
Young Writers Society

Rose Petals to the Wind

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:44 am
Reakeda says...

All around the world Murders are taking place simutaneously. No one knows when, how, or why. The only clue given to detectives is a single, dead rose found at the scene. The perpetrators are careful not to leave behind shoe prints, finger prints, hairs or anything else that would be traced easily back to them. Fear clutches entire comminuties as families mourn the death of loved ones, longing for justice and wondering who will be next. Newspapers are asking when the next set of “Rose Killings” will take place.


1. No GMing unless given permission by the character's player
2. No Power Playing/God Charaters. Your character can be injured and even killed!
3. Stick to the story line! Don't go off on other tangents that have nothing to do with the current plot.
4.Perpetrators! This rule is for you. There will be -no- killing off your team mates! None! It is strictly forbidden unless stated otherwise later on.
5. You must post a profile of you Character to join and only two(2) characters per user at most.

Note: Victims are chosen at random. If your user name is chosen it is not a personal attack and you may still join by creating a character with a name that is not your username.

What we need you to play!


Cops/Detectives/CSI's from all over the world.
Family and friends of the victims.
Media! Media will be at every crime scene. This includes Reporters from News Papers, News Stations, anything!
Neighbors of the Victims
-Victims- Note that if you play a victim, that character will be killed unless you are messaged otherwise.

Note: If you play a Victim, you may play one more than the alotted two(2) characters to make up for the one you will lose.

Profile form:

Character Name:
Role: (ie: Detective)
Country:(Character's home country, not yours.)

General info: A basic description of your character goes here. Eye color, hair color, personality. What do they usually wear? Anything special we should know about them?

And that'll be it. :) Easy as pie!
Last edited by Reakeda on Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:01 am
Reakeda says...

Character Name: Reakeda aka: Reak
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Perpetrator
Country: Ireland

General info: Though born in Ireland, Reak is not at all Irish in appearence. She stands about 5'4 and her thick brown hair is usually cropped close to her head and hidden by a hat or bandanna. This appearence often causes her to be mistaken as a boy. Her eyes of a deep coppery brown, outlined by just a touch of more of chocolate color. More often than not she's dressed in leisurly jeans and T-shirt. Reakeda is an Author famous world-wide and the only time she really appears professional is at meetings with her publishers. Even at her book signings she wheres a plain colored T-shirt and blue jeans.

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:20 am
PenguinAttack says...

Character Name: Emily-Louise Bronwyn Aka Le Penguin. ;)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Role: Perpetrator
Country: Australia

General info: Born in Australia Emily has fair, rather freckled skin, and medium brown eyes. Her hair is straight, slightly wavy, and of a chestnut brown hue –Shining a dark red when in the sun. Standing at a fair 175cm (5’9) she cuts a menacing figure in her sharply cut business suits. Preferring jeans and a top on most days, her work demands more. A driven and intelligent woman Emily quickly rose through the ranks to become the Chief Executive of Limelight Publishing at the age of 19.
I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:40 pm
Reakeda says...

Newspaper headlines read "The Rose Killers strick again". They were front page news already. Reakeda laughed to herself as she watched the newsreporters.

"Two more bodies were found today. Officials will not release the details, but they have informed us that a rose was found with each body and, despite them being found in different countries, the time of death was exactly the same." Click. The television was shut off and Reakeda stood. She could picture the body still. She see the light draining from Bigbadbear's eyes. Yes what a wonderful feeling that had been to finally watch him die. It sent a warmth through her. The dead rose was always a nice touch and the MO tonight. A knife they would never find.

Cynical laughter filled her hotel room. And to think that this trip was originally just supposed to be a book signing. She always loved it when those trips took an unexpected twist.

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Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:32 am
PenguinAttack says...

Sitting cross-legged on her large bed the rapid click from the keys of her laptop soothed her. Men. It is always assumed that anything even slightly difficult is done by a man. Ludicrous, it took planning, co-ordination and not a little bit of strength, women are more than capable. Flicking deftly between browser screens Emily brought up the newsflash again.

The tall, smooth-skinned woman on the screen stood in front of a dilapidated street corner. Police and ambulance tape blocking off the alleyways. A fake sadness crept over her face as she began to speak of the murders. Clicking mute she just watched the fake motions rush over the insincere reporters face. Perhaps back home they were treating this with more…respect…than the media in Argentina were.

Sighing and slipping her laptop shut she slid off the bed, stretching as she prepared to start her publishing work. At least this stupid job let her travel. As her eyes flickered back over the multitude of international papers on her bed she wondered – possibly for the millionth time – why on earth she even bothered.
I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

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164 Reviews

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Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:05 am
AyumiGosu17 says...

Character Name: Adrianne Perdue (Ah-dree-AHN per-DUE) a.k.a. Adri (Ah-dree)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Role: free-lance detective, reporter, and weapons specialist
Country: France

General info: Although she was born in France, she is only half-French. Her mother is Irish and her father is a Hugenot - a protestant French. Adrianne was often persecuted at school for being a Hugenot, but she is very tolerant of them. She is exceptionally easy to get along with, but don't annoy her. Her temper is wicked, making her lethal thanks to her surprising physical endurance, strength, and speed. She is 5'8", slender but curvy, and has reddish-blonde hair that falls just past her shoulders. Blue-gray eyes notice almost everything. She speaks English and Latin with a slight French accent. She knows a good bit about most kinds of weapons and has a love of writing, which she has put together to employ herself as a detective and reporter on the "Rose Murder" cases.

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 3:36 am
AyumiGosu17 says...


I studied the corpse, silently cursing the one who had done this treachery. Murder after murder was committed every year, but these particular homicides were the reason I traveled, the reason I stayed with my so-called job, using my professions and hobbies...

As always, never a sign. Only the wound... I scoffed as I took notes. The scene around me was fairly remote; an old alley way in the ghettos of a big city. The perfect place to catch an unsuspecting passerby. Stealthy, silent, trace-less, taking out the next victim would be almost effortless and without risk of getting caught.

But I will catch you...eventually. I stood, reading over my notes again:

"Alley, two blocks from main street...single, smooth, deep slash to the neck, the (quick?) work of a knife?...no sign of a struggle...no footprints...no fingerprints...no confirmed weapon...murder occurred around midnight hours (11:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.)...rose interlaced with victim's fingers..."

"Adri?" the reporter's advisor called to me yet again. I looked up to see him approaching me, sidestepping the droplets of blood on the cement and the body. "Anything?"

"Just one clue," I answered him, not hiding my accent. I had given up on that months ago, after I first started working with news crews. "Using my knowledge of weapons and the damage they do, this target was more than likely executed with a knife. There are no known motives, still, same as there are no footprints or fingerprints."

He nodded; I doubted he believed me. After all, who would take the testimony or evidence a sixteen-year-old girl proposed? "All right, thanks."

"You're welcome."

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:09 am
lost-my-mind says...

Character name: Elizabeth Jennens
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Role: Perpetrator
Country: New Zealand

General info: Elizabeth is born and raised in a small, quiet town, where nothing really happens. She is beautiful with blonde hair and blue eyes and a slim figure she works hard to keep. She stands at 180cm tall.
She is a typical twenty year old going out parting every chance she can.
Wearing a tailored suit is just for show, usually she will be found in jeans and tops that cost more than you could ever imagine.
Her job is everything and she is working towards becoming internationally recognized

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:26 am
lost-my-mind says...

She sat staring into the mirror in her make shift dressing room with a slight amused expression.

It's almost a challenge to act sad. Oh but then again I do love a challenge and that one last night did seem to almost get away. We were lucky this time, She thought to herself

She smiled as she went over the events of last night, the blood she remembered fondly, but the thrill of almost getting caught was the thing that excited her most. A small giggle escaped her, as she thought of her brilliant detached delivery. If only they knew who it was, that would shock them.
Until the next time she thought happily as she left the room a secret smile on her face

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Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:58 am
Squall says...

Name: Sora
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Role: Perpetrator
Country: New Zealand

General Info: Born in HK. Moved to NZ when he was 3. Emo black hair (covers his eyes), slim but strong, cute to the girls. Goes to Auckland Uni and is studying the sciences, Calculus and ICT. Likes to wear black jacket + jeans. Smart, skilled gamer; overnights in net cafes from time to time. Skilled hacker and is trained in the arts of swordplay.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:13 am
PenguinAttack says...

Emily paced her room, striding back and forth, checking the digital clock on her right in periodic spurts of crossways movement. It was taking too long. They were late.

She had received no communications for at least a month. This was more than unusual; they had to plan the next killings. Tearing a hand back through her hair she moved toward the balcony windows, ready to start her rhythmic pattern again. Stopping for a moment she gazed out of the wide windows, looking over the city of Venice. It was gorgeous in the morning, light filtering over the buildings, the calls of the citizens echoing through the early haze.

It almost made her regret her occupation. She could have lived here, among the simple people and beautiful colours. Instead she chose a mission that she may not survive. With a sigh she turned again, her back appreciating the cool breeze on her silky nightgown. This is why she had no permanent home, it made her nostalgic for a life she was never meant to have.

Head bowed she began her pattern again. Her long strides cleared the length of the bedroom before turning and starting back. Her sharp steps towards the clock the only deviation.

Why had they not called?
I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

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Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:11 am
Reakeda says...

Reakeda watched the clock. She knew it was late. It was always best to keep the others on their toes and the best way to do that was to make the call late. It was her responsiblity to give out the assignments this time and she had done her research.

She waited longer, watching the old-fashioned grandfather clock her mother had insisted on keeping tick each second by. A satisfied smile touched her features as the clock struck six. She looked out the window at the still rising sun. It would be seven for Emily. She hit send on her pre-paid cellphone and as soon as she had Emily on the line she put her on hold and set up a three way to include Elizabeth. Elizabeth, who would already have Sora waiting for their call.

"We have a go. Two victims. The first, Em, is yours." Reakeda paused, looking over the notes on her laptop. "Her name as you would know her by is TheRainFalls. She's currently living in Venice and taking care of her grandmother. It should be an easy kill. I'm sending you her schedule and routes now." She said, hitting send on an email that appeared to be nothing but a bunch of random letters, but Emily would be able to figure it out. "I'll be monitoring your progress, Emily. Sora, your victim is also female. You get to stay close to home this time, since Micah lives in New Zealand. In fact, she lives near Auckland. I can't stress how careful you have to be with this particular victim, Sora. You can't give them any reason what so ever to suspect you. I'm uploading her schedule and routes to you now." She said, as she sent a second encrypted email. "Elizabeth will be monitoring your progress. Contact her if anything goest wrong. These should both be easy victims. You have three days to prepare."

(and before anyone asks, yes, prepaids do have threeway calling.)

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Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:18 am
frenchpastry says...

I guess I shall play two characters then. ;) I figured atleast one of us needed to be a victim.

Character Name: Lauren Wilkerson
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Role: Victim
Country: U.S

General info: Lauren lives in a small, suburbian community that has a very low crime rate. She is tall, white, and has long, blonde hair. Her body type is average.

Character Name: Brittany Wilkerson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Role: Family Member of Victim
Country: U.S

General info: Average height w/ long brown hair. Petite. Sister of Lauren Wilkerson. Works as a nurse at a local hospital.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." ^_^

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Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:32 am
lost-my-mind says...

Elizabeth smiled as she poured over the documents for the next kill.
She would be monitoring Sora's progress making sure he didn't put a foot wrong.
This was her element. Keeping everything running smoothly.

It had been a nice touch, the late call from Reakeda. Elizabeth loved being kept on her toes. It would also put the police off if they ever even considered them.

Her eyes lit up, as she pondered over the thought of watching the victims die. It was never as much fun as doing it, but she was happy for now.

She stared out the window onto the city, wishing time to hurry up.

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Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:10 am
PenguinAttack says...

Emily worried. She knew her schedule. She knew all of the motions.

What she didn't know was what would happen.

Factoring in all of the variables would not help, neither would any of the mathematical nonsense that Sora knew. All she had with her was her inuition and a large gaping hole, yearning for the mistake to be made.

TheRainFalls ... She had a poetic name. It was an alias, Emily knew that, but still - the name was nice. The girl was nice too. She had watched carefully, persuing her timid prey between buildings and across the city until she knew every route, ever single stop the girl had. Petting dogs, feeding stray cats, and taking time off to look after her ailing grandmother. The girl was a saint.

To hell and back.

She had a job to do. The job was most important. Still - stalking the streets of Venice at a quater to midnight, she couldn't help but think on how evil she really must be.

Sighting her prey she swore.

To hell and back.
I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure.
— Unknown