
Young Writers Society

Camp Crazy (STARTED!/ Still accepting)

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Thu May 09, 2013 4:14 pm
ChocoCookie says...


After dinner, everyone was around the bonfire. It was crazy. Everyone almost found their 'perfect mate' which made me frown a little because I didn't. We all decided to play a game- Truth or Dare which was awesome because I could pretty much do any dare or truth.

While everyone had fun, I just sat around, trying to make some company. It sure was weird because everyone else had found a friend or two but me. I saw Rory sitting at a side, looking kind of the same too. Maybe, I could try to get him as a friend. But what if he doesn't, since I'm the leader and stuff? Man, this sucked so bad. But I decide to walk over and talk to him anyway.

I sit beside him and give him a smile. "Hi."

"Hey. Megan, right? The leader?" he asks, with a grin. Here we go again.

I sighed deeply. "Yeah, you can say that..."

"Oh, sorry. If I upset you." he says.

"No, its fine. Its natural for everyone to go like "Oh, Megan's the leader." " I shake my head. "Guess its not really their fault. Most leaders are the ones who don't break rules."

"Are you like that?" I hear him ask, which slightly surprises me.

"You think I would allow a bonfire here, so late at night?" I reply, laughing.

"Good to hear that." he nods, smiling.

Everyone's having a good time. I must say, a lot of people here choose "Truth". And they don't really mind answering it. But it gets a lot more fun when it comes to dare. I get a text from Rebecca.

Hey, Mei. Slept, yet?

I smile, and reply back. Nah. Bonfire here.

=O xD is all she can say.

I look at the time and now, I guess its time for everyone to go back to their cabin.

"Its quite late now, isn't it?" I ask Rory.

"Yeah... I think I'm going to go back now. 'Night." he says, standing up and walking back to his cabin.

"'Night." I say back.

I get up, and announce that we have to put out the bonfire for real now before any of the instructors get up and get me and them into deep trouble. They moan and growl but they don't take it seriously. I walk back with Emma who's in my cabin.

"So, how was your day?" I ask, with a wide smile.

"Good. Better than I expected." she spoke.

"Talked to Landon, yet?"

"Well.... I don't think he recognizes me. I don't want to tell him too." she says shyly.

I nudge Emma. "Come on! I mean, he is your childhood friend. You should tell him. Don't wait. Maybe if he can't remember, we'll just leave it at that, then. But you at least have to try."

Emma smiles a little. She seems a little more confident. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Right." I say, opening the cabin. We change into a our pyjamas and collapse into a wonderful sleep.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Thu May 09, 2013 7:00 pm
Swiftfur says...


Once the fire was quenched, and everyone left, I slid down form the tree and went back to my cabin.
Charm looked up as I plopped myself on the bed.
"Good day?" She inquired.
"I don't want to talk about it," I mumbled, pulling my blanket around me.
Tell me what happened.
I sighed. Charm would not let me rest until she heard the story.
I relayed the day's events to her, then said,
Charm, I have to see her grave.
She sat immediately upright.
What?! You're crazy! That's more than a thousand miles from here!
I'm going back to mum's house then.
"How are you going to do that?"
I got out of bed and began packing my things.
"I'll walk."
Charm tried to make me sit down, but her efforts were useless.
"It's against the law to be out this late!"
I turned around.
"You think some cop is going to stop me?"
I finished packing and swung my bag onto my shoulder.
"You can stay here if you want, but I'm leaving."
I walked out the door, down the steps, across the parking lot, and started down the sidewalk.
"Swift! Where the heck do you think you're going?!"
I spun around to face Megan.
"Home," I replied calmly.
I turned around again and Megan planted her hand on my shoulder.
"Swift, Don't..."
I shrugged of her hand and kept walking as I called back, "I'm leaving, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

About an hour later, I trudged through the door of my mum's home.
I stomped up stairs, not even worrying about waking her.
I opened the door to my room and tossed my stuff on my bed, plunking down next to the bag.
I had never felt so exhausted in my life, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

"Swiftfur? what are you doing here?"
I wrenched open my eyes to see my mum's worried face peeking around the door.
"What do you think I'm doing here?"
She paused for a moment.
"I'm driving you back after you've had breakfast, taken a shower, and changed."
I sat upright.
"I am not going back there."
My mum's eyes narrowed.
"Yes you are, young lady, and that's that!"
I knew better than to argue with her when she gets like that.
You can't change the past, so live in the future, and choose your course wisely.

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Tue May 14, 2013 7:26 am
winterbites says...


"Pst, Emma, Emma." I open my eyes and look around.

"Landon? Why are you hear?" I looked up at him in the window.

"It's only five am, wanna see the sunrise? It'll be up soon." He reaches in for my hand. I take in and slip and jumper on.

We settled on a sand dune near the cabins. "Its beautiful." I looked around along the horizon.

"Its really is." he said putting an arm around my waist. I smiled up at him, he smiled back and lent in closer.

"Uh, Landon." I pulled back, his eyes saddened.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know whats wrong with me. I don't usually go around kissing random girls. Not that you're random, Emma-May." there was something in the way he said my name, that made me re-think.

"You know me don't you?" I whispered, "I know you Landon, you've probable change a lot since though."

"Not as much as you, Emma." he smiled. I laughed.

"I doubt it. What happened to your freckles and glasses?"

"They faded, thank goodness. And, well, one day, your dad told me that only a smart man could marry his only daughter, so I wore them, so you thought I was smart." he shrugs. He wanted to marry me?

"You wanted to-"

"Marry, of course." he laughs, "I got my wish anyways." I smiled at the memory of my dad marrying us and my mum sitting in a kids chair pretending to laugh. "I still have the picture."

"Me too, I always look at it." I sighed, "We should get back." he nods and stands up with me.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Fri May 17, 2013 10:12 pm
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NicoleBri says...

Jennifer Gray

I got up at about 6:30 a.m. Got dressed and ready for the day. The first thing I had to do was walk and sit on the sand of the beach. The sun hadn't quite come up yet. "Your up early." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned to see who it was. Devon. I smiled and gestured him to come sit. "Yup, I guess it is early." I say. He walks over to me and sits down.

We sat there looking at the beach and clouds. It was gorgeous. He looked at me every once in a while and smiled. "This is weird to ask, but, do I know you?" I ask him. He looked so familiar but so different all at once. "I don't think so. Maybe. But probably not. I'm from Portland." he says.

I look at him sort of crazy and smile. No answer to that one. His smile was beautiful. "Did I ever mention that you don't talk much?" he asks me. I chuckle a little and nod. "I think you may have said that, just a few times though." I reply.

Devon Turner

Getting up early felt amazing. I stretched my back a little and got dressed. Replaying last night in my head. Erina kissed me. I like her but that might have been a little...to fast. I slid my shoes on and walked out of the cabin, everyone was fast asleep. I seen someone out at the beach so I walked over to see who it is.

"Your up early." I say. She seemed startled and turned to face me, it was Jennifer. She looked so beautiful. She smiled and turned back around, "Yup, I guess it is early." she says with a little chuckle. She pats the ground on the side of her gesturing me to sit so I did. We sat there looking at the sky and everything, I couldn't help but keep smiling when she looked at me.

She tensed up a little and looked at me with a crazy look and asked,"Do I know you?" I laughed a little. "Most likely not, I'm from portland, but maybe. There could be a chance." I reply. She smiled and turned back to the beach view. "Did I ever mention you never talk much?" I ask her with a little laugh. "I think you may have said that, just a few times though." She replies and shakes her head.

"Well I better get going." I tell her. She nods and waves good bye. Before I could get passed the beach I seen Erina staring at me like she just lost her favorite puppy dog. "you okay?" I ask. She steps back and just walks off. I thought about it for a minute then decided to go after her. "Erina. What's wrong?" I ask. Tears welt up and she just stared at me. "nothing." she replies and walks off.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:25 pm
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Swiftfur says...

Spoiler! :
You can't change the past, so live in the future, and choose your course wisely.

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Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:14 am
ChimeraMania says...

Erina Rose

I vow never to get up early again. Watching Devon there, I know its stupid but I was feeling jealous. Knew I shouldn't have kissed him. Devon was about to stand up. I tried to make it look like I was just now walking up, but I just couldn't move.

He walked over.
"You okay?" I just walked away. Why am I walking away. Shouldn't I say something to him.
"Erina. What's wrong?" Great he just had to follow me. Tears started filling my eyes.

Oh gosh not now. Not in front of him. "Nothing." I say and walk off. Please don't follow me.

I walk towards the trees as fast as I can. The first tree that popped into my view, I fall against it and cry. Not even knowing why but I cry.

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Sat Jun 08, 2013 3:27 am
Craz says...

Devyn Garland

Devyn had never been so offbeat in her life.

Normally after a plentiful pint of coffee she would be alright and begin the morning with a slight buzz of energy, good enough to motivate her to move on with the day. This tradition would be begin early in the morning, and after a blazing hot shower that made her skin turn her favorable hair color of cherry red, she would then throw on some clothes and swiftly locate her box of cinnamon pop tarts. Only after she had consumed that would she be prepared to enter the public, and she had dedicatedly followed through with her mantra for three years straight without a single disruption.

Until now. Devyn had slept until the sun had risen high enough to peak through the window, and after jolting herself awake she couldn't find a coffee pot in sight. Just in case she had also packed her favorite type of coffee beans and her pop tarts, but unless she was planning to chew up the beans and use her saliva as a substitute for coffee, which was for one gross, she would have to search for that camp adviser from before. But not even coffee could motivate her to leave the cabin in plain view, because for some horrendous reason she was in her women's superman boxer shorts and her paint crusted green lantern t-shirt, crumpled and incensed of sleep odor to perfection.

Devyn snatched a towel and slipped off towards the girl's showers, which was luckily right behind the girl's cabin. She sighed when she found the showers empty, and jumped into the closest one she saw.

That's much better, she thought as the scorching water splashed on her bare skin. She squirted some shampoo into her hair, scrubbing vigorously as the pleasant scent filled the cubicle. Just as she ducked her head under the faucet again to wash it out, the water took a drastic drop in temperature, dropping Devyn's warmth level down almost instantly and making her squeal loud enough for it to echo off of the walls. She jumped away from the water and hissed, "Are you kidding me?"

She still had a fine cap of soap on her head, and so she leaned forward until only her hair was under the faucet. She squeezed her eyes shut as the freezing water slid down her back and tickled her face, and waited until her hair was soap free. She shut off the faucet and wrapped the towel tight around herself, looking around for her clothes.

Oh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. In her rush, she had forgotten to bring them.

She picked up her rumpled pajamas and pressed them to her front, and then secured her towel tighter around herself. She slowly peaked her head out of the wooden door, looking both ways to make sure that no one was there. Taking a deep breath, she bolted forwards.

Her feet pounded on the packed dirt, sprinting in her best effort while still covering everything up. She was halfway there when hope began to bloom in her chest, thinking that she was going to make it and she can keep this mortifying moment to herself until she was six feet underground. Unfortunately, life had a better idea.

"Devyn?" Devyn halted where she stood and swiveled in the direction of the voice, her mouth becoming a wide circle and heat blooming on her cheeks. She stood like that for a moment, both of them staring at each other as if they couldn't quite make sense of what was happening, and then Devyn dashed inside and slammed the door behind her. She leaned against the frame, her heart racing and looking as bright as a boiled lobster.

Spoiler! :
This can be anyone, of course. :wink:
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Sat Jun 08, 2013 3:44 am
NicoleBri says...

Devon Turner

I looked a little shocked as I was walking up to the cabins and saw someone with a towel rapped around them. Not thinking I blirted her name. "Devyn?" I say. She turned towards me blushing and just stared for a moment before taking off. I stare a minute then walked to the cabin to see who all was awake.

Everyone was still asleep. Right before I walked back out.. Chase jolted up. "About time lazy" I say. He laughed and got up to get dressed. Then we went outside and got our surf boards to go surf the water. "Jennifer seems really cool." I tell him. He smiled and said, "So you starting to have a thing for her now?" I didn't have a thing to say to that so I just went quiet. "She seems hard to get and easy to get at the same time, man." I say. He raised his eye brow a bit, "Easy?"he questions. "No man, not like that, like if you say and do the right things." I say with a laugh.

He shrugged it off for a moment and said oh ok. We hit the surfs a while and went to eat at the bar place.

Jennifer Gray

Sitting at the beach alone, after Devon left, got sort of lonesome. I got up and got my towel to go back up to the cabin place. I was looking around and spotted Erina crying in a tree leaned up against it. "Erina?" I say. She looks at me with disgust and doesn't say a word. "What's wrong?" I ask as I climb up into the tree. "Nothing.." she says without emotion. I rolled my eyes at that.

"Come on Erina, you wouldn't be crying if you had nothing wrong with you." I tell her. She rolled her eyes and just looked at me. "If your really my friend, please don't get all flirty with Devon.. he is the one guy I think I might really like." she says to me. I look at her like she is crazy for a minute. "Wait so this is what this is all about?" I ask. She shrugged a little and looked off to the water where I seen Chase and Devon coming from.

"Seems to me a little obssessed already." I say and jump down from the tree. "For your information, he was the one to flirt with me, so don't come at me with that shit." I say again and walk off with a little strut going on. I seen Devon look at me and smile and I smiled back. No one in there right mind is going to sit there and tell me not to flirt with someone when I clearly wasn't. I barely know the guy and she barely knows him either, but yet she already has a claim on him? No. Don't think so.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:33 pm
ChimeraMania says...

Erina Rose

After that conversation with Jennifer I couldn't take it anymore. I got up from the tree and walked to my room. Her words, that she probably didn't even know I heard, keep playing over and over in my head.

"Seems to me a little obssessed already." I never obssess over a guy so why now.

I started running to the cabin. I busted through the door, ran to my room, and grab my keys then ran out.

Thank you step father. I thought on my way to my car. I got in cranked it up and drove off.

My eyes started tearing up. I am not gonna cry. Its pointless. I wipe my eyes, making a left. More tears came. Stop it. You are not this weak in love child. You don't know love you can't love anybody. Not without doing to them what your father did. If you love them you will leave them or either kill yourself if you cant get them.

I stopped in the middle of the road. "No I am not my father." I yell out loud. "I am not my father nor my mother. I am me. I am me."

I make a U turn and drive back to the camp. Repeating over and over in my head. I am me.
SHUGGS = SWEET + HUGS (It makes since in my universe.)

We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.
— Dietrich Bonhoeffer