
Young Writers Society

Sapphire: Neglected Beauty

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Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:34 pm
Beautful Angelic Goth says...

Sapphire: Neglected Beauty

Kellan: Warrior Princess
Cassandra Campbell removed her pale blue robe and stepped into the warm water of her alabaster bathtub. She sighed as the warm water swirled around her body, taking away her stress and fatigue, dulling her mind to all else. She lay back, the water sending small tingles of pleasure through her spine. Her long black waves swirled around her, brushing softly against her creamy bare skin.
Today had been like all others. She’d risen eary that morning, eaten breakfast and spent the whole day working on new dress designs for her studio. Nothing particularly special had occurred. As a clothes designer, Cassandra was working on attaining her one line of stores. She’d come to Scotland to have peace and quiet in her life. In her Estate near Rannoch Moore, she was just beginning to enjoy herself. Finally, a life of her own. After her parents divorced she’d been more than ready for it. After all the fights and her mother’s over-protectiveness all she’d wanted to do was get away from it all. Here in Europe, Cassandra was happy. Now that she was married, she felt her life was only just beginning. She loved Jamie so much. Her father had always been away from home, never with his family. Her mother was only happy when he was home, always neglecting her children. Finally, two years ago, before Cassandra left, they’d divorced. Her father left their home in Boston to pursue his lifelong dream of owning a ranch in Texas. Her mother tried to make up for years of neglect by overbearing behavior. Determined to get away, Cassandra left Boston and came to Scotland, where, without her family’s knowledge, she’d married and started her own line of clothes.
Cassandra stepped from the bath and wrapped herself back in the robe. She sighed at the feel of someone’s hands pulling her body in his arms. Her eyes were closed in relaxation, but she could tell it was Jamie. Her eyes fluttered open and her arms, still wet from bathing, went around his neck. Jamie smiled at her and walked next door, to their room. He dropped her on the canopy bed and sat next to her, leaning over to kiss her. Cassandra giggled and moved swiftly out from under him, running towards the other side of the room. Slowly, she allowed him to catch up with her. His arms flew around her slim waist, pulling her close to him, his hands removing her silky robe. Throwing it off, Jamie turned her toward him and kissed her passionately, his hands moved slowly up and down her body, making her tremble with desire. His kisses came faster and she found herself responding with an intensity that scared her. Cassandra’s breath came faster and she smiled sensuously when he kissed the crevice in her neck and carried her once again to the bed, this time pinning her down so she couldn’t escape him again. She lay calm, submissively waiting.
Cassandra lay near Jamie, almost completely asleep. She huddled close to him in the darkness with only the light from the stars outside coming through surrounding windows.
“Cassie, did you miss me today?” Jamie’s voice roused her from her sleepy mood.
“Maybe. Did you miss me?”
“You know I did.” Kissing her, her pulled her closer into his arms. Forgetting all else, she closed her eyes.
Jamie stared at the beauty in his arms. They’d just married three months ago, but he’d loved Cassie since he’d first set eyes on her. He missed her so much ever day he had to go to the hospital to work as head surgeon there. He felt like they never had enough time together. Neither one of their families knew about their marriage, but he didn’t care. He would always love her, with or without his family’s blessing. He felt a shuddered sigh of contentment from the creature in his arms as if she could sense his thoughts. Smiling, Jamie kissed her closed eyelids, fanned by thick, dark lashes, slightly brushing her pearly white skin. A look of pleasure touched Cassandra’s face, but her eyes remained closed. Satisfied, he closed his eyes, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
Cassie woke the next day to Jamie, his voice still drowsy from sleep, talking on the phone. She let out an irritated moan as he handed it to her.
“It’s for you.” He muttered.
“Who is it?” Her face was still buried in the pillow. “Tell whoever-it-is I’m not here.”
“It’s too late. I already told her you are.” Jamie softly kissed her hair as she moaned again and snatched the phone.
“Hello.” Cassie sounded more irritated than she’d first intended. She almost jumped at the familiar voice on the other end.
“Cassandra? Is that you?”
“Mama?” She had to work hard to stifle her irritation as she sat up, startled, in the bed. Her mother hadn’t called her for at least a year, not since their last fight.
“Who was that young man I just talked to? Please tell me you’re not involved.”
“Mama, is that really any of your business?” her mother seemed to miss the bite in her voice and continued to drawl on.
“I’m just calling to say I’m in London right now with your sister Amy and her family. We’ll be landing in Edinburgh in a few hours. Everyone wanted it to be a surprise but I just couldn’t wait to tell you.” Cassie was speechless. She almost missed the rest of what her mother had to say. “Oh! I almost forgot. Don’t worry about picking us up, we’ll just drive to your house from the airport. Now, just give me the directions so i won't have to call you later”
“Come… here?” Cassie almost croaked before giving her mother the directions to the house. What choice did she have?
“Why yes, Dear. That is possible isn’t it?” Her mother was totally missing the point.
“Well yes…but… I just thought since you’re coming with Amy and Matt and all the kids-”
“It’s perfectly fine. Matt can rent an extra car. I won’t here of coming any later than late this afternoon. I have to go now, baby. Bye, bye.”
“Bye.” Cassie grunted, turning off the phone. She fell back into sheets before burying her head into the pillow.
“That was my mother.”
“So I heard.” Jamie looked down at her in amusement. “Why’d she call?”
“She’s coming here.” Jamie didn’t miss the dread in her voice.
“I’m sure it won’t be so bad.”
“You don’t understand.” Cassie twisted her body around so she could see him, sharply aware of her eyes on her. “She’s coming here with my sister, my sister’s husband, and their three little children who, I might add, have absolutely no manners whatsoever.” She sat up, sighing in relief at the feel of Jamie’s hands massaging the muscles on her neck. “Why is she calling now? We haven’t even spoken in over a year, since she stabbed me in the back for moving here. I’m so happy here with you, now she has to show up here and ruin everything.” Much to her chagrin she let out a sob. She didn’t even know why. Jamie pulled her shaking body to his, softly soothing her. “She… she hated me for… so much of my life and now… now she’s just coming because I’m making something out of myself.”
“I’m sure she wants to see you, too.” It was a lame comeback, but Jamie couldn’t think of anything else to say. Cassie stopped crying at looked at him with an expression he couldn’t fathom.
“You don’t know my mother.” She got off the bed and walked to her closet, pulling out pair of low rise Luis Vuitton jeans and a black corset top. As she started pulling them on, she felt Jamie come up behind her.
“Just let her come today. If you still don’t want her to stay, I’ll ask her to get a hotel.”
“No. I couldn’t ask you to do that.” Cassie sighed, motioning for Jamie to zip up the back of her top. “She won’t stay here forever. I’m sure I can handle her for a few days.” Suddenly a funnier aspect of her problem came to her. “She’ll be so angry when she figures out we’re married.” She giggled when Jamie folded his arms around her waist and kissed her neck seductively, allowing herself one last instant of pleasure before she’d be forced to give in to the hate her mother had instilled in her.
Cassie made sure their maid cleaned up and the cook knew what to make for dinner before going outside to sit in the gardens. It was too cold for anything to grow this time of year, but it was still beautiful to look out on the snow-covered hills and the ice covered Loch Rannoch. Everything she wanted was right here. Everything she loved was right here. She refused to let her mother ruin that for her.
Cassie jumped at the sound of a car behind her. She looked around, none too surprised to see two large cars pull up the driveway. They stopped a ways away from her before her mother and Matt, her sister’s husband, stepped out of one car, and Amy and the kids stepped out of the other one. It took a good amount of effort to keep herself from running back inside the house. Before she could do anything, her mother spotted her, waving enthusiastically before motioning to the others.
“Cassandra! There you are! Come here so I can give you a kiss.” Slowly, Cassie walked toward her mother while the others proceeded to empty their baggage from the cars. She allowed her mother to hug her, but quickly pulled away before she could do anything else.
“Mama, I’m glad you made it.” She lied unenthusiastically. She allowed Matt to give her a friendly hug and then went to embrace her sister, whom Cassie found she was actually happy to see.
“Cass, you look so mature. Who would have thought my little sister could look so grown up.” Cassie smiled genuinely. She suddenly noticed another person get out of one of the cars. He looked deadly familiar. His black eyes seemed to blaze with a forgotten passion at the sight of her. She backed away almost unconsciously, struggling to stop the flash of terror from coming across her face.
“Cassandra,” He walked toward her, moving to embrace her, making her skin crawl. “You’ve become so beautiful.” He paused, grinning, putting his arm around her mother’s waist. “But then, you were always beautiful.” Cassie looked confused at her mother, who smiled sensuously at the stranger holding her captive in his arms as if they were in a world all their own.
“You remember Jared.” She was totally oblivious to the tension written all over her daughter’s face.
“Yes…why’s he here?” Cassie knew her question was rather rude, but she didn’t really care.
“Didn’t I tell you? We’re married.” She continued to glow, almost giddy with excitement. All Cassie could muster was an icy stare.
“No, I think you missed that little detail.” They stood in a tense silence for a few moments before Cassie spoke up. “You’re probably tired, let’s go in.” She led them into the massive stone estate. Inside, her mother gaped at the interior with its marble floors, chandeliers and expensive leather furniture.
“You’ve certainly done well for yourself.” Cassie thought she detected a hint of envy in her mother’s voice.
“Well, I-” Before she could finish, she heard Jamie coming up from behind her. Cassie was sure she saw her mother’s face harden, her previous façade dwindling away.
“Who might this be?” She asked coldly, eyeing him closely.
“Mother this is-” Jamie interrupted her, his thick Scottish drawl taking over the conversation.
“Jamie, Jamie Campbell.” He extended his hand toward her mother who grudgingly accepted it before he turned to Cassie and kissed her cheek. She hastily introduced everyone else before telling them dinner was at 6:00 p.m. and instructing the maid to show them to their rooms. Breathing a sigh of relief, Cassie allowed Jamie to lead her to their own room where she collapsed on the bed. Jamie leaned over her, kissing her gently before moving to the other side.
“You o.k.?” his voice was gentle, concerned for her.
“I guess.” She tossed off everything except her black lace bra and underwear so she could change for dinner later. Lying back on the bed, Cassie closed her eyes, longing for the mercies of sleep. She sighed as Jamie put one arm around her waist and pulled her into the curve of his body, turning her around so they were both crushed in each other’s arms. Kissing her, Jamie closed his eyes and they both fell asleep, content until dinner.
Cassie changed into a black halter dress and brushed her long dark waves until they shone from the effort. She pulled one side up with an onyx comb before doing the same with the other side and putting on a pair of onyx chandelier earrings. Rising from the chair by her cherry vanity, Cassie went to join Jamie in the dining room. She walked through the marble halls until she ran into Winston, their English butler.
“Hello, Winston. Is dinner prepared yet?”
“Yes, Madam. Your husband is waiting for you in the dining room.”
“Is my family there?”
“Everyone except the children, madam.”
“Thank you, Winston.” Cassie twisted the doorknob to the dining room and entered, her eyes scanning the room. Sure enough, her Amy, Jarred, her mother and Jamie were seated at the table. She saw Jamie flash her a smile of encouragement and rise to escort her to the table.
“There you are darling, we were just waiting for you.” Her mother wore a pinched smile while Jared flashed her a disgusting grin. Cassie looked away, disturbed, and allowed Jamie to escort her to the table. She sat down next to Jamie on one of the delicately carved dining chairs.
“I trust you slept well, Mother.” She said, making a feeble attempt of conversation.
“I hardly could, with those frightful dogs of yours.” Cassie bit down a giggle. She should have known her mother would have a problem with her four shih tzus.
“I’m sorry they bothered you, Mama. If you like, you can move to another room.” She was surprised at the sudden look of fury in her mother’s blue eyes.
“I should move! Why don’t they move?”
“I’m sorry, Mama, but the babies’ favorite room is the one next to yours, the one they’re in now. If I move them, the poor things will cry the whole night.” Cassie was calm, but insistent. She saw Jamie tense as if bracing himself for an argument.
“I see I obviously can’t compete with your precious dogs.” Her mother said sarcastically.
“Now, now, Lacey.” Jared interrupted, “I’m sure Cassandra only wants what’s best.” His dark eyes searched hers, piercing through her as if he could read her very mind. Cassie became aware of an odd sensation along her left upper thigh. She looked up to see Jared grinning maliciously. Her skin tingled as he continued to massage her leg, slowly moving her dress up farther. Cassie quickly stood up, stopping all conversation and drawing all eyes to her.
“I… I need… I’ll be right back.” She abruptly turned away from the table and swiftly walked from the room. Once outside in the hall, Cassie ran to the bathroom, tears running down her hot cheeks. A wave of nausea overtook her and she quickly threw up what little she’d eaten. Someone rattled the doorknobs of the double doors leading to the bathroom. She froze.
“Go away.” She swiftly rubbed the tears from her red-rimmed eyes.
“Cassie, it’s me.” Jamie’s voice sounded concerned, but she didn’t want him to see her like this. “Let me in…please.”
“I’m fine. I’ll be right out. I promise… I’m fine.” A sob escaped her throat before she could stop it.
“You’re not fine. Please… just open the door.” Jamie heard the sounds of water running for what must have been to remove any traces of tears from her eyes. He jiggled the silver knobs again, before Cassie opened the doors. Her face was stricken, tears staining her beautiful face. She fell into his arms, a sob escaping her throat as she clutched him to her. Jamie softly kissed her hair.
“Want to tell me what all this is about, Lassy.” He asked softly, using his pet name for her.
“He…he still wants…wants me.” Cassie’s body shook as Jamie pulled her closer.
“Who still wants you?" Jamie struggled to conceal the anger in his voice for whoever had made his wife so upset.
“Jared. I…I thought he’d forget all about me when I left but… but I guess…” she burst into tears again. “I…I can’t go back to dinner. Just tell everyone I’m sick.”
“Did he do something to you?” All softness was gone from Jamie’s voice as he looked straight into her pain stricken eyes. Cassie pulled away from his iron stare and turned away from him.
“It doesn’t matter.” She whispered, her voice filled with pain.
“It matters to me.” Jamie almost yelled, yanking her back to him. He immediately regretted his actions when she bit her lip to keep from crying out.
“Cassie… I… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have-”
“He raped me.” Jamie stopped cold at her words.
“What?” Cassie looked up at him, her eyes now void of tears.
“You asked what he did to me. He raped me… more than once.” Her words were cold, emotionless. Jamie stared at her, his eyes speaking volumes of pity and his love for her.
“I’ll tell them you’re ill, then I’m coming upstairs with you.” She nodded slowly, without protest, allowing Jamie to lead her to the staircase before he went to make her excuses. She started up the stairs, yearning for it all to be over.
Jamie walked back to the dining room, swiftly opening the doors. He strode inside, his cold eyes meeting Jared’s, piercing through him.
“Cassie’s…not feeling well. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to make my excuses as well. I have certain business matters to attend to.” He was surprised when Cassie’s sister, a small delicate creature of about thirty, spoke up.
“Is she going to be o.k.?” Her voice was concerned, but Jamie wasn’t sure if he could trust her with his wife’s well being.
“She’ll be fine.” He walked from the room, closing the door behind him. Quietly rushing up the curved marble staircase, he ran to the room he shared with Cassie and threw open the double doors. Cassie’s maid, Jenny, was already putting her to bed.
“Thanks Jenny. I’ll take it from here. You can take the rest of the night off if you like.”
“Thank you sir.” She smiled and walked from the room. Jamie focused his attention on Cassie, dressed in black silk pants and a tight spaghetti-strapped top. She’d roused at the sound of his voice.
“Do they know you’re up here?" Jamie sat on the bed, throwing off his suit and pulling off his tie.
“No, they think I left to attend to business.” Leaning over, he kissed her forehead softly. “I’ll be right back, I’m just going to shower.” She closed her eyes and nodded. A short while later he returned, joining Cassie in their bed. Jamie gently held her sleeping body in his arms, starring into her peaceful features, which previously had been so filled with terror. Her eyelids slowly fluttered open, showing her dark indigo eyes.
“Thank you.” Cassie whispered.
“For what?”
“For making my excuses tonight.”
“I would have, even if you’d asked me not to.” He kissed her, forcing her mouth open so his tongue could massage the inside of her mouth. She responded hungrily, desperately wanting him. Cassie sighed as Jamie raked his hands through her black hair in a sudden fit of passion, unaware of the click of the door handles. Jamie was just pulling her top from over her head when-
“Cassandra! What on earth-” Her mother’s voice was furious. Cassie froze with the sudden realization of discovery.
“Mama… what are you doing here?” She rushed to cover herself, pulling the sheets toward her.
“I came to see how you were feeling. Now I see it’s obvious that you and your “friend” just couldn’t wait to enjoy each other’s passions. Am I correct?”
“Mama…please…” Holding her shaking body to him, Jamie interrupted.
“Cassie and I are married. It’s perfectly “appropriate” for us to be here together.” Her mother’s face turned rigged and Cassie paled at the arrival of a second figure in the room. Jared.
“What’s going on, Lacey. I could here you-” Jared stopped at the sight of Cassie, in bed with Jamie holding her to him. “What’s this?” His grin, although amused, was forced, malicious. His eyes stared straight at her. Jared turned to Lacey. “Well?”
“The little brat’s married.” Cassie saw Jared pale in anger ever so slightly. Her attention turned back to her mother when she strode toward her and, letting out an angry scream, raised her hands to slap her. Jamie grabbed her wrists, looking her straight in they eyes.
“Don’t you ever lay a finger on my wife. She’s not yours to control anymore.” Lacey’s face hardened. Turning to her daughter she spat in her face.
“You little whore. I swear I’ll kill you.” Jamie struck her.
“You can either leave now or stay and heed what I just said.” Turning to Jared, he starred at him coldly. “Don’t you ever touch Cassie again you bastard.” He whispered. “If I ever catch you, I will kill you.” Jared nodded, taking his wife from the room. Jamie turned back to Cassie, softly soothing her trembling body as she burst in tears, letting her release her pent up anguish.
Cassie woke up the next day to the rain pattering on the windows of their bedroom. The weather outside was stormy. She pulled closer to Jamie as the cold began to get to her, her shivering body warming slowly. Cassie closed her eyes, wanting to go back to sleep, back to her dreams of forgetfulness. She felt the unexpected fluttering of a kiss on her eyelids, then her mouth. Hands ran fingers through her hair. Cassie smiled, moving her head back to accommodate the kisses to the crevice in her neck. She opened her eyes to Jamie’s smiling face.
“Did you like that, Lassy?”
“Maybe. Do it again so I can make sure.” Cassie pulled him down to her so his lips could meet hers. They pressed against his, her tongue making little circles in his mouth setting him on fire. Jamie ignored the sound of the doors quietly opening as Amy walked in, her eyes growing wide with embarrassment at the sight in front of her. They didn’t seem to notice so she considered leaving before anyone could spot her. Before she could make her decision, Jamie saw her. Pulling himself away from over Cassie’s body, he glared at Amy.
“What happened to a thing called privacy?"
“I… um… I just needed to talk to Cassie.” Jamie saw he’d shaken her. He wondered what she was thinking, seeing her little sister alone with someone else. Even though she was Cassie’s sister she looked remarkably different. She was taller, with straight auburn hair and green eyes. She stared at him with an expression he couldn’t fathom. Surprise. Jealousy. Disgust, maybe. Cassie made no attempt to move away from him.
“What is it, Amy?” She sounded almost irritated.
“No, I’ll… I’ll come back some other time when you’re not… busy.”
“Don’t be silly.” Looking up at Jamie she implored him with her eyes, her sultry British accent seducing him. “Do you mind if we finish this later darling.” Jamie nodded reluctantly, giving her one last kiss before pulling himself away. When he was gone, Cassie sat up. Even though she wore only a bra and underwear, she made no attempt to cover herself. After all, she was only talking to her sister. Patting a space on the bed next to her, she motioned for Amy to sit down.
“What’s bothering you?"
“Mama told me what happened last night.”
“So you’ve come to yell at me?”
“What other reason could you have for barging into my room when I’m with Jamie.” Cassie’s voice held more resentment than she originally intended.
“I didn’t know you were with him.” She paused. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why did you choose to be here, away from all of us?” Cassie looked at her, her expression cold.
“You were sucking the life out of me. Here my happiness has been restored.” Her expression softened. “I love Jamie. I won’t give him up because Mama doesn’t approve of him.”
“I… I didn’t know you felt that way.” Amy sounded hurt.
“I didn’t mean it that way. You were always a good sister. I just… needed to get away.”
“Do you love him?”
“I do.” Amy smiled a small smile.
“That’s what’s important then.” She rose to leave, pausing when Cassie called to her.
“Thanks, Amy. You were always different from the rest.” Amy smiled, leaving.
-3 Days Later
Jamie sat lazy on the plush couch next to the fireplace in the library, his eyes staring at the book in his hands but not reading it. He was startled when arms when around his neck and a pair of lips pecked his cheek. Cassie smiled at his surprised reaction.
“I was wondering if we could finish what we started earlier.” She sat down on his lap removing the book from his hand. Closing the space between them, she gently kissed his bottom lip, taking pleasure in the way he tensed with desire at her touch. Jamie swiftly pulled her closer, pressing himself onto her. Cassie giggled as he tugged insistently on her black lace halter-top.
“I didn’t mean here.”
“It’s too late now.” He whispered, pinning her down under him on the black leather couch, in a trance from the firelight dancing in her blue eyes. Jamie kissed her deeply, savoring her sweet taste as he pulled out the satin ribbon holding her hair together, running his fingers through the soft tresses. He stared down at Cassie’s perfect features, marveling at the intensity of his love for her. When they were finished Cassie closed her eyes, leaning against Jamie, exhausted from the extents of their intimacy. She fell asleep to Jamie softly stroking her hair, protecting her from whatever she might fear.
Lacey walked into the library in time to see her daughter in the arms of her Scottish lover, most of her clothes thrown off in what appeared to be a previous state of passion. They both lay sleeping of the leather couch next to the fireplace, lulled by the constant pattern of raindrops against the windows. Lacey closed her eyes, trying to contain her jealousy. Her eyes flew open at the sudden flash of lightning outside the house. She struggled at the urge to run over and tear her daughter away from this man she obviously loved, wanted. Lacey saw a small smile light Cassie’s face, as if delighting in her mother’s misery. It was too much. Lacey strode over to her daughter, raising her hand to strike her. A shadow lurked in the corners. Lacey almost jumped in fright at the sight of Amy coming out of the shadows.
“What are you doing here mother?” Amy’s whisper sounded cool, angry.
“What are you?”
“I followed you here.” They were interrupted by a groan from Jamie; his eyes still closed stretching on the leather couch. Lacey froze, paralyzed when he opened his eyes, cold as the weather outside.
“What the hell is going on here?” His harsh tone woke Cassie who murmured softly in his arms.
“I came in to see if Cassandra was here.” Lacey’s voice was icy. Cassie flew up from her position next to Jamie, her expression angry now that she’d gotten over her fear.
“What is it, Mama?"
“Why didn’t you tell me you were married?”
“I didn’t really think you’d be interested, seeing as you really weren’t involved in anything else in my life.” Cassie’s words hit hard, her tone biting. Lacey didn’t say anything. “Now, Mama, if you could please leave so I can dress myself, I’d really appreciate it.” Lacey didn’t move. Cassie ignored her, pulling on her top and jeans. Walking toward the door, she stopped at the sound of her mother’s voice.
“I want to change that, Cassandra.” Cassie smiled sarcastically. Turning to face her, she looked her straight in the eye.
“Look who finally decided to be a mother. It’s too late for that now.” She walked out, closing the door behind her, stifling a sob. Cassie ran out to the front door, throwing open and running outside. The wind whipped her hair and the rain stung her body with its cold drops. Shivering, she ran to their stables, finding the stall with the horse Jamie gave her last Christmas. The Arabian stared at her with its big brown eyes as if sensing her deepest despairs. Letting herself into the stall, Cassie softly stroked her muzzle, calling out to her groom for her saddle and bridle. He looked at her strangely, but the look she gave him quickly silenced any protest. He quickly tacked up the horse and helped Cassie mount. Clicking to her horse, she rode out into the freezing cold, her skin tingling. She cantered all the way to the loch, soaked within the course of three minutes. Looking around, she panted for air, her breath coming in little puffs around her face, her wet hair sticking to her skin. Tears stained her icy cheeks as she pulled the Arabian to a halt alongside the frozen water, collapsing in sobs. A clap of thunder shook the air, causing her horse to rear. Unaware, Cassie tumbled to the ground, closing her eyes, submitting herself to the blackness quickly surrounding her.
Jamie’s first intention was to go after Cassie when she shut the door to the crowd in the room. Then he decided to give her some room and let her come to him when she was ready. Pulling on his clothes, he turned to Lacey, standing stricken near the fireplace.
“Cassie gets upset very easily. Maybe it would be better if you just talked to her later.”
“She doesn’t want me to.”
“Maybe you should give her a chance to accept you first before you turn away from her again.”
“Last night… what I said… I was angry… I didn’t mean it.”
“I didn’t think you did. No one could be so heartless towards their own daughter.” Jamie saw Lacey cringe slightly. His eyes flew to the door when he heard it latch open, Cassie’s maid walking in, a nervous look on her face. Jamie searched her eyes for some sort of explanation.
“Sir… Miss Cassandra’s horse… It’s just walking around outside without her.” Jamie paled.
“Isn’t it possible, it just got out of the stable?”
“No, sir. The groom just asked me if Miss Cassandra came back.”
“Came back? From where?”
“He said she asked him to tack up her horse and then she left in the direction of the loch.” Jamie ran from the room. Grabbing his coat, he headed outside, jumped on Cassie’s Arabian and rode toward the loch. He scanned the landscape, desperate for some clue as to where Cassie might be. He rode on for about 15 minutes before spotting her, limp and pale on the cold icy ground. Jumping off the horse, Jamie knelt next to her, cupping her pale face in his hands.
“Cassie…Cassie! Can you here me?” Her eyes opened slowly.
"I'm fine. i...i don't think anything's broken."
Jamie felt her body to make sure she was o.k. before scooping her in his arms, Jamie carried her onto the Arabian and then jumped on himself. They rode back to the stables slowly so as not to hurt her. Back at the estate, Jamie carried Cassie’s limp body into the house, up into their room. He laid her carefully on the bed as she slowly began to regain consciousness. Her eyes fluttered and she began to cough fiercely.
“Jamie…” Cassie whispered.
“I’m here.” Her held her to him, calling to their maid to get him some fresh clothes.
“I’m so cold.” Jamie stripped Cassie of the wet clothes and wrapped her in the warm bed sheets. She quivered in the warm protection of his arms. The maid returned with a long-sleeved top and a pair of warm jeans. Jamie helped Cassie put them on before pulling her to him again. Her eyes closed, relishing the warm comfort of him next to her. Jamie’s cell phone rang. He swore in irritation, picking it up.
“Yes, what the hell is it?” A familiar voice answered him.
“You’re needed at the hospital.”
“What! No one informed me of this!”
“I’m just telling you what I was told.” Before Jamie could answer, the other person hung up. Getting his coat, he kissed Cassie and ran out, driving his black Jaguar slowly so it wouldn’t slip on the wet road.
Cassie slept peacefully, suddenly chilled by fingers caressing her cheeks, lips and then her neck. Someone slowly began stripping her of every article of clothing she wore and pulling the ribbon that held her hair together. She wanted to argue but she couldn’t. She wanted to scream but no sound would leave her lips as a sweaty palm clamped over her mouth. Cassie’s eyes flew open, staring straight into Jared’s malicious gaze. Her chest heaved with apprehension as he slowly removed the hand over her mouth and kissed her. She struggled and nearly screamed in pain when he covered her body with his in an effort to keep her pinned down. He quickly covered her mouth again, bringing his face down to hers.
“Doesn’t this bring back lovely memories.” The pleased glint in his eyes only made her struggle more. “Only now, your not such a little girl any more, making it possible for me to maybe… try more with you.” Cassie bit his hand, letting out a yelp of pain when Jared slapped her. “What’s happened to my submissive girl? You will be quiet now or something will happen to your husband. He’ll pay for taking you away from me.”
“I already left you.” Her voice shook, despite her efforts to control her raging emotions.
“Shut up!” He slapped her again, forcing her gaze on him. “You will do what I say, and you will do it with relish. If not… perhaps I should leave those details for later.” Jared kissed her again, forcing her lips open, savoring the way Cassie trembled with terror in his arms. Her lover would pay for the pain he’d cost him. She would pay for it. He hadn’t married her mother and made this trip for nothing. After she left, he’d been tormented with his constant burning obsession for her. Yes, she would pay for that, too. She would pay for it today, with none other than submission for what he was about to do. He licked her neck, tasting the saltiness of the tears trailing down her face. He moved down slowly, kissing the smooth flesh of her abdomen.
“Jared… please…. I’ll do whatever you want just… just please don’t do this to me.” Jared laughed, as if what she’d said was remarkably funny.
“Do you actually think I’d stop now?" Cassie stared at him, and then with a sudden strength she didn’t know she possessed, she ran to her vanity, grabbing her cell phone. Dialing Jamie’s number, she continued to run from her pursuer. A voice on the other end answered.
“Hey, Cassie. Are you feeling better? i'm coming home. They just told me they have everything under control at the hospital.”
“Jamie… please don’t let him-” She screamed as Jared grabbed her, knocking the phone from her hand. She shrieked as he forced her on the bed.
“Don’t you EVER do that again you stupid whore or I swear to God I will kill you before you can take another breath.” Cassie stilled as exhaustion began to take over her weak body.
“Why… why are you doing this to me?” her voice came in pants of utter desperation.
“Because I want you, and I ALWAYS get what I want.”
“You already took what you wanted. When I was 11 you ran away with a part of me. Isn’t that enough for you.” Cassie quivered under the weight of his body, her heart pounding from the boldness of her words. Leaning close to her, Jared whispered in her ear.
“No, it’s not enough. You put me in torment when you left without telling me. I warned you what would happen if you so much as dared to do anything without my permission. I told you if you ever tried to escape me I would be there, waiting for you. Did you honestly think you could get away from that?" He stared at her. “Did you?!” Cassie shook her head, trembling.
“I did everything you ever asked. I didn’t tell anyone you hurt me. I didn’t tell them you destroyed me and made me think I owed my life to you. I sold myself to you because of the way you threatened me. I didn’t tell anyone about the way you controlled me for 8 years. What else do you damned want.” Cassie was screaming at him, not caring if he killed her.
“But he knows, doesn’t he?” She froze.
“Your bastard of a husband. He knows about us, doesn’t he?” He closed his hand around her neck. “Never make the mistake of doing something that can compromise me and then thinking I won’t find out. I know you told him about us. I could see it in the way he looked at me. You’re going to pay for that now, just like I always promised you would.” He had her, loving the way she screamed in terror. When he was finished, he looked into Cassie’s exhausted face. “I’ve enjoyed our time together as much as ever.” He laughed at her stricken expression. “Don’t worry, darling, I’m sure you’ll be a good girl from now on.” Jared pulled on his clothes and left the room, leaving Cassie alone, unable to cry or vent any emotion whatsoever. Numbly, she pulled herself off the bed and put on her clothes. She looked outside, suddenly cold at the sight of the raindrops pelting against the glass. She pulled the blanket off the bed and drew it around her as she went to sit on the couch by the fireplace. All she could feel was emptiness. Hopelessness. Foolishness to have thought she could actually have a normal life after what Jared had done to her, not once but constantly for 8 long years. Cassie stared into the flames, leaning against the back of the couch. Her heart thudded when the door burst open. Jamie came in, shocked at the way Cassie looked at him, her face void of emotion.
“What happened? Did Jared do something to you? Did he-” She smiled at him. If she was good at anything, it was lying. Hadn’t she done it for 8 years?
“Everything’s perfectly fine darling, I was just… nervous because I didn’t know you’d gone.” Jamie stared at her.
“You’re lying to me.” His voice was hard, angry. Cassie walked away from him.
“I’ve told you what happened. It’s your choice whether you want to believe it or not.” He grabbed her arm with one hand and her chin with the other, forcing her gaze on his.
“Tell me what happened.” Cassie had to force herself to be cool, nonchalant. She gave an innocent little laugh.
“Really, baby. I don’t know why so worked up today.” She didn’t want to lie to Jamie, but she knew Jared would do something terrible to him if she told him the truth. He gripped both her arms in his strong grasp, causing her real pain.
“He raped you, didn’t he?” Cassie couldn’t look at him. She felt her composure crumbling.
“Jamie, you’re hurting me.”
“He was here, wasn’t he?" Cassie felt like crying at the way he yelled at her. “Wasn’t he?!”
“Jamie I-”
“Why the bloody hell are you protecting him?”
“Because he’ll kill you if I don’t.” Cassie screamed at him. She stopped cold at her mistake, bursting into a fit of tears. Jamie stared at her. He understood now. He understood what had taken place in his absence, and he understood that Cassie was keeping something of her past from him. He held her too him as she choked out another sob.
“Jamie, don’t ever leave me again.”
“Cassie, I’m… sorry. I guess in reality, I’m no better than he is.”
“I wouldn’t have married you if you were like him.”
“He won’t do this to you again. I promise.” He kissed her; her lips were smooth though scarred somehow. He could taste her desperation when she responded to him. Cassie pulled away from him, suddenly feeling sick with exhaustion.
“Jamie, please… I’m so tired.” He pulled her up into his arms, setting her on the bed, her eyes closing when he lay next to her.
Jared paced in his guest room, trying to figure out some way to make Cassie completely his. He knew she wouldn’t snitch to her husband. She’d kept their secret for years. Why on earth should he be worried now? He was anyway. He’d seen the look on her face. She was weak. Worse than that, she was angry, no longer the quiet, complacent, obedient girl he’d once known. She wouldn’t give in to him without a protest. Jared would have to work hard to come up with a threat, dangerous enough to her in order for her to accept his demands. When he had Cassie and got children off of her she would never be able to leave him. She would be forever under his control. He would have her and all the money she was making. No one would be able to stop him. But first, Jared had to kill her husband, her mother and everyone who might possibly be a threat to his very existence. No one who even suspected anything about what was going on between him and Cassie could be aloud to live.
-2 days later-

Lacy starred into her daughter’s room, shocked at what she heard. Cassie’s sobs tore at her heart. She’d tried to keep Jared away from her but to no avail. Now Cassie was suffering for her actions. Lacey hadn’t known of Jared’s desires for her daughter until they first arrived here but she'd never suspected he'd raped her. She saw the way he looked at her. His eyes filled with an unsatisfied hunger, searching her closely. She also saw the way Cassie avoided him, the way she shrunk away from his heated gaze. Cassie was afraid of him. In her heart, Lacey knew why. She didn’t want to acknowledge it to herself. She didn't want to think Jared was capable of treating her daughter this way. She didn’t want to think about what her neglect had done to her child, how Jared had used it to get closer to her daughter, how he’d used it to take advantage of her. She didn’t want that to happen anymore. She ran, blinded by angry tears to the bedroom she shared with Jared. He stood, staring out the window, a small smile on his face.
“What did you do to Cassie?” Lacey struggled to keep her voice under control. He didn’t answer her. “Why do you want her so badly?”
“Jealous, my pet?” Jared turned around to face her, his smile pleased at what he’d accomplished. Lacey stared at him, unable to fathom what he was thinking.
“What did you do to my daughter?” She whispered
“Nothing she didn’t deserve.”
“Nobody deserves to be raped.” She saw him stop cold.
“She told you this?”
“Than how do you know about it?"
“I heard it. I…” Lacey paused, not wanting to reveal anymore. Jared gripped her at the shoulders, his eyes piercing through her.
“Tell me.” His voice was low, raspy. Lacey didn't say anything. Jared slapped her. "Tell me or something much worse will happen to you." Lacey bagan to tremble. It wouldn't be the first time Jared beat her. Before their marriage she never thought he would turn out like this.
“She told him. She told her husband. I heard it a few days ago. I’ve tried to keep quiet about it, but I just can’t.” Seeing the fear in Jared’s eyes, Lacey paused for a moment. “Surely, you didn’t expect she wouldn’t tell someone.” Jared released her.
“She told him?” Lacey hardly knew how to respond to his curious reaction. Before she could react at all, he walked from the room.
Jared strode towards Cassie’s bedroom, his body radiating with anger. Throwing open the carved double doors, he glared at its inhabitants. He saw Cassie press herself into Jamie’s embrace, her eyes filled with a fear he could not even begin to imagine, nor did he want to. She visibly began to shake and her breathing turned to frantic pants. Jamie put her behind him and stood to meet his wife’s offender. Jared smirked.
“I’ve come to see Cassandra, not you. So if you’ll please step aside-” He was interrupted by Jamie’s fist flying in his face, and the sweet taste of his blood in his mouth. Then came the pain from his broken nose and the stinging agony from his cut lip. He heard a scream as Cassie rose from the bed and ran to Jamie, pulling her husband off of his body.
“Jamie, no. Don’t do this.” She looked at him, tears forming in her eyes. “Please.”
“He can’t be allowed to do this to you.”
“He’ll kill you.” She let out a sob. “Please, don’t do this.”
“I can stand up for myself.” Cassie was stung by his cold reply. She stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Fine. But know you’re acting the same way as he is right know.” She walked away from him, ignoring his calls to her. She felt a pull in her arm, her face turning to see Jamie.
“Your right.” He reached out and caressed her cheek softly. “You right. I just don’t want him to hurt you again.” Cassie turned at the sound of Jared, his laugh ringing through the expansive bedroom.
“Face it, Cassandra. Your life isn’t with him.” He walked towards her, rubbing the blood from his malicious smile. “It’s with me.” Jared was surprised by her upfront gaze that held something he’d never seen before. Anger. Courage to stand up to him.
“My life isn’t with you. It’s with Jamie.” Cassie walked towards him. The look she gave him was murder. “You don’t own me anymore. Whatever you say or do think can’t change that. I’m not your submissive little child. Maybe it’s time you recognized that.” Jared gave Cassie one cold glare before walking away from her. It was obvious he’d lost this argument. But she had yet to pay her debt. She would suffer. Her husband wouldn’t always be there to protect her. He stopped at the sound of Jamie’s voice.
“Don’t think you can get away so easily.” Jared turned to face him.
“I didn’t think I would.” He walked away, relishing the look of anger in Jamie’s face. Inside, Jared was in turmoil. Cassandra would never be the same. He could never be fully in control of her now. He was loosing his tight grip on her. Inside his room, he found Lacey on their bed, sobbing softly.
“It’s all my fault.”
“What’s all your fault?” He lay on the bed, too exhausted to tend to his wife’s delicate condition.
“What you’ve done to her. It would never have happened if I would’ve paid more attention.” Jared smirked
“Cassandra was a passionate child, just waiting for someone to love her. Looks like I jumped to the chance quicker than you did.” He ignored Lacey’s pitiful whimpers and fell asleep, too tired to care anymore and too confused about Cassie to know what he was doing.
Jared couldn’t sleep. He lay awake, unable to fall into a merciful oblivion. His thoughts continually turned to Cassandra. With every passing minute, it became clearer to him that she wouldn’t give in to his threats anymore. Kidnapping was his best option. Jared knew he had to do it tonight. He couldn’t risk staying in this house any longer.
He carefully crept out of the room and skulked through the dark hallways. The bright moonbeams coming through the many windows glinted off of the pistol he carried in his hand. Jared moved quietly, slowly walking about until he reached Cassie’s room. Opening the doors, he let his eyes rest upon his prize. Cassie lay nestled in Jamie’s arms wearing only a short silk dress that clung tightly to her body, clearly outlining every curve on her body. The position of Jamie’s hands and the way she lay drew attention to the firm outline small waist. A small smile touched her face and her hair shone in the moonlight, each moonbeam accenting a silky black tress. She turned, causing her dress to open ever so slightly, affording him a glance of the tops of her firm breasts, partly covered by the bra she wore. She sighed softly, as if sensing him. Jared became hot with desire. He wanted her so badly now. What he felt made him realize all the more how important his mission was. He walked inside, careful not to make a sound. At that point, Jamie conveniently moved away from his wife allowing Jared to gently lift her in his arms and carry her out of the room. Cassie stirred softly in his arms but didn’t awaken. A frown crossed her beautiful features as if sensing something amiss.
He hastily made his way out of the house and opened the door to his car. Placing Cassie in the front seat he got in next to her and started the car. The sound of the engine starting awakened his captive. Before she could scream, Jared placed a hand over her mouth.
“Don’t make a sound.” His voice was just above a whisper. He slowly removed his hands, allowing her to speak.
“Where… where are you taking me?” Cassie’s voice shook, even as she struggled to keep it under control. Jared didn’t answer her. His eyes glinted with desire and anger. Cassie shrunk away from his gaze, terrified. She grabbed the door handle only to have Jared pull her away and stick the cold barrel of his pistol in the side of her head.
“Don’t even think about it.” Jared’s breath was hot on her neck. Cassie felt utterly exposed and disgusting as a wave of nausea hit her. Jared laughed evilly, loving her discomfort. He softly rubbed her arm, and then nuzzled her neck, her soft tresses caressing him, encouraging him to go further. Jared unzipped the back of her spaghetti-strapped dress, allowing his hands to close around the smooth flesh of her waist.
“Please…stop…” Jared thought he detected a whimper in her voice.
“Why? It’s only the way I think a father should express his love for his daughter.” He smiled at her shocked expression. When she spoke her voice was weak, just barely above a whisper.
“Don’t look so shocked my love. Your mother and I met years ago. We gave in to our lusts and she had you. I had no use for a baby and soon tired of your mother. Years later I returned to her and saw you.” He reached out to touch her. Cassie jerked away. “I found a beautiful young woman.” His voice turned into a seductive whisper. “I couldn’t resist you. I couldn’t hold myself back.” Jared pushed Cassie down, forgetting his previous mission. He kissed her, taking pleasure in the way she squirmed under him. In an attempt to still her, his ring grazed her neck. He heard Cassie suck in her breath in pain as the blood trickled down her pale skin. Jared swore. What the hell made him do something so stupid? He was interrupted by a bang on the car door. He hastily grabbed Cassie as Jamie pulled the front door open.
“What the hell are you doing with my wife?” Jared pressed the barrel of his pistol into the side of Cassie’s head.
“Make another move and I’ll kill her.” Jamie pulled out his own pistol and pointed it at Jared.
“Give me Cassie.” Jared pressed the pistol deeper against Cassie. He found himself almost moved by her soft whimper.
“Drop the gun.” Jamie hesitated. “Now!” Jamie dropped his pistol. Before he could do anything to stop it, Jared pulled away his gun from Cassie and pointed it towards himself. He could feel his hold on Cassie loosening as the sentence of life imprisoned loomed before him. He wouldn't give this bastard the pleasure of doing that to him. He held the pistol towards his own head and pulled the trigger. Cassie screamed as Jared’s grip on her loosened. Blood streamed from his head wound onto her, marring her skin and soaking her dress. Jamie pulled her away from the now still form that was her father.
Several figures were seen running out of the house, one of which was Lacey, shocked to see Cassie covered in blood.
“What’s happened?" Jamie nodded towards Jared’s dead body while softly murmuring to Cassie. Lacey screamed.
“Did you do it?” Her voice held, surprisingly, no contempt. Jamie shook his head.
“He killed himself.” Lacey fell to her knees, shocked by the inormity of the situation. She couldn't believe he was dead. He'd tormented her for so long, it was suddenly hard to comrehend. Amy, who had also run outside, went to bring her mothe inside. Jamie concentrated his efforts on Cassie. She was quiet, her eyes emotionless, and her body still. He noticed a deep cut on the side of her neck. Blood oozed out of the wound, dribbling on his hands, when he scooped her in his arms.
Jamie gave instructions for the proper arrangements to be made for the body outside, and then carried Cassie upstairs, laying her on the couch in their room. He stripped her and placed her in the bathtub. She opened her eyes slowly, taking in the familiar surroundings. Cassie winced as Jamie carefully washed the cut on her neck, and then sighed in relief as he massaged the tense muscles on her back.
“Better?” Cassie nodded as he helped her from the tub. “Did he do anything to you.” She shook her head.
“No.” She looked at him, her expression stricken, pausing before she dropped the bomb. “He’s my father. He was my father.” Jared stared at Cassie before pulling her to him.
“Cassie I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
“It’s fine.” Jamie seemed about to interrupt her when she put a finger to his lips, silencing him. “At least he can’t touch me anymore.” She motioned for him to help her dress just as her mother came in. Cassie paused, then pulled on a top over her bra. “Yes, mama.”
“Oh Cassie! I’m so sorry.” Lacey let out a sob before, pulling her daughter into an embrace. “Please…forgive…me…please.” Cassie struggled to keep the tears from her eyes as she hugged her mother, suddenly realizing how much she’d actually yearned for her.
“I love you, Mama.” She whispered. Lacy let out a cry of relief. “I always have.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s o.k. Mama. I’m sorry, too.” They held each other for a few more moments before Lacey moved away from Cassie and pulled Jamie into a hug. Surprised, Jamie returned the embrace. Lacey smiled, before exiting the room, leaving him and Cassie alone. Jamie kissed her, filled with pleasure at the taste of her sweet lips and her innocent response.
“I love you.” Cassie’s lips curved into a smile.
“I love you more.” Jamie smiled, knowing he could never express the full extents of his love towards her.
“I have a new pet name for you.” Cassie leaned against him, closing her eyes.
“What is it?”
“Because you’re my warrior princess. You survived today. You didn’t break down.”
“You’re complementing me too much. You’re so much stronger than I am.”
“Yes, but you’re beautiful, so that makes up for it.” Cassie laughed. She stopped as Jamie’s lips neared hers, slowly closing the space between them. Jamie felt Cassie melt as he kissed her, his way of expressing his boundless passion for her.
Last edited by Beautful Angelic Goth on Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:23 pm
Meep says...

Beautiful Angelic Goth wrote:She’d risen at 6:00 a.m., eaten breakfast and spent the whole day working on new dress designs for her studio.

This is really just a personal preference, but I find that (usually, but not always) stating the exact time like that feels somewhat mechanical or military. Especially in the otherwise flowing prose, an exact time like "6:00 a.m." doesn't quite fit, do you see what I'm saying? Something like "She'd risen before the sun," might fit in better, because it's a little on the cliché side, but it would flow better with your writing style.
I also think you can take out "eaten breakfast," because you don't mention any of the other things she did while getting ready, and are really vauge about what happened during the rest of the day.

Beautiful Angelic Goth wrote:Determined to get away, Cassandra left Boston and came to Scotland, where against her family’s knowledge, she’d married and started her own line of clothes.

I don't think "against" is the right word, here. Instead, "without" or similar might be more appropriate. If the marriage was against her family's wishes, it'd be one thing, but against their knowledge seems ... a little contradictory, unless she continued to be in touch with them without ever mentioning her marriage or her clothing line.

Beautiful Angelic Goth wrote:They’d just married 3 months ago, but he’d loved Cassie since he’d first set eyes on her.

Again, using a numeral throws of the otherwise romantic, flowy prose. Even writing it out as "three" would be a more appropriate way of doing it. (I can't remember all of the rules of numerals, but I know that three should be written out in prose.)
The same thing goes for the four dogs, later on. (Which you previously had not mentioned, so they were something of a suprise.)
... and her thirty year old sister.
As a general rule of thumb, write out numbers under a hundred unless they're decimals.

Also, I noticed a little continuity error: if Cassandra and her mother fought when she moved to Scotland a year ago, would Cassandra have given her the address of the place she had moved to? It's not a huge deal, just something to consider.

Beautiful Angelic Goth wrote:Suddenly a funnier aspect of her problem came to her. “She’ll be so angry when she figures out we’re married.”

Er, she just told her mother they were married while on the phone. ("Are you involved?" ... "I wouldn't be if I wasn't married," or something to that effect.) Unless she was being sarcastic, which you should indicate somehow.

Oh, when Jamie finds Cassandra unconcious, moving her is about the single worst thing he could do. It's incredibly dangerous to move someone who may have suffered a head or neck injury, except to roll them onto their side so they don't run the risk of choking to death. Bringing her back on horseback at a canter is a really terrible idea, it could make the damage 100x worse, all of that jolting around, if she'd suffered a concussion or neck injury. As a surgeon especially, Jamie should know this.
(Also, if someone were freezing like that, why bother with an off-the-shoulder top? When you're cold, you want lots of warm. Ditto earlier, when she was wearing a tight camisole when she wasn't feeling well. Why not just wear a sweatshirt?)

Lesse ... after Cassie calls Jamie, he gets home really, really fast. Now, if he was so desperately needed at the hospital, he probably would have been in the OR, or on his way to the OR, and therefore unable to answer his phone, much less leave.

If Lacey heard Cassie tell Jamie about it "a few days ago," it would've been when they first had dinner, and Jared, I think, already knew about that. ("I can tell by the way he looks at me [that he knows what I did to you].")

Also, why would Lacey continue to share a bedroom - much less a bed - with a man she knew had raped her daughter? In her place, I would've kicked his teeth in. Moreover, why would Jamie let Jared stay in his house, even from the beginning? If I found out someone raped my wife, I would've gone back in to the dining room, broken his nose and thrown his sorry ass out.
... and then buy a shot gun.
Which reminds me, Jared's broken nose healed up real fast. Broken noses are hospital problems; they bleed like a b*tch and they hurt even worse. You don't take care of a broken nose on your own, you have to have the bone set by a doctor and I seriously doubt Jamie would do it for him.

Beautiful Gothic Angel wrote:He lay awake, unable to fall into that merciful oblivion that makes you forget everything.

I think you can take out "that makes you forget everything," because that's implied by the word "oblivion."

Beautiful Gothic Angel wrote:Cassie lay nestled in Jamie’s arms wearing only a short silk dress that clung tightly to her body, clearing outlining every curve on her body.

I think "clearing" is supposed to be "clearly." :wink:

(In the same scene ... who wears a bra to bed? It's uncomfortable, unless you have effing huge boobs.)

Beautiful Gothic Angel wrote:Jamie pulled out his own pistil and pointed it at Jared.

It's pistol, not pistil.

Beautiful Gothic Angel wrote:Cassie would never be his, so why bother spending the rest of his life imprisoned.

I think that period ought to be a question mark.
He seems to give up really easy for someone who's spent so long obsessing. I mean, that's a pretty quick turnaround.

Why would Lacey be sobbing at the death of a man she knew raped her daughter? Again, it doesn't make sense. Basic human compassion generally makes people want to kick rapists in the teeth, so even if she never cared much for Cassie, I doubt she'd still be so friendly with Jared. (Ask yourself, if you loved a man who raped someone - and you knew it, but not the rape victim - would you still date him?)

Also, how would a man's wedding ring make a deep cut? Men's rings are usually unadorned gold bands, and even fancy, expensive, three carat women's rings aren't going to cause a deep gash, at least not without an incredible amount of effort.

Phew, done!
I think that it was pretty well written, if romance novels are you're thing. The prose was a little purple and there was a lot of wish fulfillment (she's a rich clothing designer married to a wealthy, hot, Scottish man who's a surgeon but doesn't have to work fourteen hours a day, big house, lots of cute expensive pets, maids and butlers, a horse, etc.) but those are trademarks of romance novels.
The errors I pointed out are fairly common ones: unnatural characterization and things that clean themselves up too quickly, like the broken nose, or the fact Cassie ought to be absolutely traumatized. It was also a little on the cliché side, with the whole romance novel aspect, but it wasn't too bad. (You might want to read this article for a laugh.)

... finally, all of that being said, it's not bad, especially for a fifteen year old. It's certainly better than what I was writing, when I was your age.

(Have you introduced yourself yet, on the introductions/new members place?)
✖ I'm sick, you're tired. Let's dance.

Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. The way it stops and starts.
— Poe