
Young Writers Society

Neverland DT

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:55 pm
elysian says...

Okay :)
elysian: (adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.

formally lylas.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:34 pm
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Sassafras says...

I was thinking that it would make more sense that Shadow gave Pan his immortality. When Pan imprisoned an immortal he also got immortal powers, just like he gained the ability to fly from Tink.

He's also immune to the Force's powers, which is why they can't control him. I like the idea of Death and Pan sharing the teens, Pan gets the Youth and Death gets the Soul. But it seems unnecessary because Pan doesn't really need the Youth. He doesn't age. But then why would he need the teens anyway? Is it possible to say that, with Shadow's imprisonment, Pan was given immortality unless he died a human death. Like, you can live forever unless you get stabbed in the heart. But with the teen's Youth, he can live forever regardless, which is why he keeps them on the island. Pan likes to do dangerous things and without the Teens he would have died long ago. That's why keeping Teens away from the island would work. Keep him away from Youth long enough and he can be killed.

Also, I don't think Pan really needs any more powers. Nothing can hurt him, which puts him in charge. He the controller, not the one being controlled, while everyone else is under his command in some way or another. Giving him some other ability would just be too much.

Unless you meant that there was a way that Pan could get rid of the Forces, like send them away. There has to be some reason they listen to him even though he's kind of a dick. So can we say that Pan has the ability to get rid of them, or even Neverland itself? Peter and Shadow (and Tink?) are the only ones who could leave Neverland, and some stories say the place dies when he leaves and only becomes alive again when he returns. So his hold on power is that "if you don't do everything I say, I will leave and never come back and you will cease to exist."

I think a threat like that would be the only thing to hold such powerful beings like the Forces in order anyway. What better threat to an immortal group of beings than non-existence?
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:48 pm
Sassafras says...

So the plot of this SB is to take power away from Pan. Down with Peter, I can dig that. Let's say, for now, that the way that Peter is able to take the Youth from the teens is that he befriends them, plays with them, and is generally nice to them like the children's stories say, but one day he asks them to stay on the island, to become one of the Lost Children. As soon as they accept, as they often do, Peter takes their Youth. If they say no, Death has his pickings. Teens on the island work out in Death's favor either way, but Pan can only get Youth if the teens willingly agree to stay.

So Pan's the good guy until he becomes the bad guy. He makes the teens think that Hook is the bad guy but Hook's really just trying to help them.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:00 pm
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crossroads says...

Well if the premise "If Pan leaves/dies, so does Neverland", the Forces can't hurt him, and neither would Shadow, because they can't leave and that would be the end of them as well. Shadow could've been the one who bound Pan with Neverland, or it could've simply happened because he was the first kid who got there - either way it's kind of my fault xD
But also, does that work the other way around too? If Neverland dies or gets destroyed, will Pan die as well?
It could be kind of cool :3
• previously ChildOfNowhere
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literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:06 pm
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TheCrimsonLady says...

Ooh, I like this :). Fox/anxiety is kind of a loner and avoids civilization. Rage and depression are the two people she would avoid because of her ability to feel things other people feel. And thanks for the compliment, @Lylas :). I was thinking animalistic too, I guess. Kind of.

Anyway, @megsug and @Silverlock, if either of your characters comes upon Fox and they are angry/depressed, expect Fox to run fast and far.

With Peter, Fox would like being around him because of his happy spirit, and also the power he can offer her. As for following orders, expect grouchiness and unwillingness, although she'll do it in the end.
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Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:26 pm
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Sassafras says...

Ah sorry for all the posting I'm doing in this thread right now but I have just one more theory.

With the teens that deny, they lose their connection to the Pan and Neverland and begin to age. Since Pan can't absorb their Youth he just hunts them down for fun. Death can do whatever he wants with them. The teens that deny form a group together and hide away from Pan, Tink, The Forces, and the new teens. Peter calls them Pirates. When Hook comes he rounds up the Pirates and there is his group. Sorry, I was trying to think of a reason why Hook wouldn't have died and where all the people for his army came from. This was the only thing I could think up.

And can we say that Hook never stuck around Pan long enough for Pan to ask him if he wanted to join The Lost Children, which is why he still has his connection to Pan (Neverland) and thus a connection to Pan's immortality which is why he hasn't died yet while the teens who say no eventually die off on their own if they're not killed. Hook's the one that got away.

Tink and The Forces make sure the teens don't get too far and ensures that they all make it to the fatal question, which is why Pan needs them.

Man I've been thinking way too much on this. And yeah, Aria, I guess if Neverland gets destroyed Pan gets destroyed. I don't know how you'd destroy Neverland.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:46 pm
crossroads says...

"Hey Shadow, do it and I will give you your freedom."
Except I'm not sure if that would kill him too, but he'd maybe prefer it over serving a kid for the rest of eternity xD Depends on what Pan is like to him.

What's Pan like to him?

Oh and also, we should figure out how exactly did Pan imprison him..
• previously ChildOfNowhere
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literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:26 pm
Sassafras says...

He doesn't mistreat them. He cares about Tink, Shadow, and the Forces. Shadow especially because, if you think about it, Shadow practically raised him. I'm still not sure about who came first, Pan or The Forces, but either way Pan has been with these people for his entire existence. If he loved anyone, he'd love them.

He's just corrupted. Whether that bothers your character or not determins the way they view him. Like Tink doesn't care because she loves him and she's evil too and that's why they have such a good relationship.

I'll just say that Pan doesn't expect that The Forces or Shadow would ever want to hurt him. He doesn't see anything wrong with the way they're living. On the subject of Shadow's imprisonment, he doesn't see it as malicious as the word sounds. He's just hanging out with his friends who happen to listen to everything he says. He knows that he's in charge, but he doesn't see it like he's forced his way to the top or he's manipulating them into sticking around. He has a God Complex so in his mind it's just obvious that everyone follows him. To him it's common sense and that's the way that things are supposed to be. He doesn't care about the teens because he doesn't see them as real people; they're pets to him. Like using cows for meat. He takes care of them and treats them right until it's time to go to the butcher.

He knows that if he goes away then Neverland dies, but it's the same thing as knowing that you have the power to kill your entire family right now. You know you could do it, but you'd never actually do it or even think about doing it because that's your family and you love them. He'd never threaten them with it. Like he'd never say "Do this or I'm leaving Neverland forever" because he doesn't want to kill anyone he cares about. He's just having fun with his friends :(

I keep thinking of his relationship with everyone to be like Simba and Scar xD Like Pan just wants to play and hang out meanwhile everyone's plotting to kill him O.O

I was thinking the way Pan imprisoned Shadow is that maybe one day Pan got into some big trouble and was on the brink of death. Shadow brought him back to life by sharing his immortality. No one knew that would mean Shadow was now a part of Pan, but it did. So it's less imprisonment and more "oops". Think of it like a possession. He possessed Pan's body to give him back life, but Pan's spirit overtook Shadow's spirit and Pan came out the one in control. Even if Pan could relinquish that control he probably wouldn't. Why would he give up control? Plus he's not hurting Shadow. He thinks it's fun.

I'm just rambling on. I have no idea how those two got mixed up with each other. I'm just talking directly from my brain. xD

EDIT: Someone please tell me to shut up. I'm shutting up. In the end anyway it's up to Lylas. I just get too involved with characters and my brain starts running and v.v *sigh*
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:44 pm
crossroads says...

I do like the idea of Shadow sharing immortality with Pan, it was sort of what I imagined too :3 Shadow sort of sees Pan as a little brother-ish type of person, I think. He grew to hate the fact Pan can order him around, but he also knows him and if they turned back the time Shadow would do it all again.
I like that.. And I imagine they'd be sort of friendly with each other then. Like, Shadow would observe him and out of all the people, he'd probably be mimicking him the most (like gestures and facial expressions), because he's known him the longest, and stuff like that c:
• previously ChildOfNowhere
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literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:20 pm
TheCrimsonLady says...


Does Peter have a problem with my character (Anxiety) or not? :)

Because she's not very obedient.
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Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:33 pm
KingLucifer says...

Seriously does no one bother to talk to me about this? No one is immortal Death declares he will in the end take everyone's soul. Reise has yet to convince me as to why Death would allow Peter to get off from her clutches. The only way for anyone to be immortal is if Death refuses to take him or her, so unless I hear convincing reasons as to why Death would allow Peter and Shadow to live longer than they should. THEY ARE NOT IMMORTAL.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:39 pm
crossroads says...

Shadow isn't a person, he's a part of the world. Normal shadows don't die. Land itself doesn't die. Air doesn't die. Shadow's only appearing human because he wants to, and because otherwise interaction in this SB wouldn't be as much fun. He's not exactly a proper living being, hence he can't die either - and if he shared that with Pan in some way, I suppose there's your answer.

Also, Pan (and Shadow too) is connected to Neverland, and if Pan dies, so does the island, and so do the Forces and teens and everyone on it. That's Shadow's fault, hence Death can hate him if you wish, but I don't see it in Death's interest to destroy Neverland in whole, so I don't think he'd be into killing Pan off just like that, not before figuring how to separate him from the land itself.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
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literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:44 pm
Sassafras says...

What did you want, Avy? Like what are your thoughts on this? Lord knows I've said enough of mine xD

My intentions were to imagine a situation where Pan's immortality was granted without making any assumptions at all about Death. I didn't want to say that Death just randomly let this kid live and boss her around. Either way, Pan's immortal (eternal youth is kind of his thing).

You're right though. I probably should have PMed you and Aria and anyone else who's characters I mentioned in my stupid rambles before posting them as suggestions. I'm sorry.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:58 pm
KingLucifer says...

Actually Aria, I would like to bet the forces themselves aren't connected to Neverland directly, only in Neverland are they actually able to take on actual physical bodies. Maybe Pan and the shadows are, but you do make an interesting point.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:08 pm
Sassafras says...

Interesting, but if the Forces aren't connected to Neverland then why are they still there? Why didn't they just leave when Pan started bossing them around? I know I wouldn't stick around somewhere with some kid telling me what to do.

If they could just leave freely then Pan wouldn't have any hold on control. We still haven't solved who was there first, Pan or The Forces. We can ask Lylas. I think her answer would help us solve a few questions.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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