
Young Writers Society

Death Weapon Meister Academy *Started*

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Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:18 am
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Incognito says...

Seymour Cromwell




Student, 2 stars

Partner: Eruka Thomas (Machine Gun, Sister Italy's character)

Spoiler! :

With soft black hair and very dark eyes, he has an almost striking appearance. His skin is not too pale, nor too tanned, but a healthy shade in between. He very tall, almost six foot three and in between a gawky build and a medium one. He is always well dressed, wearing nice jackets and scarves, shoes always polished to perfection. He always wears gloves though, even during summer and inside buildings, and they are always his olive green shaded leather ones.

Seymour has bipolar syndrome and suffers from severe germaphobia.

Usually he is calm and collected, optimistic and has a happier disposition. He is supportive of everyone around him and tends not to be very competitive. He is the average nice guy, or so he seems. He is friendly, social, and professional. He does not try to out do others and does what he is asked and is required of him. He cares deeply for his quiet partner and wishes she would learn to have her own mind.

Though that can change in a blink of an eye. He can become a total different person. From depression, to anger, to frustration. He can become violent or suddenly breaks into tears. He becomes crazy, unrestrained, almost like a spray of bullets from a machine gun let loose. There is no calming him down. He can become maniacal, crazy, and oftentimes refusing to take no for an answer. The only way to tell when he has switched moods is by the look in his eyes. When they are cold and dark, almost malicious, he has reached his dark side.

The bipolarity made a problem with the wavelengths and connecting with Eruka. When his is calm and collected, it is a very simple thing to do. But the erratic changes in moods can complicate things and fully change the outcome of the battle.

Now his germaphobia is a whole different matter. He won't share food, and compulsively washes his hands.

Spoiler! :
So basically, he is all normal and happy and randomly has a major mood swing for a couple of posts. This causes complications with Eruka and he is a germaphobe. He is always decisive though, no matter what stage he is in.

Seymour was born with Leukemia. His white-blood cell count was incredibly low, causing him to be raised in hospitals for most of his childhood. A mere cold was life threatening to him. He was kept away from the outside world. After a bone marrow transplant, he relapsed and began to live life finally. Though constantly, he remembered the pain, the sickness. Soon he produced a self-induced disorder: germaphobia.

He belonged to a middle class family, though most of their money had gone to the treatments of his violent disease. He was home schooled until he was 14 but they soon decided it would be best if he went to school. When forced to meet people, the cruelness of the world tipped his already unbalanced mind over the edge. He then developed a bipolar syndrome. For months on end, he would become a whole different person, violence one of his key factors.

A therapist gave him his solution though. They recommended to solve his violent tendencies with... well, violence. They sent him to DWMA, to use his emotions to create some kind of productivity. There on his first day, he met Eruka, alone and confused. Soon enough they partnered up.

For two and a half years, all they have been doing is excelling and they finally reached their second star two weeks ago.

Love: Why not.

He has an allergy to nuts, bees, and pollen.
'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:58 pm
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SisterItaly says...

Cheshire | Shea and Cheshire’s house

The alarm chirped to her right, sitting on it’s stationary spot on her end table. Ches rose one hand up, and smashed it down on the snooze button to give her another ten minutes of sleep. Those ten minutes went by, Ches still remained perfectly comfortable- all curled up in her sheets.

The alarm chirped again. Ches let out an unimpressed groan and pulled herself from the warmth of her blankets and forced her legs over the side of the bed. Mondays were the hardest day of the week. She hated going to school after a relaxed weekend. Her eyes glanced over at the clock, and she froze.

It was nearly eight AM, they were going to be late for school.

She bounced around the room, pulling on her shorts and socks and looking for a fitting shirt. Her eyes fell on the clock, they only had fifteen minutes at best to get to school. If they ran they could make it. She scowled, pulling off another shirt that was far too small for her and snatching up the one she had worn the day before.

She slipped into Shea’s room as she pulled the shirt over her head, noticing that he was already up. He stood on his bed, fidgeting with the painting that hung over it. The boy was already fully dressed and his hair was parted perfectly.

Cheshire blinked for a moment, “Shea, why the heck didn’t you wake me up!? We’re going to be late!”

He ignored her--more likely, he probably didn’t notice her at all. “Must be...perfect. Must...must be...”

Cheshire slapped herself in the forehead, dragging her hand down to cover her eyes, “Shea, really? Are we going to do this again? We don’t have time this morning! We’re going to be late for school-- and we have remedial lessons!”


Ches sighed and jumped up on the bed; one hand reach up and wrapped around his collar as she tugged him from the room. Shea let out a surprised gasp and fought against her, telling her that the painting was crooked and it had to be perfect. She completely ignored him and dragged him out the front door.

“We’re late! Professor Stein is going to kill us! Or worse, he’s going to experiment on us!” she shuddered at the thought. Everyone had heard the rumors of what he had done to the Death Scythe himself when they were partners.

“That picture is crooked! IT’S CROOKED!”

Cheshire groaned under her breath and locked the door before running off towards the school-- a thrashing Shea in tow.

By the time they reached the school Shea had calmed down, but he was still bitter about the painting. If Ches knew Shea, he’d be upset about it all day... and Ches knew Shea very well. He was still muttering rather rebelliously to himself. “The picture...why...it’s crooked...why...”

Stein was standing outside his office, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he watched the pair with unamused eyes. He shot Cheshire an apologetic glance, of course he knew what she suffered through. The man had worked with Death’s kid after all. He was just as OCD as Shea- if not he was even more so.

“I’m glad you decided to finally show up, I’m going to assume it was simply a busy morning that held you back.” He narrowed his eyes down at them through his glasses, not expecting a reply. “You have a task. There’s been another murder out by the supermarket, it’s the third this month. It’s obviously another kishin egg. You two don’t have many souls collected, so I snatched this one up for you. I hope it will teach you something about working as a team and not getting so distracted-- they say he moves quickly.”

Cheshire smiled brightly up at her professor, flashing a peace sign “Of course, Professor Stein! We won’t let you down! The Cheshire cat always gets her mouse!”

With that she grabbed Shea by the wrist and dragged him towards their second class. It was too late to go to their first and the bell would sound any second. Shea finally caught up to her pace, looking up into her face, “Why don’t we just go after that thing now? Knowing us, we’d have our sixteenth soul by lunch hour.” He pulled his wrist away from her as he rubbed the back of his head.

She turned towards him slightly, raising a finger. “Because, all the attacks from this Kishin egg have been at night. Going after it now-- during broad daylight -- would be stupid. There’s no way it would bring itself out in the open like that.” She threw her hands behind her head and let out a giggle.

“Right...” he sighed, turning down the hall towards Professor Sid’s class.

Eruka | The Gym [first period]

Eruka passed the ball to the Weapon on her left before retreating to the back of the gym. She didn’t like dodge ball, it was such a violent game. As usual, it was Weapons versus their Meisters, and the weapons were winning this time. Seymour smiled at her from the sidelines, cheering her on and getting glares from his team mates who had also gotten out.

She smirked at him as she turned her head back to the game; just in time to see the ball bounce off the last Meister.

“Alright, bring it in!” the teacher hollered before giving his whistle a blow.

Eruka fell in with the group, clasping her hands behind her back and taking a spot beside Seymour. The teacher congratulated them on a good game, but her mind drifted off elsewhere. She had heard the other girls in the changing rooms talking about that attack that had happened in the school the other night. A meister had been killed, and his weapon partner injured badly. No one had seen who had done it.

She was pulled from her thoughts when a hand touched her shoulder, “Eruka, you need to go get changed,” Seymour informed her with a nod towards the other girls who were filing into the change room.

“Right, sorry. I was distracted.” She smiled softly then turned towards the others, “I’ll see you in a bit.”

Seymour nodded and headed off for the men’s change room. Eruka let out a small breath and jogged off.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:06 pm
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CelticaNoir says...

Shea | Class, Second Period

His eyebrows twitched spasmodically as he observed the seating arrangements for the class--such a symmetrically circular room! Such a delight of architecture ruined, RUINED, by the seating arrangements. It was all he could do to not transform and destroy a few things. Beside him, Cheshire yawned.

“I think I might’ve overslept...” She stared at him. “Hey Shea, are you listening to me?”

“Seating arrangements...asymmetrical...” THUMP. Shea rubbed the back of his head as he glared at her. “Owwww. What was that for?”

“Will you stop obsessing and just relax for once?”

“I can’t do that!” Shea’s voice had gone up a notch, almost to the point of whining. “Everything must be per--”

“Say that word one more time and I’m gonna sit on you,” she hummed.

“You’ll ruin my per--symmetry!”

“I don’t care.”

They took seats in the middle of the room, because of Shea’s insistence that they had to be at the very center of this per--he meant, immaculately, symmetrical room. Cheshire rolled her eyes and did it, just so he wouldn’t whine for the remainder of class.

“When I was alive, I was always on time for class!” A voice suddenly boomed through the classroom, making Cheshire clutch the sides of her head in surprise--Shea just simply fell over, since the sound was so “asymmetrical”. Professor Sid had just appeared (for some reason, nobody had noticed him come in) and was glaring directly at the two of them. Shea heard Cheshire gulp beside him.

“NOW, then.” He slammed a book on top of his desk, making the entire class wince. “Turn to pages 134-135.”

Shea turned his pages extremely, extremely carefully, making Cheshire stare at him. “You know, Shea.”

“Whaaaat? Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“...if anyone asks, I don’t know you.”


The rest of the period went relatively quietly--with Shea finally reaching page 134-135 at the last ten minutes of the class. Professor Sid was going on and on about this or that, and Cheshire was beginning to nod off, only awake because of Shea’s constant mutterings about symmetry.

“So much...no symmetry...”

“Hey, Shea?”




“SHEA. That’s it. I’m gonna sit on you when we get home.”

“What?” He broke out of his symmetry rant and turned around to stare at her. “Did you say--”

The bell rang.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:06 am
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Shadowlight says...

(I just wanted to say this now. I have Dyslexia so any spelling or punctuation error are not because I'm being lazy. thanks! <33)

Spoiler! :
's diggs.jpg
this is their apartment, just so people know the layout of the house. :)
's diggs.jpg (36.45 KiB) Viewed 336 times

Itaeo/His apartment:

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I blearily opened my eye and glared daggers on the work of the devil that happened to be my alarm clock.

"Shut up!" I mumbled at it, willing it to stop- needless to say it ignored me.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I narrowed my eyes and slowly my right arm changed into the blade of my small sword.

"You asked for it you son of a witch!" That was my third one this month.

I slowly rolled out of bed and stretched, back cracking in protest.

"You turn twenty and everything goes down hill from there." I mumbled as I stalked to the bathroom.

-I needed a shower.....I needed coffee.

Changing course I made my way into the common room of the apartment and headed straight for the kitchen.

"You look terrible." I turned blinking owlishly, Oded,or Deds as I called him, stood looking chipper,

-May god strike you down for looking that happy!

I poured my coffee adding far to much sugar and cream than is healthy and drained it. I didn't speak until I had poured my second and was starting on it.

"Didn't you sleep at all last night?" I had noticed the dark circles perpetually under his eyes seemed darker and larger. he shrugged.

"A hour- forty five minutes maybe, I couldn't really sleep." I blinked at him,

I honestly didn't know how he did it. Insomnia was a horrible thing to live with and he just shrugged it off like nothing! I smiled wryly at him.

"So??" He turned to look at me from where he had been rummaging around in the fridge.

"So what?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on Grandma! What did you do in the wee hours of the morning?" he glared as he pulled out a carton of Orange juice.

"Nothing much-watched a movie, wrote a little, went over the files of our mission today- Oh! by the way have you read through that yet?"

"Should I?" as usual I received a withering glare from my Meister.

"Itsy, come on! what the heck are you doing this for? we have a mission and you need to be aware of all the points of said mission!"

"We attack the girl and kick the crap out of her, until her OCD weapon stops being so annal and helps her out." I grinned, he sighed unscrewing the cap from the OJ.

"You did read the file didn't you?" as he poured his juice a thin dribble of the stuff dripped out- barely enough for a mouthful.

-Aw hell!

I counted to three waiting for the explosion.

"Itsy, what happened to my orange juice?" His two large black eyes narrowed dangerously form behind his glasses. I smiled a charmingly as I could, then bolted for the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"Itaeo!" Deds pounded on the door shouting. "I'm going to kill you! and I'm not going to be creative about it either- I'm just going to take you into the middle of the street, in broad daylight, and shoot you in the back of the head!"

I almost fell over laughing...

Oded/outside the DWMA around noon:

After an "eventful" morning, and after I had gone out to buy more juice, we had finally made it to the school. 'professor Stein had made it clear we were supposed to observe the two students, Ches and Shea- I still didn't like the mission.

"I feel like a stalker." I said as Itaeo and I shadowed the two around the school, he shrugged.

"Your only a stalker if your enjoying yourself, or excited- are you?" he looked at me grinning.

- I hated that smile, I really wanted to wipe it off his face.

"Of course I'm not enjoying myself! We have to stalk a girl around then beat the crap out of her- how do you think I feel?!"

Itaeo shrugged and leaned against the wall.

"Then don't watch her, watch the teacher instead-She's got nice legs." I rolled my eyes, sometimes I still thought it was a amazing we were actually able to work together.

"But stop worrying about it. Stein gave this mission to us with Lord Death's approval right? these two obviously need more of a "aggressive" approach to teaching."

I wasn't so sure Stein HAD Lord Death's approval- one could never be sure about that guy, he freaked me out SO bad!

"I still don't like the idea of clobbering an unarmed girl." Itaeo grabbed my shoulder.

"Dude come on, orders are orders. Stein said we had to be a murderer- there is only one, I could be it if your really not loving the idea." I looked over at him, he actually was being nice. I nodded and sighed.

"No your right, they are our orders. and I'm not going to let you do it on your own. We are a team, you don't look like you relish this mission any more than I do. When Stein said he had a mission for us THIS is not what I thought he meant." Itaeo scratched the back of his head and laughed.

"Come on Grandma, let's get lunch- I'm starving."

Itaeo/in back of the supermarket

I sat with Deds on the roof of the supermarket waiting for nightfall, the sun was already hanging low in the sky- only a few more hours. Stein said that Ches and Shea would come to find us after dark, apparently the Kishin egg we were pretending to be only hunted at night.

"Why behind a supermarket though?" I asked leaning back on my elbows, Deds didn't say anything. "Deds?" I asked sitting up and looking over his shoulder- I nearly fell off the roof laughing.

"Are you seriously playing angry birds?!" I snickered, "Oh Lord I thought I'd never see the day!" Deds finished his round, then looked up.

"What else am I supposed to with this thing?" he shook his phone at me. "My grandma made me promise I'd use it. These I-phone applications are entertaining when I can't sleep, I have a whole bunch of them on here."

"It's just funny, your so old fashioned. Seeing you use technology properly, is like seeing a Hells Angel riding a moped."

He laughed at that.

"Hells Angel on a moped... really?" I nodded,

"Yeah, your pretty pathetic with that sort of thing."

"Your right, remember how long it took me to figure out how to set up my laptop when I got it?" I snickered.

"Hours! and you wouldn't let me help you." He laughed again and handed me the phone.

"I bet you can't beat my high score." I glared.

"Oh your on Torre!"


(I hope this was alright I got a little stuck part way though! D: if something isn't right Italy tell my and I will gladly edit)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:26 am
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Lion says...

Valentina - Class, Third Period.

Spoiler! :
I did this late last night, so it probably has some grammar and spelling mistakes. Also I dislike how I structured some of the sentences. so that's also something I'll edit on Monday. I haven't got alot of time right now.

Multiple Personality Disorder, it had to be that. It couldn't be anything else, confident, quiet; confident, quiet. It's almost as if she went through cycles of personalities. Likes girls, likes boys; girls, boys; girls, boys.

She felt separated between two halves, each of them pulling her into their own voids, two voids of complete opposites. She couldn't stay in the middle any longer, it would slowly tear her apart, leaving her a wreck on the floor, with no significance in a world she had yet to experience.

This obviously meant she had to choose which type of person suited her best, or in her view, suited others best. She hated been judged because of the way she acted at times, desperate to get attention, then suddenly, cowering away from everyone who came near her. Except with Akiro, they could have a silent harmony together, both submerged in there own secret thoughts to care less what others were doing. That's why she kept quiet and to herself while with Akiro, it just felt so natural to be with him, united together against everyone else. That's what made them such a good team. Separate, but united in a bond that nobody else but a Meister and there weapon understood.

That was her opinion on there connection/relationship together, if his differed she would be surprised, for while they didn't talk about matters of that heart very often. They had the same opinion on the things they were willing to discuss openly about each other. That should be one of the things they'll have to work on in the future, she thought. Maybe we're not open to each other enough, but within themselves they both feel the connection they share, embedded deeper than the heart and mind, there connection to each other came right from the core, from there souls. I should talk to Akiro to see if he feels the same connection that I feel to him. Or maybe that's how every Meister feels about there Weapon, and how every Weapon feels about there Meister. Does my mother feel that to her own Weapon, or does she ignore the fact that-.

Something hit Valentina on the back of her leg, something hard enough to cause enough pain that it broke her out of her own thoughts. Furious, she looked around the classroom, trying to pick out the person who did it. They all had smug faces, maybe they were all in on the act, trying to harass me till I lose my temper.

She turned to Akiro, who was conveniently sitting next to her for this lesson. She leaned over to his table and asked him in a quiet tone. “Did you spot who threw it?” To her surprise, (he didn't seem to be confined within his own thoughts today,) he nodded in the direction of where she was looking before and she followed his gaze to see an extra-smug student who looked like they wanted to burst out laughing. Her anger still at maximum, fit to burst. Valentina directed all that anger into shouts and insults at the person. She felt her pulse raising in beats from her clenched fists, she stood up, unlike the other me who would have ignored this...delinquent. This 'me' felt like having a challenge, a fight. She smirked at the student, for they seemed so surprised that little Valentina Addams hadn't cowered away in annoyance like the little whimpering girl she is. Not this Valentina, she could feel the tension of a fight coming along, and she wanted it.
Expose yourself to your deepest fear;
after that, fear has no power,
and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes.

You are free.

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:20 pm
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Dreamwalker says...

I'm going to attempt third person but it won't be pretty :/

Silas Elias - Professor Sid's Classroom

Silas hadn't bothered to open his book.

The class would be ending shortly leaving the rather bored and uninspired Weapon to his own devices, as per usual. His textbook had already been dog-eared and covered in scribbled notes which he had taken quite a meticulous joy in only a week prior to the occasion, and now, regretfully, he had nothing better to do with his time than to simply sit and wait, wondering when class would be over and if that mean't he could be alone.

"I'm lost," Latona muttered, flicking her eyes towards Silas.

"You studied."

"I didn't study this."

He shrugged, turning his attention back towards the teacher which ended up being a mistake. He would have simply preferred talking.

"Do you get it?"

He smirked, turning his attention back towards the elegant Meister with an amused expression. "What do you think?"

"You'll have to explain it to me," she murmured, flicking her eyes towards the clock. "I don't suspect Prof is going to be much help on this one."

Five seconds.


3 seconds.

"I guess."

1 second.

The bell rang sending kids a fluttering in every which direction, loud, boisterous conversation breaking out whilst Professor Sid yelled out the numbers of questions they would have to finish. Not that it really mattered to Silas. He had already finished them a week ago.

Reaching under the wraparound desk, he let the small bird - who had been nesting quite comfortably up till this point - hop up and perch on his fingertip. The warm sensation of knowing and familiarity wafted up into his stomach, curing some of the unusual tension that always built there when conversation seemed awkward between himself and his Meister. Not that he wasn't glad Latona was his Meister. He couldn't have asked for a more understanding partner.

As she closed her books, her eyes flitted towards Pan, lips pulling back mildly into a sweet expression. "You probably shouldn't bring him to class."

"I don't go anywhere without Pan." The subject was not up for discussion.

"I know," she murmured before pushing her seat in. "We better get going, though."
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:24 pm
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CelticaNoir says...

Latona | The mission bulletin

Latona stretched and slightly winced as her back give a resoundingly fragile sounding crack--she'd been hunched over pulling too many all-nighters studying for the big exam that was coming up. Beside her, Silas yawned as he stared up at the bulletin posts, and Latona winced. She didn’t think he’d be bored that easily. “Do any of these strike your fancy?”

“Not really.” His voice had dipped low--to her, a definite sign that he was bored out of his wits. “You can pick any of them, really. I don’t mind.”

Latona looked at the board. “Cat-sitting. Make sure my cat doesn’t get his soul eaten by a Kishin while I’m away at work,” she muttered, her eyebrow rising higher with every word. “Some people make up the most ridiculous requests.”

“I don’t mind.”

“You don’t--” She checked herself. “Sorry, sempai. I was about to disrespect you just now.”

“...wouldn’t really mind...”

Latona stared at him and shook her head to herself. Sempai was a bit of a hard person to get used to, and when you did get used to him, sometimes you couldn’t understand him. Heaven knew that even after getting up to second-star together, she couldn’t understand his personality at all.

But of course, he deserved respect--that’s why she called him like that, after the Japanese form of address for older people. It seemed the most respectable way to address him. “How about this, sempai?” She tapped a post and read it out loud. “‘Museum artifacts moving about of their own accord and attempting to kill people. To date, at least three people have fallen victim. Believed to be a Kishin egg.’ I think this should be rather interesting.”


“Well, let’s go then!”


“Where do you think you’re going?”

The slimy creature slurped up a human soul with its long and sleek tongue, gulping down the poor thing to Lato’s disgust. She glared at it and took another step towards it, Silas the whip limply grasped in her hand as usual. “I’d love to wipe off that smirk off its face. Let’s go, sempai!”


“One...” She planted her feet firmly in the floor, making sure her attack wouldn’t push her backwards. The whip swirled ferociously as she whirled it about in front of her. “Two...” It became a single blur of black, whipping gusts all along length of the hallway. “THREE!”

Lato launched herself forwards, the whip still lashing around at everything in range. It suddenly shot forwards and wrapped itself neatly around the monster’s neck, and Latona pulled it violently, sending a neck-breaking crack echoing up and down the hall.

The monster, which had just been busy greedily lapping up another human soul, slided unresistingly to her feet, and she glared down at it until it dissolved into the red soul that marked the spirit of a Kishin egg.

“Well, there you go, sempai!” She wiped her brow and let go of Silas, who was already reforming himself, the handle turning back into his right foot. “Another soul for you, another step against Kishin-kind!”

Silas looked at her, and to her shock, smiled at her for the briefest second before turning back to the egg. “Thanks...in it goes, then.” He grabbed the soul and put it in his mouth, grimacing for a bit as it went down his throat. “There we have it then...”

Latona leant towards him, hands behind her back. “Do you wanna go back to the Academy then, sempai?”

“Whatever you want. I don’t really mind.”

“To the Academy then!”
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:04 pm
SisterItaly says...

Cheshire | Outside the Supermarket

Ches could have sworn the moon was laughing at them, they had been standing out in front of the supermarket for a while now. They figured the killer would have seen them as prey and have attacked them by then, but they had no such luck. Ches flopped down on the bench in front of the store and glanced over to Shea.

“Maybe someone else got to them before we did-- Shea?”

Shea had his back to her, his focus on the school as he stood in a short of awe. “Isn’t it beautiful? Look at the way the clouds are floating so symmetrically towards the school. It’s magnificent!”

Cheshire didn’t think twice before getting up and giving him a good smack over the back of the head. He glared back at her with the short of look that said ‘What the crap was that for!?’ She simply sighed and looked out over the empty street. The suspense was killing her.

She shot her hands up and yelled to the sky, “Come on out you stupid killer you! Quit hiding like a mouse and fight!” More silence.

Ches let out a sigh and considered wrapping it up for the night, the killer would have shown up hours ago if he was still around. She turned to see Shea inching his way away from her and towards the school, and moved to snatch him before he could-- but a shadowy figure jumped down in front of her. In his hands were a pair of swords.

“Shea! Transform! --Shea?” She looked past the killer and towards where he had been standing only moments before. Except now, he wasn’t there. “Oh shit,” she breathed as she unsheathed her dagger.

“Aren’t we supposed to fight her with her weapon around to help?”

“Hey, a fight’s a fight just smack her around already.”

Ches’s eyes widened slightly, “I never thought I’d see the day two of our own would be killers. Meister and Weapon or not, I’m still going to get you. The Cheshire cat always gets her mouse!” She lunged at the man, only for him to dodge and kick her in the back.

She went flying forwards and bounced against the concrete, her ears pounding with blood. Right then would have been a perfect time for Shea to appear out of no where and transform, but again she had no such luck. It was kinda funny to her, in a way. She was having a bad luck streak and cats were supposed to be the ones to dish out bad luck.

“Shea! I swear to Death if you don’t get your butt back here I’m going to kill you myself!” She pulled herself from the ground and lunged for the killer again, only for him to counter-attack.

“Meow. Kitty has claws,” the weapon chuckled.

Her face was red with anger. No one- repeat -no one laughed at her. She pivoted on the spot and slashed forward, only to get cut by the blade of the katana against her shoulder. The pain was intense, and she quickly placed a hand over the wound to stop the bleeding. Attack after attack they blocked and countered with ease-- still managing to get their own in.

“Damnit, Shea! I need help here! Where did you run off to!?” She hissed again as her wounds stretched to rebel against her will to live. “Shea! Help... please,” she silently pleaded for a miracle as black spots danced in front of her eyes.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:39 am
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Shadowlight says...

(I dedicate this post to the impatient but amiable Italy.)

Oded Torre/Grocery store roof top:

I watched the girl- ches and her weapon arguing, he was babbling on about the clouds and the school.

"Jeeze, he IS an OCD freak." Itaeo said as we both lay on our stomachs upon the grocery roof watching the two.

"Admiring the clouds isn't OCD, you do that all the time, he just obsesses about things being symmetrical, it was in the file."

Ches put her hands on her hip and swung around in circles, her purple streaked hair looked ghoulish in the pale moonlight.

“Come on out you stupid killer you! Quit hiding like a mouse and fight!”

Itaeo snorted.

"Cocky little hussy isn't she?" he said then I could feel more than see the wicked grin spread over his face. "Well, we shouldn't keep a lady waiting now should we?"

"Well I guess- wait! the file said they'd be hunting a murderer, it never said anything about a turned Miester/weapon team!" I looked to Itaeo eyes widening,

-Aw hell! Was our whole mission going to get shafted because of this?

he nonchalantly shrugged.

"I guess we're going to be improvising!" then he transformed into the weapon duo he was- a long and short sword. I swore under my breath and picked him up, I gave a few practice swings then was just about to jump off the roof when I heard him snicker.


"Your still wearing your button down and vest. That paired with your glasses make you look "very" threatening!"
I rolled my eyes and jumped off the roof landing right near the girl, she started violently and swore.

“Shea! Transform! --Shea?” she shouted then looked around passed me- her weapon was gone! I was thunderstruck! what were we supposed to do now? she drew a dagger and lunged at me, i skipped to the side.

“Aren’t we supposed to fight her with her weapon around to help?” I asked Itaeo, wondering if running would be of any use. We still had time to abort the mission, he gave me a mental kick.

“Hey, a fight’s a fight just smack her around already.” he said loudly then softer. "Her weapon will show up, he's not going to let he be killed, don't be stupid!"

“I never thought I’d see the day two of our own would be killers. Meister and Weapon or not, I’m still going to get you. The Cheshire cat always gets her mouse!” Ches shouted, hatred filling her eyes.

-well she's pissed enough, but wheres her weapon! she is really unarmed now.

She lunged again and I spun away, then landed a kick on her back- much harder than I had meant to. She went flying and his the pavement hard, but to her credit she was back up again with a cat-like agility.


Itaeo Haroun/in front of the grocery story

“Shea! I swear to Death if you don’t get your butt back here I’m going to kill you myself!” the kid screamed as she got back to her feet after Deds had kicked her- he had the kick like the hind end of a mule sometimes, I pitied her.

"Itaeo I don't like-" Deds began, I could feel his mind going to his melancholy place. I mentally kicked him as hard as I could.

"No! you can wait until after we're done here. After that, THEN you can go and sulk in your corner of Emo-ness!"

Ches lunged again, letting out a war-whoop, and missing us by a mile. I had to laugh, she was so off her line without her weapon,

- the little prick! how could he leave her alone like this?

Deds was continuing to dodge her attacks and only make half asses counters, when she made a fake pass and actually nicked him on the leg. It only tore his pants but she hissed in annoyance when she realized she made no damage.

“Meow. Kitty has claws,” I snickered, I was trying to get her angry- I wanted to see what this years students could do. Her face went dark red and she, screaming in rage, pivoted on the spot and slashed forward. Deds with his usual grace (I swear he belonged on a dance-floor and not fighting) spun out of the way and let my Katana blade nick her shoulder, deeply enough to bleed but cause no lasting damage.


Oded Torre/in front of the grocery store:

I swore inwardly as Itaeo baited her,

Where the heck was her weapon? did he really just abandon her like this?

We fought her for maybe another five minutes, dodging all her attacks and dealing out minor ones to her, but minor wounds stacked up could be bad. she had lost a lot of blood by now and I was ready to call it quits, when she stopped short and wobbled. She looked around and her voice when she spoke was hoarse.

“Damnit, Shea! I need help here! Where did you run off to!?" then quieter- almost begging, “Shea! Help... please,”

That was it, I was done.

"That's enough Itaeo, Shea's not coming back." I tossed him to the side and he transformed back into his human form. I began to walk slowly towards Ches, she held up her dagger.

"Don't you come any closer you Kishin eggs, there is no way in heck I'm letting you have my soul!"

"Fear our Kishin-ness!" Itaeo said, holding up his hands and wiggling them like a corny bogyman. Ches's eyes widened then she suddenly went limp.

"Aw shi-" Itaeo began, but I lunged forward and caught her, as she went crashing senseless to the ground. I picked her up, she barely weighed anything and started walking away.

"Where the hell are you going?" Itaeo asked running up. I gave him a withering look.

"To the Medic station at school. I'm not going to leaver her here, who knows what kind of creeps are hanging around!"

Itaeo Haroun/Grocery store front

I watched Deds leave with the unconscious Ches, I was contemplating getting a pizza- that's how I handled stress. eat pizza. I was just about to walk away when I head a shuffling behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw the Royal Prick himself trying to make the trashcan centered on the grocery store wall.

-oh my lord this kid was nuts.

"Ches?" he said looking around, I was standing in the shadows so he didn't see me right off the bat. he looked down at the ground, at the blood there.

- Well at least he now looks worried, or nauseous, I can't tell.....

"Oh. My. God. There is no symmetry here!" he was almost shaking as he looked at the blood splashed everywhere, I glared and saw red.

I stalked out of the shadows, my Katana in my hand (in it's sheath,) and I whaled him one good one, on the top of his head. He fell down with a cry and turned around to glare at me, then paled. I ground my teeth and stuck my hands in my pockets.

"I'm not one for emotionally beating up on kids but, Dude... you suck." I turned on my heel and walked off, thought better of it turned and wiggled my fingers again.

"Beware my Kishin-ness weapon, your Meister was delicious."


(Good god Italy you are so impatient! XDD)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:56 am
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CelticaNoir says...

Shea (also part Latona)| Back to his and Ches’s house

The lamps flickered as he passed by them, calling out for attention to their (not very) symmetrical frames. A pall of gloom had settled on the boy, and it seemed as though nothing would ever enliven his spirits again--not that he was a happy kid in the first place. How he envied Ches, sometimes...

“Ches, oh god.” He sandwiched his head between his two palms. “I’m garbage, I’m a failure, I really am! God, her limbs looked asymmetrical...is she going to be alright? Oh god...Lord Death, please just cut me down right now. I don’t deserve to exist, I’m trash, I’m garbage, I’m the sort of person that leaves their partner for clouds...oh, but they were so symmetrical...but they were just CLOUDS!”

“Hey...” He hadn’t noticed yet, but someone had noticed him, unfortunately. “...who is that?”

“I don’t really know...” a boy responded, shrugging his shoulders. “I think he was Shea Caiths from the first-star class...”

“Shea Caiths? He looks so positively elegant!” The girl in question had twin evil-looking glints in her eyes. “I’m gonna go--I mean, you don’t have to care, sempai.”


“I’m trash, I really am...” Shea sniffled. “I’m worse than trash! Why am I still existing, WHY?”


And Shea immediately found himself face-first in what appeared to be a girl’s chest...
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:17 am
SisterItaly says...

Cheshire | Heading Towards the School

Cheshire's brain was throbbing with every movement-- though she didn't understand why she was moving in the first place. Wasn't she dead and her soul eaten? Her eyes fluttered open to look up into the face of the killer she had just been fighting, and her heart nearly stopped. The initial thought that came forward in her mind was that he was going to take her back to his hideout and finish killing her-- slowly and painfully --and then eat her soul. So, naturally she attempted to fight back.

"Don't eat me! Please, I don't taste good. I promise." She attempted to pull away from him, only to feet a fiery pain flair through her body. "OhDeath I'm going to die."

"Calm down, I'm just a teacher's assistant. I'll explain later, first we need to get you some medical attention." Cheshire could have sworn he was blushing, this would have been amusing if there wasn't the possibility she could bleed out at any second.

Then it registered to her, they were going to the dispensary. She silently begged that Nygus would still be there, she couldn't face Stein after that fight. Of course, no such luck again. As they approached the medical room Stein was watching them with a highly unimpressed expression.

"I'll take it he didn't even try to help her?" Stein wasn't expecting an answer, he already knew he was right. "I'll sew her up, but I want her to stay with you for a while, just so she can heal up nicely and not end up killing Shea. I'd let her stay here, but with that killer running around you can't be too careful." He pulled out the stitching box and got to work on Ches, who didn't dare look up at him.

"Wait-- you want her to stay with us. Us as in, Itaeo and me?" He was blushing again, now it was amusing.

"Well, would you rather she stay with me?" Ches' heart nearly exploded out of her chest with fear as she saw the twisted smile on Stein's face.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:47 am
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Shadowlight says...

Oded Torre/School:

"I'll take it he didn't even try to help her?" Stein wasn't expecting an answer from me but I nodded anyway- he could tell just by looking at her Shea hadn't even tried. "I'll sew her up, but I want her to stay with you for a while, just so she can heal up nicely and not end up killing Shea. I'd let her stay here, but with that killer running around you can't be too careful."

My mind went to a screaming white of terror and blank nothingness.

-Oh god- Ohgodohgod!

"Wait-- you want her to stay with us. US- as in, Itaeo and me?" I was blushing again, even my ears were hot. Ches tired to grin but it came out more as a grimace- apparently she found my blushing comical.

"Well, would you rather she stay with me?" I blanched as I saw the twisted smile on Stein's face.

- That man is terrifying, his screw is loose!

I looked at Ches who was now looking at pale as I was. Leaving her with Stein was even worse than if i had left her at the grocery store- because I knew what would happen to her. I lightly touched my side where under my shirt a small white scar was- I had been "experimented on" by Stein, it was not fun.

"No! um-er- I mean- she can stay with us. I-uh- wouldn't want you to be burdened at all with the year just starting up." I tried my best not to look at the girl sitting on the table right in front of me.

"Good, then it's settled then." Stein said as he finished stitching the larger of the wounds closed. He wrapped her shoulder then with gauze and stepped back. "Oded, keep and eye on her..... better yet keep and eye on Itaeo."

"She's friggin sixteen Stein! I know my limits, besides she's not my type." Itaeo said from the doorway- he had apparently walked in and not said anything. I turned dithering helplessly, I got the usual raised eyebrow and snide grin.

"Itaeo, Stein want's Ches to stay with us!" I hissed at him, the other eyebrow shot up.

"Seriously? are you screwing around?" I wanted to strangle him- him and Stein.

"Of course not!"

"Which one of you two is going to carry her back?" Stein asked calmly, Ches let out a strangled squeak and passed dead away again.

"Well then!" Itaeo said looking at her. "have fun Deds." Then he was gone, hightailing it down the hall, I ran out after him.

"Where the hell do you think your going?!?!?" I roared, he turned around jogging backwards grinning like a Cheshire cat and gave me the bird.

"Pizza!" he said and was lost around a corner. Swearing like a sailor I walked back into the room and picked up Ches, Blushing like a school girl- I am not good around women, or girls.

"Um Stein?" I began, he gave me "the" look and I shut up like a clam. "Never mind."

Five minutes later found me walking down the cool night streets, carrying the senseless Ches in my arms. I rolled my head to one side, I was getting a cramp. she stirred.

-Oh godohgodohgod!

I prayed that she wouldn't wake up just yet, I didn't want to make an ass of myself, and if she did wake up now I knew I would.

"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:03 am
SisterItaly says...

Cheshire | With Oded

Cheshire was having another nightmare, the worst by far. Shea stood a few feet from her, his back facing her. He didn't seemed to be focused or distracted by anything, he just stood there. Ches moved to approach him, but was pulled back by a number of shadowy hands. No matter how loudly she screamed Shea wouldn't turn around. Her eyes snapped open and she snapped up into a sitting position, which nearly got her dropped.

"Shea?! Oh... it's you again." She relaxed again. If any kind of moment wasn't pulling at her stitches she'd have insisted on walking on her own. "Thanks," she breathed.

"For what? I nearly killed you." He blinked down at her, looking slightly shocked.

"True, but you also brought me to the dispensary, and saved me from going home with Stein. So, we can call it even. Do you have a name?"

"Oded Torre, I'm one of the new teacher's assistants. My weapon partner is Itaeo."

"Well, you already know my name. Cheshire 'The Cat' Jones, Meister extraordinaire-- and professional failure in controlling weapons."

"Don't blame yourself for this, he ran off while you weren't looking."

She shrugged and crossed her arms. The street looked familiar-- then it hit her.

"You live near my mom." This brought on a small wave of panic-- what if her mom saw her coming and going from their place? Knowing that drunkard bunny she'd expose them for sure! Then again, she hardly left the house...

"Really? What does she look like?"

"Uh... memorable-- so this is your place?" She swiftly changed the subject, looking up at the apartment he had stopped in front of.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:23 am
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Shadowlight says...

Oded Torre/School:

"Uh... memorable-- so this is your place?" she asked, neatly dodging my question,

-Oh well, she must have her reasons.

"Yeah, It's not much but it's good enough for us two guys." I stopped at the door, the blush creeping up my face again. Ches looked at me and one eyebrow came down, quirking.

"What? what's wrong?" My mouth was as dry as the Sahara and I could feel my ears turning red.

"Um, this is a really awkward question."

"Shoot." she said looking at me warily.

"My keys. I can't get them holding you, and I can't put you down so-" Thank god she seemed to understand.

"You need me to get them from off you and unlock the door?" I nodded.

"Yeah, sorry." she shrugged, wincing slightly.

"Oh well, I'm too tired to care-um- where are they on you?" I blushed redder, and stuttered for a second.

-Oh lord this is SO inappropriate! my grandmother would kill me is she ever found out!

"Their in my-um-back pocket." I expected some sort of a negative reaction- she had to reach into MY back pocket for heavens sake! But instead she blinked at me for a second then half scrambling around me, reached her hand into my pocket- I almost dropped her.

-She just groped me. She grabbed my backside. Oh lord, I just got groped by a sixteen year old girl! this situation could not get any worse!

"Wrong pocket." I said, willing my scarlet cheeks to go to their normal color. Ches looked up sheepishly,

"Ops. sorry about that Oded."

She got them this time quickly and more gingerly and unlocked the door. I pushed it open with my foot and walked in, nudging on the light with my elbow.

Our apartment was surprisingly clean for two guys-Itaeo was a bit of a neat freak. I walked into the family room and then stopped short again.

-Crap! where is she going to sleep?

I couldn't let her sleep on the couch, she was hurt and our couch sucked! (that's what you get for free-cycling though.) My grandmother would skin me if I did that to her, so I did the only thing left me- I started walking towards my room, she'd have to sleep in there. I didn't really mind though, with my insomnia I barely slept in there anyway. I pushed open the door and walked in, thanking god that I had cleaned it the day before. Ches started and gave me a weird look.

"what the hell are you doing?" she asked quite calmly.

"Um- well- our couch is awful for sleeping on, and your hurt you'd-"

"I'm not taking your room! I'll be fine on the couch."

Now I was usually the shy guy but I'm not a pushover. I set her down on the bed and walked around the room grabbing a few things i would need: I-pod, notebook, laptop, pajamas. then turned around to face her.

"I have insomnia, severe insomnia. I barely sleep anyway, the couch will be just fine for me. You on the other hand are hurt, I know what Itaeo and I are capable of. Besides your a girl and-" I knew as soon as that left my mouth I had struck a nerve.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" she asked indignantly, glaring daggers at me.

"It means you by right get the bed. Goodnight Miss Jones." I quickly left the room closing the door behind me and made a beeline for the kitchen- I needed a Tylenol.

-"Miss Jones?" Somebody shoot me!

(Hope it doesn't suck as much as I think it does..XD)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:07 am
Wolferion says...

(I've added Vlad's weapons profiles and will start posting soon. I'm pilled under study atm)
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-Formerly Shinda

Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.
— George Orwell, 1984