
Young Writers Society

Wrath of Olympus DT

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Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:51 am
Europa says...

Posted for Olivia. I kind of just improvised on which side each character would take, so if I got it wrong, tell me.

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Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:16 am
Rydia says...

Hi, I'm interested in joining this and will put a character in soon!
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~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:16 am
Rydia says...

In terms of Ed's character relations:

Olivia Gresham (@Europa): Olivia's strength and protectiveness are traits Ed admires and understands but he doesn't agree with her expectation that those who are competent should look after themselves. Ed feels it is important that everyone should defend one another and believes that this sometimes means the weak defending the strong because even a small strength can make a big difference.

Mickey Halen (@Europa): Mickey's friendliness and sense of humour are things which Ed loves about him, though he might not always understand his jokes since Ed can be a bit literal at times. But he would trust that Mickey was being funny and not worry about it too much. He'd perhaps even see Mickey as someone who could help him understand people better and therefore a close confidante.

Rose Rolander (@Midnightmoon): Rose's sarcasm might be a problem for Ed because he's a very linear person and doesn't always realise she's being sarcastic rather than outright lying. Her love of plants and animals helps them get along because Ed's a big outdoors person and loves all living things. Especially things which are small and furry and love unconditionally. Ed finds animals easier to understand in a lot of ways than humans because they are much more open. They sometimes clash on the diplomacy side however since Ed is very much a diplomat and Rose hates it.

Ashton Vallin (@NympheaLily): Ash is the kind of person Ed would like to help, especially since she's friends with Roland. He would feel very protective toward her and want to help her feel happy and at peace. He finds her easy to talk to but worries about saying too much around her as he knows she shares everything with Roland.

Roland Bright (@NympheaLily): They share similar powers and Ed respects Roland's love of books and generally gets on well with him. He maybe even likes him likes him - Ed is bisexual and doesn't see the point in differentiating love by gender. This createsuncertainty in the way Ed acts around Roland because it's a truth he wants to admit but he also recognises this might make things awkward for Roland so he knows it's a truth he can't tell him yet. He can also see Roland likes Olivia and this is hurtful for Ed and he's not sure who to talk to about it and it's not a pain he has had to deal with before. He knows he will likely find someone else to love but he still feels he should tell Roland how he feels because how can they truly be friends with this secret between them?

Mehenia Garthen (@Lupa22): Mehenia's love of peace and fierce fighting spirit remind Ed of his sister Virtus, the Goddess of bravery and military strength. That's a good thing because he admires and looks up to his sister and therefore he admires and respects Mehenia as well. He perhaps even sees her as someone to learn from in a fighting sense and will happily train under her.

Caroline Reed (@HazelGrace16): Ed would like to help Caroline to learn to trust others and would be very angry to discover what her father has done to her and how he continues to keep her too afraid to sleep. He has no way of helping Caroline and that would make him feel sad because he's not used to not being able to defend someone. However, he also sees great strength in Caroline for continuing to hold out against her nightmares and using her abilities to help others.

Ray Patel (@LordZeus): Ed can see through Ray and that's maybe not a good thing because what he sees is a good man who's in a lot of pain and who seems to rebuff every effort Ed makes to help him open up. Perhaps he feels threatened by Ed's ability to see the truth about him - this is something he doesn't know for certain, but the impression he gets. Ed follows Ray but not blindly and if he feels a decision Ray makes will harm the group, he will oppose it, though not lightly because he feels trust in a leader is important. Ed has no desire to lead himself but isn't sure Ray is the right leader for them.
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~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:42 pm
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Europa says...

@Rydia I've approved your character sheet. Here are the relations for Mickey and Olive

Olivia: Thinks he's a strong member of their group, and likes his honesty. She agrees with most of his values and the two usually work well together. Though they make a good team, the two don't know each other very well and Olivia views their relationship as strictly professional.

Mickey: He is caught off guard by his straightforwardness sometimes, but enjoys the guy's company nonetheless.

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Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:07 pm
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LordZeus says...

Hey guys, posted! @Rydia @Midnightmoon mentioned a conversation between your characters (possibly about Rose's crush on Ray) in my post (given Ed's truth seeing abilities, I guard he'd find out. Or not, whatever you decide works for you guys).

@Lupa22 @HazelGrace16 @NympheaLily mentioned all your characters in my post, but just mentions sorry. Promise to do more interactions with more characters next post.

@Europa mentioned Olivia in my post.

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Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:04 pm
Midnightmoon says...

@LordZeus, mentioned Ray in my post.
@Europa, Mentioned Olivia and Mickey in my post.

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Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:16 pm
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HazelGrace16 says...

I'm planning on posting next
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine" - The Imitation Game

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Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:25 pm
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Europa says...

@HazelGrace16 can't wait to read it!

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:09 am
HazelGrace16 says...


Tbh guys I didn't spend much time editing so if there is any confusion please feel free to call me out on it.

Also Ray should be the only character that knows about Carolines situation with her mom. And he would only know because he looked into her mind. Caroline doesn't like talking about it.
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine" - The Imitation Game

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:18 am
LordZeus says...

Hey guys was discussing an idea I had with Europa via PM and we decided to show it to you guys so you can tell us whether you like it or not.

What of our characters decide to travel to one of the most godly places in America, Washington D.C. to try to get information from the numerous spirits and deities present there?

I was thinking that, due to all the godly places in the city, both sides consider it sacred and don't fight in it, but there is heavy fighting around it, because it also attracts gods and their minions from both sides, giving our guys a chance to capture someone and get information.

I was also thinking that Ray and Mickey split up, each leading a group to get to DC in different directions to avoid attracting attention with such a large group of half-bloods.

This is because since Ray's power and Mickey's knowledge have been what's kept them alive so far, it would make sense for them to be the group leaders.

I thought that Mickey would lead one group by train directly from Raleigh to DC while Ray leads another by bus from Raleigh to Richmond, then another bus from there to DC.

I thought that this would get us into the real spirit of a quest as well as give us a chance for some monster attacks so we can really shake things up. Perhaps it would be a good idea if we catch the person Ray gets information from near DC, as with it being a place of Godly power, no doubt fighting is fierce around it.

I'm not sure who would be in which group though. We can talk about it if you like this idea. What do you guys think?

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:00 pm
Europa says...

@LordZeus You already know I'm all for this idea. DC would be a good place to introduce Don and Hachiko.
For those of you who don't know who these guys are, they're two of Eris's most powerful demigod commanders that she's sent to hunt down and eliminate the pacifists. They give the group a constant enemy to worry about, one that really keeps them on their toes. (And a "get out of writer's block free card." Not sure what to write, Hachi and Don swoop in and raise hades.)I was thinking that they could first show up when the gang regroup in DC. Having them attack them there would really go a long way with characterizing them as a pair of dangerous villains with no real limits. Or if you guys would prefer it, they could split up and one of them could take Ray's group and the other attacks Mickey's.

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:12 pm
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Europa says...

In other news. @Rydia and @HazelGrace16, wow. Both your posts were excellent! Hazel, I love how well you characterized Olivia, and Caroline is an amazing character! I loved watching her and Olive interact with each other. I really hope we can develop their realtionship more during the story. Rydia, you really captured Ed's character, especially in that first person part. He really has his own unique voice that really pulled me into your writing. (Plus I totally ship him and Roland already.)

Great job you guys. Just...wow. You're awesome. You both are awesome. You all are awesome! This first round of posts has all been so great to read. All of you are really amazing and I already love working with you guys.

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:22 pm
erilea says...

I'm planning on posting next, just so you guys will know. :3

As for @LordZeus... that idea sounds amazing! I'd like to go with Ray if we're going to start deciding that now.
Was *wisegirl22*Artemis28*Lupa22*

focus on... enjoying happy moments

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:52 pm
Europa says...

And so the quest begins. @Lupa22 great post. Now I get to have some good foreshadowing with Mickey in these next few posts...you'll all see what I mean later on. I doubt the group knows about Eris, though, since she's working behind the scenes on all this and not even the rest of Olympus knows what she's up to. Ray would probably just get that information by reading the minds of one of her minions. And then the real fun starts up. Because as soon as they know, in come Hachi and Don.

Think of all the beauty still left around you, and smile.
— Anne Frank