
Young Writers Society

Animal Freak- Part one

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:47 pm
cookEmonster says...

Part Two
The Contest Page Link

Ever since I was a toddler, I had the power to communicate with animals. My mother and papa told me it wasn't fit to talk to things as low as beasts. They told me it wasn't lady-like. But I didn't care and I still dont. I've gotten smarter with age and hide what I can do now. The village people would claim me a witch and have the king behead me the second they learned so. My name is Marigold Oxenburg Godeliff but you can just call me Mary. My parents prefer Marigold as they say its a name fit for a princess. The only problem is, our family has nothing close to the riches the royal has.
I'm 15 years old. Almost 16. Just 3 months and 14 more days to go! I was currently cleaning my side of the bed room while my sister, Elvena Cade Godeliff, was cleaning her side. She always let her things venture onto my side of the room. She kept her things messy while I kept them neat. We live in a small cottage, east of the palace in the village 'Casandre.' It's named after the Queen herself. But whats the use of explaining that to you? I'm leaving the village anyway. Without my knowing, my mother 'applied' me to be wedded off to the King's nephew. She just wants the spoils it comes with; a place to stay in the palace, a good supply of money, and a job. She traded off her own daughter to become rich.

"Marigold!" came a the sharp voice that belonged to my older brother. "Stop daydreaming and get out here to help Ma cook!" As he turned his head, I stuck my tounge out at him. Caderic Lysandros Godeliff was my brother. He's one of those charming, handsome gentlemen that all the girls swoon over. His charm definetely doesn't fool me- I live with him!

I walked into the main room where my mother was chopping up some carrots. I was still holding a strong grudge against her so I chopped my carrots extra slow. She sighed loudly as if about to say something, but she stayed silent. When we finished dropping all the ingredients into the pot, I set it over the fire to boil. In the mean time, I went back to my room to pack my rucksack. I still wonder how my papa got it for me; these things cost a fortune! I picked out my finest clothes(Which weren't many) and neatly folded them into the bag.
"STEWS READY!" I heard my mother shout from the kitchen. I quickly grabbed my only gaslamp and the book I'm currently reading. The only book I have, actually. I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. We ate in silence, savoring every bite of our meal. When we finished up, my papa burst through the door.
"The knights are here to escort you." His voice was a little winded as if he'd been running.

I nodded and left the cottage without as much as a word. Going around back, my mare stood there ripping grass from the ground. Her coat was whiter than the purest of snow, which is why I called her Silver.
"Carrots. Did you bring any Carrots? I'm hungry." Bits of grass were still hanging off her mouth. I laughed and rubbed them off her snout.
"I'll give them to you later; we have to ride now."
I placed my old, rickety saddle and once white saddle pad onto her back. It was sometimes a trouble to get on her back because one of the stirrups was chewed clean off by a mouse. The bridle was a different story. It was so old and mangled that it repelled you to touch it, in fear the bridle would snap. Though it took me centuries to get the tack. I worked everyday of my chidhood life to pay for it.

I swiftly hopped onto Silver's back and we rode to the front of the house. I looked towards the woods, trying to spot one of my friends.
Blue the bluejay burst out of the forest and flew towards me. "Goodluck Marigold! Chirp, Chirp. I'll come visit you!" He landed on my shoulder and nuzzled his tiny head against my cheek.
"I'll miss you!" I called out to Blue as he flew back towards the forest. I looked around for Trin, my fox friend and Hooley the owl but they were no where to be seen. I sighed sadly and looked back down the road. Three horses were coming towards me. I could hear their conversations from all the way over here!

"I want to go back to the stables. I'm hungry." One whined.
"HA. My coat's far cleaner than yours. My grooms are the best at the stable." gloated a black stallion.
"Well why don't I rub my hoof into that mouth of yours; Will you be bragging then?!" Shot back a mare.
The riders however, were the exact opposites. They sat silently on their horses, staring forward. One of them had hair the color of the sun. It was long and pulled back into a ponytail. Another had frizzy brown hair that stuck up. The third had very short brown hair. They all had two things in common: Each had clothes as fine as the King's and each bore huge swords that gleamed in the sunlight. I'm guessing these were my escorts.

We rode until Dawn when we stopped at an old inn. I tied Silver up to a post and gave her the carrots she'd been begging for earlier. I felt bad I didn't have any grain so I gave her my last two apples- I could survive the night without anything else. I went to my room which my escorts so kindly paid for. One of the female Inn keepers set a bath with fresh, warm water that smelled of lavender. For me! It was amazing! When I got back to my room, there was a meal of chicken, bread, vegetables and water. I was truly starting to believe I was a princess!
I ate the food slowly, tasting every bit of it. This inn was incredible! I saved the carrots and apple for Silver when we rode tomorrow. She'd be starving! After I stripped down, I got into bed and instantly fell asleep.

The first thing I did when I woke up was get dressed and check up on Silver. She wasn't where I left her last night! I panicked until I saw a small building listed "Stables." I found her in the back, still asleep. I looked around her stall and saw she had been fed. I could still give her the treats anyway. I stroked her head and left. In the hotel, they had yet another meal ready for us. This one concisted of chicken eggs(I've only had them once or twice!), more bread, and an apple. This would fill me up for the rest of the day! We left after breakfast to head to Abalima, the kingdom where my old King's nephew resides. Silver went on and on all day about how she was spoiled at the stables. After she finished with that, she made me give her the carrots and apple I'd stored for her. Then, she kept asking what the place we were going to would be like. I couldn't really talk back to her because my escorts would think I was a lunatic so I whispered to her whenever they were distracted.

At noon, we finally got to the palace. It was gigantic. Bigger than my old King's castle! We dropped Silver off at a stable where her stall seemed bigger than my own house then moved on. The escort with hair the color of the sun took me on a tour of the outdoor grounds. They had a riding pasture bigger than my old village and a lake filled with beautiful swans and geese. He then brought me inside to show me where I'd be staying. I became speechless. My room was huge. The bed was huge. I had a mirror, a washroom, and even a wooden wardrobe. The room was painted gold and pink. Inside the washroom there was a gold brush sitting on a sink table. A sink! I looked inside the wardrobe and gasped, ready to faint. There were dresses more beautiful than anything I'd ever seen. There were so many bright colors that it hurt my eyes! And the shoes. They were just as beautiful.
"Miss? Would you like me to run a bath for you? Your probably very tired from your journey here." Came a light voice from behind me. I turned around to find a girl that seemed about my age in a maids uniform. I coudn't resist her offer.
"Yes please." I nodded my head eagerly. I went over to my rucksack, took out my book, then pushed it under the bed. I wouldn't be needing those clothes anymore. I went back over to the closet to pick out a dress to wear while the Maid was filling my bath. I picked a pale green, silk dress and brought it to the washroom.
"Ah, you came just in time Miss. Your bath is ready." The maid waved her hand towards the tub. "Would you like me to help you undress, Miss?"
"No, that wouldn't be necessary. Thankyou." She nodded her head and left the room. I climbed in and took a very long wash. When I got out, my fingers were wrinkled like prunes. I felt cleaner than I ever had in my life! I picked up the dress and slipped it over my body. It fit like a glove and hugged my every curve. I instantly fell in love with it.

"Miss Marigold, If you would follow me, dinner is ready." I put on matching green slippers and followed the Maid to a huge room that had a feast set on the table. On one end of the table sat the King. He had a red crown decorated with Diamonds and gold. I could tell he was old but he barely had a wrinkle on his face. He smiled widely, showing a perfect array of gleaming, white teeth. His smile was contagious and I found myself grinning back at him. The Queen sat next to him. She was undescribably beautiful. She had her long brown hair pulled back into an elegant braid. Her dress was a sea-foam green color that made her blue eyes seem even brighter. Her skin was as pale as milk.
"So our little princess finally arrived, I see. We've been waiting for you." The king's deep voice seemed to reflect off the walls. "I am Glayz, King of Gaelic. This is my wife Abalima, Queen of Gaelic."
"Hello Marigold. We've waited for you for a very long time," announced Abalima. She had a surprisingly strong voice that made you focus all your attention on her but was very sweet.
"As have I." Came a deep voice from behind me. This must be the King's nephew. He grinned widely, obviously very happy. He had shaggy brown hair and blue-grey eyes that were currently running up and down the lengths of my body. My face became hot as he neared me. His hand snaked out and grabbed mine, pulling me to a chair.
"I'm Prince Kyros- Nephew of your old King." I looked at him in shock and disbelief. Hes a... Prince?! What was I thinking? His eyes flashed with concern. "You did not know this?" I shook my head, still in a daze. I was a...princess?
Last edited by cookEmonster on Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
To accept life is to accept the fate it comes with- we were born to die.
So why not make the best of what we've been given with the short time we have on earth?
I like to live every day to it's fullest. (: And writing helps me do that...

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:21 pm
XxUndefinedxX says...

Wow. That's all I could say. This story is really good so far! :D I can't wait to read more!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Jet black diamond hair
People stare, I don't care
Want a taste! ?
Sure I'll share.
Gotta be big, I'll take you there!

Glammed Up Fabulous
Looking Hot, Dangerous!
So Vicious Delicious
I Got You F**king Like It's Fitness
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:48 pm
0o0Redrum0o0 says...

This is an amazing beginning to your story. There are some grammar things I noticed though. For starters, instead of repeating "old king" or "old village" over and over, try using synonyms like "former" or "past." Things like that.

She kept her things messy while I, kept them neat.
You don't need the comma after "I"

my mother 'applied' me to be wed off to the King's nephew.
"wedded" not "wed"

She just wants the spoils it comes with; A place to stay in the palace, Money, Jobs, etc. She traded off her own daughter to become rich.
The "A" doesn't need to be capitalized after the semi colon. Also, "money" and "jobs" don't need to be capitalized. Also, don't put ect. in your story. It just sounds tacky.

She sighed loudly as if about to say something but she stayed silent.
You need a comma after "something"

I still wonder how my papa got it for me, these things cost a fortune!
There should be a semi colon rather than a comma here.

"The knights are here to escort you," His voice was a little winded as if he'd been running.
There should be a period rather than a comma in the quote.

Her coat was whiter than the purest of snow, thats why I called her Silver.
You should change "thats" into "which is"

"I'll give them to you later, we have to ride now."
Change the comma into either a semi colan or a period.

I picked up my old, rickety saddle and placed it on her back.
You also need to put saddle pad on the horse. I know it's just a story, but if you want it to be realistic, you need a saddle pad. The saddle will rub the horse and cause them serious pain without a pad.

I swiftly hopped onto Silvers back

"I want to go back to the stables. I'm hungry." One whined.
"HA. My coat's far cleaner than yours. My grooms are the best at the stable." gloated a black stallion.
There need to be commas at the end of these quotes, not periods.

I'm just going to stop now before I annoy you. I'm a grammar Nazi, what can I say?
When I give up, I'm not showing weakness.
Sometimes, I'm just showing enough strength to move on.

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:29 pm
Evi says...

Hi cookEmonster! Have we met? If not, hi, I'm Evi. :D

So, the first thing I'm going to tell you will be hard to hear: axe the first two paragraphs. Kill them. Delete them. Destroy them. Why? Not because they're poorly-written, but because they're info-dumps. In case you're unfamiliar with the term (and don't feel bad if you are!) an info-dump is where an author takes a boatload of important information and literally dumps it all together, usually in the beginning, so the readers know exactly what's going on. And while it's nice to know what's going on, we don't need to know so much so quickly. It takes the mystery out of things.

Instead of giving us your character's Big Secret (the fact that she can talk to animals) right at the start by just telling us, consider weaving that in somewhere by showing us. And instead of giving us her full name, age, location, and problem in one fell swoop, consider weaving that into a scene to show us as well. How can you do this? Just start the story at the action-- whatever chores they're doing or conversations they're having. Let information seep out from that-- a character mentions her name, Mary slips in something about her grudge against her mother and why. When she sees her horse, you can show us there that she can communicate with animals.

I nodded and left the cottage without as much as a word.

She doesn't say goodbye to any of her family members? I find that hard to believe. I know she's angry, but this is unrealistic.

With the animals, I'd avoid things like "Goodluck Marigold! Chirp, Chirp. I'll come visit you!". The "chirp chirp" within the dialogue is kind of forced. Just say "he chirped" or something, since he's not actually saying "chirp".

The riders however, were the exact opposites. They sat silently on their horses, staring forward. One of them had hair the color of the sun. It was long and pulled back into a ponytail. Another had frizzy brown hair that stuck up. The third had very short brown hair.

Consider giving some information other than their hair color. Are they men or women? Young or old? Attractive, ugly, mean-looking, gentle-looking, tall, slender, plump? Hair color gives us very little by way of mental images.

Once they get to the palace, she seems so engrossed in pretty dresses and warm baths that she completely forgets her hesitancy to come. Does she not miss her family? Her friends? The life she knew? Is she not even worried about marrying a stranger? And it's odd that she didn't realize that marrying the nephew of a King would make her a princess-- that's pretty basic reasoning. ;) You don't want your narrator to come across to readers as dumb, so maybe she didn't know he was related to the King, she just thought he was a wealthy nobleman or something. Then her surprise can be more believable.

All in all, work on your character reactions. I don't believe her emotions because she barely has any, and the ones she does show are strange and unrealistic. Show her missing her family. Show her worried about this strange new turn her life is taking. This is your conflict: make sure it's conflicting!

PM me for anything!

"Let's eat, Grandma!" as opposed to "Let's eat Grandma!": punctuation saves lives.

"While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."
— Albus Dumbledore