
Young Writers Society

The Inbetween: Chapter One

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:58 pm
xMidnightWriterx says...

Okay, I'm actually sticking to this story for the time being. Usually I end up starting something and never carry it on so this story must be very lucky. :) Harsh critics welcome. Enjoy...
Click Spoiler to read what happened in the prologue:
Spoiler! :
Prologue: On February 17th 1998, 16 year old Nora Banks is walking to school one morning when she walks in the middle of the road and gets run over. The driver just drives off.

Chaprter One:

February 17th, 2011

Daniel stifled a yawn as he pushed the churchyard gates open; the iron hinges groaned in response. The cloudy sky had taken on a threatening appearance and as the sun started to rise from the east it created a scarlet hue that decorated the horizon; vaguely resembling blood. Daniel shuddered and pulled his auburn scarf tighter around his neck. The wind wasn’t particularly cold, but his presence in the graveyard was enough to send shivers through his body.

Scuffing his feet on the cobble path, the teen refused to look at any of the graves. The thought of dead people buried in the ground, rotting for who-knows-how-long, did not appeal to him. Unlike the rest of his family, Daniel couldn’t even think about grave yards or cemeteries without shaking in fear. Coimetrophobia, his mother had once called it. Bloody chicken he called it.

As he reached the solid, oak doors of the church, the clock tower above him chimed seven o’clock. Each note happily echoed through the sleepy village. The old man will be here soon, he thought, taking a perch on a nearby bench.

After a while, the familiar sound of the churchyard gates groaning reached Daniel’s ears. Standing up to look down the cobble path, he watched as an aged man walked towards him. A solemn look was etched onto his features and his wisps of silver hair floating in the light breeze made him seem even more sombre.

“What’s up, Granddad? You look like someone just died…or is that the wrong thing to say in this place?” Daniel joked, hoping to cheer the old man up. His Granddad looked at the boy as he approached, a hint of a smile appearing on his face.

“Nothing, it’s nothing. Shall we get started?” He answered, choosing to ignore the teenagers joking. Reaching into his tweed jacket pocket, he brought out a large skeleton key. Appropriate for this place, Daniel thought. The teen straightened up his black hoody and waited for his companion to unlock the church. “I don’t want you to clean the inside of the church today, Daniel. Grab the rake and start scraping the dead leaves off the graves.” The old man laughed as Daniel looked up at him in horror.

“But, I usually only have to clean the inside of the church. You know, the part of this place that doesn’t give me the creeps.”

“Daniel,” his Grandfather said, placing a bony hand on his young aide’s shoulder, “When your parents died you told me you wanted to get over this fear of yours. I’m just helping you do that. Don’t give me that look, try it and if you get too scared you can come and help me inside the church. But you must give it a try.”

Knowing there was no escape from this and not wanting to let down his Granddad, Daniel sighed and leaned forward to grab a rake from inside the church foyer. Taking a fighting stance, he grasped his tool like a Bo staff and glared at the grave yard in front of him.

“All right you…err…dead people, I’m not scared of you. Go it? I’m not scared of you!” he shouted and began to do a war cry before feeling a sharp nudge in his back.

“Don’t get all dramatic, you’ll wake up the whole village. Go on, get to it.” With that, the old man walked inside, disappearing into the Godly abyss.

The church, positioned right at the centre of the village, was split up into four sections with the church standing in the middle. Knowing that the older grave stones tended to be near the back of the church, Daniel decided that the back would be the best place to start. He followed the pathway around the side of the church, his black converses crunching the gravel beneath them. Grasping his rake in a death grip, he climbed up onto the grass; his body starting to tremble in fear. The instant he stood up fully and observed his grim surroundings he wanted to turn back and leave. Headstone after headstone lined the grass like an audience watching his every move. Feeling trapped by the rows of graves, his breath became laboured and panic started to set in when something caught his eye. In the middle of the grave stones lay, what looked like, a teenage girl. Is she just sleeping or is she hurt?, Daniel thought. No, no-one in there right mind would sleep in a place like this so she must be hurt.

Calming himself with several deep breaths, Daniel moved closer, his conscience thankfully overriding every other notion in his head. He couldn’t just leave here there. Stepping into the middle of the section, he leaned down over the figure and gently shook her shoulder. She started to stir slightly and looked up at him with scared, emerald eyes. He noticed her black curls covered with twigs and leaves from where she had been lying and her clothes were scruffy and torn.

“Are you alright?” Daniel whispered, not wanting to scare the girl in case she was hurt but too shocked to realise it yet. She nodded gently, her eyes never leaving him. “Okay then. That’s good. Do you know your name?” Once again she nodded gently, only this time she also answered.

“I’m Nora, Nora Banks.”
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic" - Albus Dumbledore

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:27 pm
Rayneisthename says...

I liked this story a lot, there was just confusion due to the choice of your words. In the third paragraph why would Daniel call his granddad the old man? I get that you wanted to be mysterious but it was just kind of confusing to me. And then in the second paragraph you never explain why he calls the fear Bloody Chicken. Anyway I liked this piece, it just needed a bit clearing up, but even in that it wasn't a huge deal. I think you have an honest talent.
Keep writing-
BE YOURSELF. Because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

Two things are infinite: human stupidity and the universe; and I'm not sure about the universe

Don't tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:13 pm
writingangel24xx says...

This was good and I liked the imagery, but the fact that the grandpa is there makes it less scary because he seems strong. I wonder what will happen. It would be good if you soon slowly introduce background detail about the main character because the reader is getting interested about him and why he is with his grandpa- like does he live with him, etc. I also like how the novel paints a picture in my mind of a gloomy night at a graveyard...keep up the good work!

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:15 pm
Blues says...

Hi Midnight! :)
I liked this a lot too :) Nothing much happens but that's a good thing with the cliff hanger at the end. Why was Nora there? Don't tell me yet! :D

Things I liked

The cloudy sky had taken on a threatening appearance and as the sun started to rise from the east it created a scarlet hue that decorated the horizon; vaguely resembling blood. Daniel shuddered and pulled his auburn scarf tighter around his neck. The wind wasn’t particularly cold, but his presence in the graveyard was enough to send shivers through his body.

Lovely description! :D

Standing up to look down the cobble path, he watched as an aged man walked towards him. A solemn look was etched onto his features and his wisps of silver hair floating in the light breeze made him seem even more sombre.

This was lovely as well. If his Granddad is an important character though, could we have a little more description... somewhere?

“What’s up, Granddad? You look like someone just died…or is that the wrong thing to say in this place?”

Hahahahaha! That was a good one :)

Taking a fighting stance, he grasped his tool like a Bo staff and glared at the grave yard in front of him.

“All right you…err…dead people, I’m not scared of you. Go it? I’m not scared of you!” he shouted and began to do a war cry before feeling a sharp nudge in his back.

Very nice! That's what I'd imagine they'd be like if they were scared of it. You showed it well.

She started to stir slightly and looked up at him with scared, emerald eyes. He noticed her black curls covered with twigs and leaves from where she had been lying and her clothes were scruffy and torn.

Nora? No this can't be... (My mum's called Nora actually!)

“I’m Nora, Nora Banks.”

By far the best bit! Brilliant cliffhanger. Can't wait for more.

Things that need to be improved :)

Scuffing his feet on the cobble path, the teen refused to look at any of the graves. The thought of dead people buried in the ground, rotting for who-knows-how-long, did not appeal to him. Unlike the rest of his family, Daniel couldn’t even think about grave yards or cemeteries without shaking in fear. Coimetrophobia, his mother had once called it. Bloody chicken he called it.

1st bit in bold: Since this is in third person, I think it'd be better if it was 'Teenager' as I usually see 'Teen' in more informal contexts. I can't be sure though, but I just wanted to alert you to that...
2nd bit in bold: I'm guessing he's called himself a chicken, but it's not that clear whether he's the chicken or the fear is. Could you clear it up a little? :)

The church, positioned right at the centre of the village, was split up into four sections with the church standing in the middle. Knowing that the older grave stones tended to be near the back of the church, Daniel decided that the back would be the best place to start.

That doesn't make sense... Do you mean the Church grounds or something? I was wondering how the Church could be be split in for with itself in the middle...

[quote] Is she just sleeping or is she hurt?, Daniel thought. No, no-one in there right mind would sleep in a place like this so she must be hurt.
The bold should be 'their' as it's their right mind.

Overall impression
Loved it. Can't wait to see what happens next, especially that she's supposed to be dead. Description was pretty good and I'm starting to see who Daniel is. I can't wait to see Nora too - she'll have probably changed by then, and won't be a 'free spirit' :)

Let me know when the next chapter is up. Keep Writing!
Mac :)

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:43 pm
GrimRipper says...

Really liked it, especially the description of the environment and how it connects so well with the place. I feel so bad with myself for reading the spoiler because now I'm having a idea to how it all connects, anyway, I'm still quite anxious to read the continuation. Keep up the GOOD work!

Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.
— Joseph Campbell