
Young Writers Society

Without a Care

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Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:38 pm
Rosendorn says...

*I was planing too*

Kyle came back and spotted Colt in the stables.

"Good job!" Colt called to the incoming group. "Kyle, you didn't miss anything."

"You were watching us?" Jacob called back.

Kyle chuckled. "Between him and Kimmy, this place might as well have closed circut TV. Alright, dismount everyone! I'm sure Colt has something for y'all to do."

"What about you Kyle?" Tawny asked.

He looked over to the corral. "I have some stuff to do too."


Once the horses were taken care of, Kyle went in search of Fawn. It was pretty easy to find her. All he did was look for Heart.

"Ready to do some work now?" he asked, leaning against a post in the corral.

Fawn glanced at him, petting Heart's nose. "I guess."

Kyle took Heart's halter from it's hook and tossed it to Fawn. "Put it on and lead her to the ring."

"What'll we do there?" she asked, moving closer to a now skitish Heart.

"You'll see."

Fawn grumbled and followed him to the ring, leading Heart. Kyle noticed the change in the mare when haltered. It looked like ring work would still be needed.

He opened the gate to the ring and let Fawn go inside first. He followed, closing the gate behind him. "Alright, take her halter off and let her roam free."

Fawn did as she was told, then turned back to him. "Now what?"

Kyle pushed himself up so he was sitting on the fence. "You have to get Heart to come to you without using food. Try it." He could already see a change in Heart. She was weary, without anything around. The ring had been set up for just that reason. It forced horses, and people, to meet head on.

Fawn snorted. "That's it?"

He chuckled. "No, there's more. But this is step one. Go on." She rolled her eyes and went towards Heart.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:11 pm
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TNCowgirl says...

Fawn slowly walked towards Heart. "Come on, girl." She said softly. Heart snorted and backed up. "She doesn't like you." Fawn hissed at Kyle who just chuckled. Neither do I. She thought glaring back at Kyle then looking at the horse in front of her. She didn't have a great reason to dislike Kyle, but then again she always just plain disliked people.

She remembered what he had done yesterday and she held her hand out upside down and slowly moved towards Heart. The horse carefully stopped and eyed her streching her head out and smelling her hand. Fawn stayed still until she saw Heart relax a little and then she started petting Heart's head. She remembered how she'd imprinted Dawn, and she started to carefully rub Heart's neck.

"Good job." Kyle called.

"Good job, Heart." Fawn whispered softly. "We'll take care of each other."

**Alright, there are like fifty different ways to bond with a horse, I'll let you explain yours, or I can just do mine. Whatever you do on your next post will let me knowwhich to do. Sorry this is short.**
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:26 pm
Rosendorn says...

Kyle watched her rub Heart's neck. Heart seemed to have a strange aversion to upturned hands. Maybe she has been scratched under the chin too hard or something. He shook his head. As long as those two bonded, nothing else really mattered.

He remembered bonding with Dusty. Colt had been sitting on this very spot, and Dusty had been even more skittish then Heart. But, it had been worth it in the end. Kyle couldn't describe the bond he and Dusty shared now, and he hoped Fawn and Heart would share a similar one. He'd seen it with every kid that went through the ranch. As soon as they bonded with a horse, bonding with people wasn't too far behind-- or so he hoped. Fawn was a different case, as was Heart. As long as they learned to trust others, not just each other, things would go well for them.

*I believe mine was just as short, if not shorter!*
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:18 am
TNCowgirl says...

**:D, Heart's skitishness of up turned hands was/is caused by being hit. Typically horses like that will be sensitive with being touched on the head. By the way, I should ask so I don't offend you, how much do you know about horses.**

Fawn leaned her head against the heart on Heart's forehead and as she ran her fingers over her head. She felt a connection with Heart. She didn't want to move, and Heart just seemed to watch her.

"Alright, she knows you, now, I want you to walk to the middle of the arena and square your shoulders and stand tall." Kyle said. She listened slowly backing up and doing what he said. "look at Heart, keep your face stern."

"But she'll run." Fawn said looking at him.

"This is how horses are excepted into other herds. The head of the herd, usually the stallion, sometimes the lead mare, will keep a new horse out. But slowly except them. Just trust me on this one." He said. She looked at him cocking her head as if to say, Your kidding right? "For Heart?" She turned back to Heart and squared her shoulders glaring a little. Heart snorted and bobbed her head. "Take a step forward." She did and Heart started running around the arena avoiding Kyle when she passed him.

After about five minutes Heart lowered her head a little. "Quickly, drop your shoulders and head and step back." Kyle said. Fawn did as he said and she saw Heart slow a little. "Go back to your other position." She listened and they kept doing this for two hours, switching between the two positions. Heart finaly got to where she stopped and looked at Fawn.

"You think you can go for a while longer?" Kyle asked.

"I can do this all day. I'm worried she is wearing out." Fawn replied as she relaxed her body again. She wasn't about to admit that she was sore and tired.

"We'll go for a little longer until she takes a step towards you and then we'll let her get some water and put her up for the night." Kyle replied. "Straighten."

Fawn straightened up and Heart went back to running around watching her closely keeping her head down a little bit.

"Keeping her head down is submission, I think she's been waiting for you." Fawn could hear a smile in his voice. "See how she flicked her ear, how her ear is always following you, that's another sign of submission. Then when she chews, that's what we are waiting for now. That is the last submission she is willing to give up. Different horses hold back different submissions." Fawn saw Heart chew once and she dropped her shoulders and body. Heart stopped imediatlly and looked at Fawn. She bobbed her head and leaned a little forward then stopped leaning back.

"Straighten." Kyle said. Fawn listened and HEart started around again. It took thirty minutes before Heart was willing to take a step towards Fawn, but that was all she gave.

"Get the lead on her and let's walk her around a little and then we'll rub her down." He said as she walked slowly to Heart her hand reached out and facing down.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:49 pm
Rosendorn says...

*Ah yes, an important point. I know how to groom, feed and saddle them, anatomy, some ridding, some cause/effect, but not a ton extra. I took a handful of riding lessons, but that was over two years ago. If I don't know it, I'll either ask you (:P) or look it up.*

Kyle nodded as Fawn managed to get a lead on Heart, then walk her around the ring once. "Good job."

Fawn looked at him, turning away before muttering, "Thanks."

He opened the gate. "It's hard work bonding-- truly bonding with a horse. Keep this up for a few weeks and you'll know each other inside out."

"A few weeks?" she squeaked.

He chuckled. "Yep. You'll be staying here awhile."

She hunched into her jacket. "When do I get to ride her?"

Kyle knew why she was asking. Once she could ride, she could run away. "Not for awhile. Heart's pretty skittish, and you don't want to get thrown. Not until end of summer, probably. Just in time for school to start."


"Colt has all the kids here go to school. Even me," he smiled. "Took'm an extra six months after it started, but he managed to drag me there."

Fawn skowled. "How long were you even here?"

He shrugged. "Year and a half, I guess. This is my first summer away. Dusty comes from here, y'know."

She cocked her head to the side. "You got to keep him?"

"Cold hates to break up pairs," Kyle said simply. "Once you bond, that horse is yours. And 'round here, there are plenty of families that are willing to have another horse."

"How'd it go?" Kimmy asked as they got closer to the stables.

"Great," he said when Fawn didn't say anything. "Heart took a step towards her."

Kimmy smiled. "That is good! Oh, and Kyle, your mom called. She wants you leaving soon."

Kyle sighed. "Some days I wish I hadn't left."

Kimmy chuckled. "That, coming from the kid who couldn't wait to leave. Go on, I'll get Fawn set up."

He nodded in thanks and went to saddle Dusty.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:44 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Fawn followed Kimmy into the barn and she started to groom Heart again.

"You odn't need to brush her like you did before you took her out." Kimmy said.

"She likes this." Fawn said. She kept currying Heart doing both sides a few times. She ignored anyone that was in the barn as she continued to groom Heart going from the curry to the hard brush, an then the soft brush. She didn't clean out Heart's hooves sense she didn't seem to like her feet being messed with. End of the summer, they want me to wait until the end of summer! I'm sure we can bond faster then that, I mean we did great today. The sooner we ride, the sooner we get the heck away from everyone that doesn't care about us. She mused as she brushed out Heart's mane and then put her in the stall checking her water and giving her a treat. "We'll show them." She whispered softly.

"Fawn, you need to come on inside, it's time for dinner." Kimmy called. Fawn walked toawards where Kimmy was pulling her jacket tight around her shoulders. "After dinner we're going to go to the store and get you some clothes. The ones you have are getting pretty worn out and you need some barn clothes and then church clothes."

"Church?" Fawn ground out.

"Yup, we go every Sunday." Kimmy smiled.

"And I have to go?" Fawn demanded.

"I want you to try it out. Everyone from this area is going to be there. Kyle's parents even come." Kimmy smiled down at her.

"Don't expect me to like it." Fawn hissed as she crossed ehr arms definitly.

"We'll see what you say afterwards." They walked inside and Fawn saw another couple standing in the kitchen talking to one of the kids and Colt.

"Hey, Bart, Amanda. How are you two doing?" Kimmy smiled walking over to the couple.

"The judge signed." The lady said beaming at the youngest of the boys that was at the house.

"That's great!" Kimmy smiled hugging both parents. "So, when do we get to pack 'im up and bring him to your place."

"If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to get rid of me." Peter, the boy, grinned at Kimmy.

"We are trying to get rid of you, course you have to come back and visit." Colt grinned.

"We got his room all ready as soon as we heard, but he said he wanted to stay another night, so we'll come back tomorrow and pick him and Blaze up." The man grinned.

"Alright, how about y'all eat with us?"


The next day Fawn sat on the porch watching as Bart and Amanda Smith put Peter's stuff in their truck and then loaded up Blaze his horse. She leaned against the corral that Heart was standing in.

"Some kids get all the luck." Fawn growled as she climbed up on the fence. "Not that I want a family or anything." Heart snorted and kept eating. "I don't!"

Great, I'm going crazy, I'm talking to Heart like she was talking back to me! She thought to herself. She took a deep breath and looked around. Where was Kyle when she actually wanted him around. She wanted to work with Heart so bad, she didn't want to watch someone being happy. Now that he's gone they'll bring in another kid and then leave me be until they ship me to the next house.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:33 am
Rosendorn says...


Kyle stopped in his tracks at his mom's holler. "What?"

"I need you here to help your dad," she said, coming out of the kitchen. "He's fixing the stables, and he can't do it alone."

He tugged on his boots. "I thought the Jordans were coming over to help him."

She shook her head. "They canceled. I'm sorry, but you won't be able to go to the ranch today."

Kyle bit his lip. "I said I'd help a new girl there. She's just starting to bond with her horse."

Still, his mother shook her head. "You're job here's top priority. And with only two and a half people working, it'll probably take all day."

He chuckled. "That half a person had better be cooking when she's not helping."

He ducked as the dishrag she had been holding flew over his head. "Get out there!" she said playfully.

"I need to call Colt first," Kyle said, heading for the phone. His mother nodded and went back to the stove. He sighed and dialed Colt's number.

"Kimmy? It's Kyle. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to work with Fawn today, I'm needed here. Tell Fawn I'm really sorry."
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:54 am
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn swung her feet back and forth grinding her teeth. Where the heck was he. She really wanted to work with Heart, not that she'd admit it.

"Hey, Kyle can't come over today." Kimmy said walking over.

"He said he would." Fawn replied. Just like a person, say you'll do one thing then don't do it at all. She thought bitterly.

"I'm sorry, honey, but he needs to stay home today." Kimmy smiled brightly. "How about me and you take two of the other horses out riding?"

"Fine." Fawn ground out jumping off the fence and rubbing Heart's head once more before walking to the barn. She helped saddle one of the horses then mounted up and followed Kimmy towards the woods. She frowned the whole way. She wanted to ride Heart, she knew Heart would love to run, she could just tell it by the way Heart looked.

"So, what do you want to do after you graduate, Fawn?" Kimmy asked.

"If I graduate." Fawn corrected. Which I don't care if I do. "I don't know. Get the hell away from people."

"Please don't use that word, Fawn." Kimmy said softly. "And your going to graduate. You know, people really aren't all that bad."

"Ya, like you would know. You don't know anything, people are stupid, rude, uncaring, and cruel." Fawn hissed digging her heels into her horses side sending it forward in a canter and almost throwing her off. She kept nudging it forward until it raced at a gallop leaving Kimmy behind.

Tears burned at Kimmy's eyes as she ran through the woods letting the horse carry her up into the hills behind the property where she was living. Why not just take this horse and go, disappear into the horizon and never come back. It sounded so tempting. She glanced behind her to see Kimmy following at a quick pace, she was yelling something, but Fawn didn't care. She wanted away, she was tired of people, they didn't like her anyways. Kimmy let out a shrill whistle and the horse Fawn was on stopped quickly making Fawn shoot forward, landing on her wrist. She bit her lower lip in pain but didn't say anything or make a sound as she stood up and brushed herself off.

"Thanks alot." She growled storming past the horse and towards where they had come.

"Fawn, I'm sorry you fell off. You should race the horse through theses woods unless you know them." Kimmy said grabbing the reins to Fawn's horse and coming after her.

"Leave me alone!" Fawn shrieked storming towards the woods. Kimmy kept up though.

"Are you ok?" Kimmy asked in a gentle voice.

"I'm fine, just leave. me. ALONE!" Fawn took off in a run to the woods and curled upbehind a tree tears slipping down her face. SHe didn't like this place, she was getting way to attached, way to fast to that stupid horse, and now her wrist was probably broken. She wasn't going to tell anyone. She knew how to fake being just fine.

"FAWN!" She heard Kimmy calling. SHe ignored her though as she pulled her jacket tightly around her keeping her wrist curled up on the inside of her as she watched for Kimmy to leave.

**She'll be back the next day, but won't say anything about her wrist or make it obvious, it'll be swallowen though, she won't let anyone close enough to tell**
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:25 am
Rosendorn says...

Kyle sighed and kicked Dusty into a trot. Even though he was exhausted from rebuilding the stalls and it was late afternoon, he had to go for a ride.

He went through the woods, not noticing the passage of time or the direction he was going in, until the sun began to set.

"Great," he muttered to Dusty. "We're closer to the ranch then home, and it's a long ride back. Why didn't you tell me?"

Dusty snorted and went deeper into the trees.

Kyle frowned. "I said to go home. Why are you--" he cut himself off at the sound of crying. Slowly he dismounted and went farther into the forest, knowing Dusty was right behind him. He recognized the bundle of cloth hidden behind the tree.


Fawn looked up. "Kyle?" quickly she turned away. "Leave me alone. Why d'you even care I'm here? You didn't care to show up today."

Kyle sat down in front of her. "I'm sorry about that. My dad needed help fixing the stables, and his help canceled on him. I would have come if I could."

"A likely story. Nobody ever wants me around, I'm just--" she shifted, putting weight on her hands. "Ow!"

"Let me see your hand," he reached for her, but Fawn pulled away.

"Lemme alone!" She was about to get up, but Dusty blocked her path. Kyle used the opportunity to grab her arm.

He tightened his grip, not letting her get away. "Your wrist's broken, Fawn. We should get you back to the ranch to set it properly."

She managed to twist out of his grip. "No! I'm not going back there!"

"Then you're coming back to my place," Kyle said firmly, grabbing her again. "Fawn, it's just not safe for you to be out here alone. And if we don't set your wrist soon, it'll heal wrong and it would need to be broken again to be set." He met her eyes, and saw something he didn't expect. She looked confused.

"Why didn't you just leave me alone?" she asked, letting him steer her towards Dusty.

She swung her up before him and mounted behind her. "Because I had to make sure you were alright. I wasn't about to leave you here." Fawn didn't comment, just leaned into him.

Kyle tightened his arm around her waist, just to make sure she wouldn't fall off. "You can sleep," he whispered. "I'll make sure you don't fall off." Fawn muttered something in reply, but quickly fell asleep. Kyle listened to her breathing as he headed back home.

*I couldn't just let her think people didn't care about her....*
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:53 am
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TNCowgirl says...

****Hahahahahahahahahaha, true. But she'll still think that about everyone else. She think that sense he went through the same stuff he is different. She's not going to be an east nut to break****

Fawn woke up when Kyle shifted position and she looked around. She didn't reconize where she was.

"Come on." he said gently setting her on the ground. She pulled her jacket close to her with one arm and looked around. Carefully she pushed the sleep from her eyes.

"Where are we?" She yawned.

"My house." he replied as he walked towards a barn. She followed him and watched as he brushed Dusty down, fed him, then turned him out for the night. "Come on, we better get inside."

"You seriously think I'm going inside?" She demanded backing away from him and her defenses flying up.

"My parents are cool, don't worry. Plus, we need to get you in to a doctor." He replied.

"All the doctor offices will be closed tonight." She said stubbornly.

"Good think Doc lives next door, isn't it?" He grinned back.

"I'm not going." She replied backing into a dark corner pulling her jacket closer.

"Fawn, we're not going to hurt you. We just want to help. You can trust us." He replied.

"Trust you?" She growled. "Your kidding right. Everyone you trust just turns around and hurts you. You should know that, you went through the system."

"I used to think that, Fawn, but it isn't true. You can trust people." He replied in a gentle voice.

"No, animals, you can trust, somtimes. People you can never trust." She replied.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:52 pm
Rosendorn says...

Kyle closed his eyes to get his thoughts together. This was what Colt must have gone through. Talking to Fawn was like talking to a mirror.

"Look," he pulled up his sleeve, revealing two narrow scars about a two thumbs' width apart. There were matching scars on the underside of his arm. "I ran away too. And I have this to show for it."

She edged closer. "What are they?"

He pulled his sleeve back down. "A copperhead bite. Had Colt not found me when he did, I wouldn't be here."

"This is a broken wrist, not a snake-bite," she snapped back. "It's not like I'm going to die from it."

He sighed. "You either live in pain the next six weeks while this heals and hope that it'll heal right, or you can get it set and know it's healed right. Plus, you get painkillers if you go to a doctor."

"Kyle?" his dad called from the house. "Is that you?"

"By the stables!" he called back, not taking his eyes off Fawn. "Your choice. Either full pain for maybe twice as long if it needs to be re-broken, or painkillers and you only have to have it broken once." Kyle saw her cradle her wrist, her face twisted in pain. "Tell you what, if it makes you feel better, you can have your wrist looked at out here with Dusty."

"Well, maybe," her voice had quieted. Kyle guessed what she was thinking.

"I'd still keep an eye on you."

Fawn's face hardened. "Nobody needs to watch me. I can take care of myself!"

"Now, who do we have here?" Megan, Kyle's mother said. She was standing a few feet away, a flashlight in her hand.

Kyle only glanced at her. "This is Fawn, the girl I was working with at the ranch. I-- Dusty found her in the woods with a broken wrist."

*Unless she runs again, Kyle will take her back to the ranch tomorrow pretty much no matter what she does.*
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:12 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn looked at the people in front of her and took a deep breath wanting to sink into the ground.

"How bout you come inside and let's get something to eat?" Kyle mom smiled. Fawn bit her lower lip, but her stomach was a trator and soon followed them inside keeping her distance from them all.

"Your arm ok?" Kyle's dad asked. Kyle cleared his throat a little and she shrugged.

"It's just broken." She replied.

"Just broken?" Kyle's mom laughed. "A broken arm is a big deal, you should get it casted over so that it doesn't heal wrong and you have to get it broken again and hope it heals right, after a second break your arm could end up being really weak."

Fawn swallowed hard and ignored the look Kyle gave her. Why did they all want to help her. She didn't want help.

"After you get something to eat we'll go next door and see if Doc. Bradley can put it in a sling til tomorrow unless he has the stuff to cast it there, which I wouldn't be surprised if he did sense so many people break bones around here." Megan smiled.

"Whatever." Fawn muttered retreating into her shell talking when she had to and not looking at anyone. If it wasn't for her stupid arm she'd be gone.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:27 pm
Rosendorn says...

*hehe, yes*

"I'll get the guestroom ready while you're gone," Megan said, heading upstairs.

"C'mon Fawn, you can ride in the front." Kyle's dad, Liam called from the front door.

Kyle put his hands in his pockets when Fawn still didn't move. "Like it or not, we're going. Those painkillers might knock you out, so don't be surprised if you fall asleep in the truck and wake up here."

"Fine," she muttered, going to the door.

"Kyle, you comin'?" Liam asked, coming back into the kitchen.

He nodded. "Just let me call Colt first." He went to the phone and dialed Colt's number, turning a corner so nobody would be able to hear. "Kimmy? It's Kyle. I found Fawn, so don't worry. We're just going to get her wrist set now."

"I thought it was broken." Kimmy said thoughtfully. "You'll bring her back tomorrow?"

"Yes. I'm sure Heart is anxious to see her. Fawn won't admit it, but I think she wants to see Heart."

She laughed. "Yes, it can be hard to read that girl. Thanks for finding her! Now Colt can bring all the kids back in."

Kyle whistled. "He sent everybody this time? Normally he just sends one or two kids out."

"Yes, well, he was really worried."

"I bet. Bye!" He hung up before Kimmy could add anything more. He leaned his head against the wall. "Fawn, I know you're right there." He went back into the kitchen before she could deny it. He shook his head. "Never mind. Let's go."
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:57 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn followed him out the door. Sent everyone out? They were probably looking for me. They can't have a run away on their rap. She wrapped her good arm around her shoulder as she got in the truck and just stared out the front window. She didn't like this, but she wasn't going to be bale to get out of it now that she agreed. Good job.

After a few minutes they pulled up to a huge house and she swallowed hard.

"Come on." Kyle smiled opening her door. How the hell could he smile so much. She followed them to the door where an older guy greeted them.

"Hey, let me guess, broken arm." The guy smiled. "It looks pretty swallowen. Come on in, we'll get it fixed up in no time." Fawn didn't like this guy, he was way to cheerful, and he was a doctor.

Fawn bit the inside of her lip as the doctor pressed different parts of her arm and then worked on the cast. She didn't look at anyone, just at the wall wishing this would all go away. Why couldn't my parents be normal, loving, people? She thought to herself. She mentally shook her head. She'd thought that so much, she wasn't going to think it now.

"All set." The doctor declared. She looked at the light blue cast on her arm. It was waterproof so taking a shower wouldn't be to hard. "Your Kimmy's and Colt's new charge aren't you?"

"Yup." She ground through her teeth. Charge that's a new one. She hopped off teh chair she was sitting on and walked towards the door.

"We better get going, thanks Doc." Liam said. She ignored him and walked otu to their truck sitting down. Kyle and Liam walked outside and Kyle had the bag with her painkillers in them. She ignored them as she looked out the window fighting the sleep that tried to elude her.

"She about to pass out?" She heard Liam asked Kyle.

"Looks like it." Kyle repleid, she could hear the smile in his voice and she fought against the sleep even more. She wasn't going to let him be right, she wouldn't fall asleep until they got to his house, then she'd give in. But he was not going to be right!
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:25 pm
Rosendorn says...

Kyle braced her so she wouldn't hit her head or arm. When she didn't resist he leaned her against him.

Even if she is awake, she won't remember me doing this. He didn't know if he was glad or not. If she was awake she'd push him away, but it might help her realize people cared about her.

Fawn stirred, pulling away slightly. "Lemme go." He speech was slurred from the drugs.

He squeezed her, and all resistance collapsed. She didn't stir again, but Kyle knew she was barely awake.

"Passed out, didn't she?" Liam whispered as he stopped the truck.

"Yep." Kyle whispered back. He picked her up, letting his dad open doors.

Miriam smiled when she saw them. "The guest room's all ready. You can put her up there."

Kyle nodded and carefully went up the stairs. The guest room door was open, and the bed covers already turned down. He laid Fawn down and pulled the blankets over her. Almost immediately she turned away and curled up.

He put his hand on her shoulder. "'Night Fawn." She seemed to calm under his touch, but he figured she was just asleep.

"You going to bed too?" his mom asked from the top of the stairs.

He closed Fawn's door and nodded. "And I need to get her back first thing tomorrow."

She smiled. "I'll let you both sleep in. If you get up early, that's your problem."

"Very funny. 'Night." He went into his room before she could add anything. He got ready for bed, thinking. Fawn was so different from any other kid he'd worked with, but he could understand why she acted that way. That long in the foster system would turn anybody hard.

He sighed and turned out the light. He just hoped that hardness wouldn't cause her to break.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

You can't blame the writer for what the characters say.
— Truman Capote