
Young Writers Society

Dreaming Deep?

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Thu May 10, 2007 7:10 pm
Dream Deep says...

Claudette wrote:I'm reminded that I've never read anything by you. You should send me one of your masterpieces, I'd be honored.

You read (and critted, very helpfully) Letting Go for me, though, yes? ^_~

Ah, I'd be more than glad to send you bits and pieces when I start to get anything real written - in the meantime, what on earth have you been drinking that makes you think anything of mine's a masterpiece? ;)

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Thu May 10, 2007 7:15 pm
Emerson says...

I did read that, didn't I? I have the worst memory xD

Well I can tell you the fever isn't making me hallucinate. I'm sure it would be a master piece that comes from you.
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Thu May 10, 2007 7:36 pm
Dream Deep says...

Claudette wrote:Well I can tell you the fever isn't making me hallucinate. I'm sure it would be a master piece that comes from you.

You're sweet. *hugs* ^_^

... well, if you'd truly like to read it, I'd be glad to send something over at some point - but then again, bear in mind that I've been promising Imp "The Chair" for about five months now. We see how well I am at dealing with procrastination and writers' block. :roll:

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:57 pm
Dream Deep says...

Update -- July 17, 2007

. . .

    The Chair of Wind & Darkness: Moving again, but growing larger. I like to think I've got more of a handle on this than I had before (now that I'm past them, I get the feeling that all of the terrible, never-met deadlines came from a lack of knowledge of where, precisely, I wanted to head on Shan's behalf).Though now it seems as if it may be heading in the direction of a novel - it'll be too long for a novella if I can manage to write all that I want to fit into this. Part of me is tempted to give it a break ... a permanent one, to burn the thing and scatter its ashes. But the part of me that feels it owes Shan something (and my readers at least a finish for courtesy's sake) wants me to finish it. So finish it I shall. Though Furst has me feeling peculiarly inferior.

    The Piano Player: Viktor's more troublesome than Shan and less cooperative than the indignant "Kid", but somehow more human. The problem is sifting through all of the melodrama and actually finding that humanity in the writing. Found an article in an old National Geographic on the Csango region of Romania, which had some interesting ideas, if not precisely Croatian. Dan's been slipping me some helpful info here and there; Gina's off teaching over the summer, she asks me to send chapters though I don't have any. None that can stand the light anyway. They're too sensitive, raw, yet - I get the impression that they would somehow fade or shrivel if fully exposed. Wrote to Slavenka Draculić, but it was care of W.W. Norton and Co., and as far as far as the mail system goes in Zagreb, I've not a clue if it's even reached her. She's not written back, and Viktor's drunk again. Sljivovica and madness runs in his veins, and somehow he's more human than Nizovski and his tormentors / idols? Figure that one out.

    Silence Is Golden: Demons and pianists. Who would have thought. I need to get the accursed thing written.

    Rise, Rise: New story, thanks to a timely fusion of Rammstein, Draculić, and researching my German line. I've more a connection with the Slavic, just due to proximity and my mom, but I figure I owe one to the Krauts - something for Grandpa, just a little bit too late. Got the initial idea of the title from Rammstein's Reise, Reise - go figure - which is literally Travel, Travel. But every time I heard it, I heard "Rise. Rise." and of course it set the writerly gears turning and now I've got an introduction. Till gave me a bit of an insight, too, into the verb tenses. She reads the Herzeleid articles I skip. ^_~ Hopefully something will come of that. Nice, harsh, deep, detatched from russophilation and music and all the norms. Thought I'd give it a chance.

... I wanted to try something for a Plume Noire contest, but the one that caught my attention was '[...Her Silver Sound ] Stravinsky's 'Firebird'', and I, lucky girl, have never read it. Then again, it might be a blessing in disguise. I don't think I could stand writing three musically-inclined stories at once, I get the feeling it would put me about as high up on reality as Viktor is at the moment, poor guy.

"Letting Go" is off to Shimmer, on a final note. Finally, at last, an in conclusion - Till's latest foray with "Módlmy Się" prompted me to actually submit it rather than wallowing around the Fiction Submissions homepage.
Last edited by Dream Deep on Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:34 am
Emerson says...

"Letting Go" is off to Shimmer, on a final note. Finally, at last, an in conclusion - Till's latest foray with "Módlmy Się" prompted me to actually submit it rather than wallowing around the Fiction Submissions homepage.

Good job, dear! Keep in mind, even a rejection is good for you, ja? It simply means, "I need to improve, and I always have room to improve!" That's why perfection [though absolutely unattainable] is marvelous. Because one can't reach it, one can always grow closer to it. It's like a number approaching, but never reaching infinity. [Yes, I somehow mixed my nonexistent math into this?]

Oh, do finish the Chair? I have chapter two I need to mail to you, only, I'm low on stamps and am waiting to have billions of other things [gifts, you know.] to send along. Might that cheer you up?

Is there anyway I could get my hands on the shreds of The Piano Player? I'd take the best care of it, you know, and no nit picking. I want to help you with your forwarding goals ^_^ I'm not sure I could...? But if there is anyway I can aide your work towards a more human feel [do I even understand that? No. ah well.] I'd love to.

What of Rise, Rise?

Keep up the beauty in words, or my soul might die...
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:41 am
Dream Deep says...

'Tis because math is everywhere. Consider it ether. ^_~

The Chair, The Piano Player... all in the works to some degree or another, and the moment I get anything on them I'll send it to you directly. Thanks very much for the encouragment, Till, it means quite a lot. (And your nit-picking's what makes it priceless, you know? Better than someone going "lolololol, liek coolness KEEP WRITING!!!#@"


Do you know, I totally and utterly forget about Rise, Rise. I'll have to edit that one in.

. . .

Keep up the beauty in words, or my soul might die...

Seems to be the day for that. *hugs*

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:50 am
Emerson says...

And I'm humorous, too. "Has he only one leg...?" And my literary cigarette fetish loves you!

Rise, Rise: I really want to know what this about, deeper than what you've told me. The Krauts do deserve something ^_~ The song is elegant, I can see ships out there, swaying in the water, but then the meaning behind it is so messy, having to do with war in some obscure way that only Wikipedia could explain and make sense of.
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:19 am
Dream Deep says...

... I'll keep you in suspense. ^_~ And maybe - just maybe? - I'll include a bit in the next letter, ja?

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Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:58 pm
Bjorn says...

Dreamy, could you ever forgive me? I'm indignated with myself, would you believe it? I take such a long leave of absence, without any excuse that would suffice, meaning not reviewing any of your work. And yet you sit there and listen to me ramble on and on about the Council. Creativity and imagination are my strengths, unfortunately productivity isn't.

I will get to it, eventually... It would help if you sent any of your works to me via email, I am particularily interested in The Piano Player and The Chair. I'd ask for a physical manuscript, but that would entail a few difficulties ^_~
Killing For Peace Is Like F#@%ing For Chastity
Revolucija Je Sada! Revolucija Je Stobom I Svima! Revolucija Je Uvijek-Zivi Uz Revolucije I Budite Slobodni!

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Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:49 pm
Dream Deep says...

Not at all, Dan - I could send a few chapters and sketches towards Innisfil without any difficulty at all. ^_^ ... that is, if you don't count having little to send as a difficulty. But that's beside the point. That is, if you (and your folks) wouldn't mind recieving a lopsided and manuscript-crammed fleet of envelopes from Pennsylvania. ^_~

And of course, there's no need for you to ask forgiveness or me to give it. Talking about the Council's always a priviledge, and I don't mind in the least.

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:25 pm
Bjorn says...

Aha! Really? That would be wonderful! No my folks, and certainly I, wouldn't mind at all.
Killing For Peace Is Like F#@%ing For Chastity
Revolucija Je Sada! Revolucija Je Stobom I Svima! Revolucija Je Uvijek-Zivi Uz Revolucije I Budite Slobodni!

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:41 pm
Dream Deep says...

Very well, then - consider yourself on the mailing list. ;)

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:42 pm
Emerson says...

Ah, include me on this mailing list!
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:45 pm
Dream Deep says...

[@_@ That was a joke. I actually have a mailing list?] ^_~

Ah, okay then.

Dan, Till and CJ it is. For the rest of you terribly lucky souls, you get to see it posted online... after the Trio of Terror have torn it apart for me first, of course. ^_^

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:48 pm
Emerson says...

...Trio of Terror?

I work alone when [s]brutally torturing and murdering[/s] critiquing [s]people[/s] stories, thank you! ^_~
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.
— Genesis 3:19