
Young Writers Society

Animal Freak- Part Two

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:50 pm
cookEmonster says...

Part One
The Contest Page Link

Once more, I was in for the shock of my life. Instead of just marrying some man with royalty in his blood, I was marrying The Prince. I tried to shake it off but I couldn't. Through out the whole dinner I asked so many questions about being a princess they probably got very annoyed. But towards the end of dinner, I finally calmed down and focused on getting to know Kyros. I was going to marry the boy either way. I found out that underneath his handsome looks, he was even more handsome. He had a passion for animals, he believed in love and peace, and he planned on creating alliances with most all the other kingdoms when he becomes King.
I think I'm beginning to like this Prince. He is a charmer too. Throughout the whole night, he complimented everything about me. I learned that he was incredibly observant too. He noticed the little things no other would have unless pointed out. Like how he noticed whenever I hold a glass, my pinky is always up. I never even noticed I did that. Maybe I would enjoy spending the rest of my life with Prince Kyros...
After dinner, Kyros walked me to my room. He even kissed my cheek when he said goodnight! I had great dreams after that.

"Princess. Princess?" said a soft voice, waking me from my sleep. The maid from yesterday was hovering by my bed holding up a beautiful and white gown. "I've picked out an outfit that I thought you might like to wear today. I was told you like to ride horses so I picked a dress with a flexible hem." I smiled at her brightly.
"Thankyou!" I got out of bed and she helped me get dressed. She even combed my hair for me! I slipped on a pair of purple slippers and walked down the hall. I turned around a corner and ran into someone. I rebounded off their chest and began falling. I closed my eyes, waiting for my impact with the floor. It never came. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Kyros' arms, he was grinning widley at me.
"You're lucky I was here to catch you princess." His laugh sounded was easy-going and natural. It was contagious and I soon found myself laughing until tears came out of my eyes.
"So where are you headed, my lady?" He asked, touching his lips to my hand. My face went hot and I looked down at my shoes. Then I realized he'd asked me a question.
"Uh, the stables. To ride my horse."
"Then to the stables we will go!" He hooked his arm around mine and we walked all the way to the stables just like that.

When we got to the stables, I saw that our horses were already tacked up and ready to go. Silver had new tack that was fit for a Princess' horse. As I was a princess and she, my horse. Kyros and I rode until Lunch time. As I was getting off Silver, the end of my dress caught on the stirrup, revealing my pale leg. I quickly unhooked it and looked over to Kyros in alarm. He was fiddling with his horse, luckily. He probably hadn't seen the incident. We led our horses to the stables then went by the lake where a picnic had been set up. I looked over at Kyros questioningly but he just smiled smugly. Throughout the rest of the week, we ate by the lake. I'd gotten so comfortable with him that there was a time I'd almost talked to Silver in front of him.

After 2 more weeks of this, I made a huge mistake. I was waiting for him at the lake when a Swan came up to me. This was one of the many new friends I'd made here at the castle. She was bragged about her mate, and complained about her rebel baby swans. She was a very interesting swan! I heard a sound behind me and froze. I whipped around to see Kyros staring at me in a mix of horror, disgust, and shock. He ran back into the castle. I didn't see him the rest of the day.
The next evening, I found him riding his stallion Hugo in the pasture. I immedietly got on Silver and rode up to him.
"Kyros!" He flinched and urged Hugo into a Trot. "Kyros! Please! I can explain!"
"What in the WORLD is there to explain?" He shouted at me. It was like an earthquake when he yelled. "That you're some animal Freak?!" When he called me that, it felt like my heart had been stabbed.
I lost my breath and tears burst out of my eyes. He didn't look at me. Not once as he rode back to the stables. I cried on Silver's neck for the longest time that I fell asleep. She must have carried me back to the stables because the grooms woke me up and took me to my room. I skipped lunch and dinner. I wasn't used to the hunger but it didn't hurt as much as being called an animal freak. The next day, I took Silver out to the pond. There, I accepted that I was some freak of nature. My only friends were these animals.
I wish I didn't have this gift.

For a week, I barely ever saw him. I felt hollow inside. When I did, I experienced the same feeling of getting my heart ripped out of my chest and torn up into little pieces. He never even acknowledged my presence. One day I finally caught him in the only place I could- his room. His maid had left his room door open by accident when he left. I walked in and shut it behind me.
"Hey wait. Could you bring-" He stopped talking when he saw me at the door. "What are you doing here." His voice had a harsh edge to it.
"Please Kyros, just let me explain!" He glared at me with such hatred that I had to look away. I would NOT cry. But tears strolled down my cheeks anyway.
"Well you might as well now that you've got me trapped in my own room."
I took a deep breath and began telling him my life story. How the kids in my village had too called me an... Animal Freak. How badly it hurt. How I hid it so well until the day he found me talking to a swan. I told him how I really, really liked him too. When I finished, we were silent for a long time.
"I had no idea," he said, breaking the silence at last. Tears had rimmed his red eyes and we both rushed into eachother's arms. "Marigold Oxenburg Godeliff. I accept you just as you are. From your cute little toes to your beautiful auburn hair. I accept you. Especially the part that can talk to animals, for Marigold," he dramatically paused. "I love you." And we cried in eachothers arms.

Yes, like every other typical fairy tale, we lived happily ever after as Prince and Princess of the kingdom. Until one day when we became King and Queen and had four beautiful kids; Three boys and one girl. Lucas, one of my sons, has inherited my gift of speaking to animals. I found this out when he talked to me in the tounge of Goose at age 5.
As for the story of Silver, my mare. She became a fat, lazy, spoiled, wonderful horse who still I love to this day. Her colt is exactly like her.
Last edited by cookEmonster on Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To accept life is to accept the fate it comes with- we were born to die.
So why not make the best of what we've been given with the short time we have on earth?
I like to live every day to it's fullest. (: And writing helps me do that...

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:59 am
ChalkyUknome says...

Hi there!
I really enjoyed your story! Awesome fairytale! ^_^ I liked the characters! Keep up the good work!
"We are nothing more than the sum of our memories and experiences"
— Michael Scott (The Sorceress)

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:47 pm
livurdestiny says...

So do you like animals? Cause this story is great have you any others? How long have you been on here? I am new here as you can see I have only written one thing so fare but I am trying to earn points to write some more things. I just love your story Oh and I will add you or follow you as they say ADD me if you want to I really don't mind if you don't cause yeah. My sister is Lele253isme and I know WishYouHadThis so yeah add them if you want to but if you don't it is okay. KEEP-UP-THE-GOOD-WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:50 am
Burma86 says...

I really enjoyed reading this fairytale. Your use of romanticism makes this story colorful and intriguing.

As far as grammar goes, what really stood out were your uses of "your" instead of "you're."
Your lucky I was here to catch you princess.

That your some animal Freak?!

There was also a part in which you describe the prince as "grinning widley." Perhaps a better way to describe him would be to say, "his grin was wide" or, "he gave me a wide grin."

Otherwise, you did a great job of blending fantasy and romance! Thanks for the story!
"Perhaps it comes from next door."
"Penguins don't come from next door, they come from the antarctic!"
"Why'd you say burma?"
"I panicked."

Tons of cowering! Plus your name in the summer programme. A custom-designed banner. A cabin at Camp Half-Blood. Two shrines. I'll even throw in a Kymopoleia action figure.
— Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus