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The Transformation of Isabella: Niteowl's LMS

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Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:06 am
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So I've decided to revive this for LMS IV, competing as a Rogue. I will be writing a new poem each week with at least 14 lines. As before, these may not be in chronological order, but I will maintain the index started in the second post. I think my previously written poems are a good starting point, but a lot more has to happen to make this a viable project. So the new planning stuff is here for this, though I will leave the old plotting stuff alone in the spoiler below.

EDIT: Moving new planning stuff to a new post because this post is kind of long as is lol.

Notes from LMS III, for Posterity/Reference

Okay, so I'm participating in LMS III as a Bard. It will be an anthology of poems loosely based on a short story I wrote long ago for a Writer's Tournament contest that I toyed with turning into a longer project but never got around to it. So since I'm not a prose writer, let's make them poems instead. Most will be from the MC's point of view, but I may bring in other POVs at my leisure. Also, I don't know if I'll end up writing the poems in chronological order.

(Very Rough and Subject To Change) Synopsis:
Spoiler! :

Isabella is a poor seamstress's daughter selected to start a new life as a servant for Princess Carolina of Morovia. To be a palace servant is prestigious and will send a tidy sum to her mother each month. Upon arriving at the palace, she meets the loud and boisterous prankster Elena and they become friends. One day while the royal family is away, they play dress-up with the Princess's gowns and end up dancing and kissing. The Princess walks in on them and immediately dismisses Elena from the palace but lets Isabella off with a warning. Over time, Isabella realizes her true lesbian inclinations and tries to find Elena. This puts her in conflict with her conservative mother and society, but leads her to new adventures and new loves she could not have even imagined. After that...uh I have a rough idea of what she does and where she ends up but I'm not sure.

Genres: Romance, fantasy

Spoiler! :

Isabella-The MC. Starts out timid and obedient but finds her voice as she explores the world outside the Palace and eventually Morovia itself. She is 16 at the start of the story. She is skinny and pale-skinned with strawberry-blonde hair.

Elena-The MC's first love interest. A known troublemaker who's managed to keep her job this long through sheer charm. She is about 17-18 at the start of the story. She is tall and olive-skinned with black hair. Has a reputation for "corrupting" younger girls with same-sex experimentation.

The Head Chef Beatriz-A sort of "mother hen" figure to the servants. Her main role plot-wise is warning Isabella about Elena's "bad influence".

Princess Carolina-The main boss of Isabella, Elena and some other (as yet unnamed) servants. She is highly regarded by the servants and the kingdom as fair and coolheaded, especially compared to the rest of her family. This will eventually lead her father to pass the crown on to her instead of her brother. She's almost 20 at the start of the story but hasn't married yet, leading to rumors that she may not be interested in men.

Prince Juan III-A spoiled, hotheaded playboy. Probably won't come in at all until the end when his father chooses to give the crown to his sister, defying Morovia's custom of male succession to the throne.

King Juan II and Queen Ariana-Again, mostly bit players in this story. They oversee a time of great prosperity but also rising social tensions in Morovia. They've given their children authority over their own servants, so even though they're technically Isabella's bosses, she largely answers to the Princess.

Magda-A noblewoman and ambassador's daughter from Helvida, a key Morovian ally. The land is colder but more socially liberal (and importantly, very accepting of LGBT+ people, which will probably be called something different). She is intellectual and adept at water/ice magic.

Ricardo-A fisherman's son and neighbor of Isabella's in her pre-Palace days. They were childhood friends but I don't know if he'll come into the story proper or just in flashbacks.

Isabella's mother (needs a name)-A seamstress who married a fisherman (Isabella's father, who died when she was young). She's quite talented and could live somewhere better, but has always been generous (perhaps too generous?) which her funds. Her talent catches the Princess's eye when she sees Isabella wearing one of her mother's dresses.

Marco-Bartender and co-owner of The Resurrection. Middle-aged portly gay man who lives above the tavern with his partner (name TBD). Kind-hearted, friendly, and welcomes everyone who enters the bar...unless he suspects your motives are less than friendly toward the LGBT community. Then he will sic Fairness and Equality on you. Fairness and Equality are the tavern's guard dogs.

Eva "The Bearded Lady" - A trans woman that Isabella meets at The Resurrection. She's wary at first, but they eventually become friends (and possibly romantically involved, albeit briefly)

Places of Note
Spoiler! :

The Palace-Large complex, including separate quarters for the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess and a Great Hall where important events are held. The servants live in a separate building and work six days a week. They are free to travel on their day off provided they check out/in at the gate.

El Sardinero-Primarily where the fishermen live, but also where Isabella was born and grew up. A poor crime-ridden area, but they do have some delicious fish.

The Market-The great equalizer of the Morovian capital (which also needs a name), people of all classes come here for everything from basic necessities to great finery. This is where the Princess first "discovers" Isabella and recruits her as a servant.

Moon Street-The "gay district" of Morovia. LGBT people are frequently called "moon boys/girls" for their perceived opposition to the ideals of Sil the sun god. These terms started out as insults but are now being reclaimed by LGBT people. Isabella is hesitant to go here due to her conservative upbringing, but she feels like it's her best shot to find Elena.

The Resurrection-A tavern on Moon Street that is the main refuge for LGBT people in Morovia. It's been burned down and rebuilt several times, hence the name. Owned by a middle-aged gay couple (Marco and currently unnamed partner). Has a tense relationship with law enforcement, who sometimes sends in undercover policemen looking for "troublemakers".

Possible plot points
Spoiler! :

Starting point: Isabella is spotted by the Princess and recruited to be her servant.

Isabella arrives at the palace and meets Elena.

Isabella's mother asks about the rumors surrounding the Princess--Isabella knows (or at least suspects) that the princess has female lovers but feels compelled to lie.

Elena and Isabella have their romantic moment while goofing off in the Princess's quarters and are caught. Elena is dismissed while Isabella is let off with a warning.

Isabella finds herself unable to stop thinking about Elena and starts searching for her.

Isabella ends up on the Avenue del Sol and enters The Resurrection, meeting Marco and The Bearded Lady.

Magda and Isabella get to know each other at the Resurrection, which is strange because she's one of the women who hangs around the Princess's quarters just a little too long...

Someone (maybe Isabella's old friend Ricardo?) sees Isabella on the Avenue del Sol and tells her mother, leading to a confrontation.

The Princess discovers Isabella and Magda's relationship, which pisses her off since she's sleeping with one (or both) of them. She fires Isabella and forces Magda to choose between the two. Magda chooses Isabella.

Magda and Isabella leave Morovia and head toward Helvida, possibly travelling through an undetermined third country.

Isabella enters Helvida and sees snow and ice for the first time.

Isabella learns about the magic system in Helvida (poorly defined, but a lot more widespread than in Morovia where it's restricted to the elites) and maybe even learns to wield magic.

The part I'm not really sure about yet, but it involves Isabella and Magda settling into Helvida and developing their relationship.

Isabella and Magda get married.

Magda's father dies, making Magda the official Ambassador to Morovia. Isabella feels torn between going back to a homeland she hasn't been to for years now and being away from her wife for months at a time. Ultimately, she decides to return.

Shortly after the death of Magda's father, King Juan II dies. Before his death, he chose to pass the crown on to his daughter instead of his son, which almost no one objected to but the Prince and his friends. As the ambassador, Magda must attend the coronation and brings Isabella with her.

Upon re-entering Morovia, Isabella goes to visit her aging mother and bury the hatchet.

At the pre-coronation celebration, Isabella sees a familiar face...Elena. Turns out, after she left the Palace, she worked her way into a duke's household and eventually married him. She looks back on her same-sex affairs, the very experience that transformed Isabella's life, as "just a bit of mischief". She is stunned to learn that Isabella is married to a woman and thinks it's improper.

Other Worldbuilding Notes and Random Thoughts
Spoiler! :

One thing I'm struggling with is the age of the characters. I originally had Princess Carolina as significantly older than the servant girls (like mid-twenties), but now that I'm thinking she might be a love interest that makes me feel icky since Isabella is so much younger. So I think I need to iron out some of the love/marriage rules and customs for heterosexual relationships in Morovia to get a better sense of what is expected/acceptable in that context.

Current thoughts: The "age of majority" is 16. At 16, a person is considered an adult and can get married without parental permission. Marriages where one or both parties is younger than 16 are not legal without parental consent. These used to be more common, but now most people get married in the 16-20 range. Divorce is legal but highly frowned upon, especially in more religious circles (also need to get a better handle on the religious structure of Morovia since that will definitely impact the characters). Generally, a girl will marry a guy a few years older than her, though marrying much older men isn't uncommon. It's very rare to see older women marrying younger men. Nobility sometimes enter into arranged marriages, but there's really no benefit to poorer people who don't have much, so they can choose their partners freely. Similar to our world, men are expected to do the pursuing and women are expected to play "hard to get" and be chaste until marriage. Traditionally, people didn't date around/sleep around a whole lot, though that's starting to change (one of several social issues that divide Morovians). Also, adult children usually live with their parents until they get married, although they aren't legally obligated to do so. In cases like Isabella's, her mother will get half of her salary as long as she stays with the palace.

History Lesson (not sure if this will have any impact on anything but I thought I'd jot down anyway).
The continent (currently unnamed) is divided into five nations. About 800 years before the start of the story, the armies of Belling conquered the continent, creating the Bellingian Empire. After a couple centuries, tensions rose into civil war and finally, on the spring equinox of what is now referred to as Year 0, a peace treaty was signed dividing the continent into the Five Nations: Morovia, Belingard (where Belling is), Helvida, and two others that need names. Morovia and Helvida have been allies for at least the past century, and Helvida's more liberal culture is rubbing off on Morovia. Belingard is a temperate country in between Morovia (a warmer Mediterranean climate) and Helvida (mountainous and cold) that frequently gets into territorial disputes with both countries. At the start of the story, they're all in peace but that could change...

Magic and Religion in Morovia: Magic in Morovia is illegal except when practiced by the Silanos, or priests, all of whom descend from a few bloodlines and are considered nobility. The vast majority of Morovia worships a monotheistic god Sil. This god is thought to have anointed the royal bloodline, the Silanos, and other nobility with their authority and power. Sil is also thought to control the movements of the sun and other heavenly bodies. All Morovians are educated in religious schools where they learn basic reading and math and study The Core Legends, the mythology of Sil that is accepted as canon. At times, the Silanos gather and write proclamations that are said to be the word of Sil concerning current issues/events. At weekly worship meetings, the people gather to worship Sil and put in their petitions for aid to their nearby Silano (sort of like prayer requests, except that these priests have magic so they can often do something). Whether the Silano will fill this request for aid depends on urgency, class politics, perceived devoutness of the petitioner, and other factors.

In practice, there's a range of attitudes towards Sil. Although people will nearly all say they're devout and pray and attend meetings weekly, many only go on holidays or when they have a petition. Some take the Core Legends literally, others don't. Some believe in the Silano's Proclamations, others don't. Generally older people are more conservative while young people are more liberal and less devout.

Title Ideas (I'll probably get a better working title once I've gotten into the writing)

[spoiler] Confessions of a Moon Girl
The Transformation of Isabella -I've decided this is the best working title for now, though it's not that great.
An Unconventional Heart
Isabella's Diary
Palaces, Taverns, and Icy Towers
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:36 pm
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niteowl says...

I've decided to date the poems to make the chronological order clear, even if/when I do go out of order. I'll keep the months the same as our world's for simplicity's sake, but the years will be different, with Year 0 representing the founding of Morovia. The story will start in the spring of the year 537 and probably end several years after that. Years start on the first day of spring here.

This is the running Table of Contents/Index for the poems. They'll be sorted chronologically, but I may also sort them by theme, POV, or whatever other way might make sense. For now, I will be listing the setting and non-POV characters involved in a poem (whether addressed, part of the action, or mentioned).

Table of Contents

March 4, 537
Other Characters-Princess Carolina, Isabella's Mother

March 13-15, 537
POV-Isabella's Mother (March 13), Isabella (March 15)
Other Characters
(March 13)-Isabella
(March 15)-Princess Carolina, Elena
Setting-First page of the diary (March 13), the Palace (March 15)

March 21, 537/8
Other Characters-Princess Carolina, Elena, Head Chef
Setting-Princess's quarters/Great Hall, Palace

April 8, 538
POV-Princess Carolina
Other Characters-Magda, Isabella, Elena, King, Magda's father
Setting-Great Hall, Princess's Quarters

April 11, 538
Other Characters-Elena, Elena's parents, Isabella's parents
Setting-Servant's Quarters, Palace

April 28, 538
Other Characters-Elena, Princess Carolina
Setting-Princess's Quarters

May 5, 538
Other Characters-Elena
Setting-Servant's Quarters

May 7, 538
Other Characters-Princess Carolina, Elena
Setting-Princess's Quarters

May 10, 538
Other Characters-Elena, Princess Carolina
Setting-Servant's Quarters

May 12, 538
POV-Princess Carolina
Other Characters-Elena, the Queen, Isabella
Setting-Unclear, perhaps the Princess's diary

May 14, 538
Other characters-Isabella's Mother, Princess Carolina, Elena

May 15, 538
Setting-Moon Street/The Resurrection
Other Characters-Elena, Marco

May 27, 538 (cont.)
Setting-The Resurrection
Other Characters-Elena, Eva

June 1, 538
Setting-The King's Chambers
POV-Princess Carolina
Other Characters-King Juan II, Queen Ariana, Prince Juan III

June 15, 538
Setting-Princess's Bedroom
POV- Isabella
Other Characters: Princess Carolina

July 8, 538
Setting-The Resurrection
Other Characters: Marco, Eva, Isabella

July 8, 538-cont.
Setting-The Resurrection
Other Characters-Eva, Magda

July 9, 538
Setting-Not Specified
POV-Queen Ariana, Princess Carolina

July 10, 538
Setting-Princess's Quarters
Other Characters-Princess Carolina
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:42 am
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niteowl says...

March 4, 537-It Began in the Market

I had never seen her outside of portraits,
but her aquiline nose and vigilant eyes
were unmistakable, even behind a veil.
She approached me, guard by her side.

Excuse me, miss, but where
did you get that dress?

Stunned into silence,
I led her through the rumbling crowds
to my mother's stall,
my nose overwhelmed with fish and spices.

How have I not heard of you before, ma'am?
Your gowns should be worn by ladies, not peasants,
though I must say this one wears them well.

My future was haggled with the dress
she would wear to the New Year's Ball.
She would come to pick us both up
on the fifteenth.

My mother says
to serve the Princess is an honor,
but I have never lived outside the Sardinero,
away from her.

Line Count: 21
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:35 am
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March 13, 537-A Dedication Prayer

Oh perfect Sil, light of the sun
who blessed me with the sweetest girl.
As she grows up and leaves me now,
please protect her from the world.

My daughter, I know you are scared
of this new home, the Palace walls,
but don't forget that our Lord Sil
will always listen to your calls.

March 15, 537-Arrival

We crossed the iron gates into my destiny,
the golden columns I had only seen from afar.
My mother's home could fit in
the Great Hall five times over,
and I felt the eyes of long-dead kings
watching me from the walls.

I followed the Princess up the stairs,
carrying my mother's spring-hued creation.

Elena, hang this gown up and draw my bath.
This is Isabella. Show her what to do.
And don't get into any trouble this time.

That night, the black-haired servant
asked me why my mother
picked such a hideous shade of green.

"My mother does good work,
but the client picks the fabric."
At that, we both giggled
and I didn't think about
what the Princess meant by trouble.

Total Line Count: 27
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:42 am
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niteowl says...

March 21, 537/538-The New Year's Ball

We anointed the Princess with perfume
and burdened her body with heavy jewels
and my mother's putrid green creation.

Elena's nimble fingers
wove leaves and flowers into her hair,
proclaiming that this was the year
she'd find a husband.

Yes, if such a man exists
that can give me more than a crown!

At that, they both laugh.

As I serve guests at the ball,
the head chef tells me to watch out
for Elena and her mischief.

I still do not know what that means,
but as I watch the Princess dance with her suitors,
I think Elena would be more beautiful in that gown.

Total Line Count: 16
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:49 am
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April 8, 538-The Ambassador's Daughter

She is next to me at the dinner table
and I find that I am hungry for nothing else.

Our fathers prattle on and on about this great day,
the anniversary of our alliance.
I smile and nod as if anything matters but her sky blue eyes,
her soft skin pale as the full moon,
her golden curls begging to escape their pins.

She smiles, squeezing my hand under the table,
and I can hardly wait for this dinner to end.

Sometimes I dream of seeing that cold land,
of falling into these snowflakes she tells me about.
It would be lovely, as long as she could warm me.

My servants are undressing me
when she knocks on the door.
I let her in and dismiss them
so the night can belong to us--
our lips, our bodies,
our exquisite secret.

Line Count: 18
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:42 pm
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April 11, 538-memories under the covers

It is cold tonight
for spring in Morovia,
so Elena suggests we share
her bed and our blankets
and tell each other our stories
until we fall asleep.

She tells me how her parents
eked out a living in the country,
picking grapes for that famous Morovian wine.
The palace was her ticket to a better life,
but she still wishes she could afford to see them.

I tell her about my mother
who has more faith in Sil than the Silanos,
and how she would be rich
if she didn't give all we had to beggars and drunks
as Sil had commanded.

Elena brushes her hand
against the freckles on my cheeks
and reminds me
that I am awful pale for a Morovian.

My pale skin is the legacy of a man
who I hardly remember,
a man who lived in boats
and peeled under the Morovian sun
until the sea took him
when I was but five summers old.

Elena falls asleep before I do,
and Sil knows I should move to my own bed,
but I am entrenched in her arms,
and her warmth is far too comforting to abandon.

Total Line Count: 30
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:45 pm
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Ugh I am not feeling well so I'm scrambling to get this done. Will revise later with index. For now I'm skipping ahead a bit.
ETA: Index is updated.

May 5, 538-The Empty Room

She is gone now,
her empty bed haunting me.
As I work, I hear her voice,
a honey-flavored spirit in every room.

It was just a moment,
only one kiss.
Sil would say it is wrong,
but then why would I miss her so?

May 7, 538-Waking Up in the Princess's Bed

The Princess's bed is soft,
softer than any bed I have ever known,
her pillows stuffed with the finest feathers.

It was after her bath
when she invited me to join her
in that voice I knew I could not refuse.

Her skin was even smoother than Elena's,
fragrant with the oils and perfumes I douse her with.

Do not be afraid, she commanded,
as I lay there stiff as a board,
wondering if it is still sinful
when the princess does it to you.

Total Line Count: 20
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:31 pm
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Ugh another last minute entry. Promise I will revise and index properly later but for now I'm scrambling to write this before work.
ETA: Added to index

April 28, 538-The Dance

The Princess left us with orders
to clean her quarters, then clean them again
until not a speck of dust remained.

We dove into every crevice a hundred times,
hoping to satisfy her
but knowing she would find something nonetheless.

Elena declared that we were done
and opened the closet door.
She pulled out a gown of gold
and ordered me to tie her up,
seemingly unafraid of getting caught.

As I laced up the dress,
I found myself entranced
by the constellations of moles on her back.

She found a dress of finest violet,
declaring that I was meant to wear it,
though I am but a servant.

We weighed ourselves down with jewels
until we shimmered in the mirror,
our reflections from another world
where we had been born ladies.

Now dance with me, she whispered,
leading me across the room
as if she'd done this a hundred times before.

Her arms fit me as well as the gown,
and when her lips met mine,
I know I should have pulled away,
but I didn't.
I didn't want to.

We only pulled ourselves apart
when the princess walked in.

Lines: 31
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:30 pm
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niteowl says...

May 10, 538-a petition that will never be read

Oh perfect Sil, I know
what Your messengers say, that good women
are meant to marry good men,
and anything else is meant
only for the shadows.

But they live in gilded columns--
what do they know of our lives
in the servant's quarters?

It is said that You understand,
that You are the ultimate judge,
so please hear me now, good Lord.

I am alone.
Elena was dismissed for our mischief,
but the good princess let me stay,
only to bring me farther into the shadows.
Perhaps that was her intention
the day she saw me in the market.

Oh great and powerful light,
if you hear this,
please keep Elena safe
until I can find her.

Lines: 21
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:42 am
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niteowl says...

May 12, 538-Rules of the Game

Rule 1: Never let the Queen know
what happens within her walls

Oh Elena, why did you have
to be so bold? The whole palace
heard your laughter, and Mother
does not have mercy on such mischief.

Rule 2: I get what I want,
whatever the Silanos may say.

The new girl is beautiful,
but I see fear in her eyes
and a thousand questions on her lips
that she will never dare to ask me,
even as I trace her freckles with my lips.

Rule 3: This game will have to end,
but we can enjoy it while it lasts.

I wish I could rule alone,
but good princesses must marry good princes
if they are to become good queens.
These days will vanish into memories,
and I will have to dismiss the new girl.
I just hope she isn't
taking bedroom games too seriously.

Total Lines: 22
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:51 pm
niteowl says...

May 14, 538-Dear Mother

Dear mother,
you speak of the rumors
with venom on your tongue,
parroting the Silanos perfectly
even as you ask me to confide in you.

Dear mother,
I know the truth behind them,
what the princess and I do
underneath the finest satin,
what she calls our secret game.

Dear mother,
if you knew what I had done,
you would tell me never to return,
yet I can't say for certain
that your piety would extend
to denying yourself my pay.

Dear mother,
I am not your little girl anymore,
but a woman burdened with secrets
and lost in the cavernous palace halls
without my dear Elena.

Tonight, I descend into
the shadows of Moon Street
to find her.

Lines: 24
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:21 pm
niteowl says...

May 15, 538-Moon Street Dance

Moon Street is not a place
for a respectable girl to be,
but I see that my respectability
was washed away in the princess's bed.

I always imagined it darker than this--
a land of thieves and shadows,
but the revelers cloaked in bright colors
hardly notice me as I crane my neck
searching, searching,
praying to Sil that Elena is safe.

"Hey you! Looking for someone?"

A barrel of a man calls to me
and at first I think to run,
but then I wonder what he knows,
so I approach with wary eyes.

I show him my sketches of Elena
(one of many I drew from memory)
and he shakes his head sadly
but invites me into the bar anyway.

"Name's Marco,
and this here is The Resurrection.
You're welcome to come in for a drink.
Maybe someone else has seen her."

I can hear my mother weeping
at the thought of her daughter
stepping inside a Moon Street bar,
but it might be the only way to find Elena.

Lines: 27
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sun May 07, 2017 11:33 pm
niteowl says...

May 15, 538 Moon Street Dance Part 2

I sit down in a corner,
sipping cheap wine and searching
for my Elena among the crowd.

A tall figure
with a pink dress and a beard
takes the seat next to me.

Welcome dear,
and don't be scared. I can tell
you're new here, but we don't bite.
By the way, you can call me Eva.
Now, what brings you here tonight?

I show her the picture of Elena,
and she shakes her head,
saying she would have remembered
a girl so beautiful.

No need to look so glum!
I'm sure you'll find your friend soon,
but why not enjoy the night?
Come dance with me.

In the arms of the strange bearded woman,
I felt like for the first time in ages,
it was okay to stop thinking about Elena.

Lines: 22

Spoiler! :
Ugh I don't know about even continuing this. I feel like it's moving so slowly and I'm kind of phoning it in with a last minute entry every week. And it's not even that poetic so maybe it should be a prose novel, but I have a terrible track record with those.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sun May 14, 2017 4:00 pm
niteowl says...

May 27, 538-The Spare Prince of Belingard

The spare prince of Belingard
is handsome, I suppose,
in the blandest sort of way,
but he can't even entertain me
at a party, let alone as his wife.

My theory:
he fumbles around in bed
like a boorish drunkard
or perhaps a snail.

Oh Sil, does it make any sense
that I, the first born, should be supplied
as merely a prize for avoiding war
while my questionable brother
inherits the throne?

I look at my Isabella,
with her veneer of wide-eyed innocence
fading away, and I wonder
if I can make her
the solution to this problem.

Lines: 17

Spoiler! :
So yeah, I know that Isabella is supposed to be the MC, but I think I'm more drawn to the Princess atm. So I've decided to change the plot a bit. The princess is supposed to end up in a forced marriage, but wants out of it, so she wants to ask Isabella to kill him. This...might just get me out of the rut that has been writing this.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


more fish is always superior to less fish
— Shady