
Young Writers Society

Winter Rising

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Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:53 pm
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Rydia says...

Summer Queen Udara | New York City

The glamour was a beautiful piece of work and Udara certainly appreciated it, even if she didn't understand how its subtle magic had been achieved and had no intention of dedicating the many years or even decades it would take to learn. The Lady Analia was practiced in the art of subtlety and that would suffice for them both. Udara on the other hand could feel her power burning in her heart, the sheer raw strength of a sun unleashed. Her powers came with a different purpose.

"The glamour will last for a time?" Udara asked, keeping her voice soft as they walked easily from the building, freely passing within a hand's stretch of the enemy army who were advancing in a steady line and closing off all escape routes. A few moments later and they might not have found a gap big enough to slip through and glamour or not, Udara expected that if their bodies were to brush against the other fae, they would soon be discovered.

"For a time," Lady Analia agreed.

Sonrya readied herself in a fighting stance; the dryad had spent many years at her queen's side and perhaps guessed something of her intentions. Analia was less familiar with the queen and a sudden worry burned in her eyes as they flickered toward the two clashing armies and back to the dryad's quiet preparations. Udara stopped walking.

Now that they were a safe distance away, Queen Udara turned back and watched as the battle commenced. The Winter soldiers advanced relentlessly, clustering around the building's openings as the Summer soldiers retreated within and formed a defensive huddle. Disguising the retreat. Buying them time. The forty Summer soldiers didn't stand a chance against the sixty of the enemy, but what if Udara attacked from behind? Could they trap the foe between them? What if she showed herself and then ran? Would the army follow? All of it, some of it, enough of it? The thoughts blazed through her head like wildfire, igniting every spark of hope which remained to her and the small queen had a great propensity for hope. She could do it. She would do it.

"We can't, my queen," Lady Analia stated in her steadfast way. "The moment you attack, this glamour will break and their army will come for us. As powerful as you are, we would be greatly outnumbered and the time it would take for our forces to leave that building one by one-"

Udara squeezed her eyes closed but Analia made a good point. The lack of exits and entrances which allowed her Summer soldiers to create their defensive position would be their undoing if they had to come to her aid. One by one they would leave the building and one by one they would be slaughtered in their blind desire to rescue her. She felt Sonrya's steady hand on her arm and could see the dryad was with her, whichever path she chose. Her soldiers would fight for her, die for her. Whichever path she chose.

"Lead on," Udara commanded in a hollow tone but inside she was fuming - angry at the situation, angry at herself for leaving her people to die and angry, so angry at Winter for always being too unmovable, too impassable and too strong.

There were no further discussions on the walk to the safe house and Udara's anger abated into a slow smouldering. There was no need for Analia to announce which building it was as a string of Summer soldiers came to attention in the garden of the house. Several stood on the walls and a few were even posted on the rooftops, far more soldiers than Udara would have expected from a simple scouting party. Had the other scouts been recalled already or- and then she saw him. His curly hair caught the evening light of the sun and while his face wasn't handsome in the conventional sense of the word, it brought a warm glow to Udara's heart. Her Summer Knight.

"Fighting at the park has broken up," Sir Apollo announced. "I received the Lady Analia's message with the location of the safe house and thought I might better serve you here."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:02 am
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Lightsong says...

Summer Lady, Analia / New York City

'Most helpful, Sir Apollo,' said Analia, nodding to him. 'It is our utmost priority to keep the queen safe.' She led Queen Udara and Sonrya to the door. Then, she took a deep breath.

'Hopefully, his defensive spells are as he has told me.' She felt the rough oak surface, closing her eyes to sense the magic that had developed the house. 'Oh yes, he is an honest soul, all right.' Gestures were made, chants were uttered, and the door's dark brown turned to pale silver. Keys were used, allowing it to open, and they went inside.

'What was that?' Sonrya told as they moved to the living room, several soldiers following from behind. 'You haven't told us he is a wizard!'

Analia shrugged. 'He is not, but he knows a great deal of magic that the wizard community feels it is difficult to leave him alone. His friend, Touma Akiri, is a Japanese enchanter who has done the favour of putting barriers in the house.'

And she stopped there. There was no need to tell them why such measures were taken. Jefri was obsessed with insects just as much as she plants, and he kept the 'exotic' (a term here that could be replace with 'magical') ones safely in the basement. She didn't know how long those horrifying creatures could last trapped like that, but she trusted him to prepare a mechanic that would make them last longer. To see someone or something died was definitely an unpleasant experience.

'The study room should be here,' said Analia, opening a door that boasted a huge room with impressive bookshelves. In the middle were several round tables, all of them made from - wait, was that gold? She frowned. He didn't tell her that!

'Your friend sure has an expensive taste, Analia,' said Queen Udara, teasing a blush to show itself on Analia's cheeks. 'I approve. We will make use of this room as a place to create strategies. The slaughter Winter has done to our soldiers should be stopped as soon as possible.'

Anger was faint but there in the queen's voice, and it made Analia respect her even more. This was the queen she would willing to sacrifice her life for, and Winter should pay for what it had done to Summer. It was, after all, a harsh weather that welcomed deaths.

'Excuse me for a minute,' said Analia and bowed. She went to see Sir Apollo. That adorable Knight was standing faithfully outside of the house, keeping watch. 'Sir Apollo?'

'Yes, Analia?' He didn't even show surprise from her sudden appearance. This man was alert all of the time that she suspected rather impressively that he sensed her presence.

'I've been wondering about the wizard meeting. It will benefit us if they support Summer. Do you have your people in there, say, a spy or observer, that can keep us updated to its current situation?'

'Oh, yes. I recall to have placed several of my more stealthy soldiers there. Their reports should come via a communication scroll in about half an hour.'

"Writing, though, belongs first to the writer, and then to the reader, to the world.

The subject is a catalyst, a character, but our responsibility is, has to be, to the work."

- David L. Ulin

Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything
— Plato