
Young Writers Society

Blazed (Closed/started)

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Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:55 pm
SubjectBlue says...

Name: Samuel Garrian
Gender: male
Age: 22
Appearance: He's of average height and very slender, with short brown hair and metallic coloured eyes.
Spoiler! :

Power: he has a very unique power- all powers are cancelled in a radius of five meters from him, meaning he's immune to all powers- and they can't be used around him. He's trained in all manners of combat- martial arts and firearms- and is equipped with high tech weapons.
History: born and raised in a small town- He always tried to find a way out, he had no idea what horrors will be afflicted on him at the experimental institution. when he was 12 they finally realized what power they gave him- the power to undo any other power. they studied him for three more years- when they realized they can't mimic the quick efficiency in which his body does- but have achieved a slow process of disabling one's power, he was then trained to become their super-soldier- against super-soldiers. at the age of nineteen he was a professional, fearsome marksman specializing in one subject- catching or killing other powered people.
Personality: in contradiction to his lonely and grim work, he's really a company loving person- very friendly and nice. from the other hand, it doesn't stop him from commiting terrible things without a flinch- He also is a bit manic-depressive.
Government or Rebellion: Government
Other: up for love.
Last edited by SubjectBlue on Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:35 am
icebender28 says...

(Alright! Let's get this show on the road! :D )


It was dark out. How depressing. I love the sun on the desert sand.

I turned the corner, losing the sight of the main hall, the only room in the entire cave system that had over fifty skylights. Yes, I did count. I had been here for so long before the Rebellion really started growing that I had memorised a few rooms. There were too many to remember them all. I had even tried drawing a map, but I got lost...

I almost ran into the door while in my thoughts. I sighed at my clumsiness and walked in.

The room was fairly small, a single battery powered lamp hung from the ceiling, over the spy.

He looked up when i came in, pulling at his constraints. "Atila," He said with a smile, "How nice of you to join me."

I glared at his bruised face. "Looks like some people gave you an aweful beating."

His smile disappeared and he sat back. "They didn't take my true nature very well, unfortunately."

There was a little silence. I got closer tired of waiting, so close that I could smell the blood from his face. "What do you know, john?" I held up my hand, sparks beggining to fly from it. "I know you came here to take something from us, and I know you are very high up in the Government. Now tell me what you know, or I'll drop your corpse off a high ridge."

he stared for a moment, and his finger twitched. He smiled again. "You should watch your back, Atila. higher ups won't be as kind as I was."

I was confused for a moment, before I realized what he meant.

i grabbed at his hand, whipping the drug away. He gave a small laugh, and then slumped over.

Too late.

A few men ran in. "What happened?" One asked.

"He had a drug. Killed him instantly. i should have checked him for it." I scolded myself, putting out my sparks. "Get this trash bag cleaned up." I muttered. They rushed to take him away to some cliff in the middle of nowhere, while I walked away.

There goes my source to the government. Not a good day for me.

(WHoo Hoo! Feel free to add in your characters!)
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:41 am
gleek456 says...

(Please tell me if this is okay! If not, PM me. :) )

Camille Huntington

I slipped on a white cardigan as I exited my room. I had to go meet someone from the government about those twats who called themselves "rebels". Just because you're against us doesn't mean you're rebels, it just means you're enemies. I pulled down my white dress a little bit when no one was looking. Stupid, yet cute dress kept riding up. Oops, shouldn't have shared that. I stopped walking when I hand touched my shoulder. My eyes widened and I sacked the man before I could realize who it was.

"Samuel!" I gasped. I watched as he fell to the floor... Holding where I kicked him. I quickly helped him up.

"Do you know how impolite that is?!" I scolded him. "Never do that again!"

Samuel chuckled and wiped his forehead in relief. I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow. He looked like he wanted to tell me something. I shook my head quickly, indicating he says what needs to be said.

"Oh, right. You're coming with me and Wesley," he said. I tilted my head. Wesley? Do I know a Wesley? Oh well, it's always nice to make new acquaintances! Wait, for what?

"Oh, to help more people get powers like us," he said while grinning. I blinked at him for a minute then nodded. He led me towards the take off area. Whenever I'm off at kidnapping missions, I'm usually used for bait. Whether it's to play playboy mate for men, or job interviewers for women. It's always a different role eachtime. When we arrived to the parking lot, a tall man with black hair stood before us. I'm considering that this is Wesley.

"Wesley! We're ready," Sam said. I stepped forwards and extended my hand.

"I'm Camille, very nice to meet you," I said, flashing a smile. Wesley looked astonished or a minute, then nodded. I pulled back my hand in disappointment. I sighed. Maybe he's not used to this.

"So where are we headed?" I asked.

"Somewhere in the desert. Heard there were some freelancer citizens there, hopefully no sign of rebels," Sam answered.

"And what role shall I play this time?" I asked. Silly me with my questions.

"Anything you want," he answered. "Now be quiet and get in the car so we could go already". I smirked and stepped into the car. Oh, fun! I've got the perfect role. I smirked to myself as Wesley pulled out the parking lot.

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:50 am
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Audy says...


Twelve of us are gathered in a dim room, illuminated only by the bright projection on the far wall. We were here this late because we were awaiting a very important phone call. But the call never came. The wall displayed several dozen charts and graphs instead. One graph in particular was blown up on the screen: it monitored the rhythmic peak and descent of Agent John's life, minutes before it flat-lined.

His time of death: 8:32 PM. Several men even took off their caps, holding it over their hearts, head bowed.

I didn't know the agent, but the flat-lining was too sudden. His death came too quick, even for my standards. I am almost sure that if the rebels are the ones responsible for his death, they would've dragged it out, they would've tortured him to death, or at least until he gave out information.

Something else is afoot. Did Agent John really have to resort to that...? Were the rebels that strong?

I checked my watch. The meeting was over by 8:45 PM. They all got up to gather their assignments. I glanced at my own. Great. Recon duty again. When will the agency realize that I could do so much more?


I am in my office. What a mess. The guys are always playing their card games in here, which would be fine if they would clean up after themselves once in a while. I'm going to have to teach them a lesson tomorrow. For now, I have some time to kill so I tidy the place up, taking care to water the orchid plant by the window. I make some coffee, taking my time to enjoy its bittersweet aroma. I sigh, it's always the little things that make each day worth it. But duty calls.

I glance at my watch again, annoyed.

I sit down at my desk. I am reading over any recent leads, sending out assignments, filing all of the officer's reports. Finally, I type my own report up, but my mind was plagued with questions. I search through the files. Agent John.

Then I stop myself. My mind is wandering, I need to prepare myself for this next assignment. Of course, I knew Samuel. We have done several assignments together, but Miss Huntington... I've only heard of her.


I stretch my arms out, feeling exhausted, yet relieved as I walk out of the office. I take the stairs two at a time towards the parking lot. I never take the elevator. That thing was a metal death-trap in more ways than one. Besides the tight quarters, it was just so agonizingly slow.


The night air is cool against my skin. I took out the keys to the car, sat inside and waited.


I was just finishing a book on astrophysics when I heard voices.

"Wesley, we're ready," Samuel said. He appeared as jolly as ever. He always loved this kind of work. My gaze drifted towards the woman in white who I assume was Miss Huntington. She's not going to be able to blend well in that attire, but I held my tongue. There's a reason she's here, after all. I managed to take a glimpse at her file in my spare time. With powers like hers, this might prove rather interesting.

She held out her hand, smiling at me. I was surprised. Should I salute? I couldn't possibly take her hand, I barely know her. Besides, hands are a very dangerous thing to offer. Didn't she know that? She couldn't know what my powers were. If I had powers like the higher-ups, she could've died.

I nodded politely and got in the car, impatiently tapping at the wheel with my fingers.

"Now be quiet and get in the car so we could go already," Samuel said. He didn't like to keep me waiting.


We finally reach the desert, and I relax a bit, speeding up to my leisure. I always get restless driving through with Sam. I respected the guy and his powers, but it certainly made it more difficult to drive. I think I can make it before the light changes, and then I just barely. I look at my rear view mirror and saw Miss Huntington pale a bit. Ah, well.

"Was I driving too fast?" I asked Samuel. He laughed.

"She's just not used to it, yet."

I make sure to slow down and not slam the breaks. I sauntered out to open the door for Miss Huntington. It was the least I could do, I didn't want to frighten her off completely. She was still clutching her seat belt.

(Oi, let me know if something's off. I'll be happy to edit ^^ )
Last edited by Audy on Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:24 am
Redfang18 says...

Zeke | His room

I made the illusion of a cat chasing a mouse to relieve myself of boredom. I smiled at this as I watched the Siamese cat try in vain to catch a simple little field mouse. That's the game we rebels were playing with the government. Cat and mouse. Whether my fellow rebels know it or not, I was a rather solitary creature for my age. What would anyone want with a loner like me? If the mission calls for illusions, the leader calls me for the job. Unless someone gives me a call, I stand alone. Simple as that. Alone like the fox that I was codenamed for. The Fox of Illusions. It suits me.
As I made the illusion vanish, I thought over my normal life. How both my parents homeschooled me until I was eighteen and hoped I would find my own way to make friends. I started to cry. For the past three years, I never saw my parents again. There were times when I was a prisoner to the government when I begged to be sent back to my parents, but those days were nothing but hell. I had no choice but to escape with my newfound powers. I sniffed and murmured, "I wish I was home with my family again." I laid down in my bed and slept to calm myself down.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:21 am
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen / QuickSilver | Forest ¬

I glanced around, checking to see if anyone was there. I was good. I crept behind the tree and ran as fast as I could, blnking against the sudden light that the town gave off. I wondered if there was anyone like me there. I paused and moulded into a silver bird and flew down the hill and landed on a rooftop. I phased and slipped down. There was a crash and I looked down. I'd knocked over a plantpot! I leaped for the nearest windowsill and hauled myself up onto it, glancing inside as I did so. It looked liked a bedroom. I pressed myself closer to the window and looked down.

"Who's there?" Someone came to inspect the broken pot and muttered. "Damn Cat,"

I smiled. There was a knock on the window I was close to. I looked in, turning myself silver as I did so. The window slid open and I nearly toppled in.

"Who are you?"

Signature Pending

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:12 am
SubjectBlue says...

(OOC: Audy- Your powers wouldn't be working around Sam- so you can't move that fast around the car)
The car stopped, I looked at Cam- she seemed a bit pale- Wess had that effect on people when he drived- He seemed to be addicted to speed even without his power.
I my mind was busy on a very important question- Why was I sent alongside others to make the assignment? My abilities aren't fit to team-play.
I didn't care though, Wess was a good friend of mine- Cam too. I liked the idea of being with my friends- it was too lonely sometimes.
"Cam, you're the assigned officer, what is our next move?" I asked her gently- she was still pretty shaken.
She looked at me with confusion, Then I remembered- one second too late- I was in charge of the operation.
Not enough to ruin my mood though- I smiled and said: "If I were you too- I'd be worried about the guy leading the team- he's a bit of an idiot"
I think they even smiled a little.
"Sam, will you stop blabbering and start moving- we're wasting time here!"- Wess said nervously- he was in normal speed around me- which was really hard for him, it probably would've been hard for me too, to be so slow and all.
I regained focus- I'm quite a good agent after all- I just hate team-work, I'm practically crippling my friends when I'm on a team.
The thought kinda depressed me.
"You're right, we don't have all f*cking day! The target is in a building south of here, she's female, a younger target- so be prepared- around seventeen years old, she's pyrokinetic, and she may have friends- Named Atila. how do you rather take her, with your own power- or just getting all powers out of the equation?"
Cam and Wess seemed a bit shocked about my sudden changed- I was so angry, slightly depressed too, an I wanted to get it over with.
"Well, I don't know- what do you think?"- Wess asked silently.
"I don't care,"- I said with an exhausted voice- "Do what you want."
(Hope it was okay!)
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:53 pm
Daisuki says...

Sire, S'oul | Street

They’ve been walking for at least an eternity, but that’s normal. Where they’re walking today, on the other hand, is completely out of the ordinary.

They make a strange pair, these two. The boy with dark messy hair and dark eyes looks a bit like he belongs in a street gang. His thoughts seem elsewhere as their feet repeatedly hit the pavement, and a small tune absently escapes his lips. The girl next to him is young, maybe too young to be hanging around a allegedly bad influence like him. Her eyes are alert and feral, and the way she moves is untamed by any human standard. She keeps close to the boy, gripping his jacket as he pulls a piece of paper from his pocket.

“Stay close to me, S’oul,” he orders, a bit unnecessarily. She practically buries herself under both his jacket and shirt.

“Sire…” The name she utters can easily be mistaken for a pleading whine, had not he known her better. She’s wanting to get away from this imposing place, from the future they’re about to start. He’d like to run also, but instead he pulls her from her place against him, ruffles her short hair and checks the paper once more. They approach the house - it’s the right address.

He considers the consequences of going through with this. It could change their already crazy lives, it could – no, it will – put them in more danger than they could ever imagine. Sire pulls the girl slightly behind him, and knocks, not knowing what will answer.

It is a few very long seconds before the door is cautiously opened. A green eye appears in the crack, questioning its visitors. In the dusk of the evening, it seems to almost glow.

“I’d like to speak with the Fox of Illusions,” Sire states, calmly. The green eye stares for a bit, then takes a step back and opens the door the rest of the way. The body revealed is slightly tense, prepared for anything that might come, but this paired with a cool-headed aura gives the impression this person would be a formidable opponent.

The first thing Sire thinks of when he sees the dark haired, bright-eyed form is cat. But looking again he sees this person is not a cat.

He is a fox.
Last edited by Daisuki on Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:07 pm
Redfang18 says...

Zeke | His House

At first I was sure I wasn't followed by the government, but after looking through the door I was relieved to know that it wasn't the government's people. However, I kept my mouth shut for a moment, studying the twosome at my door. One of them looked like he should be in some kind of gang- a rebel gang, that is. I waited until I was sure I knew the twosome at the door weren't any trouble.
The boy said, "I'd like to speak with the Fox of Illusions."
I studied the twosome a little more, then let them in. The boy didn't seem to realize that I gave myself the illusion of a fox. Behind the illusion, I was grinning. The fox-illusion was one of my private jokes when I have the time. I let off the illusion and said, "You might as well make yourselves at home. I don't bite." I sat in my chair lazily. "So what brings you two here at The Den? Only rebels know where I live."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:40 pm
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Audy says...

Wesley | Desert


"I don't care,"- Samuel says, "do what you want." He seems tired and slightly depressed. I scratch my head. It's not that I didn't like working with the guy. Our respective powers were tricky to work together, but if planned right... it could work. I had to cheer Samuel up somehow. Explain to him that his powers were useful and very much needed, but the words didn't come.

Instead, I only nod, taking a few steps away from the car. I had to make sure to get a good feel for his radius. Ah, here we go. I feel my muscles twitching with excitement.

"I'll go search the area and see what I find, I'll be back," I say.


I am running past the building on its south side when I see a young woman perched upon a third-floor balcony. Was it her? She had bright red hair and was sitting alone, watching the skies and seemingly enjoying herself. Red hair for fire? It had to be her, right?

I hope she didn't notice me, I might have been a bit too careless there, but hopefully, she'd think it was just the wind. I run back, when I notice it.

There would be a blind spot to her left. Perfect.


"I'm back," I say. "I think I might've spotted the target. She's on the south side. If we approach her from the left, she won't see us."

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:02 pm
apple96 says...

Xandria (Xandi)

I smiled and turned to the next page of my book, it was titled 'Pack Behavior - Alpha and Omega'. I glanced from the book to the wolf who was now curled up beside me, with his head on my lap. He was too small to be an alpha, besides the alpha wouldn't leave his pack of his own free will without good reason.

I chuckled softly and scratched the creature softly behind his ear which made his nose twitch slightly. The funny thing was, I hadn't had to use my powers this time, he just came to me. Some animals did, they just seemed to sense something and begin to follow me . . . it was still strange but not as weird as the first time.
'Are you saying Ni to that old woman?'
'Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history'

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:03 pm
icebender28 says...


I had gone out to the roof of the building. We had built it to hide the cave, but it seemed very out of place to me.
The staars were so pretty and bright out here. My only quiet time was watching them. I tried to pick out constellations, but there were too many stars to tell.
A wind blew through my hair, sending a shiver down my spine. I wrapped my arms around myself as I thought about the new team I was putting together.
There were a few ideas for the members, but I wasn't sure yet. Maybe I should just go on my own. That usually worked best.
Another wind blew, but this one seemed...strange. I looked in the direction it had come from to see something running away.
Gavernment agent.
"Wouldn't hurt to follow." I said aloud. I jumped up and grabbed my sword and gun as I ran down after him.

He was really fast. I stopped and decided to wait for him to come back. I waited, and waited...and waited.
"If he's not coming back in four seconds I'm going inside." I thought as another cold gust blew by. And then I saw it; a car. Appearently he had friends who weren't as fast as him. I gave a small smile and prepared to ambush.
As soon as I was sure he couldn't see me(that is, if they were only in the front) I ran and jumped ontop, trying to make as little noise as possible.
They kept driving.
Soon enough they reached the entrance, and stopped.
Two men got out, and one girl. One of the boys had a feeling around him. Better to stay away from him. The girl seemed weak enough, but looks were lies.
"Where is she?" The one with the weird feeling asked the other boy. He must be the fast one.
"She was right here."
"She must've gone inside." The girl said.
That wouldn't do. If they looked inside they would find the cave, and then they would die. Some of the rebels dodn't take very kindly to people, especailly after John. Time to make my entrance.
I stood up proudly, my sword out. "You guys looking for me?"
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:17 pm
SubjectBlue says...

Last edited by SubjectBlue on Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:43 pm
*singerofthenight* says...

(OOC: I forgot to add that Mishta is legally blind...)


She sighed as she looked at the stars. She always felt crowded inside, to little space, for so many people. It made her feel...cramped. Her eyes drifted over the stars, the light reflecting in her eyes. Too bad she couldnt actually see them. She could just imagine them, the huge fireballs lighting up the night sky. She lost her sight when teh government kidnapped her and experimented on her. It was one of the reasons she joined the rebellion. She thought if they could give her powers, they could give her her eyesight back. They didnt. She sighed and dropped her head, a silent, red tear falling down her cheek.

It wasnt until she heard the sound of a fight that she realized the time. She sighed again and crept along the balcony, keeping to the shadows. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the stale night air. Fire...Ice...and wind? Something else was out there...kind of like a emptyness, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She sighed and moved forward, running her fingers along the wall, grasping for leverage. When you cant actually see where you're going, you learn to adapt...to use your other senses. She sighed again as she reached the edge of teh balcony. Swinging her legs over, she jumped...and landed right into the middle of teh fight.

"Hello guys. Am I interrupting something?" She chuckled and opened her minds eye, the eye that actually saw. When she used this power, she could see, but she suffered for hours afterward in excruciating pain. She shivered and took in her surroundings. A girl with bright red hair stood to her right, and a group of three...she coulodnt really make them out. It appeared to be two guys and a girl. It was unusual, the way she saw. She didnt actually she the people themselves, she saw their outline...along with the thin lines that held their scars, their weaknesses. She hated her power, hated the need to torment others with their weaknesses. It was why, along with the pain, that she barely used it. There was a plus to her power though. Instead of tormenting them, or exploiting those weakness adn scars, she could help heal them. But by doing so, it doubled the pain.

She shook her head and sighed again...this was going to be a long night.
"Hello, is this thing on?"

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Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:54 pm
Daisuki says...

Sire and S’oul | Zeke’s House

I'm surprised he let us in without too big of a fuss. Isn’t there some code, some security measure they take to ensure a spy doesn’t join? A spark of doubt creeps into my mind. I start to analyze this... “Fox of Illusions.” From his name it's easy to guess his talent, but it's confirmed when the door opens to reveal a fox. With S’oul next to me not reacting at all like she usually does around animals, I go out on a limb and decided it isn't quite real. I'm right. The fox melts into a dark haired, green-eyed male who still somehow gives off the feeling of a fox. Clever, maybe a little overconfident.

He invites us in and asks what brings us here, mentioning that only rebels know where he lives. I jump at the opportunity of the subject.

“We’re rebels. And we want to join the Rebellion, officially. We came to find out what it will take,” I explain.

Fox boy’s eyes are drawn to the small, young S’oul, peering out from behind my back. My jacket is draped about her, and she matches his stare. Still, he doesn’t seemed convinced.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

Despite everything, it's still you.
— TobyFox