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Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:33 pm
Dynamo says...

Spark watched as the Star Destroyer was blown to bits by eight atomic bombs. Shields or no shields, that ship was as good as gone.

Spark felt something aproaching the base. It seemed like the Star Destroyer sent out a drop ship before it was destroyed. Spark opened his com-link and warned Tinech and Tech about this. After that, he got out of the Ebon Hawk and looked off into the distance to see a group of clones heading towards Echo Base on speeders. He readied himself for the battle that may come when they arrive.

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Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:34 am
Ego says...

[OOC: since we have moved on with the story line of the Tear having already landed and my character in the speeder, I'll continue.]

"Sir, we've found the entrance to the hidden bunker you were talking about. It looks like it's heavily guarded; mine fields, Surface to Air Turbolasers, E-Web motion tracking emplacements...I don't think we can get through." My scout snipers had just reported in.

"See what you can do. Don't do anything stupid, Foxtrot."

"Sir, yes sir."

We came to a stop in front of the main hangar of Echo Base and piled out of our speeders.

"Move in. Bravo go in and to the main control room, Alpah with me; we're headed to the other hangars to see if we can find a back way into that hidden bunker. Siper Team Zeta, saty in the main hangar and set up among those boxes over there," I said, pointing to some debris. "If anything comes through those doors, I wanna know about it."

"Yessir." The man's helmet showed no expression, but the enthusiams and willingness to follow me into the abyss was evident in his voice. By the Force I loved these men. The majority of them were not clones; only myself, my second, and my Comms Expert were among the remaining origianl 603rd stormtrooper regiment. When the Empire stopped using the Kamino cloning facilities, they started taking in recruits. These were them, and all of them were just as good as their clone predecessors.

Plus, they were much more animated than us clones. Much more entertaining while off-duty.

Zeta Sniper Team secured the hangar and set up, then beckoned us forward.

I raised my E-11 and strode into the hangar, flanked by my Alpha Squad. Bravo Squad headed East, toward the Command Center, while we headed West and slightly North, toward the other hangars.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:46 pm
Dynamo says...

(You do realize that Spark is waiting for them at the main entrance, right? Don't forget that his ship is parked just outside of it, too.)

Bravo team entered the main control room of Echo Base. The five men set up a parimiter around the room and begun to hack into the computers.

Suddenly, all the computers' monitors shut off. "What happened to the computers?" said one of the soilders.

One of the men hacking into the computers said, "I don't know. They just shut off by themselves."

The sliding door at the entrance of the control room slammed closed. Right after that, the lights all turned off leaving the room pitched black.

The troopers readied their guns. One of the men at the back of the room screamed in agony. The troopers turned just intime to see a purple light disappear where the trooper was standing. The commander of Bravo team said, "ZT 104, what happened over there?" There was no answer. "ZT 104, answer me!"

There was another scream. Another trooper disappeared into the darkness. "HY 932! What's going on here?"

The soilders were afraid. There was something in this room other than them. One of the soilders heard a click sound in the corner of the room. He shot blindly where he heard the noise. Two beams of purple light appeared over the nervous trooper and came down on him, disappearing again after going straight through his body.

They appeared again in front of another trooper. The trooper tried to lift his gun but the lights lobbed off his head before he could pull the trigger.

The commander of team Bravo was alone. Finnaly remembering that his helmet had thermal vision he turned it on. He looked around the room, but saw nothing. Suddenly, a numbing pain in his chest caused him to gasp. He looked down and with his thermal vision he saw a beam of intense heat coming out his chest. The beam disappeared and the commander fell to the ground.

The lights came back on. Spark walked to the middle of the room to survey the empirial soilders he'd just killed. "Well, they didn't put up much of a fight."

Tech's voice came from Spark's communicator. "Spark. There's a sniper team at the entrance of the main hangar. Take care of them, will you?"

"Sure thing." He turned off his communicator. Head opened the door and headed towards the hangar.

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Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:30 pm
Ego says...

[OOC: outside the MAIN hangar? I thought Tech had his own, secret hangar that Tinech and Spark were using. Just so you know, these guys are ELITE. they wouldn't "forget" to use thermal vision, nor would they panic just because of a sound.]

"Bravo, do you read? Bravo. Bravo, respond." I looked at my second, and he shrugged.

"Couldn't be republic here; they wouldn't kill without asking for surrender first. Must be pirates or outlaws."

"But ones that could kill an elite squad of stormtroopers within seconds?" I said.

He shrugged again.

"Move out. Keep on our mission."

My comm unit crackled to life.

"Commander. Commander, come in please."

"What is it, Bravo? Where is your Lieutenant?"

"Dead sir. They went into the Command Center, left me and Farris outside as door guards. The doors shut and when they reopened, everyone was dead!"

I cursed under my breath.

"Get back to the main hangar. Provide backup for the snipers; TZ 101 is in charge until we return."

"Sir, yes sir."

I turned back to my Fireteam.

"Double time. Move out!"
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:16 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: I didn't say that Tech had his own hangar. Since Echo Base was abandoned for 25 years Tech dicided to use the whole base as his own. Anyways, I guess it doesn't matter about the thermal vision now since they're all dead, but I'll remember if it happens again next time.)

Spark waited just outside the main hangar where it connected with another part of the base. He used a console on the wall and used the security cameras in the hangar to see where the sniper team was. They were at the other side of the hangar. There was no way Spark could get to them without being seen.

Through the camera, Spark noticed a suage grate in the ground just behind them. Spark looked away from the screen and saw another grate by his feet. If this passage connected to the grate behind the sniper team, then he could sneak up on them without being seen.

Spark lifted up the suage grate and dropped down into the small passage way below. He followed the passage until he reached the suage grate behind the sniper team. He carefully lifted the grate aside and crawled out. None of the troopers noticed Spark's presence. Instead of just killing them there, Spark wanted to know why these soilders were on Hoth in the first place.

Spark used his Force powers to take all the sniper rifles from their hands. He crumpled the guns together and tossed them to the other side of the hangar. Then he asked, with an annoyed tone, "Why are you all here?"

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Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:50 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Err....umm....wow. I this thing grew fast. Really fast. Now, if someone would PM me the details of this....monster I have created.... I will try to fit my character back into the story....somewhere.....somehow.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:42 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Through the darkness of unconsciousness, Davion centered himself into the force. Straining his thoughts and perceptions, willed himself to awake. His cracked eyes opened to blurs of color and foggy shapes. Voices came to him, though they were barely audible, as though they were coming from a great distance.

"....been out for a week....," Davion heard one of the voices said.
"....Ship....YT model....blank transponders...The Revenant...." Another voice said.
"....going over....two DL-18 pistols...modified....and a lightsaber," a third voice said.
The last word snapped Davion's eyes open the rest of the way. He suddenly realized his clothing was gone. And he was floating. After a few seconds of frantic searching, he realized to his relief that he was in a bacta tank. Before him outside the tank stood two middle-aged men and a blonde haired girl his age, all of them wearing bland, tan colored tunics shrouded by long, brown robes. One of them waved their hand at a small console. Davion flinched as the lid of his bacta tank lifted open, followed by four robotic arms reaching into the tank. Each of the four mechanical appendages wrapped it's metalic clamps around Davion's legs and arms. He put up no struggle as they lifted him from the vat of warm healing liquid (though he wasn't thrilled when he found that the droid hands were icy cold). The arms transported him behind a screen, where his raggedy leather coat and clothing lay freshly washed and neatly folded on a hovering pedestal....
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Thu May 04, 2006 12:28 am
Neo Eclipse says...

Davion walked out of from behind the dressing screen, his wild hair still wet from the bacta tank. He stopped shortly after he exited the screen, confronted by the two middle-aged men. He took more than a little interest in the fact that the girl was no longer present. But that was a passing thought. The force told him these two men were force sensitive, VERY sensitive. It was almost dizzying trying to measure their connection to the force. One looked in his early forties, his dark brown hair showing gray at the temples and peppering his beard. He was of average height and frame, but close observation would reveal the fine tuned muscles hidden beneath his brown and tan robes. The other was of similar age, but had a youthful look in his blue eyes. His sandy blonde hair showed only the slightest gray, but his face carried the lines of many a trial.
Davion focused on the blonde haired man. He had seen him somewhere before....
"Are you alright?" the brown haired man asked, breaking the awkward silence. Davion scoffed at the question in his mind. He couldn't even remember what planet he was on! The flipping in his stomach told him that there was thousands of force-sensitives in the same complex as he, which could only mean that he had landed near a praxeum. A JEDI praxeum (for you softcore Star Wars fans, "praxeum" means "academy")! Davion surpressed his urge to panic and kept up his best sabaac face.
"I'm alright....I think," he replied to the man, feigning the disorientation that usually affect those not trained in the ways of the force. Another awkward silence followed. Of course, Davion knew what was going on. These two jedi were trying to slice into the inner machinations of his mind, trying to read his thoughts. But, like anyone who deals with jedi on a regular basis, he kept his mind cleaned of thoughts. After all, you can't get into a building when you can't find the door.
"Do you know where you are?" the brown haired man asked after the awkward silence reached critical mass.
"No," Davion answered honestly. He remembered his ship displaying what the place's name was, but he couldn't remember what it said. Even then, it was a possibility that wasn't even on the same planet anymore. It wasn't uncommon to transport the injured to more suitable facilities.
"You are in the Praxeum here on Ossus," the blonde haired man finally piped in. Great, Davion thought. Not only was he in a praxeum, but the Ossus Praxeum, the biggest in the galaxy. Before Davion or the two jedi could say a word, a ringing sounded off from the blonde haired man's pocket. He extracted a comlink from his robe's inner pocket and pressed a button.
"Yes?" he spoke into the comlink.
"Sir, you are wanted in your quarters," a droid voice answered.
"Alright, I'll be right there," the blonde said, clicking off the comlink and swiftly walking out of the room.
Watching his companion leave, the remaining jedi chuckled.
"I swear, that man never even gets time to pick his nose," the man chuckled.
"Who are you?" Davion said after working up the nerve to ask.
"Me? I'm Kyle Katarn. A master here at the academy".
Davion felt his heart drop to the some obscure region in his lower abdomen. Standing before him was the Battlemaster of the Jedi order! Davion swallowed a lump in his throat.
"And.....who was that?" he asked finally, though part of him didn't want to know.
Kyle raised his eyebrow as he studied Davion's expression.
"That was Luke, Luke Skywalker," he said, smiling as he saw Davion's reaction. Davion suddenly felt very light-headed. He was on the same planet, no, the same BUILDING as the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. Davion started to turn visibly green, and Kyle chuckled again and shook his head.
"C'mon. Lemme give you a tour of the compound...."
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Thu May 04, 2006 12:30 am
Neo Eclipse says...

Neo Eclipse: Sorry for the absense. My use of a computer was limited for quite some time. I don't have my own computer, so I must rely on the equipment of others. But I now have a computer at my disposal, so I'll try to catch up a bit.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Fri May 05, 2006 12:30 am
Neo Eclipse says...

After hours of touring the gigantic compound that was the Ossus Praxeum, Master Kyle Katarn and Davion finally reached the academy dormatories. This paricular dorm corridor belonged to the advanced apprentices, those who were close to completing their training. They walked through the seemingly unending corridors of the dormitories untill Kyle stopped infront of the door of Dorm #143-B.
".....And this is where you'll be staying," He said, pointing towards the door.
"Staying?!" Damien asked louder than he meant to. He quickly composed himself when he noticed the strange look Kyle was giving him.
"I-I mean, why must I stay here?" he said, quickly correcting his previous blunder. Kyle sighed, then laughed softly, as though he expected the response.
"Well, what's left of your ship is in the hangar trying to be salvaged by what few droids we could spare for repairs. We would normally have put you in our guest dorms, but it seems you weren't the only person to have ship problems. Your ship was the sixteenth to crash on Ossus in a month. Pirates and anti-jedi terrorists have been getting worse as of late," Kyle said, the last part being accompanied with a heavy sigh.
Of course, Davion knew why. For centuries the Jedi Order had been the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, and this didn't sit well with some of the other peoples of the galaxy. Though Emperor Palpatine had been killed over two decades ago, his empire remained. Under The Pellaeon-Gavirsom treaty, peace had been made between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. But there were still those within the Empire that would love nothing more than to shove a thermal detonator down the throat of Chief-of-state Borsk Fey'lya and his New Republic. And any who aided the Republic would share their fate, including the Jedi. Though the Imperial Remnant would never commit the deed themselves, fearing the wrath of the New Republic, that didn't stop them from "funding" certain factions within the Republic that shared their views.
"Anyways," Kyle continued, " your ship'll take a few months to repair. It would be weeks, but we have a dozen other wrecks to fix".
"Quite a charity you guys are doing." Davion commented, a suspicious tone interweaving through his voice. Calm and composed, Kyle gave only a stoic smile in response.
"Your belongings are inside. I hope you enjoy your stay," Kyle said quickly, giving an equally suspicious wink. As Davion watched him walk away, his mind worked furiously on how to salvage his situation.....
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Sat May 13, 2006 1:51 pm
Dynamo says...

Meanwhile, back on Hoth...

"So," Spark said, "you guys were sent here by your superiors to set up an Imperial incampment on Hoth?"

"That's right." one of the soldiers said. "Because Echo Base has been deserted for decades, we thought it would be the perfect place to set up our facilities."

"Exactly who are you?" one of the other soldiers asked. "Are you a Jedi or Sith?"

Spark crossed his arms. "I'm neither. Now, leave this hangar and take whoever came with you to this planet. Since your star destroyer was destroyed, I'm afraid you'll have to find another way off this planet."

"We can't leave until we've carried out our mission." one of the soldiers protested.

Spark took out a small com. device and pressed a button on it. "Tech."


"Would you be so kind as to turn on the guns in the hanger?"

"No prob."

A few seconds later, the hangar was filled with turrets, all of them pointing at the group of soldiers.

"If you want to leave here with your lives, I suggest you leave peacably. And don't think about coming back. These turrets, and all the ones around the base aren't going down any time soon."

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Sat May 13, 2006 2:52 pm
Ego says...

"Sir, I think you can take that order and shove it up your ass, sir." Zeta's spotter raised his chin a little, ready to die. "I take order from no one but Commander D'Arnise. If you want us gone, you should talk to him. I will not abandon my post."

Zeta patched into his private comms line.

"Commander, there is a...force-user here. He killed Bravo Team, and now he's likely to kill us. It seems that neither Jedi nor Sith have any sort of sense of justice any more."

"Zeta, if he gives you the option, leave. I will not have any more of my men die today."
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Sat May 13, 2006 6:40 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Hallelujah. I thought you guys would NEVER post again.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

I'm getting nachos~
— BluesClues