
Young Writers Society

The Lost Heir

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Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:25 am
Moo says...

Name: Christopher 'Topher' Smith. He usually doesn't give out his surname, however.

Age: Around 18-20, he's not certain.

Gender: Male

Animal: Bird of Prey, specifically a secretary bird.

Spoiler! :

Appearance - Written: Like his bird counterpart, he is incredibly tail, wiry and lean, standing at about 6'. Topher appears almost unnaturally thin and looks like an easy target by those favouring brawn. However, he is extremely fast and strikes with scarily precise attacks. His talons are hard and onyx black, curving inwardly from his long and slender fingers. His wings are large and ashen grey, darkening to oil slick black at the tips. Topher's jet black hair hair seems to have a mind of it's own; it sports a constantly windswept and scruffy look-- something that he doesn't care to attempt and tame. His eyes are a dark and warm shade of earthy brown, appearing black in dimmer lighting. On his right hand, fairly serious burn scars can be seen on his palm.

Personality: Topher's personality was greatly influenced by his harsh past. He generally dislikes human company and prefers to linger by the sidelines and keep to himself. Some may call him cowardly, and in truth there are several things that do terrify him. As a child he was told that if he played by the water, only to fall in and drown, the water would pull down his soul and prevent it from getting to heaven. For that reason, he refuses to cross bodies of water, no matter how shallow they may be. Others may classify him as cowardly due to his hesitant nature-- he spends much of his time procrastinating when action is often desperately required. Fire is another thing that terrorises him. (See history.) His other biggest fear is making mistakes, hence why he never rushes into things. Because of this, opportunities pass him by and anger him, giving Topher the impression that the world has delt him a bad hand. Topher tends to hide his heart; he rarely spends enough time to get to know someone and finds it hard to express himself through words. He is quite intelligent and tactical, though he is often undermined as he was never taught how to read. He is an amazing shot with a bow an arrow, due to his precise and highly trained eyes.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes-- Nighttime, silence, nature, being out in the open, the sky, flying, sharing his knowledge and stories. He is an avid storyteller.
Dislikes--- Water, fire, anything reptilian, people with upfront personalities, loud noises, caves and any enclosed spaces.

History: Topher was born in a poor village; his father was a blacksmith and found little work, for the village was small and rarely seen travellers. His mother had died whilst giving birth to his younger sister, and he can remember little of her, so it didn't bother him.

One day when he was about thirteen and his sister was six, they were playing in their father's workshop. They had been warned not to do so, but Topher decided no harm would come of it. He lifted up a red hot poker without realising how dangerous it could be, badly burning his hand and dropping it on the floor. His hand now raw with pain, he ran to the village well and hauled some water to dip his hand in. Little did he know, the poker had fallen onto some straw along the floor, and now the entire village was ablaze with his family still trapped within their home.
When he returned, some of the village was in ashes and his sister was no where to be seen.

He didn't want to know what happened. He ran from his life and didn't look back, not wanting to know what horror had befallen his sister or his father.

Whether they are dead or not isn't something he cares to think about. He spent a long time after that in his bird of prey form, hunting and flying like a true animal of his kind would do. trying to forget. One day he heard about the search for the prince, and decided to join in as a kind of requital for his past mistake. However, when he attempted to take his human form again, he found that he could only take on his in between form. Whether this is because he spent so long in his animal form or something else, he doesn't know. He should be a valuable member to the team; he knows many things about the surrounding lands, and his knowledge of the kingdom's forests and valleys is extensive and unparalleled.

Other:Up for love. PM me for offers and we'll work something out :D
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

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Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:54 pm
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Sassafras says...

When are we staring this?
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:17 pm
Lethero says...

Sometime tonight.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:05 am
Maybe says...

*Hey guys (and girls), thanks for joining! This is the opening post, so any member that still wishes to participate in this storybook that does not have a spot reserved needs to PM their profile to either Lethero or myself. Everyone with a spot reserved is still welcome to post their profiles after this. Also, the discussion thread is here!

Caine - Royal Palace - Afternoon

Oh, there were people here! So many people. Some were just milling about randomly in the courtyard where we had been brought to upon arriving at the palace. Some were sitting around in small groups, talking amongst themselves. But some went as far as to lay down on the ground and sleep.

I couldn't understand how someone could sleep out in the open around so many strangers. Not to mention that it was still light outside, and the courtyard was abuzz with noise. The hum of conversation, the metallic clang of metal striking metal, and even a few animalistic growls and screeches as some people conversed in their alternate forms. It was loud. Sleep would have - should have been impossible.

I absently took note of the different animals present, trying to tune out the noise as best I could. Mainly they were hunters and those that possessed more brute strength than I was comfortable being around. Wolves, lions, bears, and...was that a crocodile? My eyes widened at the sound of a large snap as the aforementioned animal broke a thick branch in half between its enormous jaws, much to the delight of a giggling hyena nearby. I didn't try to stop the shudder that ran through me at the sight. The branch had been thicker than I was.

Two guards stood stationed at the doors leading into the palace. They weren't really necessary - I highly doubted they would stand a chance against the rest of the people present should the crowd suddenly decide they wanted inside, even if hardly anyone here knew how to handle a weapon. But the guards didn't seem disturbed by that fact. Or else the thought simply hadn't crossed their minds.

I watched everything from my spot by one of the walls of the courtyard, my back pressed up against the cool marble stones. My legs were tucked up against my chest to avoid being stepped on (and probably crushed), my arms wrapped around my knees. Beside me was my bag, filled with my few meager possessions: notebook, a few well-worn paperbacks, a pen or two, some clothes, scraps of something that would be hard to call food (but I ate it anyway - it's not like I could afford anything else), and a few supplies for some of my experiments. Everything else I owned I had been forced to leave behind at my last home. Not that it had been much anyway, but it still hurt to think that after this I would end up with less than I had started with.

A noise drew me from my thoughts. It was probably odd, considering there was noise all around me that I had effectively tuned out until I inadvertently thought about it again. But this sound had been closer, just a few feet to my right - ah. Someone, who hadn't been there moments before, was standing against the wall looking outwards towards the courtyard. Thankfully not at me. I glared at them from the corner of my eye for a moment before turning away again, contemplating whether or not to shift into my animal form, drag my bag with my teeth, and beat a hasty, hopefully unnoticed retreat.

*Open for anyone to jump in.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:21 am
Sassafras says...


The noise all around me was nearly unbearable. Must people always be so hectic and unruly? There were people in little groups scuttling around and talking loudly, obviously not taking into consideration that some of us may be trying to draw here. I sighed and shook my head before attempting to finish my drawing of this beautiful patch of flowers. I was pressed against a free standing pillar, my legs tucked neatly under me and my bag somewhere off to my left. Colored pencils were spilling out of the un-zipped pack and the only one missing was the yellow, which I was currently using to shade this cluster of tulips.
"-and then I was all, why don't you just stop messaging me! And the he said..." Some overly excited teenager was jabbering off to a small group of people. Even though they were a good distance away, I could still hear every word of their conversation. With an annoyed huff, I packed my things and retreated towards the courtyard. Maybe I could get some peace and quiet there.

The courtyard wasn't any better than the main walkway. Sighing, I threw my bag to the ground and leaned against one of the walls, scanning my surroundings lazily. The sudden feeling that someone was watching me swept through my body. I quickly glanced around and faintly caught the eyes of some guy glaring at me before he turned away. Was I already making enemies here? I'd half the mind to go up to him and give him a piece of my mind, but I was never the one to start trouble. Instead, I sat down slowly and pulled out my drawing pad. With an already sharpened pencil in hand, I started drawing the guy that was looking my way earlier. Hopefully he wouldn't see me staring at him and get the wrong idea. I've no patience for conflict today.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:30 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I watched the other dog go rather sadly. I'd like to think he'd stay if he knew I was a dog too, but I was fairly certain he wouldn't have. I tugged at my hat and fidgeted, trying my best not to start running laps around the courtyard. I wondered if anyone at home was worried. Probably not- they were the ones who set me on the streets to, and I quote, "have fun, Kierso, and say hi to the old man who stays on the corner!"

My thoughts led from there to my duties. How was Miss Juel going to give her mother the new fabric patterns now? And Rotili- his grandson's toy train was due in today. Oh dear. I supposed Mama would send my little brother Jax to do it, but the customers weren't nearly as used to him. He'd only done the job, what was it, three times? And then they'd know something was up, and then, yet again, the Rent family would be under a magnifying glass.

A strong wind blew, and I stumbled back a few steps, much to the amusement of a few bears nearby. I suppose I did look funny, but the attention suddenly turning onto me made me scramble back more than a few steps until I was safely hidden in shadow in a corner with lots of greenery. A boy who looked to be annoyed at the courtyard in general picked his things up and scurried off the second I sat on the lowest branch of the tree nearest. Purely coincidental, I'm sure.

Ruthy would've launched into a lecture about presence and self-representation right about now, had she been with me. Ruthy, the third eldest, and the one everyone listened to. Other than me, of course. I reached into a pocket on my hip and pulled out a pouch. In it were some of the most valued possessions of mine. Round, small panes of colored glass, that looked beautiful when held to the light.

Pretty lights versus getting laughed at by the obviously stronger bears. Hm, toughie.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:53 am
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Lethero says...


The noise from the courtyard pounded down on my ears as I sat against the wall. Everyone talking the honor and glory they would receive when they rescued the kidnapped prince and avenged his brutal father's death (though I didn't think honor and glory had anything to do with, but more of the promised riches). Unlike them though, I had more personal reasons. When the prince had first entered my dojo a couple weeks ago, we had become good friends, and anyone who wanted to harm my friend had was going to feel my blade.

I laid my head down on my paws and sighed, remembering when I first heard the news. When I had entered the dojo a couple of days ago, I was perplexed as to why the prince was not there. Then, after the second day, I called up the castle to ask why, and heard the horrible news. They had said that someone had somehow snuck past the castle guard, killed the king, and kidnapped the prince without no one knowing or hearing. It wasn't till the next day, when the king's servant had come to wake him up, that anybody found out. Now the entire guard was under question, and average brutes like me were going to be sent out to bring the heir back.

I lifted my head up and watched as a black-robed man with white feathers mixed in with his hair, and wide orange eyes, walked onto a stage erected in front of the castle entrance. I shifted back to my human form and tied my katana to my belt as he started speaking.

"Thank you all for coming," said the man in voice that sounded like a screech. "As you have all heard, our king has been killed and his only true heir has been taken captive. Though this person has not made any ransom, or made any mention that he is still alive, we have decided to send out a party to bring him back.

"Since the guard has come under question, we have decided to hire mercenaries like yourselves to bring him back. You will all be payed handsomely, but whoever brings him back will receive riches beyond his imagination. Shortly, when I am finished seeking, people will come around and put you into a group. This is only a precaution, because we believe, that if a man can slip passed and kill the king unnoticed, it would be foolhardy to send you out alone. When the men tell you where your group is, you may set off immediately. Good luck to all of you." And as the man finished his speech, he turned into a large snowy owl and flew off into a window of the castle.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:23 am
Vampyre says...

I've sent this to Maybe already and (she?he?)they have said it's ok for me to join

Name: Arnyss (Ar-NEES) Adopted but doesn't take her adoptive families' name, preferring instead to be known as just Arnyss.
Gender: Female
Animal: Owl

Appearance (Written):
As a human, Arnyss is of a slim build, about 5'6". Her piercing eyes - always outlined with kohl - are her best feature, large and a clear, unusual grey/hazel colour. She has pale, perfect skin, marred on and rarely blushes. Her fine, silky hair is naturally as black as the obsidian pendant she always wears


- the colour broken only by the white feathers strewn throughout it and falls just below her narrow shoulders. She is tall, long and lean in legs and body, and graceful.


As an owl, her eyes stay the same strange colour. Her salt-and-pepper feathers are orderly on her slim body. Her wings are black, and large in proportion to her body. (Sorry, I can't find a picture to fit this)

In between, her wings are black as her hair, which seems to flow into the feathers. Her nails are talon-like and extremely strong, as are her narrow fingers. Faint, scale-like markings are visible up her fingers and the back of her hands, almost like a tattoo.

She is quiet, but not shy, fairly aloof, prefers to be in small, close groups of two or three. Reserved if you don't know her, but when she trusts you, she will open up completely. She is fascinated by people, and likes nothing better than to watch and learn about their behaviour and actions.She is patient and wise, and these traits stand her in good stead to master the art of magic, of which she is fairly proficient, but always striving to improve.. Very proud, and if wronged, will not forgive quickly. If her trust is betrayed it is nearly impossible to regain it. Feels things deeply but she is good at not letting emotion show. In a fight she is ruthless - she doesn't like taking chances - and will rarely spare those she fights against. Courage and pride are traits she holds in high esteem, and she looks down on people who show cowardliness and/or poor loyalty. She is kind at heart, but doesn't like to appear weak. On opening up, she can appear vulnerable as opening up contrasts peoples' first impressions of her. Mature for her age.

Likes: Watching people, being alone or with a trusted friend, silence, being outside, flying. Learning and using magic. Riddles and tests of logic.
Dislikes: Weak-willed, cowardly people who show no loyalty. Busy, crowded places, contained buildings and small spaces.

Arnyss never knew her parents, who were killed by thieves when she was only months old. Friends of the family took her in, looking after her until she was nine and then sending her to learn magic from a master until she was eighteen. She didn't spend much time socialising with the other trainees, instead spending it with her master, throwing herself into learning. From him she also learnt the values of patience and courage, as well as logic and reasoning. Her life was challenging and basic, no luxury, just food and a place to sleep while she trained, but it was safe, and danger seemed far away. At eighteen she left to wander on her own, gathering information about people and pursuing her remarkable magic skills. She was chosen for the search for the prince because of her abilities.

She's up for love, though it wouldn't be a quick, easy thing for her.
Last edited by Vampyre on Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
That night she drew her swan breath in a bed
Made soft with all her razor blades,
That kissed her wrists with the romance you lacked.
As the hands that you’d kissed now dealt the trades


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Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:55 am
Vampyre says...

I sighed with relief as I spotted the small alcove to the side of the main courtyard and made my way quickly towards it, cringing slightly as I brushed up against various people and animals in my rush to get out of the crowd. My breathing slowed slightly as I reached the shady nook, settling myself gracefully on the ground, my long legs folding underneath me. I was out of the main bulk here, but in the perfect position to watch...my quick eyes soon noticed a bear and what looked like some form of reptile hissing and growling at each other.

I couldn't understand their speech, but their hostile body language was pretty clear. Shrinking back so I was nearly invisible, I settled down to watch, cataloguing every shift in weight, every bared tooth, until I could map out their argument as clearly as if I could see inside their respective heads. Blocking everything else from my mind, like Master Shiik had taught me, I watched.

It seemed as if I studied them for an age, but in reality they got bored of the confrontation after only a short while, glaring ill-naturedly at each other as they stumbled off. The courtyard was starting to clear a little, people drifting to a stage where a man with feathers similar to mine strewn through his hair was making a speech about our assignment.

When he got the part about being in groups, I winced slightly. Working with others was not my forte. I just hoped the groups were fairly small, or that there was a like-minded individual amongst them. The noisy thrum of god knows how many people talking excitedly at once intensified as he finished and shifted into an owl, circling our heads before landing back on the side of the stage. More men marched purposefully towards us - presumably with the intent of grouping us. I took a deep breath, stepped into the crowd once more, and hoped for the best.
That night she drew her swan breath in a bed
Made soft with all her razor blades,
That kissed her wrists with the romance you lacked.
As the hands that you’d kissed now dealt the trades


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Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:37 pm
Sassafras says...


I continued on with my drawing, listening to the man on the microphone halfheartedly. The only part of the speach that peaked my interest was the part about groups. Everything was quiet for a moment before erupting into chaos even greater than the previous ruckus. Great... Just what I need. I glanced down at my picture sadly, I'd no idea how I was going to finish. I would probably never see that guy again. As a mournful last goodbye to my temporary model, I turned back to glance at the guy, only to see that he'd already gone. Sighing, I packed my things and slug the strap to my bag over my shoulder and reluctantly made my way over to the mass gathering by the stage.

I brushed my way past people and made it to the back, there was less crowding back there. When I found a nice spot, I sat down and started pulling out my drawing pad again, but was interrupted when someone rudely stepped on me. I yelped out in pain - causing a few around me to glance my way - and stood up quickly, rubbing my head.
"I'm so sorry," the person said, her eyes wide and apologetic. I noticed the feathers in her hair and inwardly smiled at meeting another owl. She got lucky, I won't rain hell down upon her soul. I ruffled my hair and caught the white feather I'd planted in it as it tried to drift to the ground. I stuck it back in it's original place and cleared my throat.
"It's fine," I said clearly. "No harm done." She nodded once and things got quiet and quite awkward. I looked around again before ruffling my feathers under my shirt. "I'm Lilth," I said, trying to get anything to break the silence.
"Arnyss," she said. I was about to try and continue my conversation but, before I could even open my mouth, a man came through and grabbed each of us on the shoulder.
"You two," he barked, "come with me."
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:04 pm
Lethero says...

I leaned against the hovercraft that I had been instructed to go to, and so far it seemed I was the only one in this group. People hurried around, trying to find their groups, and still it seemed I was the only one in this group. The courtyard thinned out, and I was about to go and find someone to complain to when someone who looked thinner than a twig and had dark brown hair came walking up.

"Hi," he said, holding out his hand. When I did not reach out to grab it, he tentatively lowered it and continued, "My name is Caine." Again I did not show any signs of responding, he asked, "What's your name?"

"Dimov," I growled, "and I would appreciate it if you would stop bothering me, mutt."
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
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Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:38 pm
Moo says...

Topher - Royal Palace

Topher's dark eyes scanned the crowded courtyard, his mood darkening beyond the second. Noise boomed dreadfully in his ears until he could feel it thud against the barrier of his skull in a regular thud of pain. He could barely hear the speech of the owl shifter up front and didn't care about the riches he spoke of-- he wasn't doing this for money, honour or glory.

A muscle in his jaw twitched, as he quickly stopped his thoughts from trailing into a direction he didn't want them to go. The pale scrambled burn scar on his hand prickled as he eyed the others joining the group with folded limbs, bustling excitedly onto the hovercraft type vehicle behind him. He shook his head, a swoop of disarrayed black hair falling over his eyes as several greeted him. His exchanges were short and disjointed; he answered if he felt like it and ignored most.

One of the other recruits was helping to pass out leaflets regarding first aid information and help that they may need on the trip. He snatched it with clawed fingers, a flame of anger igniting in his gut as he realised taking the leaflet was pointless. He couldn't read it anyway.

Piercing the paper with his talons, he flattened it into a pitiful ball in his palm, his gaze twitching towards the face of a fellow recruit as they spoke.

"You know, you should have read that. The information might've come in useful."

*That can be anyone. Sorry this sucks, I have no muse at the moment.*
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

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Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:48 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Are all of the members of this SB in the same group or in different ones? And if they're different, how are we deciding which groups we're in?
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:59 pm
Sassafras says...

They are all in the same group.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:20 am
Lethero says...

As Reise said, everyone will be in the same group, but if you have questions refrain from asking them in this thread anymore. We have a discussion thread set aside for it which can be found by following this link topic67718.html .
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


I am just curious-have I ever been on the bottom quote-thingy?
— foxmaster