
Young Writers Society

Bad Breakup Gone Good

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Points: 890
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Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:49 pm
Key says...

Bad Breakup Gone Good

“I can’t see you anymore,” John said when we were sitting in his car one day after school.
“What do you mean you can’t see me anymore,” I said feeling my heart crush in my chest.
“It's just what I said I can’t go out with you anymore sorry Anna.”
“I got that, but why?”
“I just don’t feel the way I used to.”
“Whatever jerk,” I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me “f%$# you!” I yelled over my shoulder. I walked up my driveway tears streaming down my face. What a jerk just a complete jerk what did I ever see in him. When he said he wanted to talk to me after school I thought he was going to tell me that he loved me. Things have been going so well, I guess I just misread the signals.
When I got to my house I ran up to my room and slammed the door.
“Anna is that you?” I heard my mom yell up the stairs. She waited for a reply I gave none so she started up the stairs. A minute later she was in my room. “Anna what’s wrong? Why are you crying?!”
Through my tears I told her “John broke up with me.”
My mom hugged me and let me cry on her shoulder. “Oh honey that is horrible I can’t believe he would do that; did he give you a reason?”
“No he just said he didn’t feel the same way about me anymore.”
“That’s all the reason he gave you?”
“Yeah. Totally unexpected.”
“Oh, I’m sorry honey.”
“Thanks mom can you leave me alone for a while, I don’t feel like doing anything.”
“Sure Anna I’ll call you when dinner’s ready if you want to come down.”
Once Mom left my room I broke down crying even more, I could not forget the sinking feeling when I realized John was breaking up with me. I love him and now he is gone. Will it ever be repaired? My heart feels like it was just broken in two. Eight months I went out with him thinking he felt the same way, and then he broke my heart. My cell phone then went off, overcome by grief I forgot I had in my pocket and it almost gave me a heart -attack going off. My heart accelerated maybe its John realizing he made a mistake and wants to get back together. As soon as I flip open the phone disappointment comes. It’s not John like I had hoped but a text message from my best friend Jenna
“Hey what’s going on?”
“Not much John broke up with me” I typed back; then with baited breath I waited to see what she would say back
“OMG are you ok? I’m coming over.”
“Alright.” I agreed not in much of a mood to argue. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door and my mother answer. “Jenna had a feeling would be seeing you guess Anna told you what happened.”
“Yeah she did let me guess she’s in her room.”
“Good guess, you can go on up.” I heard footsteps on the stairs and Jenna’s figure appeared in the doorway, Jenna has been my best friend since 3rd grade. We just bonded and it has grown stronger ever since. We pretty much live at each other’s houses. The first thing Jenna did was give me a big hug, exactly what I needed. “Are you ok?” She asked looking at me worried.
“Well I’m doing ok I guess, really upset,” I said.
“You will get through this and I will be with the whole way.”
“Did I ever mention how much I love you?”
“Maybe a few times,” she said then laughed. While going through this it was good to have Jenna with me, there was nothing we couldn’t do together. “So give me details what happened? What did he say?”
“Well,” I said staring out slow, “he just said he couldn’t see me anymore.”
“And the reason would be nice.”
“He just said ‘he doesn’t feel the way he used to.’”
“That’s the most horrible reason I ever heard!!” Jenna exclaimed angrily, “How could he just write you off like that after eight months!”
“I really don’t know why he did this I wish I did.”
“Well that guy has always seemed like a jerk.”
“Thanks Jenna but really today is like the only time he has been a jerk.”
“Like being out key word here, that guy has always treated you bad. In a way I’m relieved he finally broke up with you.”
“What do you mean in a way?” I asked starting to feel defensive
“Of course it’s hard to see you so upset, but I’m sorry that guy was a total jerk he always expected you to be there and was never there for you, I felt like I lost my best friend after you two started going out. I hardly got to see you only at school and the rare times we could hang out. You were either with him or working.”
It took a few minutes for her words to sink in; when they did I saw she was right. I never realized how I had been neglecting my best friend, now that she told me I finally saw.”I never realized that you could have told me.” I said finding my voice
“I tried you would not listen but now I see it you got it; please don’t go back with him if one day he realizes what an idiot he was to let you go. He will just end up hurting you again.”
“I know I won’t go back with him, not after the way things ended.”
“Good now what did you think was going to happen cause I know you did not foresee this break up, I did though.”
“You knew?”
“Well I had a feeling he would soon. You didn’t answer my question, what did you think was going to happen.”
“I thought he was going to tell me he loved me.”
“Oh I thought it would be something along those lines. What made you think that?”
“Things had been going so well and we had been together so long.”
“Oh well that is logical; I’m sorry he broke up with you I really should have warned you but I wasn’t sure you would believe me.”
“Your probaly right but everyone makes mistakes.”
“True I’m just glad to have you back, and don’t wallow forever, he may be a long relationship but he wasn’t that great of a guy.”
“Yeah just let me have two to three days.”
“Alright but if your not better by then I’m forcing cheer into you,” then she started laughing, I laughed also till we forgot what was so funny. Jenna stayed for dinner then went home, and I retreated back into my room for the night, wondering what tomorrow would bring and how John would act around me. I fell asleep thinking and woke up in shock when my alarm went off. I quickly got dressed and hurried out to my car to drive to school, picking up Jenna on the way. “So how are you feeling?” she asked me the second she got into my car.
“Good,” I said “a little nervous but good.”
“That’s great to hear Anna now let’s get to school I have to talk to my English teacher about a paper.”
“Alright you always complain about getting to school.”
“That’s cause unlike some people…” she said and looked right at me, “I don’t like getting to school two minutes before it begins.”
“Actually I prefer five but who’s counting.”
“Anna, Anna, Anna,” Jenna said shaking her head.
“Oh nothing, just wondering how you can stand almost being late for school”
“Because I’m not in love with school”
“Hey! I’m not in love with school I just happen not to mind it.”
“You love school every weekend and every vacation you can’t wait for school to begin.”
“So what its here might as well tolerate it.”
“That includes going an hour before it begins.”
“Really its 30 minutes not that long.”
“You still love school,” I tease her, laughing.
She starts laughing and says “At least I am always on time unlike someone who arrives late every single day.”
Still laughing I say “I do try but waiting on you sometimes…… just kidding.”
“You better be” she said giving me a fake death glare, “now come on lets hurry the bell is going to ring,” I parked the car and ran into school making it to first hour on time just before the bell. Jenna was right I loved getting to school almost late; the rush of racing to class is what I live for.
All day John was on my mind hadn’t seen him and was starting to wonder if he was even here. Then just before 8th hour I saw him walking through the halls his arm around another girl. He sees me then kisses her. Thank God 8th hour was with Jenna. I ran into class, the moment she saw me she asked “What’s wrong, you didn’t see John did you?”
“Yeah and he was kissing another girl.” I said trying to keep from crying, the breakup from last night just became very real.
“Oh Anna I’m sorry you were bound to find out sooner or later.”
“Did you know?”
“Um….. Yeah I was going to tell you but I thought it best for you to get over the fact he broke up with you then after tell you he dumped you for another girl.”
“That’s why he broke up with me?”
“Yeah I’m sorry did he see you.”
“Yep that’s when he thought a good time to plant one on her.”
“Oh that’s low even for him he better not come near me case I will----" Jenna’s voice stared to get really loud.
“LADIES!” our teacher broke in “Are you done yet, I’d love to start class now?”
“Yes sorry Sir.” We said.
“Thank you now pay attention,” he said and turned to the board. Jenna threw me an apologetic glance then got out her notes and started to pay attention. I tried but my mind kept wandering about what I had just found out, I really would have been nice if he had just told me instead of giving me a bad reason like he did. I just don’t get it why would he not tell me. Oh well I should listen to Jenna and let it go and get over him.
Class droned on and I drifted in and out of attention. Jenna was really concentrating but I couldn’t, why did he kiss her the second he saw me? Why happened to make him not like me anymore and want her? I then start to feel like I want to cry again. Jenna passes me a note “Pay attention and quit thinking about John he’s not worth it.”
“Alright,” I write back.
The next week passed, I saw John but he never paid much attention to me or ever tried to talk to me again. The hurt slowly went away and all that was left was anger with a touch of hurt.
About two months after the break up I was rushing off to Math class as usual and came in after the bell, “Will you look at that Anna is late again.”
I look up in surprise to see who had spoken it was Ken one of the cuter guys in that class, he was more on the popular side and liked to tease everyone in class. “You know it, me late for class again when will I ever learn,” I said back.
“I don’t know but its fun to watch you walk into class late everyday with that look on your face,” We were now sitting next to each other because incidentally that was the only desk open.
“What look?”
“The rushed one, it always makes you look cute.”
I blushed and started to pray he didn’t notice, “You’re blushing I like that,” He said smiling
“Why do you like that?” I said hoping my cheeks weren’t as bright as they felt.
“Because I like that I can make you blush.”
“Oh really.”
“Yeah plus I know that flirting with you is working.”
“You are doing a good job at it, I’m liking that.”
“It’s nice to know my art of flirting is appreciated,” Then he softly touched my cheek “What happened with you and John I heard you broke up?”
“Yeah we did like two months ago he didn’t tell me why then I find out it was for another girl its old news though.”
“I’m sorry, that was really mean to do.”
“Yeah well what’s done is done.”
“On the other hand I’m glad you’re not with that guy anymore.”
“Cause now I’m free to flirt with you.”
Uh -oh the blush in my cheeks came back again, “you like flirting with me?” I said tossing my hair and trying to keep my voice casual. I have had a small crush on Ken for most of the year, just not so much when I was with John, but now it was all coming back to me. He was good looking, funny and a really nice guy. Also he was tall and I love that in a guy. Although I was confused was this rebound or had he really been interested in me but stayed away because of a boyfriend.
“Yes who wouldn’t like flirting with a pretty girl like you?” Ken said breaking into my thoughts “That guy was an idiot to let you go.”
Now I was sure my cheeks had to match the red paper on the wall behind me. “I’m glad somebody thinks so.”
“Yep definitely an idiot,” he said matter of factly.
“Will Ken and Anna please stop flirting exchange numbers and or do it after class, now could you please pay attention,” The teacher interrupted our conversation
Whatever blush left on my face now returned brighter than ever, the whole class had turned to look at us. I looked at Ken and saw a hint of pink in his cheeks also. “We can finish this after class,” he said and smiled at me. Now blushing foolishly I turned to pay attention to what was going on in class.
After class Ken caught up with me “Hey mind if I walk you to your next class,” he asked
“No not at all,” I said
“Good,” then he draped an arm around my shoulder and my heart skipped a beat, he looked down smiled at me and said” So about math class today?”
I started laughing and said, “Yeah math class was quite amusing.”
“Yeah and if I remember correctly I never got to finish flirting with you.”
“Oh yeah what were you going to do next.”
“Well I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out tonight.”
“I have to work but feel free to stop by its never busy this time a year.”
“Where do you work?”
“Hardware store down the street.”
“What time are you on till.”
“Ok see you later tonight.”
“Alright here’s my class.”
“Bye for now beautiful,” I walked into class blushing and smiling it was 8th hour, Jenna took one look at me and went what happened.
“Ken” I said still smiling if possible even bigger now.
“OMG what happened!” I relayed the entire conversation to her when I finished she had a really shocked look on her face. “OMG he so likes you.”
“Really I’ve kind of liked him for a while now I can’t believe it.”
“Yeah totally, it’s so obvious.”
“OMG I can’t believe it I wonder will he come to the hardware store tonight.”
“Most defiantly so look you’re prettiest at work tonight.”
“Oh I will,” then class started and we started to pay attention for once but we kept smiling at one another knowing what might be in store for tonight.
After school I went to work, I’m a cashier so I went to the register first thing. After about two hours of standing at the register bored and jumping every time the door opened, Ken came in. I really hoped I didn’t start bushing again. “So this is where you work,” he asked.
“Yeah lovely isn’t it,”
“With you in the room most defiantly.”
I blushed again and smiled “thanks.”
“Only the truth.”
I was still smiling and looking into his eyes, the way he was looking at me was just so strange I’ve never seen a guy look at me that way, also I really enjoyed it.
He leaned over the counter and said “I want to kiss you so bad right now.”
I blushed trying to think of something flirty to say back I really wanted to kiss him also.
“Did I come on to strong?” he asked looking confused, I had stayed silent to long.
“No I want to kiss you also just looking for the right thing to say.”
“Oh ok then,” he said with a smile playing on his lips. He leaned even further over the counter and kissed me in front of my coworkers, mangers and any customers that happened to be in the store. He didn’t try anything fancy and I was grateful. The kiss was like magic so soft and sweet no pressure. When we broke apart we were both smiling.
“Now second question of the night, will you go out with me?”
“Yes I would.”
“That is the best thing I have heard all day and one of the second best things to happen kissing you came in first.”
“That was awesome.”
“I should probably let you get back to work before I get you fired, Ill see you at school tomorrow.”
“Alright bye.”
I helped a couple customers then leaned against the counter I could not get over what had just happened
“That was some kiss,” I turned around startled to see who had spoken it was Chad one of my coworkers
“Yeah it was,” I said in a half dreamy voice
“So are we going to be seeing a lot of this boy visiting you at work?” Asked the manger for that night, James
“I hope not and I hope to, he is my boyfriend but he may be a distraction.”
“Just as long as he doesn’t kiss you in front of everybody all the time it’s not a problem if he sees you on your break.”
“That makes sense.”
The slow night got really busy it wasn’t till I got home I even got to think about Ken, it was so hard to believe. Ken wanting to go out with me. In just a matter of a couple months I had gone from being completely dependent on a guy to starting a relationship with another. This time I won’t be so dependent, and I won’t leave Jenna in the dust this time. Ill just be myself and see where it takes us. I won’t lie I really do like him and hope this goes on for a while. Plus summer is just around the corner, what could be better than a summer romance?

The conflict in this story is mainly the girl battling with herself after a breakup and starting a new relationship. She had been in one relationship for so long it was hard for her to let go and find somebody new when she did she saw errors in her last relationship and swore she would not do the same thing again.
Another year has started he is gone, yet I long to see his face. I miss him and still love him

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Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:04 pm
Emerson says...

Just a suggestion: You might want to add spaces between each paragraph so that this is easier to read. And, from just glancing over your piece, you have a lot of dialogue. Stories should be about... 75% dialogue? I'm not sure.. but I know I suffer a lot from "heavy script syndrome", where there is little detail in between my dialogue, and my dialogue takes the forefront. It's not good, and you may want to get out of the habit ASAP. Be sure to add narration in between the dialogue (logically) so that it isn't so thick with dialogue. It makes reading more enjoyable, haha, no matter how good the dialogue is.

Another thing I noticed, is some of your dialogue punctuation isn't correct. You may want to read up on it, but for a brief explanation:

He said, "Blah blah!"
He said, "blah," then sat down.
"Blah blah blah," she said.

I'm not sure if that makes sense. In any case... commas always to the left of your quotation marks. That was how I was taught. I suggest you read up on it. I don't tend to make sense when explaining things like that, hehe.

Best of luck!
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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60 Reviews

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Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:30 pm
kinzygirl223 says...

I thought it was a good story overall. I have the basically same critic as the other guy. Punctuation, spacing, less dialoge. You get the point. At some areas it was confusing. So read through it and see if YOU think it make sense. It only matters if it makes sense to you. Overall very enjoyable.

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Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:39 pm
Icaruss says...

Jesus Christ, man. You need to use commas. Punctiation. Something. I'm drunk right now, and most of your sentences make no sense when I first read them. "Hey Jenna had a feeling would be seeing you"? What the hell is that? Come on! And look. When someone breaks up, there's usually more talking. Whenever I read dialogue that's not good, I always tell people to read it out loud. Does it sound like something real people would say? Like a conversation that actually happened? I stopped reading this about half-way through. Also, because your narration is whiny. I mean, so whiny I can actually see why the other character would break up with you.


Keep writing!
there are many problems in our times
but none of them are mine

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Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:50 pm
chucki666 says...

I agree with Icaruss, just too much dialogue, and i skipped most of it, all i got was her boyfriend broke up with her and a matter of minutes her best friend and mother knew, and right when she gets to her room, her best friend texts her. After telling her that they hadn't talked for 8 months, does that make any sense? I don't like it, its the same over again, girl gets her heart broken new kid at school and then falls madly inlove with him. Think of something different, and plus the girl sounds really whiny, and there was pointless talking as well.

i don't know, guess it's not my type of story.
but best of luck

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Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:16 am
Leja says...

A quick note on format: adding a space between paragraphs would help out tremendously; my eyes get really lost on the page currently.

There is so much dialogue here, I really think it all works. If there's going to be a lot of dialogue, the dialogue has to say everything. It doesn't just have to do the obvious and transcribe what each character says, but it also has to put emotion behind that, give the subtleties that would normally be gleaned from description and action. Hence, when there is action described, it is only described, not expanded on:

Once Mom left my room I broke down crying even more, I could not forget the sinking feeling when I realized John was breaking up with me. I love him and now he is gone. Will it ever be repaired? My heart feels like it was just broken in two. Eight months I went out with him thinking he felt the same way, and then he broke my heart. My cell phone then went off, overcome by grief I forgot I had in my pocket and it almost gave me a heart -attack going off. My heart accelerated maybe its John realizing he made a mistake and wants to get back together. As soon as I flip open the phone disappointment comes. It’s not John like I had hoped but a text message from my best friend Jenna

This is all what Anna did, not how she did anything, or why she did it. Human interaction isn't just what people say to each other, but how they stand next to each other, whether they hold each others' hand, if they hold a door open, things like that. I realize that some of these aspects can be lost in the world of online communication between Anna and Jenna, but they can happen between Anna and her mother. You have a start, with Anna crying on her mother's shoulder, but continue that aspect. Break up some of the dialogue with action. Maybe she wipes her eyes when she thanks her mom, maybe her mom hands her a tissue, etc.

When there is more action to help explain what Anna is thinking, you won't need 'explanation' paragraphs like the "What a jerk just a complete jerk...etc." which don't sound realistic because people don't walk around talking to themselves like that. Work on showing rather than telling, and then the reader will be more apt to remain interested in the story (honestly, I skimmed most of it because nothing really pulled me in) because they will feel like they're in it, rather than just reading about it.

Good luck! PM me if you have any questions

Poetry is my cheap means of transportation. By the end of the poem the reader should be in a different place from where he started. I would like him to be slightly disoriented at the end, like I drove him outside of town at night and dropped him off in a cornfield.
— Billy Collins