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High School Orientation and My Whole Schpeel:NEED ADVICE!!!!

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:57 am
crewgurl93 says...

Sorry, I'm just venting!!!! You don't really have to read it, but it would be LOVELY if you could give me advice!

Tonight I had my freshman orientation. They told us the rules, answered our questions, and gave us free pizza :D . I am so psyched about going to MHS (Mathews High School), but at the same time I'm freaked. I'm scared about getting lost, the work load (considering I'm going to be doing fall, winter, and spring rowing), and also about being at the bottom of the food chain-again. Also, I am so scared about the fact that past the next four years, is the rest of my life. There are so many paths for me to take, and I don't know if I'll choose the right ones. Confusion is setting in, and I'm just freaked, so I thought I'd write it out.

Anyway, something else happened, too that has me worried about the next year. Last year, I liked this guy Richard. He's so sweet and has the MOST gorgous eyes of any person I've ever met. At our graduation dance in June, I told him that I liked him. He said that it wasn't a no, but it wasn't a yes. He said that he just didn't know me all that well. I asked him to dance, as just friends. I don't know if he took it the wrong way, or what, but he said that he had to go, and just left me there on the dance floor, feeling like a shitsickle.

I couldn't stop thinking about him all summer. When I went to my orientation, I tried to talk to him. He wasn't very chatty.He asked me how my summer was, and I asked if he wanted the truth. He said yes. I told him, "It's been a torrent of everlasting tourture and misery." He was like mine was crappy too. and that was all we said the whole time.

Then there was Jared... Jared is one of my sort of kinda friends. I went out with him in the 7th grade, and ever since, our friendship has been kind of rocky. I had to hold his hand in one of the trust exercises we had to do. So did Amanda, another one of his ex-girlfriends. Anyway, my mom judged him right off the bat. She was coming to pick me up, and we were heading to Southwind for dinner. She asked me who they where, 'they' meaning Charles and Jared- two of the very few goths in Mathews. I told her. She wanted to know why I'd hang out with them. I told her, because they're my friends. I gave her a speech on about how, since she's running for school board, that she shouldn't judge other peoples kids.

In all reality, Jared is the kindest person. My friend, Caitlyn said that she was going to kill herself, and he came rushing over to her house after I called and told him. He and his mom came and hung out with us until Caitlyn's parents got home. And just recently, he stopped Caitlyn when she was slapping her wrist with a rubber band. (Her boyfriend was REALLY mad at her.)

Then there are other times when he's stupid. In short, he pulled a knife on some one. But that person got him REALLY pissed.

So, that's my Schpeel. I just needed to write. I'm freaked out and have a lot on my mind. I need advice; what should I do about Richard (considering I still like him); is high school really hell; how do I deal with the rest of my life; and what about my mother's predjudice about some of my friends?

:smt102 HELP!

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:21 am
the-candyman says...

wow you have a lot going through your mind right now
dont worry about being a freshmen. think about the good things in life. yes, there will be some uperclassmen, but dont worry about them. Hey, maybe you'll make some new friends.
With richard it depends if you really new him or you just saw him in the cafeteria at a different table everyday. Maybe you Knew about him but he didn't really know who you were.
Oh and please dont cuss on here.
jared is actually my name most of the people I know say im the nicest person they know. I'm on you and your moms side. I think goths are the second scariest people I know 1st being guys on the street asking for money. On your side, is that friends are freinds even if there wierd.

Make the best out of high school! Theres lots of people to pick for your friends and boyfriends.

Please tell me if you liked my advice.

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:24 am
Rydia says...

Wow. Okay where to start... I'm guessing you don't want advice on your writing at this moment in time so I'll begin with advice on Richard.

It sounds like you're very fond of Richard but he's not so sure. He sounds like the sort of boy who wants to take things steady so the first place to start is with friendship. Richard says he doesn't know you too well so get to know him. Talk to him a bit more, sit with him at lunch but not on your own. Make sure there are other people, other friends around so that it's very clear that you're just trying to be friendly. Hopefully that will help him relax and you might find that he's a really good friend and you don't want to go further than that but if you still like him, take it one step at a time. He sounds like one of those sweet, shy boys.

Next, your mother. All mothers are like that so don't worry. Mine hates and I mean hates the girls I used to hang out with and to be honest, they weren't the best of friends and I'm better off without them now but she also hates some of the people I currently hang out with who just happen to be goths. Not your average goths but... yeah. The best thing to do is just explain to her that you like them and you have the right to choose your own friends and she should get to know them before she presumes that they're no good. It's only normal for a mother to be over protective so just don't worry about it.

Now Jared. A boy who pulls a knife on someone sounds a little unstable to me but if he was provoked, I can sort of understand it. The question is, would he ever actually stab anyone? If so, he's a danger to himself and others but if not, if you trust him then talk to him about it. Does he carry knives around? If so, and you trust that he wouldn't hurt you, then try to persuade him that this isn't such a good idea. He sounds like he's got his morales in the right place but he's got a temper. That's no reason to stop being friends with him but you should be careful.

If you have any more questions or would like to comment on my advice, then feel free to pm me.

Heather xx
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:02 pm
crewgurl93 says...

Your absolutly right. Warner was just being stupid and pulled a joke too, too far. I think it was about Caitlyn, or something. He doesn't usually carry a knife around, and I think he just lost it for a moment there. He's really sweet, and I care about him.

As for Richard, I plan on just being friends. That's all that I need right now. I highly doubt I'm going to end up with anyone in this town! Everyone's known me since first grade. They've seen every tempertantrum and every meltdown (Which I used to be known for until therapy :))

Anyway, thanks for the advice.

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:31 am
Cade says...

Men are, more often than not, complete morons. Don't rush into a relationship unless you know what you're getting into. I went out with this guy freshman year and it just wasn't good for either of us and really messed up our friendship. So be careful.

And join clubs. I'm in a few at school, and I swear, they're all that keep me going half the time. If you join freshman year and prove to be a dedicated member, you might be able to be an officer in the future. My life would be school, homework, school, homework, aka BORING without my clubs. Sports can take up a lot of time, too. I'm on the bowling team in the winter, and you said you're doing rowing all three seasons? It can be hard sometimes to fit everything in, but it'll teach you how to manage your time better.

Good luck!
"My pet, I've been to the devil, and he's a very dull fellow. I won't go there again, even for you..."

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:34 am
Emerson says...

Uh, this isn't really a piece of literature, so I'm moving it!

*moves to somewhere*
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― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 2:24 am
Teague says...

IN my opinion, romance your freshman year is completely pointless. Nine out of ten times it's never serious, and the one case that I've seen successful is my brother's best friend and his long-time girlfriend, but they've known each other for ages. I'd say to just focus on other things for now and worry about your love life later. It's half the reason why most people suffer bad grades.

And about going into high school: it's never as bad as it seems. The first few days will be a little freaky, but workload/getting to classes/everything else is always... underwhelming, really. I expected more, to be completely honest. Just budget your time well. Be outgoing, make new friends, join some clubs, and have fun with it.

Don't worry too much. It makes it all seem thirty times worse.

Edit: my 500th post! :D
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Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:24 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Guys grow up much slower, so even though they look mature, most of them aren't mature. Anything at this stage is just practice.

Also, you might consider getting your own blog: this doesn't really fit in any of the forums.
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