
Young Writers Society


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Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:32 pm
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Sachiko says...

I'm gonna try and actually get some headway on this literary ulcer of a novel, so I'll be competing as a rogue in LMS IV! (is it IV? I don't know oh god) There are So many Holes, and i want to Die.

The Worst Summary Ever, Full of Holes and ????? ? ? ? ??

Ophelia Kilitch is the epitome of other. Married to a man she doesn't love to provide financial security for her family, she spends her days pursuing an affair with her gardener, visiting her ailing father, and ignoring the stares of her husband's household staff directed at the horns sprouting from her forehead. Her 'affliction', as her mother calls it, marks Ophelia as a 'lovely'--a dwindling race of people said to have descended from the stars themselves. It isn't until Ophelia discovers a crumbling cathedral in the woods behind her husband's manor that she encounters more of her kind; lovelies who tell her she is a bad omen and an indicator of the worst of luck.

It's only when strange things begin happening in Kilitch Manor that Ophelia begins to suspect they may not be wrong. She's plagued by apocalyptic visions, strange noises in the night, and mysterious, hidden creatures in her bedroom. These all twine around a seemingly bland husband who becomes more secretive and sinister by the day, and who, Ophelia suspects, may have motives for marrying her that extend beyond charity. Above all looms a god locked away since the beginning of time, and whose return may usher in the end of it.
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:44 pm
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Panikos says...

10/10 would read stop doing your summaries down Sachi
The backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done.

~Radical Face

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Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:43 pm
Rosendorn says...

I have questions!

1- Are the horns newly minted, or did they exist prior to the marriage? Cause if they existed prior to the marriage then it seems a tad obvious why her husband married her, to me, unless lovelies aren't well known.

2- Any particular string of events that the bad luck starts with, or is it just after she meets others of her kind, or what?
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:51 pm
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Sachiko says...


1. Lovelies are well known but have been dying out steadily since probably the creation of this world (Details?? I haven't the foggiest. This is a second-practically-first draft and the level of damns i have to give at this stage are limited!) His reasons for marrying her are super duper obvious to everyone, including her. There are just layers to the obviousness. Like an onion. Alex is a terrible blonde onion.

2. Nope. Nada. See above at level of damns available.

I realize this response is probably frustrating on multiple levels. ;) The above synopsis/half-assed query/summary? does that count? is more to just give a general very vague idea of what's going on so that when I start screaming about things everyone is only partially confused instead of totally.

Honestly, my first drafts are probably a nightmare to people who aren't me, because I don't care about those kinds of details until they are viscerally important. They just aren't at this stage. Different strokes for different folks! Thanks for your thoughts!
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:58 am
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Sachiko says...

Character List

Ophelia Kilitch: The main character. Early/Mid twenties. Tall and dark haired. She has a large pair of ram horns that begin at her forehead and curl down over her ears. Married to Alex. She deplores him. Is carrying on an affair with her gardener, who is her childhood sweetheart. Has a way of looking at you to make you evaluate all of your life choices.

Alexander Kilitch: Husband to Ophelia. Seemingly bland and boring. He smiles a lot and makes everyone uncomfortable by doing so. A terrible blonde onion. He's doing something weird in the west wing of their home, Wilderen Manor. Obsessed with roses.

Henry: The gardener of Wilderen Manor. Would probably hurt a fly, but it would distress him hugely. Can rock a pair of suspenders like nobody's business.

Ivan and Maria Ostolya: Ophelia's parents. Ivan is slowly dying because nothing makes a character's life more hellish than slowly taking away things that make them happy. Maria likes parties and to be seen at parties and throwing parties. Loves her daughter, but is very ?? ?????? ?? ? ? ? at literally everything she does. Would rather not talk about her daughter's horns.

Yuka: Guardian of the Ouroboros. WIll come at you with knives.

Charlotte: Companion to Yuka (read: LESBIANS LESBIANS LESBIANS EVERYWHERE LESBIANS!!!!). Could not come at you with knives, but will probably cry and make you feel bad for whatever it is you were about to do.

Lupine Woman: Not a damned clue but it would be cool cool cool by Ophelia if she could stop having distressing apocalyptic visions of her, thanks.

Baran: A pretty pissy god who ALSO has ram horns and who should nope right the hell back to where he came from. Will probably crawl out of the middle of the ouroboros like some sort of hellish fiend. Has been locked away in the middle of the universe since God knows when, and kind of wants to stretch his legs but literally nobody else wants him to.

Plot? Background? SPOILERS ABOUND

So essentially the concept of Lovelies (the People, not the novel) is that long ago the habitable world was created by star people, who are in turn inspired by/influenced by the zodiac. They created the world and then populated the world, and their descendants all have some sort of animal attribute. Ophelia has ram horns, Yuka has Birdish Tendencies, and Charlotte is a pig--like, an animal pig, and not as an untidy person. My original intention was to give them all some sort of power as well, and this KIND of comes through with Ophelia having some sort of earthbender-esque abilities, but whether this actually survives the draft is SLIIIIIIIM.

Going back to the star people AKA lovelies. Baran got pretty dang cranky about the world being made because he's literally an attention hog. His girl made the world, loved the world more, he murdered her, he got locked away for it because Jesus, my dude, what did you expect???

So he's gone, his girl is gone, and the star people abandon the world to its own devices because, haha, it's a bad influence. Lovelies continue to live and flourish and as time goes on some of them are born without their Lovely attributes until the balance tips and there are more non-Lovely people than Lovely people. Don't ask me about timelines on this, please for the love of God I will start to cry.

My original take on this was that Ophelia is the first Lovely in a long time to be born with ram attributes, which is Baran's attributes, which means she is a direct descendant of him, EVEN THOUGH no one else in her family is a Lovely. So. You know. That's kind of weird.

So Ophelia has grown up like this, always knowing she's a little weird, but not particularly caring because she gets to grow up wild in a crumbling manor house by some woods and kiss a cute boy when she gets old enough, what on earth is not to like?? But then her father falls ill, and BAYUM here comes Alex Kilitch, who tells her, "Hey. Your marriage prospects aren't great, I have nothing better to do, let's get married and I'll make sure your father is taken care of."

So. You know. That's kind of weird.

Anyway this has gone on long enough. Ophelia gets married, passively makes Alex's life hell, kisses Henry a lot because YOLO, discovers a crumbling cathedral in the woods where a bird woman lives. the bird woman also tries to stab her, tells her she's bad luck and is related to Baran, stabs her AGAIN, and Ophelia goes back because this is the adrenaline rush she's been looking for? At which point she is then pushed into a seemingly endless pool and has some sort of vision with guest artist Baran and then things start to get weird, the whole thing is weird, everyone should have gone back to bed.

I was gonna post a spotify playlist but I don't have premium so it hates me SOME SORT OF PLAYLIST COMING SOON.
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:08 am
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Lauren2010 says...


Everything about this is amazing. I love learning more about the history of the Lovelies and lol "this is the adrenaline rush she's been looking for?? is amazing I adore Ophelia also every single character description.

Henry can kiss me in a garden shed anytime k thanks.
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Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:44 pm
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beckiw says...

Ophelia is my favourite!! I just love how darn gutsy she is and head strong (lol). I also love looove the way you describe things in your rough outlines. A lot of stabbing. A LOT OF STABBING.

I just know this novel is going to destroy me. But when does your writing do anything else...
'The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.' - Hayao Miyazaki

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Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:29 am
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Sachiko says...

Thank you guys for all of your lovely comments!! I love them so much. <3

Can we all assume that this thread is going to be filled with HUGE SPOILERS??? can this serve as a spoiler alert for all time? Yes? Cool beans. Let's talk about


Behind Ophelia's marriage home, Wilderen Manor is a deep forest where she likes to take long walks and occasionally meet with Henry. On one of these long walks she comes across Charlotte, a fellow lovely, who in turn accidentally leads her to a crumbling cathedral in the middle of the forest.

This cathedral is the "source" of Lovelies, in the sense that when the world was created, humanity built this as a shrine/place of worship for their star patrons--the original lovelies, as it were. Over time as the lovelies became less and less the cathedral became more decrepit and abandoned. Still, it has a guardian--Yuka.

So technically it isn't the cathedral itself that Yuka is guarding, but rather something IN the cathedral: The Ouroboros, which is a pond? I guess? with an island/statue in the center of a woman whose features are hidden by moss. The pool circles around and around, kind of like an endlessly flowing river, or like a whirlpool with no dip in the center? I dunno.

The ouroboros has magical properties that I haven't quite pinned down yet, but on Ophelia's second visit to the cathedral Charlotte "unlocks" her (IDK) and pushes her in, where she sinks down and down and, not AT the bottom because, lmao, there is no bottom, but when she is VERY deep down, she is granted a vision of Baran, who Yuka has called Ophelia's father. Metaphorical? Actual? Who knows! Not me! But anyway, that brings us to


Ah, Baran. A ram Lovely (Aries, and it makes me SO SAD i'm not an Aries, but I can't deny the Aesthetic), whose horns twist into some sort of twisted crown because Haha, how could I not? Anyway, dude is sitting in a cage in the middle of the universe, being guarded by something ALSO called the Ouroboros, and I think this one is much more literal in that it's a giant snake circling him while devouring its own tail. Cool cool coolcoolcool.

So he's been locked away for committing lovely-cide, but he's been slowly chipping away over the years to reach certain people and exert his influence--namely over Alex, Ophelia's husband. He promises Alex power (what kind of power? Alex doesn't ask, the idiot) in exchange for setting him free, and together they'll recreate and rule the universe, and blah blah BLAH God Alex you tool.

So anyway, it's for this reason that Alex marries Ophelia, because she is somehow key to unlocking Baran's cage. The "Somehow" is important. I know point A and point C but point B is currently flipping me the middle finger. Oh well, I'll figure it out. The point of the matter is that Alex wants Ophelia close by, so he can figure out how to unlock Baran's cage. He's been told how to get something called an "ouroboros egg", and also has some sort of skeletal bone creature in his office, and they might or might not be related, but either way neither of them are probably good vibes??

Playlist! I'm a sucker for playlists, and Lovelies playlist is currently at 204 songs, which I will... not be linking here lmao. Here are my current top five!

"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:19 pm
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Sachiko says...

WEEK 1 SUBMISSION! Starting in at Chapter 6, word count at 578 words:

Spoiler! :
The door, despite the house being empty of anyone to hear it, was obligingly creakless as she pushed it open.

Inside, the sun made deep shadows in the corners of the room. She recognized the day couch she’d woken up on days before. The bookshelf lined walls made the big room seem closer than it should have. The covered cage by Alex’s desk was gone.

Ophelia shut the door behind her but didn’t lock it. “Well,” she said, wondering if the sound of her own voice filling the room would make her feel better. It did not.
She turned first toward the bookshelves closest to her. Most of them looked to be books about star-mapping, the discovery and tracking of constellations through the night sky. Stars.

So Alex was interested in the stars. This knowledge, with the pamphlets she’d found in his downstairs office, didn’t sit well on Ophelia’s shoulders.

A shadow blinked at the corner of Ophelia’s eye. She turned her head to see, but nothing was there. It was a trick of the light, she told herself. The sun moving across the floor, dappling through the heavy curtains.

Ophelia crossed the room to the desk, where the cage had previously sat. The drawers in this desk were locked, unfortunately, and none of the keys on Ophelia’s ring fit them. She’d known they wouldn’t, but still; it had been worth the try. Also worth the try was the hairpin she pulled out of her loose bun. But despite several minutes of scraping and prodding the lock refused to yield. Ophelia gave up.

Sitting back in Alex’s desk chair, she circled her eyes around the room and paused. She hadn’t seen it from the doorway, and she’d been too preoccupied to notice it on her last visit to this room, but there was a door, tucked into a nook between bookshelves.
Ophelia trapped her bottom lip between her teeth. She shouldn’t have been surprised—the west wing was far too large for it to house only this single study. Of course there had to be rooms beyond this one.

The room swallowed the sound of her getting out of the chair and crossing to the door. She rapped her knuckles on the bookshelf be sure noise still existed, and that she had not, somehow, been devoured into a vacuum.

The door knob was solid glass and cold in her hand. It was not locked.

The windows in the room beyond were covered with drapes partially closed. It took Ophelia’s eyes a moment to adjust. The floor was covered in tile, and the sound of the heels of her shoes hitting the surface startled her and froze her to the spot. There were short pillars through out the room, topped with glass cases whose occupants she couldn’t see; she could only see the reflection off the glass from the windows. Crossing around the perimeter of the room she went to one of the windows and flung back the drapes. Squinting against the sudden light, she turned back to the room.

It looked as though she were standing in a museum. Through out the room stands of varying sizes were positioned at intervals, the objects inside covered in glass cases, with little plaques on the front.

Ophelia couldn’t convince herself to move from the window. Revulsion clamped its hands around her throat. The cases housed skulls, humanesque and strange. Lovely skulls. They were the skulls of star people.
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:08 am
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beckiw says...

'obligingly creakless' is my new favourite phrase.

I'm so so happy you're doing LMS!!
'The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.' - Hayao Miyazaki

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Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:22 pm
Sachiko says...

LMS Week two submission, 640 words, part of chapter 8/9

Spoiler! :
In the back of the Ostolya family manor there was a graveyard. When she was a child Ophelia played there. She had tea parties on the plaque bearing her great grandmother’s name. She draped blankets and sheets over gravestones to make dim, green scented forts. When she was older, she and Henry used it as a meeting point before going further into the forest.

It was a tiny graveyard; it contained only three generations. Beyond that point, the Ostolyas didn’t exist in Scarborough. It was nothing compared to the graveyard discreetly hidden away on the Kilitch family grounds.

Now Ophelia crouched in front of the mound of dirt that hid her father’s casket and tried to think past the grief. Her mind was jumpy with it, and could go in straight lines for a time before careening off into jumbles. Her father was dead. She had not been there when he’d died. Her father was dead. Alex had not saved him. Her father was dead. Ophelia had not saved him.

Around her the leaves whispered in the wind. She smelled dirt, clean and black, and beyond that the smell of water. She wanted to see Henry.

His name rolled around her insides, growing larger as it went. Past conversations leaked out of her ribcage and clung to his two syllables. Ishka. Ishka. Come away with me, Ishka. Leave. Let’s leave.

Her father was dead. Neither Ophelia or Alex had saved him. She reached out and slowly pushed one finger into the black dirt, feeling it gather under her fingernail. She was still married, but the only reason for her to be was lying six feet down.

Ophelia didn’t smile. But she did know what she was going to do.


“This house is too big for you, Mama,” Ophelia said.

A week had passed, and Maria Ostolya had settled into widowhood badly. Ophelia had always partially suspected that Maria’s love for her husband was much the same as Ophelia’s for hers—mere tolerance. If Alex had been convenient enough to drop dead on the spot, it would have saved Ophelia a great deal of trouble. She might have thrown a party.

Maria Ostolya was not throwing a party. Her hair was knotted simply in the back of her head instead of swept up into its usual pompadour. Both she and her daughter wore black, but she was dressed plainer than Ophelia had ever seen her. There was no lace or satin stripes, or any sort of decoration to her mother’s mourning dress. She was bare of her usual earrings and necklaces, and the only rings she wore was her own wedding band, her husband’s ring nestled around her thumb.

“And what would you suggest, Ishka?” Maria's voice was flat. They sat in the informal parlour, and the cup of coffee she held between her hands had long since gone cold. "Sell all of our things? And go where? To yours and Alex's?"

"No," Ophelia said quickly. She settled back in the armchair, leaning her head against the wings. She scratched at the base of one horn. "I don't know. I don't know what to do, Mama."

This wasn't quite true. Ophelia knew exactly what she was going to do. For the better part since her father's funeral, she had been planning and scheming. When Alex asked how she was faring, she gave noncommital answers that he wouldn't pry too deeply into--answers like, "I will improve with time" or "at least he's no longer suffering".

For his part, Alex was had had a significant attitude adjustment since his return from Wardhaven. At Ophelia's request Doctor Poulyavik had met his train and explained the previous evening. When Ophelia saw him next he was cowed and respectful--and, she thought, possibly a little afraid. Good, Ophelia thought. He ought to be.
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

That awkward moment when you jump out a window because your friend jumped out a window, then you remember that your other friend can fly.
— Rick Riordan, The Ship of the Dead