart.

The King stepped back and brought his sword down diagonally, bringing Garnet's strike down.

The next few seconds was filled with the rasping sound of blades twisting as they both sought to disengage. Garnet flicked her wrist determinedly, and Jake's arm flew back, sword flying out of his hand. He cringed and nursed it for a second.

"Good, good," he said, ruefully. "Your skill will come in handy soon, I promise."

He turned away. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have work. We'll have lunch together. And with Anair. A nice family reunion, aye?"

He walked off, thinking of his half-daughter. She was probably at her lab by now...

The life of a king was a busy one indeed.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:47 pm
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Thaertus

I walked out of the training room ignoring the fellows I had just been playing cards with. One of them yelled out to me, "you done playing Leopold?" It was Roderick he had joined a year after I had and in combat was a steadfast friend. I looked at him he reminded me of my kid brother his attitude and his determination. Looking away I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a long sigh before responding.

"I'd love to keep playing guys but I have," I thought quickly making up a believable excuse, "business I have to attend to someone has to fund the Resistance." I made a casual gesture of farewell and began heading towards my room. My room was rather plain I had a bed, a bookshelf, a desk covered in parchment maps and other such things, and my wardrobe. I quickly changed out of my fighting clothes and in to something more casual. I put on a plain vest as well as pants that didn't bear my family's insignia. The Crown assumed I was dead along with the rest of my family it was better it stayed that way and I not wear clothing covered in the family insignia.

I grabbed a cloak from my wardrobe and headed up stairs in to my tavern. I had convinced Morgan to create a tunnel in to my tavern from the Resistance HQ. It allowed quick access in to the town from an area at which no one would expect it. I was viewed as a respected Tavern owner no one suspected I was a member of the Resistance. I walked over to the bar and tapped on it three times. Suddenly the taverns barkeep and all around nice guy, Fenny, started coming up the stairs from his private room next to the wine cellar.

"Mornin' boss you're here earlier than usual." He stroked his beard once, "It ain't even but barely ten o'clock yet. Is somethin' botherin' ya chief?" Fenny was an old family friend he was the one that had convinced the crown I was dead and helped me find and join the resistance. Fenny was the perfect tavern keeper he was a skilled earth and water sorcerer and kept us well stocked at all times. Plants would grow at a mere coaxing from him and animals grew bigger and heartier. Fenny was built like an ox and was about twice as strong, he had a working mans hands and stood head and shoulders taller than me. Fenny was a mountain of a man to say the least. He had been my family's ground keeper, before they were mercilessly slaughtered, but he remained loyal through and through. "You normally don't come to see me till the lunch rush to offer help and make sure everything's all right."

"I just sparred with Morgan without my magic and got my butt kicked, and I was just feeling a little down." I looked at Fenny and he started to chuckle. "It's not funny he's an old man and he kicked my butt in front of some of my subordinates. I mean I'm skilled at fighting but loosing to him is embarrassing for some reason for me." He tussled my hair before bending down to look me in the eye.

"Boy I've been working for the Thaertus family since before you could walk. I've seen a lot of strong Thaertus in my day and you're one of the strongest but the fact of the matter is even I could kick yer tail." I looked at Fenny shocked I knew how long he'd worked for my family, but not once had I seen him use his magic offensively. "I know what your thinking big ol' slow me beat fast little you. The thing is I have twice the experience on you just like good ol' Morgan. With your magic you could run circles around me or him and easily beat either one but he took away your magic. The thing is he knows your strengths, just like me and I would make you fight me with out sword or magic and then well we know who would win." He patted me on the head and I looked at him disgruntled.

"I get it Fenny. I shouldn't feel bad because even if I'm skilled far above my age, Morgan knows what I need to improve and made me work on that when we fought." I looked away from Fenny and then back feeling morose for a moment longer, "I don't thank you enough, if it weren't for you I'd be dead. You saved me from the Crown, I know how much it must have hurt for you to watch the rest of my family die. I always wish I could thank you more.

Fenny let out a loud laugh and slapped me hard on the back, "Master Leopold I run the most successful tavern in town you don't even require I always work. You have Resistance members help out when I need a day to work in our field and you yourself run the kitchen or entertain more often than not." He poured me a glass of juice before continuing. "You fill the Resistance coffers and the Thaertus families easy. You pay me a more than fair wage and with what I make from the wine cellar and private orders is quite a sum indeed. If your family could see you know," a single tear rolled down the big mans cheek from his right eye. "Why they'd be right proud of you."

I grabbed Fenny's hand and pulled him in for a hug. "Thanks Fenny that means a lot to me, more than you know. Now I have some business to attend to and arrangements to make. You know how to find me if you need me, just send a bird." I handed him my glass with the juice and exited the tavern pulling my hood over my head. I strolled through the city streets observing looking around and studying the people. I heard a loud caw from a crow several seemed to be congregating in the town. One message seemed to be spread among them, blood in the streets and an excellent feast. I didn't like the sound of that, something was up and I intended to try and find out exactly what.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:21 am
Shady says...

Anaki Shadowflame

I stretch, closing the book I'd been reading. It was a tiring book. I needed coffee.

Standing, I slipped my feet into the boots I'd shed, and started down the hall. I hesistated as I passed Mercury's office, and see him look at me through the open door. He tipped his hat. "You have a very nice day m'lady..."

I smiled, blushing slightly, as I continued onward. I liked Mercury. He was crazy, and random, but loveable. It looks like he needs coffee too.

I pour two mugs of coffee, stopping to stare at the second cup for a long while, wondering how Mercury drank his. I finally dumped creamer in the cup, and stirred it in, giving him a cup like I drink mine.

I started back down the hall with both cups of steaming coffee, starting as I bumped into Morgan, who was coming out of Mercury's ofice. "I-ohmygod-I am so sorry!" I am so dead. "Did I spill any on you?"
Last edited by Shady on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:11 am
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VampireSenshi says...


As I had predicted, it took almost no time at all for Morgan to find his way to my office. He didn't look irked.

He held out his hand, the tiny metal bird stood rigidly at attention.

"I must admit, you make quite the impressive creatures out of metal. This little bird served its purpose quite nicely."

He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts "Maybe you could use a challenge to keep yourself busy. Make those gears in your head turn more in the way of thinking rather than boredom. I'd build it myself, but my family trade forbids me to do what you can do."

My eye's must have doubled in size, Morgan? Unable to handle machinery? Blasphemous!
"You can't do machinery? I thought you were the Metal Master."

He chuckles "I am the Metal Master, but only in the terms of bladesmithing. My father was from a long line of bladesmiths and I'm not going to break tradition by any means." He sits

"My challenge to you is to create something bigger than this bird. More specifically, I want to see if you can build...a dragon." he says, smirking.

A dragon! Morgan must be out of his mind!


"I'll do it! Something like that would occupy me for quite a while! How large would you want this metallurgic monstrosity?"

"I would say considerably sized"

I open my arms widely to indicate a estimated measurement,

"How does this look?"

He chuckled again,

"I was thinking around one hundred to two hundred feet in size." He smirks again.

Oh lord in heaven, perhaps he is out of his mind...

"That will take considerably more time than I had anticipated, but the project shouldn't take more than a month or two." I stroke my chin in thought.

"That should do nicely." He laughs., a cold, mischievous laugh that makes my body turn cold to it's very core.

Now I understand why he only every chuckles....

"I will begin preparation iiiiiiimmediately."

"Then I will be seeing you," he get's up out of his chair and exits.

I sigh, and then hear a commotion outside of the door - I walk outside to see what is the matter.

"I-ohmygod-I am so sorry!"

"Did I spill any on you?" I hear Anaki say to Morgan, she's bumped into him. And she's brought coffee!!! None of which spilled on Morgan.

"Oh! Hi Mercury, I - uh - brought coffee." She hands me a cup.

"Oh Anaki, you are a flower in this every depressing desert wasteland." I say, taking the cup of coffee from her as if it were the queen most precious diamond. I take a sip or the dark brown ambrosia.

Ooooh, she even put the sugar in. I love her. I love her it's official.

"Good Lord Anaki, you must tell me what you do differently then Me when brewing this."

Morgan just sort of looks at the two of us, mutters something about birds or something, and then leaves.

NIGHT is always watching...

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:25 am
Shady says...

Anaki Shadowflame

Morgan looks down at me disapprovingly, but Mercury comes out of his office, looking pleased. I quickly handed him the glass. "Oh! Hi Mercury, I - uh - brought coffee."

"Oh Anaki, you are a flower in this every depressing desert wasteland." He said, dramatically taking the cup and taking a long drink.

"Good Lord Anaki, you must tell me what you do differently than me when brewing this." He said, smiling at me.

Morgan looked between us, muttered something, and walked off. I'm alive for a while yet...

“Oh, uh, I don’t know,” I laughed nervously. “I’m glad you like it though.”

“Oh, I do,” Mercury assured me, walking back into his office. I followed uncertainly, since he was still talking.

"I'd be happy to...to bring you a glass every now and then," I offered, kicking myself mentally for how flirty I sounded.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:36 am
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VampireSenshi says...


“Oh, uh, I don’t know,” Anaki laughs nervously “I’m glad you like it though.”

“Oh, I do,” I say, walking into my office - she follows.

This is the most delicous cup of coffee ever made, the gods of old themselves would grovel at my feet and beg for this coffee if they knew of it's splendor

"I'd be happy to...to bring you a glass every now and then,"

Someone's feeling a bit flirty.

I think for a moment on whether or not I should respond positively to her advances.


I think I will

"I would love that." I smile, adding specific emphasis on the word love.

She sits for a moment, and then smiles.

"So what did Morgan come to talk to you about?" she inquires.

"Oh nothing important, just a job that would keep me busy for a while. Probably something that I shouldn't share I'm sure you understand. Morgan is a very private man." I chuckle.

She laughs,

"Then I will leave you to your work then. Enjoy the coffee." she departs.

"I certainly will!" I sit down and begin to draw out the plans for Morgan's dragon.

NIGHT is always watching...

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:09 pm
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kayfortnight says...


I walked the halls quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself, but one of the women of the resistance still gave me a flirtatious wink. I shook my head and she pouted at me. No, never again. The first time was bad enough. Would she still look at me that way if she knew what I was? An abnormal?

I passed Morgan, who wore dripping coffee on his shirt, and couldn't suppress a small smile, Especially amusing was the grimace on his face. Not much can make me laugh anymore, but it's always amusing to see our Metal Master annoyed.

But I was even more amused when Luna jumped onto him and began licking him shirt. He stumbled back a step, since Luna was pretty big. I called, "Luna, down!" She ran over to me, tail wagging. "I'm sorry, Morgan, really. Would you like some help?"
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:36 pm
crossroads says...

Spoiler! :
ooc: this one is long even for my standards.. But oh, well. You did say you like long posts :mrgreen:

(The Castle's garden, shortly before sunrise)

She rested in a small garden, feeling grass hugging her from all around. She was laying down, her face turned to still dark sky, and the nature around her was still wet from dew. She knew no one knew she was there - she came through one of her Tunnels, passages that led from the upper world to the hidden chambers in the womb of the Castle and city - but she had no idea when or why was she there.
Anair slowly sat up, grateful for her dress being black and not too obviously dirty or wet, and took a look around. There was no one near her, which probably was a good thing, but she could feel the deep smell coming from the stalls not very far away. The little garden, which Anair's obviously found at some point before, was probably taken care of by the servants sleeping and working around the Castle. As she picked a white flower growing next to her, a little boy approached. He couldn't have been more than eight, his hair was a mess even more than Anair's, and he observed her carefully.
"Hey," she said, feeling stupid just sitting in grass and staring at a kid. His eyes widened.
"Are you the princess?"
"I'm a princess," she corrected him, and he blushed. "Can you tell me how long was I sleeping?"
The boy looked a bit confused.
"Just for a short time, princess," he replied then, hesitating, so she encouraged him with a smile. "But you were different when you came. Darker." He looked down, and Anair felt a known, unpleasant coldness on the inside. "You shot me."
"I what?" She didn't remember using Dark magic to bring him back. The boy smiled shyly, showing her a hole in his shirt right over his heart.
"With an arrow. But you healed me, then. With water." He pointed at a nearby puddle, and Anair fought to keep a straight face.
"So I see," she muttered. "Thank you, you can go now."

As she watched the boy leave, a shadow crossed her face. She looked up, half in expectation of some kind of magical creature. She wasn't that far, seeing that Garnet was, in a way, a creature, and most certainly possessed magic.
Her big sister was flying on her metal craft, probably enjoying as the eastern sky lightened. Anair supposed she could do the same if she wanted, being as much a Metal Mage as the older princess, but she knew she couldn't resist trying to combine her powers while up in the air. And in that case, she might end up doing something that would endanger herself or the other Castle's residents.. Anair would never risk that happening, and not only because her father and sister would be angry with her.

I wonder if they think of me the way I think of them, crossed her mind. Probably not, as both of them had more than family to think of. But it still could make Anair sad.
She frowned and got up, deciding not to think about it anymore. She had worse problems than not being involved in the kingdom's issues - problems she actually cared about.
The most important of those, she was back. And obviously learned a bit of water magic while Anair wasn't around.

The princess left the garden as her clothes dried from dew, disappearing back to the Tunnels.
She always called them that way, and no one knew them better than her. They spread for miles and miles, and she could find her way inside with her eyes closed, passing next to skeletons of many who tried. For a while, after it's been found out that her Lab is somewhere down there, it was a popular game among the young staff to dare each other to go inside. Anair wasn't bothered by them. She knew, because of the all protections she put on the Lab, that none of them will ever find it - and a body now and then, well, that couldn't hurt. Her.

She smiled as she approached the Lab. Shadows were moving in front of her, walls of metal made to seem like stone moved as she passed, letting her get straight to her destination. Anair could always tell when another Mage was near, especially if it was one who used his own magic to make her locks back off. She was proud of her locks. They were made of thousands of tiny pieces of metal, resembling a giant clock mechanism, all connected and slowly spinning, with parts moving and changing every now and then. A strong Metal Mage could make them stop moving. A strong Lightning Mage could make them not kill the person who touches them. A strong - really strong - Dark Mage could maybe make them not awake all the fears, bad memories and pain one would feel when they'd look at them for too long. But only Anair's touch could make them open harmlessly. Even if, for a while, it would seem that the uninvited visitor's managing to go around the protections. So the princess stopped watching, came out of the shadows and gently touched Jake's shoulder.

"Hi, Dad," she said as he turned, making it sound like a name. She'd always do that, and she wrote it the same way - just like King. His lips curled into a smile, and for a moment she wanted him to hug her. But then, she wasn't the one who'd make the first move. Anair knew - and after the episodes with memory lost, such as the one in the garden, her thoughts were clearer than usually - that Jake didn't see her in the same light as he saw his older daughter. Being and not being an heir or interested in business of running a country, had nothing to do with it. It was as simple as it could be, really; he married Garnet's mother out of love, and she died giving birth to a girl who looked just like her. He married Anair's mother out of need for some plans to be fulfilled, and she died blowing her own heart up as she tried to make her daughter replace him. Neither of that was the younger princess's idea or fault, but she could understand why he acted differently - even though she was pretty sure he wasn't even aware of the fact that she gives it so much thoughts. Relationships of any kind were complicated.
"I haven't seen you in a long time," he said, sounding somewhat concerned. "You seem troubled."
"Nothing new when it comes to that," she said, and his eyes narrowed a little. For a long time by now, Anair was sure, he knew what hides behind her words, and was smart enough not to make a wrong move. Anair didn't know could she hurt him if she, the other one, took over. She didn't want to try and check. The young princess smiled, and the King's mood seemed to lighten again.
"Your magic is really getting stronger," he said, showing the locks with his hand. "It wasn't as easy to find you as last time, and you really gave some thoughts to the door, didn't you?" He ran his fingers over the metal.
"You don't want to touch it for too long," she said, and he grinned.
"It almost sounds like a dare."
"Please, I'm serious" she took his hand, pulling it closer, careful that her fingers stay far enough from the straps on his knuckles. "How are you? How are the plans?" Her eyes crossed the King's face. "You look troubled too."
And you don't really care about my plans, said his eyes.
"What have you been doing lately, Anair? Except for putting bigger locks?"
That almost sounded offensive.
"I woke up a woman the other day. I used all three of my powers combined.. But she didn't turn up well. I'm sorry for that, she would've been very good if she made it. I will try again when... Later. I will make it."
"I believe."
He observed her in silence for a while, and she wondered if he notices how similar they were. Except for a power and a bit of reputation, and silver tips of her hair, she took after him.
"You were alone?" He asked, sounding worried again. "All the time, in here? That can't be healthy."
She shrugged. "I wasn't alone. I had the Objects." Not all of them for a long time, but still. "And I had Septimus. You know that he'd protect me from everything."
Somewhere deep in her mind, Anair knew that talking to people could keep her mind clear. Especially if the people were family. But she had no idea how the King or the older princess would react if she'd come to them out of the blue, so she's never done it. Dad seemed to be reading her mind, and he gently moved a strand of her hair from her eyes.
"You have something else to say," he almost whispered. The Tunnels made everyone feel like whispering. "Tell me."
Anair blushed a little, as always when she'd wish to ask something from him. She wasn't like that with other people - her only problem was to ask him for something she may have not deserved, because she'd feel like he'd think of her mother and her demands. Anair really didn't want Dad to see her mother in her.

"I wish to know how you got here. Last time you didn't tell me, and I changed the Tunnels quite a bit, but, well, you're here again.. So I want to know."
He chuckled.
"Using my magic, of course," he teased. "Do you really think I couldn't pass the door too?"
"Nothing could. Not even magic itself, not one kind." Be proud. "And you didn't really answer my question."
"I walked through walls," he said, and it wasn't even so hard to believe. Anair smiled.
"Will you teach me?" She still held his hand, and was pretty sure that she looked like a little girl. She could feel her magic closing around her again, as a lot of time has passed since her mind got cleared. But she didn't want to lose herself again - so she kept talking. "I'm tired of learning only from those I raise from the dead and control myself. It's not interesting."
He seemed to be considering it for a while, as they stared at each other's eyes.

"Fine," the King said. "I will need you to do something for me first, though. Oh, and Anair.. You will join Garnet and me for lunch, yes?"
Anair didn't like to have meals in big halls, with all kind of staff awaiting to refill her glass or whatever. But she did love magic, and so she loved Dad and big sister, so she nodded after a while.
"I'll be glad to," the young princess said. "What is it that you want me to do?"
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:11 pm
Redfang18 says...

Morgan Darkrai~~~~~~~~Resistance Stronghold

I shook my head. It was bad enough to have coffee on my ninja suit and Nemesis laughing at me like she thought it was funny. "I'll be fine. I have some weapons to make back at the forge anyway. I can get this cleaned up. Let's not forget, I was taught and disciplined by my parents before I built the Resistance." Kjolir was an Abnormal person, a human with the power to absorb anyone else's magic just by a touch. Many fellow Aradians have feared Abnormals and others wanted nothing to do with them, but I find them as special children who were just misunderstood. The gods forbid I let an Abnormal's cry for help or a family be left unheard and unanswered. I knew what it was like to be among an Abnormal. My own uncle Marcus was one himself. I decided to leave Kjolir with a warning, although I knew he's heard me say it thousands of times before. "Be sure not to come near people with stealable elements, my friend. We don't want to have an accident on your account, now do we?" I left him to his own devices, taking the same passage I came in to return to my cottage.
It took me a while to change from my ninja suit to my forge work clothes, but by the time I got in the forge, the streets were bustling with activity. Just watching the daylight activity was a great deal of riches in itself, but it broke my heart that I wasn't among them. By now, I should've been raising a family and working in the forge to make a living, but that has never happened since I was pushed around by the castle guards and ignored by the king on account of the rumor on the Darkrai family. I murmured to myself as I went to work, "Someday, I'll have to ask Uncle Marcus about the family line. That is, if he's still alive to this day."
The warmth of the forge's kiln spread around within the forge, telling me that Nemesis was finished with her laughing fit and decided to help me with my work. As a fire dragon, she was just the help I needed to properly forge weapons. If my mother was a Fire sorceress, I'd be done with my apprenticeship under my father's roof quicker than I did since my mother was a Water sorceress and a healer. I worked until midday, then used my Water magic to remove the sweat off my body. I had the excess sweat stored in a large vase, which took a potter almost three days to make. I hated to give people a challenge, but it helped the challenged get some spare money in their pocket.
I looked in a chest where I stored my own spare change. All I had in payments were silver or copper coins. Not even a gold coin was found in the chest. With some gold in the chest, I could've bought myself some more steel and other kinds of metal to create more weapons. I sighed. Being a bladesmith in a world close to the era of machinery is hard on me, Nemesis. I'm not really going to argue about it, but I really wish I'd start making machinery instead of weapons for a living.
Nemesis sighed herself as she perched on my shoulder, her form the size of a hawk. You know Darkrai law forbids that. Break tradition and you'll be a disgrace to your family line.
I snapped, I'm already a disgrace, thanks to Garnet. She used her scythe - a weapon that I built - against me five years ago. Have you forgotten that night or do I have to remind you?
Nemesis didn't answer, which told me she understood what I meant.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:13 pm
KingLucifer says...

Spoiler! :
Expect me to change POV's regularly, it's just how I am with my posts.

Garnet - Her room - Noon

After my sparing match with dad, and his hint about my skills being needed soon, I knew I had to be ready for anything, a War Meeting could only mean the country going to war, but against who? We haven't seen any military action on the surrounding countries as of late. What would be father be planning exactly? I was in my room, brushing my hair after a nice hot shower, I got on something a little more me, a black pair of jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. I tie my hair back into a pony tail, and put on fingerless gloves. After I got on a nice pair of high heels, that would click against any hard surface, I went to get my prized possession, and my weapon of choice. A duel sided scythe with retractable ends that was done with Metal Sorcery, the weapon looked like something the grim repear would use. But it made me look like the grim repear. I retracted both ends of the scythe so it looked like a battle staff, to most people it would be a walking stick for me. Not that I needed it, but it gave the illusion that I was harmless.

I looked around the room, my bed, my desk with a lamp and ten some books on Lightning and Fire Sorcery, my drawer, and the three way mirrior that I had sat at for when I was applying make up. I soon made my way out of my room, and walked down the stairs of the castle, it was almost time to meet dad and Anair for Lunch. And to be quite honest, I was starving, maybe I should have had something to eat for breakfest instead of more airborne training. The castle itself was finely decorated, with tapastries of previous royal families that ran Aradia before my father. The Ashtaroth family was next in that line, altho I wish that my grandfather was royalty before my fathers time, so I could see what he looked like as a child.

I made my way down to the dining hall, it was huge, with a large wooden table, that streched the whole room, and allowed space for people and servants to get by, At the far end I saw my dad sitting there enjoying his meal, Anair was with him. It had been awhile since I had talked to Anair, were so busy with our studies, we don't have enough time for each other. I need to change that, hopefully soon, anyways, I made my way around the table and headed for the open spot by dad. I moved my walking stick with me as I went, my dad looks up and eyes the weapon curiously. Then looks at Anair not thinking anything about it, a servant pulls a seat for me at my fathers right, I took the seat and was pushed back in Anair sitting at his left.

"Hey dad, hey sis." I said to them politly.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:30 pm
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Thaertus

I walked through the streets blending in to shadows and disappearing in the crowds. I walked about until I found a contingent of the guards and began following them at distance, just with in earshot of what they were saying. One of the bigger guards spoke to the others, "so did you hear what the king is planning." This seemed like a promising conversation. "Apparently he plans to attack Versh." Versh was the neighboring country and was rather defensible to say the least, the king was growing bold. Versh were allies with Aradia and had been for years.

This could be interesting news to tell Morgan, Versh was sympathetic to the cause of the Resistance and had long helped us from under the table. The Resistance constituted a small country in and of itself and the Versh had helped house some of us in their outlying regions. If the king had found out about some of our strongholds in Versh it was a strong possibility that he was attacking it for that very reason. I followed the guards down an alley until we were out of sight. Before they had time to respond I had used electricity to stun their muscles briefly and knock them out.

I rifled through what they had and found their papers to find out their standing and to determine what more they might know. All of their papers revealed that they were little more than grunts in standing nothing more than mere rumors to be heard from them. Still every rumor had a kernel of truth and it was worth telling Morgan what I had heard. I left the guards in their state off disarray and leaped to the roofs before letting out a shrill whistle. A falcon flew down from the clouds and landed on my arm. "Take this message to Morgan." I wrote down the info quickly and handed the scroll to the falcon and he took it in his beak. "You know how to find me inform me once you've delivered it." The falcon nodded at me before flying of in to the air swiftly.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:43 pm
Veni says...

Cora - Castle Wall - Early afternoon
The wind played around, tickling the back of her neck and tangling up her hair. Swatting it, she scolded it playfully, "Leave me alone. I must concentrate in looking out for trouble." The wind continued to play but a little more gently.

Cora stared out over the wall and appreciated the view, the height, the power you feel towering above the world. Absentmindly, she scratched the black arm band on her arm and of course, her mind turned to her mother. A tear crept down her cheek and she looked longinly out as she remembered the first time her mother brought her up here to meet the wind. It had suddenly whipped up roaring all around them and she looked at her mother expecting her to scream. Instead, she laughed and laughed and laughed.

Sensing her sadness, the wind came closer and hugged Cora tight in cold air. Now her mother was gone. But before she left, she had told her the truth. That the king.... the king had.....had....Well, now loyalties she had to the throne were gone, vanished like the wind.
She knew now what she wanted and knew how to get it. She reached into her pouch in her bag and drew out two scraps of paper and a piece of charcoal. On the first piece paper, she wrote her message.

To Mister Ninja,
Meet me at the Red Lion Tavern at midnight tonight alone. I want to join the Masked Resistance. It will be worth your while.
She paused for a moment and wracked her brains. Then she smiled and signed off the note.

Taking the second piece of paper, she tore it into several pieces and began to fold it. First a boat, then a mast inside it and finally she attached a little paper sail. She folded the note and tucked it inside the little vessel.

Cora whispered her instructions to the wind, "Please carry the boat to the Ninga, to the leader of the masked rebellion. Take it swiftly and carefully. Let out reach no one but the Ninga."

The wind began to blow hard around her and the little boat sitting on her palm stumbled forward. With a sudden gust of wind, it flew into the air. As the wind carried her message away, Cora watched and smiled. The Raven was ready to fly.
Prodigies can very quickly learn what other people have already figured out; geniuses discover that which no one has ever previously discovered. Prodigies learn; geniuses do.”

― John Green

In the past I would definitely say who you would find inside. Not so much today. Place is bonkers …. As is everywhere
— Greg Specter