
Young Writers Society

Robin Hood Gang Five: Times Changed (Previous Members Only)

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Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:39 am
Guess says...


Riley couldn't have put us together, now cold she have? Always had to do everything by her damned self. She seemed more distant than ever now, expecially when the rest of the gang was around. I had nothing against MAitea, don't get me wrong, but would have rather been with Riley.

At least she was smart enough not to put me with Reg.

I turned to Maitea, "You got a gun, dollface?"

She shot me a look, "And two hidden knives." I chuckled, and rolled my eyes. Her expression softened, "Let's get going."

"We'll take my motorcycle, it'll be less obvious where we're going." I threw her my helmet, "Can't have you doing anything dangerous, now can we?" I mocked. She threw the helmet back at me. I shrugged, "Suit yourself."

I sat on the motorcycle, and patted the seat behind me. She got on, and hesitantly put her hands around my waist. I let this slide without a comment, though I had several popping into my mind. Several of which would have given her husband a reason to shoot me.

We rode for a bit. I knew this area well enough, having gone to Huston many times in my life. I knew the area where we were gong to excpecially well, and I was familar enough some of the people there. Maybe Riley had known this, and thats why she had sent me down to the south district, or maybe not.

Before long, the buildings became more run down, and more graffiti lined the walls. The streets pavement grew more and more cracked, with hole I was constantly dodging.

I turned down a small street, and stopped. "Let's start here." I said, pulling off my helmet.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:53 pm
MayApple says...


He stopped the motorcycle on a small street, and I yanked my hands away from his waist.

"Let's start here." He said, pulling his helemt off and skaing out what there was of his hair. On instict, I assumed, since before he had longer hair. I rolled my eyes, and took my gun out of my pocket. I pulled off the saftey, and checked that it was loaded.

"Check your gun." I told him. He snorted, and completely ignored me. I was going to laugh when he went to shoot and realized there were no bullets. I looked at him, "Remind me why we are on this street, exactly."

"Because, I have a friend here who is a gun dealer,"

"We have guns, Jack," I said, moving the one in my hand in a circle.

"Don't be stupid, Maitea. He deals illegal guns. The type that any criminal would be dying to get their hands on. He'd be happy to give me some information with a little motivation."

"God, Jack, we're suposed to be helping people, not putting a gun to their head."

"I mean money. And I hope you've got some, cause I'm working off a bar tender's wages," He explained.

"You are so lucky my husband's a computer programmer." I said, and reached in my jacket pocket for my wallet.

"You mean nerd?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Come on, let's get going."
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:48 pm
RedSun says...


Being put with James wasn't the worst thing. Actually, out of all of them, he was the one I hated the least. Maybe it was the similar get-in and get-done mindset, or maybe just the fact he didn't talk much and therefore didn't have as many oportunities to annoy the crap out of me. If I had to chose, I would have guessed the later.

I turned to James, "You want to plan, or do you just want to go?"

"We'd better get going, plans never work out the way they're meant to besides."

"I'd have to agree with that, and anyway-" I was cut off when I felt my cell phone buzz in my pocket. Looking down, I saw Anthony's picture flash on the screen. "If you don't mind, I have to take this quickly."

I held the phone up to my ear, "Hey,"

"Hey sweetie," I heard Anthony's low voice, and it made me smile ever so slightly, "how's everything going down there? Did you find them yet?"

"Unfourtonetly no, but I found the old gang again." I saw James raise an eyebrow, and I shot him a look.

"Well, when are you going to send the location to us?" Anthony asked.

"I'm not going to. They have the same objective as us. There is a better chance of us sucsseding if we work together."

"Do they know who your employer is? Because if they do-" I thought back to me little entrance, and couldn't help but grin.

"They know exactly who I'm working for but I don't think it will be an issue. Desperate times call for desperate measures, you of all people would know that. I have to go now, we are in Huston now, and we're going to go check out some hot spots and see what we can find."

"I'll see you in a few days, darling,"

"Bye Anthony, see you then. Be careful, I love you,"

With that I hung up the phone, and turned to James. "Okay, let's get going. I want this done and over with so I can go back to my normal life."

"Of hunting down and killing people?" James asked.

"You make it sound worse than it is," I said coyly, and followed him as he walked out the front door.

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:47 pm
Kaywiia says...


One thing I had never gotten used to was being able to walk into the middle of a crowded city in broad daylight and not having twenty some guns pointed at me. Even now, my hand tightened around the gun shoved in my jacket pocket.

I went up to where a crowd of people were standing with cameras and notepads. I would fit in here. I pulled out the little note pad that Tia had given me and began to scribble down random things. Whatever came to mind, in fact. But really, I was listening to the police that were answering the many reporters. I needed to find out what they thought was going on, so we would know how much we needed to be on gaurd.

"But this is so unlike the history that the Fisher's had six years ago, are we sure that these are them?" The question a small woman beside me asked.Yes, I thought, how sure are you?

The police officer smiled politely. "From what we saw, their leader is a blonde woman at about an average height, and we also caught sight a few other rather well built looking males, one of them exactly matching the description of one of the memebers from six years ago. So we are nintey-nine percent sure. But there is always room for error." Loads of room for error, you bastards. Think a little, will you?

I had heard enough, I was getting a look for myself. I walked up to where police tape surrounded the rubble of the building. I coughed politely, and the young police officer nearby looked up.

"May I help you?" He gave me a once over, "A damned reporter, huh? Whatdaya want?"

"I need to know exactly what happened here."
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:51 am
Kaywiia says...

This is pretty much dead, so I'm going to write a happy ending.....(This storybook still has the most chapters of any SB ever so, yeah, it's special)


I walked up the large marble steps surronded by men in blue uniform. For the first time, though, they wern't arresting me, they were escorting me. Me, and the rest of the gang. Besides Charlie, who I was carrying, the gang were all close behind me.

I looked back on all that had happened in the last month, and smiled. The posers had been completely emilinated, thanks to the Fisher's teaming up with the government, Alis acting as the middle link between the two of us. The charges were cleared on all our names after the posers were eliminated, and we were all able to go back into society.

So much had happened for us personally too. From what I knew, Ace and Maitea were happier than ever and had made a big decsision. Reg and James had become much closer friends, and I knew they'd stay friends for a long time. I wasn't sure what they were going to do, or where they were going to go. Then again, none of us really knew. Once the media attention died down, we all could live normal lives, if we wanted too.

I turned to look at Alis, who smiled at me, as did her finacee beside her. They were finally getting married next week, and the whole gang was invited. And for the first time in my life, I was willingly going to wear a dress.

Even holding Charlie, I could feel the ring Jack had given me. I imagined the way it must be shining in the sunlight. I was pleased, Charlie was going to havea father now, something she hadn't had for a while. She had watched me kill her actual father a month and a half ago. The thought still made me shudder, but I pushed it aside. I was a stronger person now, and he was better off dead. I sort of wished he could see me now, walking up the stairs to the White House as an honored guest. How do you like me now, bastard?

I walked up, and took my place beside the president. We all stood in a line, and the president walked up to the podium. He cleared his throat, and began to speak.

"A few months ago, this would have seemed impossible. Here we have formarlly some of the most wanted people in America standing before us here as our guests. One of them even killed my pressesor. But things change, and people change. As most of you know, this group here has helped our government rid of not one, but two groups of killers. Today, we are going to welcome them back into our society not as criminals, but as heros. I have here to speak to you the leader of this group, Miss Riley Evans." The people clapped, and I walked up to the stand.

"It's been quite a sequence of events that's gotten me standing here today, and you wouldn't believe some of the stories I could tell you. The one thing I can say I've learned through everythinig I've been through since I held my first gun nearly twelve years ago is that no matter what, if you believe in something enough, you can do anything..." I smiled, and knew I had found my place.

We all had.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

I think the more you understand myths, the more you understand the roots of our culture and the more things will resonate.
— Rick Riordan