
Young Writers Society

The Witches' Switches

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Tue Dec 27, 2016 3:11 pm
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Rydia says...

The Then

Most people think that when you're dead, you're dead - gone, obliterated. No more. But it isn't true. It takes a human soul 13 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes and 13 seconds to leave the Earth and for the soul of a witch it's longer, much longer. It's 13 years longer to be precise.

On this day 13 years ago, the soul of Bryony Thatcher, practicing witch of the 3rd coven sat up, looked down at her corporeal body, far far down, and exclaimed, "Ah, shit, wha'dyer 'ave to go an fall off that broomstick for, eh?"

This is actually how a lot of modern witches greet their recently departed bodies on account of them not being very good at flying; it seems that the art was lost somewhere around the turn of the 19th century and all those who've gone looking for it have instead found what it's like to see their behinds from behind.

Bryony Thatcher was particularly disgruntled about dying on this day of all days because it was All Hallows' Eve and that meant not only would she miss the party, but there'd be too much partying for anyone to much miss her.

A few days later, they had a nice funeral with a bit of cake and a bit more alcohol and even a bit of singing when all the cake and alcohol were gone. There were twelve people at the funeral and all of them wore black. And rightly so, you were supposed to wear black to a funeral, but the priest wasn't so sure that you were meant to wear long cloaks and pointy hats.

One of the funeral goers was a young girl with red pigtails and her head kept snapping back and forth, like she was hearing voices in the air. This strange behaviour was to follow her for the next 13 years of her life as Bryony Thatcher doggedly guided the girl in the magics of life and death. And so it came to be that thirteen years later, at the biggest supernatural gathering of the year, 26 year old Evelyn Rosewood, who had never quite outgrown her red pigtails, stood on a balcony overlooking the vast ballroom and cast the right spell on the wrong person.

The spell was supposed to switch the bodies of two souls, or in this case, give the body of the one soul to the other since Bryony Thatcher had long since left her body behind. The problem was that Evelyn thought she'd selected one of the few eligible people at the gathering, that is to say a human, but in choosing Saffron Frost, she had unknowingly cast the spell on the only individual in the room who was sheltered by a powerful enchantment. The spell bounced off Saffron and ricocheted around the room, hitting eight people before it touched Evelyn herself and fizzled out.

The spell itself worked but it worked too well and Bryony Thatcher found herself inhabiting not the body of Saffron Frost as she had expected but instead she had dot to dot freckles and red pigtails. She was in Evelyn Rosewood's body and the poor young witch was a voice in the air.

The Now

The Halloween masked ball being hosted by the prestigious Alnwich family, who also happen to be vampires, is well underway but for twelve individuals something freaky is going on. You play one of the characters who has found themselves in another's body or Saffron Frost, the human protected by a powerful enchantment.

The good news is that Bryony Thatcher was once a very powerful witch and she certainly remembers enough to reverse the spell. The bad news is that she needs 13 days of planning. The good news is that there are 13 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes and 13 seconds before Evelyn Rosewood will cease to be and the body switching spell will be permanent. The good news is that Bryony doesn't want this to happen and is willing to cast the reversal spell. The bad news is that this will only be possible if they can gather all 10 people and Saffron Frost to the same location at the same time and if they can keep them all alive until then.

The characters are:

1. A witch of the 3rd coven, Evelyn Rosewood, who has body switched with Bryony Thatcher, that is to say, the ghost who has no body
2. Bryony Thatcher who is now in Evelyn Rosewood's body - claimed by @Rydia
3. The son/ daughter of the Alnwich family who has body switched with a human - claimed by @ScarlettFire
4. The human who has body switched with the son/ daughter of the Alnwich family
5. The werewolf who has body switched with the fairy - claimed by @Steggy
6. The fairy who has body switched with the werewolf - claimed by @Wolfical
7. The vampire who has body switched with a witch/ wizard of the 3rd coven
8. The witch/ wizard of the 3rd coven who has body switched with a vampire - claimed by @niteowl
9. The fire demon who has switched bodies with the demon hunter claimed by @Pentavalence
10. The demon hunter who has switched bodies with the fire demon
11. Saffron Frost, a human under a protective enchantment

Most of the characters will be unhappy with their new bodies but a few, after the initial shock, may decide they like them. It's up to you if your character will help gather the 11 people 13 days from now or if they'll be trying to ensure the reversal spell can't happen. Those who were witches will know the spell can be broken by the death of any individual involved. Those who weren't might try anything.

The Rules

1. This storybook is open to anyone and everyone so please be respectful of new and old storybookers alike.

2. The owner of each character may decide what powers their character's new body has and should read the character template of the owner of their character's old body to find out what abilities they used to have. Please try to keep them roughly to the stereotypes.

3. Swearing is allowed but please don't go crazy. I'd like this to be equivalent of a 15 rating so strong language should be infrequent and sexual details kept to a minimum - fade to black style.

4. Subscribe to the storybook and the DT at the top of the page so you can keep up with the discussion/ posts and if you need to drop out, please let us know so we can put your character up for grabs or play it as an NPC.

5. Don't take it too seriously! Try to write people's characters accurately but don't over-think it and if someone gets your character a little wrong, let them know and tell them how you'd like your character to act in the future but try to roll with it. This should be a fun and stress free storybook!

Character Template

Code: Select all
[b]Current Species:[/b]
[b]Previous Species:[/b]



[b]Reason for attending the party:[/b]



Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:07 pm
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Rydia says...

Bryony Thatcher

Well, she'd say one thing for the blood sucking, pasty faced Alnwich family and it was this: they knew how to throw a good shindig. The music was pumping, the bar looked well stocked and Bryony just couldn't wait to have a corporeal body to put all those spirits into. That is, the drinking kind, because she wasn't some kind of spirit cannibal or anything.

There were so many masked figures prowling about the balconies that even a top notch witch would have trouble telling the demons from the werewolves (oh, okay so the fire breathing versus the hairballs generally gave it away) and the spread of finger sandwiches (not real fingers, heavens to betsies, the Alnwiches were at least discreet about their condition) were piled sky high and put the little tea and cakes table at her funeral to shame. The very first thing she was going to do when she had a body of her own would be to walk up to the coven ladies and tell them just how disappointed she was that they didn't at least have a nice strawberry gateau.

Evelyn was taking a long time preparing the ritual but after thirteen years of waiting- oh, who was she kidding? Booo! Booooo! It was time to shake a leg and Bryony leaned down to hiss in the girl's ear: "What about that one? She's definitely human."

Whether Evelyn heard the voice and trusted it as her own or had long since accepted that sometimes she heard a crotchety old lady hissing in her ear, Bryony didn't know, but the girl's eyes latched on to the human and she nodded suddenly to herself. She crushed the herbs tightly in her hand, closed her eyes and began to chant firmly, one finger raised and pointed at Saffron in a very amateur method of aiming the spell. They were standing on the balcony overseeing the dance floor where Saffron stood and while the foolish human wavered a little apart from the bedazzling ghouls and ghastlies, it seemed that anyone could have walked into the path of the spell; a hunter, a fairy or a member of their own coven; before its completion.

Of course, that wasn't what happened, but it still managed to go horribly wrong. Bryony realised almost straight away on account of the flashes of bright green pinging here, there and everywhere and the surprised cries as people all around the beautiful mansion were hit with the spell and then finally she felt the first solid sensation she'd felt in thirteen very long years ad she let out a little oof as she fell into Evelyn's body.

"Oh hogwash," Bryony mumbled as she peered over the balcony and saw a scattering of people very quickly beginning to realise they weren't who they were.

"What... what happened?" gasped a very faint and tinny voice from somewhere to her left. Somewhere very blank and empty to her left.

"Looks like it went wrong. I think I'll have me a drink, or perhaps a few and then we can sort this mess out." Bryony beamed at the air and then set off down the wide staircase, hugging the side a little as she tried to remember how to move her feet without tripping up.

"But, but- I'm a-"

"Spirits," Bryony declared happily. "I've always been a spirits girl."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:32 pm
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Pentavalence says...

Adana Vemontai

There were two thoughts on Adana Vemontai's mind that night: food and humans. Bypassing the guard had been easy: a little glamour here, a little patter there, done.

Humans. So easy. She smiled wide, affectionate and disapproving at the same time. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she pounced over to the snack table. The Alnwich's had gone all out this time. A full spread of unidentifiable objects that Adan assumed were food for the others--werewolves and such, what street rats, honestly, and --ooh! Finger sandwiches. No real fingers, though. She sighed in disappointment and put the sandwich down.

Adan wriggled her way to the crowded dance floor, covered in the light of a swirling disco ball. Bodies pulsed and turned to the jangling beat, sprites ensnaring demons, werewolves flirting with witches, and humans. Humans everywhere. She stared, wide-eyed at their peculiar forms, their utter lack of magic, their teeth like tombstones--unlike her own respectable fangs--, the way their eyes concealed clever minds.

Humans are tricksy, Adan reminded herself. Be careful.

Still, she found herself inching closer to some of them, a pair of writhing dancers-- a female with coal-dark skin contrasting a dress like fallen snow, and a --the demon assumed-- male one with bright green eyes and a smile sharp as knives.

I wish I could be like them. Humans are so...interesting., she thought.

Suddenly, sparks of green light flashed and hissed. Terrified screams echoed, the party thrown into chaos. Adana stumbled, trying desperately to conjure her own, familiar, fire, but something was wrong. She felt her body slipping away as a bolt of green light hit her in the chest, felt her soul ricochet, around and around until--bam! She felt it slam into someone else.

She sat up, dazed and weary, in an unfamiliar body.

When I said I wanted to be like a human, this was not what I meant.
Formerly penandswords

"Not being heard is no reason for silence" -Victor Hugo

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Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:34 pm
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niteowl says...

Jade Moss

Jade's heart was beating a mile a minute as she walked up to the door of the Alnwitch mansion. She'd seen him from afar, but now she was finally going to get up close to the majestic specimen that was Salvator Regino. That is, if she could drum up the courage. Finding a low level poison to spike your mother's soup with was one thing. Talking to an attractive vampire was another thing entirely. Perhaps her glittering green mask would draw his attention. Or maybe the beauty charms she'd placed throughout her dress would fool him into thinking she was someone worth talking to.

"Ah, Miss Moss, what a pleasure to see you this evening. Though I believe we were expecting your mother?" Mrs. Alnwich greeted her.

"Oh, she fell ill suddenly and couldn't make it. She sends her warmest regards."

"Ah, illness. A pesky side effect of being human. Anyway, welcome and enjoy the party."

Jade walked around the outskirts of the party. There were all sorts there--fairies, werewolves, humans--but she was only looking at the vampires, hoping to see her beloved Salvator. He didn't seem to be on the dance floor, so she headed to the food and drinks. She poured herself some red wine, as it was the closest thing to blood her human body could handle. Maybe it would make her bolder too.

At long last, a tall man as pale as the full moon approached the refreshments table and grabbed a sandwich and some champagne. She wondered why, as she knew vampires didn't need to eat human food. Maybe it was just to blend in, or maybe he liked it.

"Excuse me, miss? Can I help you with something?" Oh no! She must have been staring at him without realizing. But he had to be used to it, walking around all handsome like that.

She took a big gulp of the wine before answering. "No, I was just...I mean...I love this song! Would you like to dance?"

"Sorry, I'm not much for dancing." He walked away, leaving her face flushed and eyes welling up. How could she be so stupid as to think that would work? She drank some more wine, trying to think of another way to get him to talk to her, when a green flash of light hit her from above, knocking her to the ground.

When she came to, the very air smelled different, more metallic somehow. She opened her eyes and looked down at her muscular arms and chest. At first, she wondered if one of her beauty charms had gone awry and made her appear male, but as she stood up, she realized it was no illusion. She looked at her outfit again and realized she had just seen it...on Salvator. Great, she thought. I came here to get closer to a handsome vampire and now I'm entirely too close. This never happened to the heroines in the romance novels.

"Spirits! I've always been a spirits girl!" She heard a cry from someone coming down the staircase. Jade recognized Evelyn immediately, though she didn't know the older witch very well. Maybe she knew what was going on?

Before she could go talk to Evelyn, a slight red-headed girl in a grey dress stumbled and fell onto her new shoulders. She shoved back and ended up knocking the girl over. The girl struggled to get up, and normally Jade would offer to help, but some strange instinct was stopping her from helping.

"Oh, excuse me sir. I didn't mean to do that." The girl said as she got up. Her words were immediately contradicted by an odd snarling sound. "It's just...well you wouldn't believe me but I was just flying about, chatting with this pretty girl, and then there was this green light..."

"...And now you are the pretty girl." Aha. So she wasn't the only one. Except she's no girl. That instinct again. Jade fought the urge to knock this girl to the ground for no discernable reason. Unless...

"You're a werewolf, aren't you?" The pieces started to come together. If she was in Salvator's body, she had his instincts. And she'd heard plenty about how hard it was for vampires and werewolves to exist peacefully after millenia of animosity.

"Um, well yes, I mean, no not really. I'm usually quite a bit smaller, you see..." She pointed to a small man in a leaf vest still unconscious on the floor. "That's me. Er, my body anyway. Fin Levant, fairy who's now moonlighting as a werewolf." Jade couldn't help but laugh at the terrible pun. Her new laugh was deep and foreign, a far cry from her body's awkward high-pitched giggles.

"Jade Moss, witch who is now a vampire. Sorry about knocking you over, by the way. I really don't know my own strength." Oh, now she was the one with the terrible jokes.

"Wait, you're a witch? So...did you do this?"

"Don't think I could, even if I wanted to. I came here to get with a vampire, not become one." That brought a terrible thought to her mind...Was Salvator in her body right now then? Did he now know of her thoughts, all the times she'd daydreamed about being with him? If vampires could blush, her face would be bright red right now.

The fairy-werewolf whispered in her ear, thankfully breaking her chain of thought. "I bet you know who did, though. Witches can do this right?" She nodded, scanning the room for potential suspects. She saw some older witches, but they were past their prime and likely wouldn't have the energy to pull off multiple body switches. She saw Byron, a young wizard she'd had a brief crush on before she realized how incompetent he was and how sexy vampires were. None of them fit the bill except the red-haired woman currently mixing up a giant cocktail at the bar.

"I'm not sure who could do this," she lied to Fin. She wasn't certain, and somehow it didn't seem like a good idea to have a werewolf confront Evelyn just yet.

"So...you couldn't get me to dance so you thought you'd take my body instead, huh?" God her body looked pathetically average. No wonder he wasn't interested in her. She smelled that metallic smell again, only stronger. Blood. Her blood. She wanted to drink her own blood. Because this night wasn't weird enough.

"No sir, I...why does everyone think I did this?"

"Because you're a witch. And everyone knows witches can't be trusted." Her body glared at her, then at the girl. "And neither can werewolves."

"Hey, I didn't ask for this either." Fin retorted. "I'm just a humble fairy who came for the party..."

They were interrupted by a blond-haired man walking right in between them toward the food table. His movements were strange, like he had never operated limbs of any sort before. The three watched as he gobbled every last one of the sandwiches like he had never eaten a day in his life. While Fin and Salvator-in-Jade's-body were watching him, Jade went off to the bar to talk to Evelyn. Or whatever might be in Evelyn's body.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Tue Feb 28, 2017 3:44 am
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Wolfi says...

Finlay Levant

Fin frowned when the witch-in-a-vampire’s-body left. He had seemed nice. No - she had seemed nice. Good grief, this was confusing.

This vampire-in-a-witch’s-body wasn’t as friendly. In fact, he was downright rude. Calling werewolves untrustworthy? What a stereotypical jerk. It was mildly amusing, however, to see the vampire’s harsh personality play out on the delicate face of the witch.

“What’s your name, old chap?” Fin asked, leaning on the back of a chair to keep his balance. He was pleased, at least, that his voice hadn’t changed very much. It was still high-pitched and fairy-esque.

The witch glared at him. “Salvator.” He turned back and glared at the blond-haired guy indulging himself in a platter of finger sandwiches.

“Salvator. Can I call you Sal?”


“How about Sally? I’d say it fits you better.”

“Absolutely not.” The witch bit his lip. “What’s your name?”

“Oh, how kind of you to ask. My name is Finlay Levant. Pleasure to meet you.”

The witch thought for a moment. “If you dare call me Sally, I’ll call you Fiona.”

Fin laughed. “Doesn’t work as well as Sally, does it? Fine, call me Fiona.” He waited for a moment, and after seeing that the witchampire wasn’t going to do anything except glower and scowl, decided to see if the blond-haired guy was any more talkative.

Even though his muscles were proportionately appropriate to his current size, his mind fooled him into thinking that walking was laborious and exhausting. Gravity pulled at him twenty times as hard, and certain places, especially the head and the feet, felt exceptionally heavy and dense. He glanced at a mirror as he crept by and cracked a grin. Normally such a grin would look mischievous and suave, but on the face of the werewolf girl it looked sweet. Hey, at least he was hot.

Fin picked up something delicious in the air. At first he thought it was peppermint bark, his favorite treat, but was soon smacked with surprise when he realized that the scent was wafting off of the honey-baked ham, the centerpiece of the food table.

Poor, poor pig! He stopped, swayed, and looked around frantically for a trash can, thinking he might barf. But rather than barfing, or even gagging, his mouth started to water. His eyes darted to the ham, and even though everything in his soul was pleading for him to stop, he tossed off their warnings and launched himself at the ham, his werewolf body knowing one thing and one thing only - meat is the reason for existence.

Instinctively, he tried to trigger the flying charm as he lept to the ham. Unfortunately, Fin forgot that he could not fly. He ended up triggering something else entirely.

The congregation turned and stared as the ruddy red wolf crashed into the tables of food, spilling punch, shattering plates, toppling the chocolate fountain, and knocking the glorious ham upside down and onto the marble floor.

Melted chocolate splattered generously onto Fin’s coat, but for the moment he ignored it and laid siege to the fallen ham. His powerful jaws worked marvelously as he tore into the ham, but he ate so fast that he couldn’t even taste it. Perhaps that was for the best.

“I’m so sorry, pig,” he said between bites. It sounded like wolfish yips to everyone else.

Everyone else, that is, except a little woodland fairy behind him who had just woken up. Fin’s body still retained fragments of the talking-to-animals charm for the new soul it was inhabited by.

When Fin finished the ham - yes, finished - he felt very sick. He had thought he was dense and heavy before. Ha! That was nothing compared to this.

Whining miserably, Fin sank to the ground so that his aggravated belly could meet the cool marble. A bit of chocolate was splattered on his paw; he licked it. There was more on his other, paw, too. He licked it clean. Glancing at his back, he saw that there was much more of it all over his fur.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” someone said.

Fin’s ears swiveled to the sound, followed by the rest of his head. Was that… him?

“Gwendi?” he barked. He guessed it was her, at least.

The little fairy nodded. She was so small he could barely see the head move. “Don’t eat any more of that chocolate, okay? I’ve had bad experiences with that stuff.”

The blond-haired guy stepped forward, his fists balled. “Thanks for ruining the food, thou fobbing tardy-gaited wolf-face!” He viciously bit off half of a purple carrot.

Fin growled back in response. Then he glanced around at the mess he had made, and realized that the man had a point. He looked up at him, drew his ears back, and whined apologetically.

The guy glared back. “Enjoyed the entire ham, thou weedy pottle-deep foot-licker?”

“What does that even mean?” Fin yipped.

“What? I don’t speak wolf.”

“He wants to know what that means,” Gwendi said. “I do too, honestly.”

Suddenly, Fin felt himself morphing back into his human form. Before he knew it, he was a girl again, cowering in his chocolate-stained gray dress. Blushing, he stumbled past the blond guy and fled to the bathroom, tripping only twice.
John 14:27:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled
and do not be afraid.

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Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:42 pm
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Rydia says...

Bryony Thatcher

The first rum, vodka, gin, strawberry syrup and coke concoction sailed down her throat as Bryony knocked it back, desperate to reassure herself that it tasted as good as her memory insisted and also eager to test out the limits of her new body. Borrowed body. Whatever! She'd never seen Evelyn take more than a few timid sips of alcohol in her lifetime (which would of course be resuming in a day or two); honestly youth was wasted on some people. And the drink tasted... awful. Quite honestly it was one of the worst things she'd ever had but she couldn't quite understand why since it seemed to taste sharp and sweet and overpoweringly rummy but - and here was the weird part - she didn't like that taste. She wanted to like it, with all her mind and soul, but apparently Evelyn's tastebuds were less than pleased.

"When you're quite done," Evelyn hissed in the background. "How about explaining what went wrong and how you're going to fix it?"

"Oh boy, that's a doozy. Eergh, I can see why you're not a drinker. How dreadful, you really got the unlucky straw with these taste-buds." Bryony set the glass down and scowled at the bottles of alcohol but then she laughed to herself. Ah well, any body was better than no body at all.

"Would you stop abusing my body?" Evelyn insisted in a haughty tone. Ooh, ghosts had tones, that was good to know!

"Say, I always wondered if you thought the voices were a person or if you believed you were just going cuckoo. I bet it's a relief to find out that I'm me and you're you and- well maybe you'll find it funny in a day or two."

Bryony was putting her second drink together when a shadow loomed over her, a very tall, dark, pale and handsome shadow. Hello!

"Mr. Salvator Regino," Bryony purred, or at least she tried to but it came out more excited-puppy-dog and less sexy redhead. She was definitely going to have to practice that!

"Well, uh- actually it's Jade."

"Jade?" Bryony blinked and tried to think through the people Evelyn knew for who this was. The girl didn't have a hundred friends so remembering one shouldn't have been hard but it wasn't like she found Evelyn's life fascinating to watch and hung over her shoulder all the time.

"Jade Moss, from my coven," Evelyn drawled and Bryony could just see her trying to roll her eyes and experiencing the weird sensation of not having any eyes to roll. Hah! Take that miss memory pants.

"Our coven," Bryony said.

"Uh yeah, that's right," Jade said. "So it is you then, Evelyn? Only- I don't suppose you know what's going on, or who did this?" Jade started to chew her lower lip worriedly, which of course caused her lower lip to bleed since vampire fangs are sharp - go figure. Maybe that was why they strutted about acting confident all the time, because if they forgot they'd get an ouchie lip. Bryony laughed brazenly at her own observation.

"Oh, yeah, Evelyn. Well actually, no. She's letting me borrow her body for a bit, well I say letting, but actually if she hadn't screwed the spell up then I'd have some unfortunate human's body instead and there wouldn't be any need to give it back since we all know the kinds of humans who come to these parties just end up as prey to the vampires and werewolves anyway." Bryon rolled her eyes at the thought of their stupidity.

"What do you mean the spell went wrong? You mean you actually did do this?" Jade's voice rose in surprise and a few people looked their way and Bryony really hoped they hadn't understood her meaning.

Then, of course, one of the werewolves had to launch itself - herself? - at the buffet table and set about wrecking the joint. Bryony stepped out of the way as a human confronted the werewolf over it and she indicated to Jade that they should find somewhere a little less exciting to chat.

"Well actually Evelyn cast the spell, I just gave her a few gentle nudges in the right direction."

"Gentle nudges? That's what you call thirteen years of talking my ear off with spells even my grandmother refused to teach me. You planned for this to happen, didn't you, for you to get my body? That's why you wanted me to learn how to cast body changing spells!"

"Nonsense, I just thought you might want to remove a few freckles."

"Who are you talking to?" Jade asked. "Is it Eve? Is she inside you too?"

Bryony flashed the girl her best calming smile and reached out to pat her shoulder. "There, there, no need to worry now. I'll reverse the spell in a week or so-"

"A week! You said a few days-" Evelyn protested.

"-So there's nothing to worry about. Evelyn's here in spirit and she's just fine, except for having her knickers in a twist about being a ghost."

"A what?"

"A ghost of course, what else did you think you were? We've got thirteen days before your spirit will move on though so that's plenty of time to prepare the reversal spell and get everyone together again to unpick the mess you've made."

"Everyone?" Jade asked. "Do you know who and how many have been affected."

"Ah. Broomsticks," Bryony mumbled. "I guess you'd better help me find out, otherwise Evelyn might cease to exist. And we wouldn't want that, no I suppose that wouldn't do. Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Bryony Thatcher and I bet the coven have told you all kinds of things about me!"
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

huh. didn't realize santa was a batman fan-
— Mageheart