
Young Writers Society

War of Zynar

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Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:11 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Alana nodded, she kept her hand close to her knife and stayed close to Mathias so as not to get lost. She had never been in the castle before and didn't know much about it other then the map that was now stored in her brain. They waited for the servents to disapear before they slowly moved through the ball room as much in the shadows as they possibly could.

*Sorry, I don't really know what to put. :'( *
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:56 pm
greenjay says...


The door to the trophy room creaked open and I peeked through the small gap. No one was in sight. I pulled the door open and stepped in, jumping quickly into the shadows. Nothing stirred. The rest of them came in and I shut the door behind us. The room was long, the many animal heads giving it an unearthly appearance in the dim light. Their shadows hung over the group like watchful enemies, snarling and staring at them with lifeless orbs.

I followed the right wall, counting each door we passed. At the fifth I stopped. It was a small, green door with much rusted hinges. I wedged one of my axes in the crack in order to open it, for there was no handle, and then pulled it laborously open. It made a horendous noise, and we hurried in, more fearful of discovery than of the gapping blackness of the passageway. I lit a torch and held it aloft.

We were in a small tunnel that we followed for quite a ways. Many doors appeared at the right, but none on the left. Finally we came upon one on the left and I put my shoulder to it. At the second wallop it flung open, revealing a circular room with many, many doors.

"Quin, Tobias, and Sirius. You stay here," I whispered.

"If anyone comes you yell really loudly and then flee down that way," I said pointing to an ominous archway, the only exit that was not one of the small, green doors. "You will meet Jade and Tas a ways down there...hopefully no one will come and we will return and go there together."

I walked suddenly to one of the many doors in the big room and pulled it open. Alana looked at the three who had to stay, and then followed. I did not shut this door behind me but instead left it ajar for quick escape.

"Okay Alana, now it is up to us. This passage way connects to the hallway right outside of the King's quarters. That hallway will be the most dangerous part, for we might easily be seen there. Be quick. Once we get into the king's living room I shall explain the rest."
the greenjay strikes again...

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Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:54 pm
TNCowgirl says...

"Alright," Alana said, the less talk the better and the more time they had. She quietly followed him her mocosins not making a sound on the floor, her eyes took in everything. Crest had gone outside, as to not allow anyone to know they were there, he kept watch as well as he could at anything but she was a good ways from him now and wouldn't be able to contact him for now, unless she let lose a shrill wistle which she didn't plan on doing. They slowly made their way down the passage way and listened for any noise of a soldier or gaurd. She licked her dry lips and looked around, the walls were made of a stone that she had never seen before, probably expensive. She shook her head, how could someone pay so much for finary like the king had when some of his people were dying from hunger.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:46 am
greenjay says...


We had almost made it. We were almost there. The door loomed before me, and I reached for the handle. Suddenly a door not a few paces from us opened wide, and speach issued forth. A noble popped out, his back to us, holding the door for someone else. I flung wide the door we were to enter and grabbed Alana's shoulder. I literally threw her in, and then spun inside, slamming the door behind us. I knew that this would cause alarm, but I listened carefully, for I knew that if no one had seen me, then they would not immediately enter for it was death to enter the king's quarters without specific permission. If we had been seen...things might be different. My heart beat once, twice, and nothing.

I sighed and turned towards the room. Alana's eyes were wide and I followed her gaze. A young boy stood transfixed at the sight of us, knowing that we were not supposed to be here. He held a pitcher of wine and had frozen while filling a goblit. The blood like liquid overflowed onto the formerly stainless, white tablecloth.

Slowly he put the pitcher down.

"Who are you?" he asked. He was a small young boy with curly, black hair, and surprisingly his dark features showed no fear. The silence stretched on, and Alana looked at me, obviously not knowing what to do, but also knowing that something must be done.

"You...you are the Head aren't you?" he figured, his large brown eyes growing wide.

"Yes, and do you know what that means?" I said, slowly inching my hand closer to my sword.

"That you have returned," he stated proudly, as if it was obvious what it meant.

It was obvious to me, but how could such a young boy remember me? Unless...

"Who are you?!" I hissed, knowing that there was no time.

"I am the winers apprentice, son of Dalara the widow!" he said with pride as if it would mean a lot to those who he told it to...thing was, it did mean a lot to me.

"How is she?! Your mother I mean," I said eagerly, grabbing him by the shoulders.

"She is just fine...father!"

Alana gasped and I froze, not knowing what to say. Thing was, he did not need me to say anything, but instead embraced me...my waist at least.

Suddenly I smiled and a lone tear ran down my masked face. My wife was yet alive, and I had a son! Why had I never known? Why had I never even visited her? It would have been insanely dangerous but...it was now all worth it. My son began to cry and I wept with him, letting my everlasting sorrow billow forth.

I heard Alana draw steel, and I spun around. The king had come down from his room, and he was armed.

"Hello brother...and nephew. I have wanted to see you for a long time," said the man with nothing but hate dripping from his speach. "And now that your both together, I can deal with you!"

"Guard!" he said suddenly and a man came out from behind him, pouncing on Alana. The king stepped forward and held his sword out in front of me. "Now I can finally kill you!"

"You already have!" I said, and I ripped off my mask and drew my sword simultaniusly. His eyes widened and I lunged forward.
the greenjay strikes again...

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Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:26 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Alana struggled to get free. Her sword had been knocked away and was laying on the ground a few feet out of her reach. Mathais son was backed against the wall while Mathais and the king fought. Alana relaxed her musles and evened her breathing. She cleared her thoughts and smiled. Her hand flicked to her side pulling a knife out. It jammed into the gaurds side and he yelled in pain. She looked him in the eyes and started dragging the knife up his side, making sure she kept away from the thick armor he had on. His grip on her loosened and she shoved him off. She ran to the window and looked for Crest. When he saw her he streaked over.

"Listen, you need to hide." She said to the boy picking him up. She set him on the roof where it was flat. "Don't move, don't leave, and DON'T make a sound. Crest will stay with you." She shut the window and turned around. More gaurds were coming in. She grabbed her sword and ran towards them. She jumped up on the wall and kicked off it landing behind the gaurds and taking two out. There were two more who spun around and came at her. She quickly fought them off killing one as quickly as possible.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:19 pm
greenjay says...



"RUN!" I yelled to Alana as more guards poored in.

The king made a slash at my head and I blocked it with my bracer, stabbing him in the chest. The sword glanced off his hidden armor and slipped over his shoulder, causing me to stumble forward. The king raised his sword when there was a sudden crash. The king turned to see my son stab his side with a dagger. I lunged off of the floor and knocked the king out of the window. I jumped onto the roof after him and saw him standing near the edge, sword pointing towards me.

"Give up!" he said. "You have no chance...the guards will get you if I don't."

Suddenly I heard a few of the guards climp out onto the roof and I knew that I was done for. They drew their swords and the king relaxed.

"No, I never had much of a chance. You never gave me one," I said. Suddenly I smiled, and this put him off guard.

"Why was the freak smiling," he thought.

I sudddenly lunged at him, hitting him in the chest. He screamed and we plummeted over the edge of the high roof, falling down to the city far below.

Deron shiethed his dagger and slipped into the hallway. A troop of guards ran by, headed towards the king's quarters. One of them grabbed the boy, shaking him furiously.

"What are you doing here boy!" he threatened.

"Put me down oaf! I'm getting the king his special wine...it is urgent for he is much on edge," the guard's eyes widened, as he knew what would happen if the king heard that someone had stopped his wine boy. He put the boy quickly down and ran after the other guards.

Deron waiting for the guard to leave and then slipped into a small, green door. He went into the round room, just in time to see the Rogues pass through the archway. He followed.
the greenjay strikes again...

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Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:49 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Alana did what she was told, she ended up behind Deron and when she saw him she ran past picking him up as she did. She followed the others. Deron struggled feircly.

"Calm down, theres almost no way you would be able to keep up with them if you tried, so stay still." She said as she caught the others. She let him down and they kept moving, Crest landed on her shoulder.

Alana, Mathais and the king are both dead. Crest said, Alana froze, Mathais couldn't be dead, there was no way. Deron looked at her,

"Whats wrong?" he asked,

"Its nothing, keep moving." She said forcing a fake smile. She kept moving but she couldnt' help but feel sad. Mathais was dead. The man she had had to listen to almost her whole life was dead. She would have to tell his wife, and his son. She didn't want to, the king was dead, but at the loss of Mathais.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:07 pm
greenjay says...

Sorry it took me so long.


The boy gasped as he saw the guard. The four Rogues went towards him, but Deron was faster, pulling out his dagger and pumping his legs as only a boy can. He leapt on the young man unnexpectedly, knocking him onto the floor. The boy fell off of the guard, landing on the hard, stone floor. Deron quickly scrambled to his feet and glanced wildly around. The Rogues weren't doing anything! He suddenly bolted down the hallway where Mathias had instructed them to travel, and then turned around, a safe distance away.

"What's wrong with you Rogues! Whos side are you on anyway! KILL THE GUARD," he fumed, wondering if the thiefs were as disloyal as he had heard.
the greenjay strikes again...

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Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:59 pm
TNCowgirl says...

"Deron, we were told not to kill anyone we didn't need to. Plus, that's Tas. He's our friend." Alana said giving Tas a hand up. "He was helping us and Mathias do this. Remember one thing, doing things to fast can get you killed as can doing them to slow. So, don't go any faster then what your mind can go, so if something pops up suddenly you'll be ready. Now, lets get moving." She walked past him again.

*Sorry, it's short*
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:39 pm
greenjay says...

We need to finish this up here.


The halls led the group to the sewers, and the sewers led them out of the city. The boy, Deron, happily breathed in the fresh air as the group exited the small cave. The trip to the forest was quick and unneventful. As they neared the Rogues headquarters Deron's excitment grew.

As they entered the gate the rogues lined the path, waiting for news. Many eyes scoured Deron but he was not nervous...just curious. The group made their way to the center of the Rogues. Deron looked around with eyes wide.

"Who is the boy? Let the boy speak!" someone shouted and the assembaly took up the cry.

Deron gulped and stepped tentatively forward. "My name is Deron, and I am the son of Mathias the Head," at this many gasped, "he and the king fell off the palace."

Silence reigned and no one spoke. The king was dead...but so was the Head. No one knew where to go, no one knew what would happen.

Suddenly Deron spoke, "You should pick another Head," he said simply.

No one spoke...no one even moved.

Finally Deron spoke again, "It should be Quin."

The Rogues broke out into discussion, wondering at his choice. Quin stood with a shocked expression on her face, but it did not take long for the Rogues to agree. She was a good choice.
the greenjay strikes again...

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Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:29 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Alana nodded, good pick on the boys behalf. She moved back to the shadows. She didn't need to stay anymore.

*Sorry, got nothin else.*
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:53 am
Knurla says...

(Yay! I found my entrance! I was lost and couldn't figure out where to come in, but if you don't mind, I'll jump right in here.)

The large wolf padded into the Rogues camp, her front two legs knee-deep in blood, as well as her muzzle. Jade's face was splattered here and there; the fur beneath her mouth hung down, soaked and dripping. She spotted Quinn and Alana, and Head's son; he had Head's scent all over him.

Moving her to them, she limped slightly on her right leg. A large gash was cut from her shoulder down to her knee, but the fur hid it slightly from the naked eye. Jade stepped into the group and lied down in the middle of them, wanting to hear what they had to say.

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Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:14 pm
greenjay says...


The boy smiled. He reached up and brushed his dark hair out of his face. Quietly he turned around and slipped into the forest, unnoticed amidst the loud discussion. The trees surrounded him and he slipped easily through the growth, his feet making no sound on the layers of dead leaves. He had seen enough.

Say any last words (especially Layleun and Piepieman, you guys should wrap things up for your characters somewhat). I'll end it with Tas becoming king (you can write that if you want piepieman, you'll just have to do it before I do :P).
the greenjay strikes again...

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Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:26 am
TNCowgirl says...

Piepiemann22 wont be on for a while,
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:48 pm
greenjay says...

Okay, that's fine. If the rest of you want to wrap up your character that'd be great (you know, walk off into the sunset...or maybe do something more realistic like get a job :P).
the greenjay strikes again...

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