
Young Writers Society

Stubborn Love-Stricken Fools

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13 Reviews

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Points: 1018
Reviews: 13
Fri May 20, 2011 4:33 am
ashjoy7 says...

“That’s not what I said.”
The cat still purred, rubbing his velvety neck across my leg.
“Yes. You did.”
I crossed my eyes at Markus as he gave me his stare of doom. He was such a pig. His shirt was wrinkled, stained, and his scent was like a teenage boy in mid July. I wondered why I even bothered with him.
“Whatever, I’m done arguing with you.”
I walked casually toward the garage door; my aim was the car, a gas station, park, anywhere. But of course he simultaneously barred my way with his huge arms. I never looked at those tree trunks with disgust before, and I was surprised to meet them with such an alternate. They had a way with me, always had. Somehow they were friendly, but this time I would not give in to their sweet-talk. So I merely turned around and headed to the bathroom where I locked myself in, knowing I was done for. I couldn’t argue though, no getting past him anyway.
Sitting on the floor of the bathroom was uneventful to say the least. Even after the first seconds. I heard Markus stomp his way out the front door, just like a two year-old without a playmate. No doubt he was smirking in the yard, knowing he had made the last and final move, which of course in his mind, made him the winner.
“If you think I’m going to follow you Markus you overgrown monkey butt.”
I couldn’t call him anything else, not even something profane, least of all something cruel. I watched him through the tiny window above the toilet, sighing as I got down. The cat purred. I stroked his neck, feeling comfort rush through me as he responded to my touch. He wasn’t even my cat. Markus.
Ever since our marriage we had a dream. A dream of a big house, kids, a pool, vacations to exotic places, and silly things like evenings of poetry, lying on the grass like plants, hours of just becoming part of the scenery, and one with the earth. Even the cat, which Markus insisted upon calling Ichabod, was a dream once. I hated his choice of names though. Ichabod. It was some sort of fascination I guess. All it reminded me of was that story, the headless horseman, which wasn’t very reassuring. What would he want for children’s names? I shuddered. I could see him liking a name like Hubert, or Henrietta, names I thought were completely ridiculous. I couldn’t even remember what we were fighting about, and yet we still were stubborn, unyielding fools. Cold in the dark, and alone.
It was past four when I finally crept from my sanctuary of linoleum. I tip toed to the fridge and grabbed fresh batch of supplies with purpose, a tub of double chocolate fudge brownie, a spoon, and a carton of half eaten raspberries, which was a luxury for our intern salaries. With stealth I moved towards the bedroom, moving fast, peering around corners. As I entered the fortress I checked to make sure I was the only one.
Nothing, just Ichabod.
Then I positioned myself, jumped, and just before I hit the bed, a loud rumble and a weak yell erupted as ice cream flew. A sheet monster grabbed me as I fell into his trap, and as the ice cream and raspberries came back down in flurries, it licked my face with its horrid tongue.
“No!” I cried. “I’m still angry with you Markus Dean!”
He just laughed and kissed me. Not caring about my pathetic anger. His strong arms held me still, and even as I struggled they wouldn’t let go. They were saying things, mostly “stop struggling you crazy girl, can’t you tell that I love you?” They said other things too, whispered words of regret, apologies held back for pride’s sake, now unrelenting emanated from his hands. After the arms stopped talking, and the ice cream had all but covered our backs, he pressed my eyes into his. I tried to hide from them, tried to find a crevice in the gold flecks there, but there were none. Like searchlights, they pored light like orange juice, sweet nectar of truth and light, one that I had forgotten. I remembered then how much I craved it, needed it, and with all my soul desired it to be mine and mine alone.
The cat just purred with delight as she licked ice cream from our hair, our ears, our hands. As the comic nature of it all occurred to me, I laughed till the arms were soft like dough in my fingers. The arms laughed too, and the chest, and the mouth. We both laughed like fools, love-stricken college sweethearts, like it was always summer, just another day on the beach. The low rumbling drew me near, and despite the sticky residue, the pride, and even the names, I couldn’t have loved him more.

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Reviews: 3821
Fri May 20, 2011 4:40 am
Snoink says...

Hi ashjoy! :D

This is cute! It's nice to see a story about a young, romantic couple who is hopelessly in love. :) And the ice cream is a nice touch!

Now, for your story, what you might consider doing is to draw it out a bit. I really like your characters, so I would love to see you draw them out. What is the problem this time? Let it sink in a little bit. There are so many things that young couples face (money issues, especially, but also the whole job and marriage and children bit come to mind as well) that this difficulty that they are having may be something that is a conglomerate of these issues. Living with someone else is hard work, after all! So, don't be afraid to get into that issue.

Also, remember that talking with each other about things before it gets all cute and cuddly might be good too! I don't know... this may just be me getting old, but the older I get, the more I like it when I can talk with someone and resolve them mutually without being laughed at. So, while this may be a cute scene, for me it smells a bit dangerous... it seems like they're just putting off the trouble until it gets worse! So, if you want to make this cuter, let them talk about what is bothering them and THEN let it get all cute and soppy. :)

Best of luck! :D
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

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Reviews: 124
Fri May 20, 2011 5:24 am
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PatriciaTina says...

Hey there Ash! Do you mind if I call you Ash? You can call me Trish, and I'm here to drop off a review of this wonderful piece of yours! So, without further ado, off we go!

First off, I'd just like to say that I really agree with what Snoink said in her review. You have a cute little piece here, but it's not much more than that. Just a cute fluff piece that's easy to forget. What you want to do with this is make us care about these characters and their situation! Give us more insight into the fight, maybe even start from the beginning of the fight instead of just diving right in in the middle of the action. Your readers need to know more about what these people are fighting about to really relate or connect or care about what these people are going through. Otherwise all you have is a compilation of words with no real meaning or purpose instead of a story.

With that said, however, I really feel that this has potential if you add onto it. I absolutely love your writing style, and one thing that really stands out is that you seem to have a good grasp on description. Usually, one of the main things I mention in my reviews is the importance of showing instead of telling, but I have absolutely no need to do so here! Great job!

Your grammar as well is pretty much spot on, except for this one sentence:

“If you think I’m going to follow you Markus you overgrown monkey butt.”

Maybe just read this over again and reword it because it really just doesn't make any sense at all.

But, I think that that is all I have to mention here! I really enjoyed reading this, and I hope that you add on to it to make it more of a story and less of a fluff piece. Great job, and I can't wait to read more of your work! :D See you around!
~ Patricia Tina :smt006

Don't look in the spoiler.

Spoiler! :
I lost the game.

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~ Dr. John Watson

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