
Young Writers Society

Spirit Academy

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:22 am
Octave says...

Mmm. Why did I not know this? ><"

Anyway, I'll edit it.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:19 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Teachers& Hunters NPC characters( can be used if purchased)


Empath Teacher

Name- Trina Towson
Gender- Female
Age 25
Description- She is rather plain looking when it comes to her features, but she likes to dye her hair multiple colors and wear colorful clothing to reflect her mood.

Spoiler! :


Unlike most of the teachers at Spirit Academy Ms. Towson is very laid back. She generally has all of her classes outside and there seems to be no real structure to her teaching. She simply makes up things as she goes along. She is easily distracted and will often go on unrelated tangents when talking to someone. Although she takes little seriously when it comes down to something really serious , she will put aside her childish behavior.


She came from a family that all had the sight. Thus, she was home schooled in harnessing her powers. She progressed quickly as an empath and started to use her abilities as part of a side show magic act. Her brother Michael was also an empath who abused his powers. A hunting party was sent to apprehend him and with Trina’s help they were able to capture him. Samantha later remembered Trina’s skill when she was looking for teachers.


Like all with the sight she can sense ghosts, other than that she has very little experience with sprits. She has mastered mind reading to the point she can even implant thoughts into peoples heads. A difficult practice since the user must understand the persons mind and know how to introduce the foreign thought as if the victim thought of it themselves. She can read several minds at once and sort them out with ease. Her greatest skill however, is pushing out her own aura to affect others with whatever emotion she wants. In a second she can turn a rowdy class room into a docile class room. She has learned several regular skills including shield creation and blasts of energy.

Field of study: Empath

Reading Auras 101
Reading Auras 102 Mind Reading 101
Mind Reading 102
Emotion reading 101
Emotion Reading 102
Ethics Psychology

School Counselor

Medium Teacher

Name- Molly Sutherland
Gender- Female
Age 23
Description- She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her face is oval shaped with a sharp chin. She is kind of short and some of the older students are taller than her. She likes to wear dresses and skirts, finding pants to be uncomfortable.

Spoiler! :


She is very meticulous individual that worries about her looks and how other things look. Because of this, she is a perfectionist that spends hours working on her looks and organizing her stuff. Out of all the classrooms hers is the most orderly. The tables are set up in neat rows. The books are organized by title. Supplies are separated and color coded. She will get downright cross if something is put out place.


She was daughter to a hunter. Her mother was dead and she traveled with her father and he taught her what he could along the way. At the age of 18 she left her father to go to college where she met David who she later found out was also gifted with the sight. The two got married and both applied to Spirit Academy as teachers.


She can sense ghosts miles away if she’s been in contact with a ghost she can sense them and track them. She is a master at channeling and has taken in many spirits of the highest caliber. She has learned to astral project and stay away from her body for hours at a time. She has perfected it so that her astral projection can make contact as if a physical entity, but she can’t be hurt in this state. She has even learned to create multiple astral forms of herself.

Field of study: Medium

Channeling 101
Channeling 102
Channeling 103
Channeling 104
Summoning 101
Summoning 102
Us History
World History
Astral Projection

Psychic Teacher

Name- David Sutherland
Age- 24
Description- He is tall and lanky with blackish brown hair and grey eyes.

Spoiler! :


He is the opposite of is wife in the sense that he seldom cares about appearances. His classroom is the most unorganized with papers stacked up and yet somehow he knows where everything is. He detests conflict and simply ignores his students if they are misbehaving. His motto is “You’re the one’s paying to attend this school. I get paid if you fail or not.” Of course with the students he does like he treats them like there his best friends and he prefers to be called by his first name rather than Mr. Sutherland.


He grew up in a very strict family. When he claimed he was seeing ghost they called in a priest to perform an exorcism on him. The priest being a actual man gifted with the sight told David’s parents that he would have to be treated for his “demon possession” elsewhere. The priest took him to his own home where he was taught to harness the sight. After a few months of training, David moved back in with his parents supposedly “cured” and hid his abilities from them. When he went to college he met Molly and they soon they discovered they both had the sight. The two got married and applied to be teachers once Spirit Academy opened.


He is able to look into the past, present and future, which he sometimes triggers on command. Seeing the future is more about probability and thus he takes notes and calculations on the possibility that any vision will happen. He is skilled at physical deeds since his powers really aren’t suited for combat. He is able to see second or minutes into the future which allows him to easily know his opponents next move, be it regular sports or combat.
Field of study: Psychic

Future Reading 101
Future Reading 102
Present Reading 101
Present Reading 102
Past reading 101
Hand to hand combat/Self defense

Shaman Teacher

Name Jordan Paxton
Gender- Male
Age- 49
Description – A tall black ban with dark brown eyes and a low voice. His very presence tends to intimidate others.

Spoiler! :


He is very text book based teacher that rules his classroom with a iron fist. If you speak without being called on, watch out. He has a very black and white attitude about students. If he perceives someone to be a trouble maker, little will change his mind. He believes that you only learn by doing and will force his students into dangerous situations to make sure they learn what they need to.


Little is known about his history since he speaks very little to anyone.


He is a skilled shaman that has one power animal. A spider named Charlotte. With her help he can create powerful illusions and easily break illusions set by others. To add to this he has developed away of sculpting spiritual energy into strands that he creates webs out of. He can make them invisible if he wishes and use it as a trap. Once the web is touched the cords will trap the intruder and he will instantly be notified of the intruder. He has set up such traps around the school to protect it. He can astral project, and walk into dreams. Using basic shaman skills he can heal, but not to te degree that Samanta can. He also has a good knowledge of basic skills.

Field of study: Shaman

Power Animal 101
Power Animal 102
Power Animal 103
Spirit Energy 101
Spirit Energy 102
Spirit Energy 103
Spirit Energy 104
Plant Study

Witch Teacher

Name Elijah Morton
Gender- Male
Age 51

Description- A skeletal pale looking man with sharp features and glasses that cover his beady dark eyes.

Spoiler! :


He hates children and prefers to have students sit and do text book work while he reads. He does not liking talking to really anyone, but his skill as a witch is unmatched making him an asset to the school. When he is asked a question by a student’s he mocks them for not knowing and often hands out detentions. His classes are hard to pass since he’s extremely picky and will fail a person for simply having an opinion he considers to be stupid. He doesn’t much like his coworkers either, considering them to be children. He is a very impatient man and will lock students out of a classroom if they are late.


He came from a family of Witches that brought him up into the Spirit world. He has known nothing else. His parents were killed by Milton’s wife when she was possessed he became sort of a hermit living in the closed down Academy to make sure Milton never returned. Once the school was reopened he opted to stay as a teacher to keep his watch.

Powers He has a spirit under his control of every element; fire, water, earth, air. He also has a shadow spirit that he uses to curse and hex people he doesn’t like. He is skilled at all the regular skills.

Field of study: Witch

Element Spirits- 101
Element Spirits-102
Element Spirits- 103
Element Spirits- 104
Earth Science

Exorcism Teacher

Name Kelly Magdalena
Gender- Female
Age -32
Description- Long Brown hair and green eyes . Out of all the female teachers she is the one that is crushed on the most.

Spoiler! :


She wants all her students to do well and pushes them into being better than they are. Because of this she may seem bossy and loads her students with tons of homework. This mentality makes her classes hard to take since if you don’t reach her expectations she will fail you.


Like Milton a loved one of hers was possessed by a dark spirit and she was forced to kill her mother at the age of 13. She delved into studying extracting foreign spirits from hosts without endangering the person’s life. With this skill she was hired by the hunters and performed many complicated exorcisms.


She is very skilled at performing a exorcism and she has also learned how to put in spirits forcefully into other peoples bodies. She also has practical knowledge of all skills and minor combat training required of hunters.

Field of study: Medium

Creative Writing
British Literature.
Exorcism 101
Exorcism 102
Exorcism 103
Exorcism 104

Weapons Teacher

Name Charlie Hunter
Gender Male
Age 33
Description- He is tall and muscular with wavy brownish blond hair. His eyes are brown and he as a strong jaw line.

Spoiler! :


He considers all the spirit magic stuff to be a silly waste of time. He thinks that a person can do just fine with physical skills alone. He hates slackers and will make them do pushups or sprints at the slightest infraction. He often complains. He complains about everything and takes out his frustrations on his students. He will not take lip from any student and will hit them if they get in his face.


Charlie’s family was poor and he had to go to school every day to people bullying him. One day he met the ghost named Pollux who had seen him get beaten up after school. The ghost informed Charlie that he was special and started to train him to fight. A few months later Charlie beat the crap out of the bully and has never backed down from a fight since.


He is trained to use every weapon imaginable and prefers to use fighting skills to deal with problems. He was trained as Witch and has two spirits bound to him. Castor and Pollux are both regular spirits off fallen soldiers. He learned a lot of his fighting skills from them.

Field of study: Witch

Weapon training 101
Weapon training 102
Weapon training 103
Killing Ghosts 101
Killing Ghosts 102
Hunting 205

Fine ArtsTeacher

Name- Madame Christine LeBeaux
Gender- Female
Age 49
Description- Mme. Lebeaux is a tall, stringy woman. While she moves in acute angles and keeps her stature perfect at all times, she moves as though she requires no energy, like movement is just as natural to her as immobility. She is a stark woman, yet beautiful in her own abstract right. Her most dominant features are her hollow, gray eyes and ruby red lips.

Spoiler! :

Perhaps it would be phrased best to call Madame LeBeaux strict. To any student, she is harsh and unfeeling as granite, but as wise and knowing as the oldest oak. While she bears a brutal touch, her touch is that much like Midas--most things she touches turn to gold. She admires success--not willingness to succeed--above all else and will sacrifice unthinkable time and energy for the sake of refining a craft.

Madame Christine LeBeaux was born in a quaint village in northern France and raised in a traveling cirque. There, she learned how to sing and act and, most importantly, how to pilfer money. She rose to the ringmaster of the "Cirque du LeBeaux" by the age of 20 and began refining the performers until the Cirque became a shimmering art much like that of Broadway. When 'mysterious circumstances' ended the Cirque du LeBeaux, Christine went on to become a performing arts instructor at various schools across her country. The Academy hired Madame LeBeaux out of a catholic school in southern France as a counterbalance for the obscure lessons most students would take, and that brought her to America.

Presumably, she has no powers; however, she has been reported saying, "Ze greatezt powerre iz ze powerre zat resides within. Ze power of determination and zuccess iz ze only compelling force one must acquire through ztudies."

Field of study: "Fine Arts"

Intro to Theater
Intro to Music
Piano 101
Voice Control 101
Concert Band
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:44 am, edited 11 times in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:15 am
Ray112 says...

hey, still room for me to join?
"Insert life changing statement"

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:27 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Of course. Post profile.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:37 am
deepfreeze16 says...

Hey, is it still time for me to join this?
"Interchanging mind control, come let the
Revolution take its toll, if you could
Flick a switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
We should never be afraid to die, so come on" ~Muse, Uprising~

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:38 am
PhoenixBishop says...

This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:13 am
Ray112 says...

Name: Damian Hall

Gender: Male

Age (14): 14

Spoiler! :

Personality: Damian is very social but he tends to come off as sarcastic and a know-it-all. Because of Damian's age adults tend to over look his abilities. He's a student of empathy and any time he's given a chance to practice his skills he'll take it, which in most cases makes him a major headache for his teacher and mentor Gideon Harold. Though he's naturally talented, Damian's greatest flaw is his immaturity, which sometimes proves as a liability in his growth as a student of the supernatural arts.

History: Damian first began to notice his abilities when he was 8. The story goes that he and his mother were riding on the subway. It was late at night and his mother had just finished picking him up from his school across town. Damian's mother, LIllian Hall,is very particular about her son getting the best education and had no qualms with riding the subway all the way across town to do so; and thus, it was normal for Damian and his mom to be the last one's on the subway car because they were the last stop. However, this night was different because on this night when normally all the passengers previous stops dwindled one man remained.

If the passenger would've been like normal passengers on the transit, Damian probably wouldn't have noticed her. But this passenger looked old enough to be deceased, her arms were thin as sticks and her complexion was so pale that her veins showed through her skin. Her clothes were ripped, and she looked like she'd been living on the street for months and finally what grossed him out the most was that her teeth had turned a yellowish-brown and most of them were cracked and some were broken altogether. It wasn't manly the looks that scared Damian most of course because he lived in New York he saw it a lot, once you've seen a bum you've seen em' all, but what creeped him out the most was that she wouldn't stop staring at him. In fact, the whole time even when there were other people Damian realized that the woman had been looking at him the whole time.

Damian tried looking away but even without looking he could feel the woman's gaze burning into him. Then suddenly, the lights on the subway flickered and the car got really cold and when he looked up the woman was gone. After that night Damian figured that what he'd seen must've been a ghost. The ghost followed him and his mom like that everyday and for weeks Damian saw the ghost women everywhere he went.

Then one day Damian found an add for a psychic investigator that was near his high school and hired him. From then on started Damian's experience in the supernatural as he followed the investigator around on his cases and developed his own abilities. The Damian's mentor and teacher Gideon Harold was kidnapped after his mentor received a letter to attend Spirit Academy. Even though, the letter was never meant for him Damian is determined to join the academy finish developing his abilities and find his mentor.

Powers: Is a Level one Aurorist.

Field of study: Empath
Last edited by Ray112 on Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Insert life changing statement"

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:42 pm
deepfreeze16 says...

Name: Tyrone Pearse

Age: 16

Spoiler! :

Personality: Tyrone is funny and fun. He is smart and strong. He doesn't like to use his powers that much because he's afraid of what might happen. His dreams have been corrupted by something he never wants to see again so he doesn't want to enter other people dreams.

Powers: Dream-walker and a fire mage. He loves to use his mage abilities but when it comes to dream walking he tenses up.
"Interchanging mind control, come let the
Revolution take its toll, if you could
Flick a switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
We should never be afraid to die, so come on" ~Muse, Uprising~

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:51 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Ray- As much as I can tell you are on the right track the power part is a problem. As of now you are a freshmen. This means you have no skills other then sensing ghosts. If you want a skill buy it. You have five free points, post a request and then you can add it to your power list. Edit history to match.

On minor note. Separate the history section a little. Right now it's a wall of text and should be broken down into paragraphs. That way it's much easier for others to read.

For now you are on pending.


You need to expand more. You left out is history entirely and his personality is rather vague. Look at other profiles as examples. A good example is Lumi's. From his profile you really do understand the character. With yours I know very little.

The thing I said about powers also relates to you. Only sensing abilities until you buy something. You also don't have a field of study.

You too are on pending.

This is the template for your character. Use it.

Age (14)
Description (Words)
Description (Picture. No Emo pictures, or cartoons)
Personality (strengths/weakness/likes/dislikes)
History (This would include training before the academy. This is the first year it has been reopened. This means that your character had to have training before they came to school or they would have lost the ability.)
Powers( As of now this is only sensing abilities. Being able to see, hear, smell ghosts along with others.
Field of study: (Job lists)
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:39 am
Ray112 says...

oh okay, I thought we were supposed to have prior experience in order to keep our abilities. So, can I keep the aurora ability in there? cause I was gonna buy that anyway as soon as the SB started and I'll take off spirit banishing.

Also, is photographic memory a skill we have to buy or can we just write it in?
"Insert life changing statement"

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:18 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

By previous training I simply meant communicating with ghosts and purposefully sensing them out. Sorry, if I wasn't clear on that.
Yes keep the aura reading and photographic memory can just be written in.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:30 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Last thing for all to do then we can start this.

Use this to put together your schedule

Teachers schedules

Ms. Towson

A Day

8:00-9:00- Mind Reading 101
9:00-10:00- Emotion Reading 101
10:00-11:00- Reading Auras 101
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
2:00-3:00- Sociology
3:00-4:00- Free Period for teacher

B Day.

8:00-9:00 - Reading Auras 102
9:00-10:00 – Mind Reading 102
10:00-11:00 - Mind reading 103
11:00-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-1:00 – Free Period
1:00-5:00- Counselling hours

Mrs. Sutherland

A Day

8:00-9:00- Astral projection
9:00-10:00- Channeling 101
10:00-11:00-Summoning 101
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Free Period for teacher
2:00-3:00- Spirit Placement 101
3:00-4:00- Spirit Placement 102

B Day

8:00-9:00- Us History
9:00-10:00- Channeling 102
10:00-11:00- Channeling 103
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Free Period for teacher
2:00-3:00- World History
3:00-4:00 History of the Spirit World

Mr. Sutherland

A Day

8:00-9:00- PE
9:00-10:00-Hand to hand combat/Self defence
10:00-11:00- Future reading 101
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Teacher free Period
2:00-3:00- Math
3:00-4:00-Knowledge Storage

B Day

8:00-9:00- Past reading 101
9:00-10:00- Present Reading 101
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Teacher free period
2:00-3:00- Advances Hand to hand combat( Teaches with Mr. Hunter)
3:00-4:00- Study Hall

Mr. Paxton

A Day

8:00-9:00- Power Animal 101
9:00-10:00- Power Animal 102
10:00-11:00- Spirit Energy 101
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Spirit Energy 102
2:00-3:00- Teacher Free Period
3:00-4:00- Weather study

B Day

8:00-9:00- Plant Study
9:00-10:00- Dream Walking 101
10:00-11:00- Dream Walking 102
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Study Hall
2:00-3:00- Teacher Free Period
3:00-4:00- Spirit Healing

Mr. Morton

A Day

8:00-9:00- Physics
9:00-10:00- Earth Science
10:00-11:00- Element Spirits- 101
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Elements Spirits- 102
2:00-3:00- Spirit Energy
3:00-4:00- Teacher Free Period

B Day

8:00-9:00- Element Spirits- 103
9:00-10:00- Spirits
10:00-11:00- Chemistry
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
2:00-3:00 -Curses
3:00- 4:00- Teacher Free period.

Ms. Magdalena

A Day

8:00-9:00 - Telekinesis
9:00-10:00 - British Literature.
10:00-11:00 - Exorcism 101
11:00-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-1:00 - Free Period
1:00-2:00- Exorcism 102
2:00- 3:00- Teacher Free period
3:00-4:00- Study Hall

B Day

8:00-9:00 - Exorcism 103
9:00-10:00 - Creative Writing
10:00-11:00 - English
11:00-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:00 - Free Period
2:00-3:00- Teacher Free Period
3:00-4:00- Journalism

Mr. Hunter

A Day

8:00-9:00- Hunting 205
9:00-10:00- Killing Ghosts 101
10:00-11:00- Killing Ghosts 102
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Weapons training 101
2:00-3:00- Weight training
3:00-4:00- Teacher Free Period

B Day

8:00-9:00- Weapon training 102
9:00-10:00- PE-
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00-Fitness Walking
2:00-3:00- Advanced hand to hand combat (taught with Mr. Sutherland)
3:00-4:00- Teacher Free Period

Madame LeBeaux

A Day

8:00-9:00- Intro to Theater
9:00-10:00- Intro to Music
10:00-11:00-Study Hall
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
2:00-3:00- Teacher Free Period
3:00-4:00- Chorale

B Day

8:00-9:00- Dance
9:00-10:00- Concert Band
10:00-11:00- Teacher Free Period
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Great Plays
2:00-3:00- Piano 101
3:00-4:00- Chorale

Classes will be set up as a four black schedule. Classes start at 8:00 and go until 4:00. Each class is exactly 1 hour long including lunch which is at 11:00 and Free Period that is at 12:00. You shall be taking 12 classes this year. You can take upper level classes of the same subject. Mind reading 101 and 102 for example. Some of your classes must be normal. Example: English, US History.

Classes last for the whole year

To balance the classes out the weeks will alternate.
On Even weeks the schedule will be

A day, B day, A day, B day, A day

The following week will be a Odd week and will be the opposite.
B day, A day, B day, A day, B day

This really won’t matter that much, but it’s just there for you knowledge.

Dress Code

Uniforms will be provided for students upon entry.

The uniform consists of:
White Button Down shirt
Black pants/long skirt
Black shorts/short skirts
Black blazer
Solid color ties , Blue, Yellow, and red the school colors.
Black socks
Black shoes.

Gym/ combat classes uniform
Whit t-shirt
or for Spring/hot days White tank tops for ladies white sleeveless shirts for men.
Black shorts

Teachers do not have uniforms.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:08 pm, edited 22 times in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:09 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Cassandra's Class Schedule:

A Day.
8:00-9:00 - Telekinesis - Ms. Magdalena
9:00-10:00 - Emotion Reading 101 - Ms. Towson
10:00-11:00 - Future Reading 101 - Mr. Sutherland
11:00-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-1:00 - Free Period
1:00-2:00 - Weapons training 101 - Mr. Hunter
2:00-3:00 - Math - Mr Sutherland
3:00-4:00 - Study Hall - Ms. Magdalena

B Day.
8:00-9:00 - Past Reading 101 - Mr. Sutherland
9:00-10:00 - Present Reading 101 - Mr. Sutherland
10:00-11:00 - English- Ms. Magdalena
11:00-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-1:00 - Free Period
1:00-2:00 - Biology - Mr. Morton
2:00-3:00 - Piano 101 - Madame LeBeaux
3:00-4:00 - Study Hall - Mr. Sutherland
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:25 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Paris's Class Schedule:

A Day

8:00-9:00- Astral projection- Mrs. Sutherland
9:00-10:00- Hand to hand combat/Self defence- Mr Sutherland
10:00-11:00- Future reading 101- Mr. Sutherland
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00-Psychology- Ms. Towson
2:00-3:00-Spirit Energy- Mr Morton
3:00-4:00- Knowledge Storage- Mr. Sutherland

B Day

8:00-9:00- Telekinesis- Ms. Magdalena
9:00-10:00- Concert Band- Madame LeBeaux
10:00-11:00- English- Ms. Magdalena
11:00-12:00- Lunch
12:00-1:00- Free Period
1:00-2:00- Biology- Mr. Morton
2:00-3:00-Advanced Hand to hand combat- Mr. Sutherland & Mr. Hunter
3:00-4:00- Study Hall- Mr Sutherland
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:09 pm, edited 8 times in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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78 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1854
Reviews: 78
Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:05 pm
Theodorable says...

Alex's Class Schedule:

A Day
8-9: Mind Reading 101- Ms. Towson
9-10: Hand to hand combat/Self defense- Mr. Sutherland
10-11: Reading Auroras- Ms. Towson
11-12: Lunch
12-1: Free Period
1-2: Screenwriting -Ms. LeBeaux
2-3: Sociology- Ms. Towsen
3-4: Knowledge Storage- Mr. Sutherland

B Day:
8-9: Weapon Training- Mr. Hunter
9-10: Spirits- Mr. Morton
10-11: English- Ms. Magdalena
11-12: Lunch
12-1: Free period
1-2: Poetry- Ms. Magdalena
2-3: Advanced Hand to Hand Combat- Mr. Hunter and Mr. Sutherland
3-4: Study Hall- Mr. Sutherland

Now, no more funny stuff.
Last edited by Theodorable on Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole. -Dean, Supernatural

something I have been thinking about ever since I saw the Super Mario Bros movie is how once I took a "what Nintendo character are you" quiz and I got Waluigi.
— Elinor