
Young Writers Society

New Idea

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Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:32 pm
thunder_dude7 says...

I have WAY too many ideas going at once.

Anyway, I came up with a new idea through a strange method. Close your eyes and push them in towards your nose. After a while, you start seeing things, most of which are completely obsurd. I find myself in a high-tech racetrack a lot. Anyway, here's what I saw that led to the plot:

Red, blue, and green lights. Around the edges, the red and green ones were moving, while a blue one was in the middle. Suddenly, it seemed like ice was covering my vision.

Then, I saw a snake-like thing, shown below in the paint picture, just moving around.

I opened my eyes, and the rest of the ideas just came to me.


In the middle of a vast ocean lies and island. This island was cut off from the mainland a long time ago, unable to return due to their ship's lack of sufficient oxygen tanks and the fact that a strange bird lives over the ocean between them and the mainland. This bird kills andything it sees, leaving the ocean a desolate wasteland.

This fact does not bother the people on this island, as they had become trapped here many hundred generations ago, and only one of the original people still lived, and he was in critical condition, and his death was surely going to be in the next month. He had managed to live this long through personal determination and magic of his own.

On this island, there are two "species", if you will, of people: Humans and True Mages. The entire island basically revolves around magic. The True Mages are quite similar to humans, but there are a few key differences: One, True Mages have wings. These wings come in three forms: Demon, Angel, and Delicate. Delicate wings are simply fairy wings, but fairy's existence in completely unknown to the world. Two, True Mages do not require any sort of physical items to perform magic. It is unknown what caused the split between the two "species" of people, or either's history. Supposedly, the last original island-person knows, but he is left unable to speak. Before this, he was only able to say that the formerly called "Winged People" were to be called "True Mages".

The truth is that True Mages are exactly that - True Mages. Humans are actually unable to perform magic, though human mages beg to differ. How do Humans perform magic, then?

Simple: Fairy's existence may not be known in this world, but they certainly are there. They are about the size of a postage stamp, and are invisible to humans and animals, though it is rumored that there is a "Magic Species" that can see them. Human mages, when they think they are casting a spell, are really calling on these fairies to cast it for them. This is why they require items: To translate their speech into the fairy's language.

Nera, one of these fairies, is 13 days old. However, fairies age much faster than humans, so she, in human terms, appears 13 years old. As you can imagine, this makes puberty a very overwhelming time for them, even though it's over within a week. Nera, as usual, explores outside her home one day, when she stumbles across a man researching the wildlife. Nera flies around him, amused that he cannot see her. As the man is leaving, he drops a small charm. Nera sees that it is small, so she decides to try and return it to him. She struggles to lift it, but fails, she soon hits the exact center of it, and our story begins.

Nera wakes up in a hospital, and she panics. She looks around, then looks outside. There's a serious problem here...the trees look so much smaller than before! Wait a sec...Nera is human sized! This is confirmed when the human doctor walks in. Nera lies about what happened, figuring that he wouldn't believe her. After all, most doctrs were also mages, so he would take great offence to her story.

Nera is released soon, and, with no where to go, wanders around town. Soon, a young woman, a True Mage, find her, and, mistaking her for another True Mage, introduces herself as Emily. Nera decides that she should go to wherever the True Mages live, but she is nervous, as True Mages are something new to her, as Fairies cannot travel far, and they live barely close enough to the human town to even go there.

Nera finds herself very welecome into the people there. Though the population of True Mages is low, it seems that they still age quickly, though not as quickly as Fairies. As a result, Nera is able to blend in just fine. Emily and Nera go to the park, where Emily talks about her aspirations to go to the research town. Nera, unsure what she means, simply encourages her to continue, and soon find out that the research town is where people try and find ways to return to the mainland.

Within this group are people who go out in the field and search for alternate routes, items that may be of use, and anything else. Emily wants to join one of these groups. Nera decides to tell Emily the truth about Faries and magic, as Emily clearly trusts her enough to tell her this.

Emily is confused, even rejecting the information at first, but soon figures that human's need for items to perform magic shows that this makes sense, so she believes her. She warns Nera to tell nobody else about this, then decides to allow her to live at her house.

The next day, Emily tells Nera that she has finally decided to leave and join the researc town. Nera asks to come along, but Emily figures that her magic is not sufficient due to Nera's age. Nera shows her some of the things sshe can do, and, accepting her, Emily allows her to come along.

When they get there, a human boy is assigned to their team, and he is slightly older than Nera. The three of them team up and are assigned a "pod", which is a sperical ship designed for underwater use.

OK, I'm going to ommit a lot of simple stuff here because this is turning out quite long. So, after they get to know each other, blah blah blah, Nera tells him about the Fairies and all, blah blah blah:

The three of them are on a regular mission when they find a scroll. The scroll is blank, but when Nera touches it, she feels a strange sensation, then hears a voice:

"Bring me to the first of the many, and all will be revealed, proven, and as it should be,"

Nera reports this to the others, and they debate who it means by "First of the many". Emily, the next morning, comes up with the old man who first arroved at the island. They request leave from the town and go to visit him. The scrolls light up, and...

Uh oh. Thunderstorm. Gotta finish this up and shut down. Just post comments on this part and I'll get back to you.
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Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:29 am
Jay says...

This is such a cool idea! Will the plot be focused on Emily and Nera trying to find the mainland. It's a little confusing to me right now but I think it will make sense if I'm actually reading the story.

I do find it a little implausible that a bird is the thing that stops people from exploring the mainland. Unless it's a huge bird with special powers, that is. I think a dragon or a sea monster would be better.

You've got a funny way of coming up with ideas. Is the island on Earth? Because I was thinking that could be a possibility-but it's cut off from the rest of the world because of the bird, and has developed a very different culture and civilisation. As I read on though, it seemed like it was in a completely different planet.

Good luck with writing this-it sounds like a very creative idea!

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Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:37 am
Black Ghost says...

I have to admit, it is a pretty cool idea you've got here. If you develop it correctly, it could turn into an awesome story. ^_^


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Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:53 am
thunder_dude7 says...

I was thinking it was a particularly large bird, sort of like a roc. I forgot that in the original post. Whoops.

Anyway, I was not planning on placing this on earth.

Anyway, here's the rest of the plot:

When the three of them bring the srolls to the old man, he gains the ability to speak again. He is so excited, he blurrs out words so quickly they can not be understood. After he regains control, he warns the three of them that, for some bizzare reason, the sea levels are rising. Because the island is rather flat, this is putting the entire civilization in danger.

They ask how this could be stopped, and the old man answers that the water in the sea is quite constant: Rain does not affect the water level, as the rainwater, for an unknown reason, does not mix with the water in the sea, so it rolls off the surface and onto the land. As a result, making the water level higher is immpossible. However, the old man warns that there is one fairy that has the ability to make the water mix, so the giant bird is draining her power, whioch would eventually kill her and allow him to sink the island, leaving the people open to be eaten. Emily brings up that the bird usually eats animals and plants that are on the surface of the water, so they must be depleated. Unfortunetly, they know of know way to introduce a hoard of new animals to the sea, so it seems their only soltion is to kill the bird.

The three of them return to the research center, where they explain the mission to the field workers: They will have to battle the bird. They go out to sea togehter, and when the bird comes, the climactic fight begins.

Unfortunetly, when Nera tries to use her magic, she finds that she cannot. She soon puts two and two together and realises that she is the one the bird is draining power from!


I left out the ending purposely. Thoughts on this part?

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Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:46 am
Jay says...

Yeah, I think this would be better if it wasn't set on Earth-that way it could get a bit too preachy, what with global warming.

Does the old man have a purpose beyond telling Emily and Nera that the island is in danger? (maybe the bird has done something to him in the past)

You've got a lot of classic ideas here (Nera is kind of like a 'chosen one', for example) used in a way that's original and unique. And I love climatic fights.

Congratulations on an exciting and creative concept! Don't give away the ending just yet, though...

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Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:08 pm
thunder_dude7 says...

Didn't plan to. Otherwise you wouldn't read the actual story.

Anyway, thanks for all the help!

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