
Young Writers Society

Sky Pirates vs Sky Ninjas

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Reviews: 385
Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:26 am
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Omni says...

A tagbook is a fun, light Storybook where you play as yourself and you tag people to get them to join in. If you've been tagged, that mean's you're it! It's time for you to write the next part of the story and tag even more people. Usually, they're complete nonsense, but sometimes they can have a story.

Sky Pirates vs. Sky Ninjas will be a little different! You'll be playing as yourself, BOTH as a Sky Pirate and Sky Ninja. Have fun and let's have shenanigans!


Sky Pirate Omnom

Sky Pirate Omnom roamed the deck, keeping his eye on a hundred things at once and nothing at all at the same time. It was late, almost boring so, and he had the wonderful duty of being stuck with Graveyard shift. He hadn't asked to do the Graveyard shift, as the rumors that had spread around during dinner hall would have you to believe otherwise. No, he hadn't asked to do the Graveyard shift. That was something only Pirate @ScarlettFire enjoyed doing, because she slept weird. Omnom didn't look too much into Scar's sleeping habits, though, because people sleeping upside down was strange.

He absentmindedly checked the ropes and tugged on the knots as he looked out on the cloudy night. It was another stormy night, perfect weather for lightning, which means it was perfect weather for sky pirates. He tapped the knot twice, a good luck charm for him, and wandered down the ship.

In a rocking chair was Pirate @niteowl with her eyes closed, her hands fiddling with something. Omnom didn't know what it was personally, but it was probably something mysterious or dastardly, knowing her. Omnom stealthed by, or, stealthed as much as a Sky Pirate could. Sky pirates were not stealthy creatures by nature. They were loud, and aggressive, and PIRATES. SKY PIRATES.

Uh um. Omnom cleared the throat of his inner mind. He gave Pirate niteowl a nod, and she nodded back. Even with her eyes closed, she was all-knowing. Such is that of a captain. Captains need to be all-seeing. All-knowing? Now that was a different issue entirely.

Omnom made it past rocking, lurking niteowl, and saw the empty admiral's seat where Sky Pirate Captain @Rydia sat not a year ago. He sighed.

Oh, she wasn't dead, if that's what you were thinking. No, she just upgraded to a comfortable sofa in her private quarters, where she spends much of her time now, as she enjoys the luxury of retirement. You see, a sky pirate never truly leaves her ship. She just goes down the ladder of retirement until she's dead. It's a wonderful thing really. Pirate Omnom is already on his sixth level of retirement. Still, that seat was her seat. Every time Omnom passed it, a tear swelled in his eye. But a true pirate never cries, except for when they stub their toe. It is in the pamphlet.

Lightning flashed above them, streaking across the black clouds in an instant. They're getting close to their first harvest of the night. That's when the night truely begins. That's one of the perks of being on Graveyard shift. You get to be the one who sees the first night strike, and you also get the sweet, sweet satisfaction of waking everyone up from their dear sleep.

Then again, no one was asleep most likely. You see, Sky Pirates rarely sleep. They have this wonderful ability called insomnia. Some may called it an illness. But not Sky Pirates! No doubt Pirate @Featherstone and @TheSilverFox were betting on their dragon fighting again with Pirate @Magestorrow secretly trying to pet them, or Pirate @AstralHunter working on one of his new automatons.

During his patrols, Omnom would normally wander down to the dinner hall. He considered it, but the storm was nearing their ship now, judging from the constant rumbling and vibrations under his feet. Still... Food sounded good. Pirate Omnom knew that the kitchens were always alive, busy and rumbling around to prepare and cook the next meal, because a good Sky Pirate's stomach is always rumbling.

The lightning struck again, this time much closer to their sky net. Watching lightning from the ground is one thing, but seeing it arc all around you and quite literally light up the world around you.

Omnom found himself inching closer to the dining hall. He could hear the usual clatter and commotion of the kitchen folk, but he heard some chatter. Distinctly, he could hear Sky Pirate @ShadowVyper chatting with Pirate @BlueAfrica and @TheMulticoloredCyr about her impressive reptile collection back home. They were eating without him.

Surely he could grab a bite before the lightning struck, right?

Sky Ninja Omnom

Sky Ninja Omnom huddled down as their vessel floated through the dark clouds of the night sky.

Sky Ninja @Europa nudged him. "You nervous?" She whispered out.

"Of course not, we've done dozens of these missions." Omnom replied.

"Oh, sure, yeah. Of course we're not nervous." She muttered.

As they inched closer to their destination, the airship slowed. They couldn't risk the nasty Sky Pirates learning about them. Sky Ninja @ChristenedPages slid close to them. "I heard that @FlamingPhoenix is sick again. Ninja @silvermoon17 is helping them before we get there."

They both sighed. Sky Ninja FlamingPhoenix hasn't been able to join them on the past few missions. Hopefully they'll be able to help this time around. Sky Ninja @Coffeeism stomped over to them. "Hey everyone!" She shouted.

The group shushed her, and motioned for her to crouch like them. She did so. "Sorry, I didn't know we were in sneaky mode already." She shrugged. "I didn't catch our mission this time around."

"What all did you miss?" Omnom asked.

"Just about... everything." She laughed. "What can I say? A cat's gotta nap." Lightning struck around them, quickly illuminating their masked faces.

"Okay, well, we're going to board the Sky Pirates' ship, and steal something valuable." Sky Ninja Omnom said. "That's pretty much all we know at this point."

Omnom nodded at her and they all huddled together as their ship sped ever closer to their destination.
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Reviews: 616
Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:51 am
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FlamingPhoenix says...

Sky Pirate FlamingPhoenix

Sky Pirate FlamingPhoenix stretched her arms above her head as she looked out her cabin window. She could see a storm slowly coming in. The dark clouds like large waves making there way over.

Looking down at the table she was sitting in front of, she looked over what she had written in her diary. She always made notes about what was happening in her life and the things she did, she mostly wrote about the people on the ship, like @ScarlettFire's sleeping habit, she knew she wasn't the only one to think it wasn't normal.

She stood up and grabbed the book off the table. With a smile she closed it and put it away in the black box she always keeps it in. Locking it she put it away under her billow. Now you would think it's strange to keep a box under your billow. But when someone like @Liberty500 is always trying to find something knew to read, you kind of have to hide your diary.

FlamingPhoenix quickly ran out the room and made her way to supper. For all she knew everyone could have eaten everything already. If @ShadowVyper wasn't talking she was eating. Though she was great company.

Now @Oxara was a strange person, he would always stick close to @BlueAfrica, and he would call her mother, now you would think that she is his mother, but they are only close friends. Although BlueAfrica is kind of a mother to all of us in a way.
Oxara isn't all bad ether, his very smart, his our battle planner, and his very good at what he does. If anything goes wrong he is one of the people you can go to.

FlamingPhoenix walked into the dinner hall, and quickly got her food, there were all kinds of things, that's the best thing about @Panikos's cooking, she doesn't always stay in the kitchen though, she will come out and eat with the rest of us when the cooking was done.

After getting her plait of food she walked over to a table that wasn't being occupied by anyone and sat down to eat, she was one of the more quite people on the ship and she didn't mind.

Sky Ninja FlamingPhoenix

Sky Ninja FlamingPhoenix slowly sat up in her bed, why did she always be the one to get ill, she was missing out on all the missions, and they needed her! This next mission was a big one to. She heard @silvermoon17 talking about it a lot to some of the other Ninjas.

Removing the blanket she swung her feet over the edge of the bed, she had to shake her head a few times to get rid the the dizziness that came over her.

"Take it easy." Sky Ninja silvermoon17 said placing a hand on Sky Ninja FlamingPhoenix's shoulder. "Your not well enough to be getting out of bed." She scolded.

FlamingPhoenix shook her head. "No, I should be well enough to go on this mission, if I don't go an a mission soon, then I'll only be a burden to all of you."

Sky Ninja silvermoon17 sighed. "Don't push yourself okay?"

FlamignPhoenix nodded. "I'll try." Putting on her boots and pulling her mask up her face she stood up from the bed and ran out the door. She had to go on this mission. What will @EternalRain say if she yet again didn't do her mission?

She shook her head, not really wanting to think about that now. All she new is that she had to do this no matter what. They needed as many Ninjas as they could.

She looked up and she could see they were fast approaching they Sky Pirates, there was only a matter of time now. Going into stealth mode she crept along the deck keeping as low as she could, and staying close to the shadows.

She looked up and saw A few others huddled around waiting, among them was @Omnom, with him around she was sure they could complete the mission.

"Hi guys." Sky Ninja FlamingPhoenix whispers. She looks around and frowns. "Were is @Magestorrow and @JabberHut, I'm sure they would have been here."
FlamingPhoenix The Art Freak!
Stay Creative!

Stories don't end because you stopped paying attention.
— SJ Whitby