
Young Writers Society

What inspired you to become a writer?

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:16 am
beans says...

I've always been a fan of writing things I'd like to read. I've always been an avid reader and writer though, so it's a good outlet for me.

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:31 am
PersonaAlias says...

As a kid, I always played with my imaginary friends. I came up with several characters and plots and acted everything out. One day in fourth grade, my teacher made the comment that since I liked to read so much I should become a writer and create my own stories. It then occurred to me that I already had half of that down. My child-hood role play games became the inspiration for the story I'm working on presently. I have my teacher to thank as well.

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:03 am
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Vervain says...

When I was younger, I read a lot. And I mean a lot. My mom would buy classic books that I didn't really like, and I'd still devour them; she would give me thirty bucks to spend at the book fair from 4th grade to 8th, and eventually she picked up on what I really liked to read—swords-and-sorcery fantasy—and bought me two of Tamora Pierce's quartets because they were on sale, Song of the Lioness and Circle of Magic.

I was probably about 12 when she bought me those, and that was when I realized that "authors" were not people specially hand-picked to write these stories, but people who sat down and just wrote. So I started writing, I started thinking up these fantasy worlds, I started thinking up these characters that I thought I would love to read and these stories that would be awesome.

I was probably about 15 when I realized that writing took a lot more than just writing. That's around when I started doing research on my own, finding out things I needed to know, and one of my friends pointed me to YWS. And I like to think that in the six years I've been writing, I've grown.
stay off the faerie paths

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:51 pm
Evander says...

Oh gosh. I'm not really sure how to answer this question-- because my answer seems to change when I hear stories about my childhood and what I normally did. Besides accidentally poisoning my brother.

When I was a toddler, all the way until I was seven, my mom or dad read to me every night. Because of that, I can recite almost all of the Doctor Seuss books. They also read other books to me. Dad liked to read chapters from the All-of-a-Kind Family series-- Mom would read books like Love You Forever, Wayside School, and just a wide range of genres. (She once tried to read Lord of the Rings, a trilogy that she loved, we were bored out of our socks.)

So I had a lot of books being read to me-- a lot of choices. Now, I had notebooks. A lot of notebooks, actually. Like those school ones that you can buy for 50 cents during 'Back to school' time.
I thought I was a decent drawer, I had a basic understand about how words actually worked. (Not really.) So I drew picture stories! Such as Dora the Explorer getting eaten by a caterpillar. (Then I wrote things under the pictures, like, "o no".) There might have been some commentary, and some actual sentences. However, I believe the Dora story was mostly pictures.

I was a fun child.

My actually word story was called The Missing Hat. It was about a monster who stole a hat. And Emily, the main character, had to get it back.

However, I credit most of my writing to my dad and JK Rowling.

Dad wanted me to write everyday (haha, no). However, JK Rowling made me want to write. What if my stories made money? WHAT IF JK ROWLING HERSELF READ MY STORIES?

I wrote a lot of fanfics after that.

TL;DR This is just a long story about me trying to pin-point where exactly in my life I was inspired. Credit goes to JK Rowling and Dad.
Want to talk about your project? Head on over to the Writers Corner! If you have a question about writing, then head on over to Research! Is your question not big enough to warrant its own thread? Ask away in Little Details!

German rat enthusiast.

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:21 pm
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Pretzelstick says...

I have been a reader my whole life, but I am still trying to figure out who kindled this passion in me. My mom and dad never read (I know such a waste right?) so sad :( . So honestly I have no idea what made reading and me click. I am the biggest bookworm, literally. I guess that I love to read because I am a loner, with little friends, and reading takes me to another world, better than mine.

I have to be honest with you all and tell you that in school I HATED creative writing?! :shock: I have a good reason for that, I hated being confined to prompts or any type of guidelines. I didn't like when the teacher didn't give us enough space to run our thoughts on paper. I hated that my writing was graded. So during school I didn't even try writing the best possible :pirate2:

I started really writing for myself, as an emotional outlet, to get me away from my problems and troubles irl. I found that when I wrote I always felt better afterwards. Those days I realized: that with writing, you can write ANYTHING in the world: your funniest joke or your darkest secret. I love the freedom of writing without any rules(except grammar rules 8) ). I have been writing for maybe a couple of months and I have started two novel ideas.(with the help of @steampowered, thanks so much best buddy!)

I actually started purposefully writing for a contest on another website, I was supposed to write a 20 page short story ( I didn't finish it or submit it :x ) but one day I was playing around with google and I googled: websites for young writers and this wonderful website popped up. I have made so many friends and you have all encouraged and supported me. (From Pawprints, to #15in15) and now guess what? I have found that I LOVE to review!YAY!and of course I am working on my two novels, like seriously!

Thanks everyone!
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads only lives once
~George R. Martin

Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about recreating yourself. ~George B. Shaw

got yws?

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:37 pm
AttackOfTheFlash says...

Honestly, I don't know who made me want to write. I remember sitting in my mom's English class in fourth grade and thinking, "I want to write a story."
I've loved drawing for as long as I can remember, so I think drawing my own characters is what drove me to write about them.
What kept me going was when I met someone in fifth grade who loved writing and drawing characters, too. We wrote stories together, put each other's characters into our stories, etc. Unfortunately we aren't as close anymore and she doesn't write.
In the beginning I wrote fanfictions with that person, and now I write original stuff alone. Writing is a therapy, especially for someone like me who quite literally has no friends. I also love making characters and "spending time with them" by writing about their lives. It makes me smile.
Are you living or simply existing?

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:49 pm
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Tenyo says...

That day ruined me, and made me. I remember when some grown up put a pencil in my hand, and I painstakingly copied the slow, elegant curve of the letter C. Then came the letter A, a deceptive little letter that swoops round in a wide circle and yet comes to a halt at its delicate little tail. Then, the grown up finished with the letter T, and suddenly I was like WOAH! THAT'S WORDS! I can make words! COME ON LET'S PLAY SOME MORE! And with the power of that pencil clutched in my teeny tiny hand, I decided I would use it to make more words than were in the library.

I, was doomed. You would think they'd educate a kid before sticking something that powerful in their hands. I've been working, blood, tears and toil ever since.

I've tried to give it up, but every time I hear a pretty song lyric, or a strange sentence, or some bleak little phrase that sets off a spark in my icy little heart, this four-year-old inside me squeals WOAH! Did you see that! That's cool! LET'S PLAY SOME MORE!
We were born to be amazing.

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Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:24 pm
Stori says...

Probably reading the works of Brian Jacques. Then again, you should hear my dad read "The Jungle Book" someday. <3

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Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:02 pm
TheCardsHaveNoMemory says...

I know this sounds odd, because, like every other writer, I would guess that I'm supposed to say my favorite book. But music. When I was young I'd listen to this one band I had found by accident, and I would get so into their music, that after listening to a few songs of their's I would just stop my CD player and, for next hour, just jot down pages and pages of my own lyrics to their songs. :wink:
If Fate were moved by tears, men would offer gold to buy them.
Yet grief still puts them forth, as the tree puts forth leaves.

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Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:21 am
Relaxistence88 says...

Writing is somewhat like a freedom of speech. I'm a freethinker. I grew up reading many books and writing academic essays. When I write, I feel the ultimate rush! You feel the ultimate rush. :D

Some people jump out of planes, climb mountains, or venture to the depths of the oceans. You sit in front of your computer, typewriter, or notepad and write.

There’s no greater rush for a storyteller than when the inspiration comes. When you crack that code of some story point you’ve been struggling with, when you discover a new character, or when you stumble upon those amazing happy accidents, you quickly realize that you’ve never felt so alive.

For teachers, maybe it’s reaching that difficult student. For doctors, maybe it’s saving that little boy’s life. For writers, it’s telling a story — and telling it well. :)

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Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:38 am
aulyasela3597 says...

I'm a leisure writer. I have always, since childhood, loved the feeling of words..their sound, their cadence, the search for just the right one. To put them together to tell a story is enormous fun for me. I love to share my life stories to the world, little stories of fascinating lives! Listening closely to the little stories that people tell can often give you great ideas for your own work. Sometimes a story as simple as walking to the village shop can actually be the beginning of something truly heartwarming, or hilarious, or disastrous! I love to give many positive impacts to people through my writings. Writing makes me feel content and it is my moodbooster! Writing is hugely cathartic, and many people are inspired to write when they are feeling at their most emotional. Writing is an excellent way to make sense of our emotions, to express ourselves in a way that perhaps we can’t do out loud and to be completely honest with ourselves about the way we feel. :D

— JazzElectrobass