
Young Writers Society

Wrath of Olympus DT

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:13 pm
Midnightmoon says...

Rose really has nothing. Should I plan something out?

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:29 pm
Europa says...

Olivia Gresham

Mickey Halen (Me): He irritates her sometimes, but he admires his quick thinking and determination. Views him as at least tolerable.

Rose Rolander (@Midnightmoon): Although they sometimes might butt heads with each other, Olivia actually likes Rose a lot. Though she was only at camp for one year before the war, She and Rose struck up a fast friendship. Olivia really enjoys her company. She even kind of enjoys their disagreements (Their more like civil debates anyway.)

Ashton Vallin (@NympheaLily): Feels extremely protective of her. They don't know each other too well, but if it comes down to it Olivia wouldn't hesitate to risk life and limb for her.

Roland Bright (@NympheaLily): Likes that he takes care of Ash, but wishes he'd stay far away from her. It's glaringly obvious to Olive's observant eyes that he's crushing on her, and she doesn't have time for that.

Mehenia Garthen (@Lupa22): She sort of just exists around Olivia. She's the youngest, but she can take care of herself pretty well, so Olive isn't really concerned about her. She also doesn't really appreciate her loud mouth. Seriously. There are some things that you just don't say. They don't interact with each other much.

Caroline Reed (@HazelGrace16): The two are pretty good friends Olivia is usually the one to give her a pep talk and try to make her feel a little safer/braver. She isn't very open to Olivia, but they do sometimes enjoy deep intellectual (And sometimes a little dorky) conversations together. Olivia really wishes Caroline would trust her more.

Ray Patel (@LordZeus): The two have a rocky history. They came to camp at around the same time, and became good friends quickly. Olivia looked up to him a lot. She always was sensitive to him looking around in her head, and (As far as she could tell anyway) he respected that and kept his distance. He was a nice, happy kid and she never once saw him abusing his powers.
Then he left on his quest. When he came back he was a completely different person. The change started a slowly growing rift between them, but it really fell apart when Lou Ellen offered to step down as leader of his cabin. Instead of agreeing to a peaceful exchange of power, Ray insisted they battle for position. Olivia saw the battle as not only unnecessary, but a deliberate act of humiliation. She mostly views him as a disappointment. She resents the path she sees him taking, and is really sick of his tough guy act. If she has to talk with him, she will most often keep it distant, professional, and, when she can help it, very brief.

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:32 pm
Europa says...

Here is Olivia's! @NympheaLily and @Midnightmoon what I usually do is just read through the personality category in the mindset of my character. I'd also advise looking in History and seeing if their timelines overlap at all.

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:33 pm
Midnightmoon says...

Thanks! I can't wait to start! :D.

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:13 pm
NympheaLily says...

Ok, here's Rolands and Ash's

Roland Bright
~Mickey Halen (@Europa): Roland loves this kid like a brother and it makes sense, considering they are godly siblings. They stick together like cheese on a pizza and sometimes Mickey convinces Roland to get into some trouble sometimes. He is so lucky to have him.

~Rose Rolander (@Midnightmoon): Admires her like a hero. He wishes he could be as strong and as resolute as she is. He is also a little jealous that she is a child of Athena and he is not. Still, he respects her and treats her like his superior.

~Ashton Vallin (me): He loves Ash like a sister and would do anything for her. HE would kill if it meant her happiness. They have known each other for a long time and are two parts of one soul. He is always bent on helping her through her problems and would not hesitate to sacrifice himself for her.

~Olivia Gresham (@Europa): Majorly crushing on her but kind of knows in his soul that she doesn't share his feelings. He respects her a lot and gets very nervous and jittery around her. He feels as if he has no chance but he tries anyway.

~Mehenia Garthen (@Lupa22): Roland likes this spunky soul. Like Mickey, she can sometimes convince him to loosen up and get into some trouble sometimes. He enjoys her company quite a bit.

~Caroline Reed (@HazelGrace16): Roland is a little uneasy around this girl. His power to see auras and her power to manipulate them makes him very nervous. She always has a strange aura that he cannot put his finger on. Still, he is very respectful around her.

~Ray Patel (@LordZeus): Roland is always jumpy around him and doesn't approve of how he took the leadership role so abruptly and with force. He is scared of this kid and usually melts into the shadows when he shows up. Like the respectful nugget he is, he never acts rude around him.

Now for Ash...

Ashton Vallin
~Mickey Halen: Ash has a crush on him but doesn't allow herself to show it. She finds herself acting like an idiot around him and usually beats herself up about it. Most of the time, she is thankful that he can't see her looking so stupid.

Rose Rolander: She doesn't talk to Rose very much. She's intimidated by her and thinks of her as a leader figure. Ash respects her and stays out of her way most of the time.

Olivia Gresham: Doesn't know her very well, however, is very respectful of her and likes her as a friend. Sometimes disapproves of how she treats Roland. However, she doesn't let it ruin their frail friendship.

Roland Bright: Loves him like a brother. Is equally as protective of him as he is of her. Would do anything for him, even sacrifice herself.

Mehenia Garthen: Doesn't know her too well but likes her spunk. Her hot-headedness usually gets her into trouble and Ash/Roland usually have to get her out of it.

Caroline Reed: Ash likes to talk to her a lot and usually goes to her if she needs help sleeping. With her manipulation of dreams, then she can usually help. Pays no attention to how much she unsettles Roland and treats her as a good friend.

Ray Patel: Ash respects this guy but is kind of scared of him. Even though she is scared of him, she has no problem with telling him off. For some reason, she feels less afraid around him than she does around regular people.
Will Solace IRL

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:43 am
Europa says...

Mickey Halen

Olivia Gresham (me): Thinks she's kind of fun to mess with, but doesn't share an overly remarkable connection with her.

Rose Rolander (@Midnightmoon): He's a very friendly person. And by the gods he intends to be friendly to this girl if it chokes her! Her independent nature makes his even more determined to befriend her. Every opportunity he gets, he'll approach her and try to get her to talk to him, make jokes, tell interesting stories of his travels, and generally be a dork.

Ashton Vallin (@NympheaLily): Mickey has a hard time sorting out his jumbled emotions for this girl. All he really knows is he loves the sound of her voice. To him nothing is more beautiful than that. He could listen to her talk for hours on end just to hear it.

Roland Bright (@NympheaLily): Mickey's best friend (Besides Laleps). He's like a brother to him (Actually, he is a brother to him) and he'd do anything for the guy. He usually doesn't get along with Hades' other children, few though there are, but hey. It's not Roland's father he drew Death Breath as his pops right?

Mehenia Garthen (@Lupa22): He doesn't think someone her age should be going out on a mission she might not come back for. Someone so young should be allowed to live out her life.

Caroline Reed (@HazelGrace16): Genuinely wishes there was something he could do to help her. He doesn't know what's wrong, but he always senses something in her when they're talking. Like she's being hunted. He tries to be there for her. For now its the best he can do.

Ray Patel: Much to the surprise of everyone around him, Mickey actually genuinely likes Ray. First off, Ray's his nephew (Mickey prefers cousin) so there's the whole bond of family thing. Also, he was part of Ray's questing party. He saw all the things he'd had to go through, and knows him a lot better than he would have otherwise. The two bonded a lot on that quest. He knows Ray regrets his lost friendship with Olivia, and tries every once and a while to put in a good word for him (With little to no success.)
Last edited by Europa on Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:54 am
erilea says...

Mehenia Garthen

Olivia Gresham: A bit too serious for her taste. She's a pacifist (at least, as much of a pacifist a daughter of Ares can be), and Mehenia respects that. And her weapon is totally awesome. They don't get along great, though. Mehenia doesn't talk when it's not necessary.

Mickey Halen: Mia admires the fact that he's willing to fight back, even if he has such a rocky backstory. She sort of resents how he tries to protect someone her age, even though she's pretty skilled with most weapons. She genuinely tries to be his friend.

Rose Rolander: Mehenia knows that's she's lucky to be the daughter of the goddess of peace, but she thinks Athena would've been a great mom too. She thinks Rose is an amazing leader. Mia looks up to her, although she hides it most of the time.

Ashton Vallin: Mia knows about Ash's past. She likes her strength and the fact that she keeps fighting even with her mental disorders and abusive past. She looks at Ash as a sister, mostly because Ashton gets her out of trouble.

Roland Bright: Mehenia loves hanging out with him. Like Ashton, she views him as a protective sibling, and luckily, he likes her attitude instead of getting annoyed at it. She appreciates that. Sometimes, she talks with him about books they've read.

Caroline Reed: Mia doesn't talk to Caroline much--she's caught Caroline in her nightmares sometimes, and it sort of freaks her out. She doesn't say anything unless she has to.

Ray Patel: Mehenia would love to include him in her and Roland's book discussions, but his dark personality prevents her from asking him. She wonders what he thinks of her, as he does a good job of disguising his opinions thoroughly. She knows that he has powerful abilities and stays quiet around him, not even bringing up her signature sass.

That's it, I guess...
Was *wisegirl22*Artemis28*Lupa22*

focus on... enjoying happy moments

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:27 pm
LordZeus says...

Ray Patel

Olivia Gresham (@Europa) - Ray's relationship with Olivia is complicated. they were friends when they first arrived at camp, and ray developed a crush on her then that has lasted since. After his quest, when his outlook and personality changed, she distanced himself from one. He hates how Olivia looks at him now, a former friend who now thinks of him with no more than disappointment. He tries often to actually try and talk to her, but it doesn't usually end well. He still cares about her, and it hurts him more than he lets on that she no longer cares about him.

Mickey Halen (@Europa): He's one of the only people Ray can actually loosen up and talk to, and confide in. Mickey's been very understanding to Ray throughout his life changing period, partially because he knows what the former quest leader had to go through, and why he changed. What's more, Mickey is the only known person who has seen Ray laugh and have fun since he left on his quest, a fact which has seemed incredulous to most campers.

Rose Rolander (@Midnightmoon): Ray is jealous of her closeness to her mother, especially since his own has not been in touch since the Civil War erupted. Her constant sarcasm gets on his nerves, and he fears her independent spirit and unwillingness to work with others are infuriating and could get her killed- as a contrast to his own independent feelings, which he feels are justified given his experience, powers and ability. Still he does feel sorry for her, since he knows why she acts that way. he's seen it in her mind, unbeknownst to her, so he's not as harsh to her as he might've been otherwise.

Ashton Vallin (@NympheaLily): Ray is not sure what to make of her. He and her never spent much time in each other's company in Camp. He knows of her difficult past, and mental disorders though, and has quietly, for some time though, been manipulating her thought stream very slightly, unnoticed, helping her to get over them. He's not sure what she wold think of him if she found out, but for now she seems to subconsciously be connecting Ray's presence to feeling a little better and doesn't fear him as she once did.

Roland Bright (@NympheaLily): Despite Mickey's best efforts, Ray had never been able to really gel with Roland. He finds the boys bubbly, positive personality a bit off-putting, and his constant use of long words from multiple languages makes him want to cover his ears. Despite this, he doesn't think badly of the boy, and even appreciates how his positivity can affect people.

Mehenia Garthen (@Lupa22): Ray appreciates her idealism, and dedication to peace. He thinks she has a lot of spirit for one her age, and he respects that. Still, he keeps an eye on her and can occasionally get a little protective- her being the youngest there, he has somehow, without even her knowing, decided to try and keep her out of harm's way as much as possible, so that she can live a longer and happier life. He also likes how she doesn't use her sass on him like the others, and appreciates the respect.

Caroline Reed (@HazelGrace16): Ray looked in her head once, and has never done so since. It was just so depressing. He knows what she's going through, and understands what it means to be hunted. She's often helped him with his dreams and entered them, since he has nightmares almost every night, usually about his quest. She entered once when she felt his fitful sleep, and has been going there constantly since, calming him down and taking to him. She's one of the few people who knows what he's going through. To no one else's knowledge, they've spoken often, mainly about their problems with nightmares - always while Ray was asleep.
Last edited by LordZeus on Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:58 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:29 pm
LordZeus says...

Hey guys, I'm done! If anyone wants me to change anything, feel free to tell me.

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:26 pm
HazelGrace16 says...

Caroline Reed Relationships

Olivia Gresham (@Europa): Caroline likes Olivia for the most part. She enjoys her friendliness, and appreciates that she is always there for her. Although, she can’t help but feel like Olivia sees her as a project. Sees her as something to fix, and take care of. She knows that like almost everyone, Olivia underestimates her power and she uses Caroline’s past as a way to understand and sympathize with her. Caroline pushes these feelings to the side most of the time, because Olivia is also one of the only people who doesn’t treat her like she’s either glass china, or a freak monster.

Mickey Halen (@Europa): Mickey is the nice guy. Caroline realizes this, and doesn’t want to take advantage of his friendship because of this. Although, she is fascinated by his dreams. She finds herself sneaking into them most nights, and watching what he creates. To her, it's amazing what his unconscious creates for someone who can only see through the eyes of other people, or not at all. She wishes she could trust Mickey’s friendship and help, but as always Caroline has trouble letting people care about her.

Rose Rolander (@Midnightmoon): Caroline doesn't know Rose, and she’s pretty sure Rose doesn't want to know her. Rose’s hard hitting personality kind of scares Caroline.

Ashton Vallin (@NympheaLily): Caroline and Ashton can be considered friends, but most of the time it is strictly professional so to speak. Ashton gets help with dreams, and Caroline has an ally. Caroline sympathizes with Ashton’s nightmares, and she does her best to soothe them. Caroline doesn’t see much of Ashton during the day because she's always being whisked off by someone who doesn’t trust or know Caroline enough to include her.

Roland Bright (@NympheaLily): Caroline is very aware that she is not Roland’s favorite person. To be completely honest, he is not hers either. She hates how lightly he treads around her, and will typically go out of her comfort zone to call him out. She knows that he can manipulate auras, and that for some reason he doesn’t like that she can control sleep auras. She avoids him for the most part, unless she wants to mess with him.

Mehenia Garthen (@Lupa22): Caroline never talks to this girl. Mehenia is the youngest of the group and Caroline respects that, but she also knows that Mehenia has got some serious issues with her. One time while gliding through some of the campers dreams during CHB days, Caroline was careless and Mehenia spotted her. After that Caroline promised never to show herself in dreams unless the dreamer asked for it. She hates that she is feared by this girl.

Caroline Reed (Me):

Ray Patel (@LordZeus): Ray is probably the closest thing to a friend Caroline has even though they dont speak outside of his dreams. She relates to his constant fits of nightmares at night, and Caroline has done her best to be of help. She likes using his dreams as a distraction to not get any sleep herself. For some reason Caroline is especially bothered that Ray doesn’t acknowledge her in public, but she conceals that annoyance because she’s happy to have someone to talk to. She sees right past his “too good for school” attitude, and is saddened by the fact that he won't allow himself to open up and be happy. She also wants to trust him, but she’s afraid he doesn’t share her growing feelings and is only using her as a scapegoat from his nightmares. During their dream sessions Caroline listens more than she tells. Ray has a lot to say, and she’s glad he doesn’t ask a lot of questions.
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine" - The Imitation Game

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:32 pm
Europa says...

I have a post finished for Mickey, so @Midnightmoon unless you want me to wait until you've posted your relations for Rose, I'll go ahead and post it.

Before I post either way, I should probably give you guys info on the camp to avoid confusion. The statue is an entrance into the labyrinth. The group inhabit a very small part of it underneath the city consisting of a chamber where their main base is and a small network of the tunnels (Small enough that by now Mickey knows that entire area by touch.)
If you have any other questions about it, let me know and I'll be happy to answer them. Also, a wink and a nod to @LordZeus for giving me the idea in the first place.

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:51 pm
Midnightmoon says...

Rose Rolander Relationships.
@LordZeus; Rose is extremely awkward around Ray, and is also slightly scared of him. She has a crush on him but refuses to admit it to anyone and fights it as hard as she can. Her personality is how she protects herself.

@Europa-Olivia Gresham; She is Rose's only friend. Rose is quite loyal to her and likes her, and doesn't like the way they fight, but believes that it makes a stronger friendship in the long run.

@HazelGrace16- Caroline reed- Rose doesn't like the fact that she scares Caroline, and avoids her.

@Europa-Mickey Halen- Rose is glad that he is trying to be friends, but is trying to give him time to get to know her a little better before becoming fast friends. She's never really had friends before.

@Lupa22-Mia; Rose tries to be gentle with her, but doesn't really spend a lot of time with her. Rose kind of likes to be by herself. She doesn't mind Mia, she just is shy and solitary.

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:06 pm
Europa says...

Posted for Mickey! Let's get this party started!

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:27 pm
Midnightmoon says...

I'm posting right now!

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:07 pm
Europa says...

@Midnightmoon great post! I just wanted to clear up one thing. The characters aren't living at Camp Half Blood. CHB is also caught up in the war and anyone who wasn't in favor of it are gone. Our group is actually living inside the labyrinth. The statue described in the introductory post is a gateway, and the gang live in a kind of chamber there. They also set up a kind of territory around it that includes a small network of the maze. It acts as a kind of defense against any possible invaders. The guys have been down there long enough to know that part pretty well (Mickey knows it by touch) but any enemy who tries to get at them doesn't and it gives them an advantage. If Rose is already with the others, which she would have to be if Ray sent Olive to get her for this meeting, then that's where she would be.

The mind of man is capable of anything - because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future.
— Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness