
Young Writers Society

The YWS 2012 Yearbook

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Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:35 pm
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Caerulean says...


I don't really know what to say! But I don't wanna delay posting here anymore for fear that I'd forget. But anyway...

I would like to thank you, Sir Nate, for creating this wonderful community. :) I can honestly say that this site is where I learned how to 'write', and it's all thanks to the awesome people who helped me improve. It's not clear in my memory how exactly I improved, but one thing always comes into mind when I think of it - it's YWS. :)

Although I haven't really been in other writing websites except FanFiction.Net, I daresay that YWS is the best one there is and always will be. Nothing can replace the warmth I have felt from this place and the friendship I've made with some of the members here.

Thank you, Sir Nate, for coming back. :) I never knew how serious that departure was, but nevertheless, that departure was 'something'. YWS is like a blue phoenix, and when you left, it began to show its 'age'. But when you came back, it was reborn from the ashes. Never forget, Sir Nate, that it is because of you, there is a place called 'Young Writers Society'. :)

It's been a real blessing. :)

- - -

Spoiler! :
For someone like me, making friends is always a big deal. This is only a website, but it is because of this website, I can daresay that internet friends are real. :) I've gotten along with many people here, most of them I've only spoken with a few times and don't clearly remember, but there are a few who I can't dare forget:

GeeLyria - You are the YWS Best Friend, and I know many people will agree. ;) It's always a joy when I see your username. I'd love to tell you that your name fits you so well, Sol, :) because you are like the Sun that's always shining bright and smiling. We met each other at 'The Inch', and that was so long ago. xD

Shearwater - Daddy Pink, I hope you'll return. :) You've always been a 'father' to me, even though you're a gi- *bleeps*. xD I miss the 'Pinky writer family' which had been renamed several times. lol Anyway, thank you for all your helpful reviews. We also met at 'The Inch', I think. Hmm...

borntobeawriter - Mom, you haven't been back as well, but I know you've been taking good care of your son. ^_^ We hadn't spoken often, and I don't really remember a specific conversation with you xD, but talking with you was always good, and you've always been warm as my YWS mom. :)

Jash - Where have you been? xD Facebook, huh? lol Anyway, thanks for 'taking me in' as your YWS twin brother. :) You're one of my oldest friends here. I'll always be proud to have such a talented twin sister. Keep on contributing to literature and OPM! :)

Ranger Hawk - You, miss, haven't been back for so long. xD Come on, haha. But we can't forget your Logan Lerman fandom, haha. You're like the biggest fan of him on YWS. Anyway, it's been really fun and I hope you'll be back. :) Remember when I asked Logan Lerman on Twitter to greet you on your birthday?

ScarlettFire - Hello, chat lurker. :) Remember, it was in Chat that we met, and the topic we had was not usual. xD There were only like three of us in Chat we met. o.o I don't remember exactly... Thanks for everything and for sharing the LOTR fandom with me. lol

Soulkana - We met at the Wall, right? :) We haven't talked very 'often', and I don't remember exactly how we met, but I know we've had good conversations. You know I'll always be here when you need someone to talk to. :)

Thank you all for your friendship. :) My time in YWS had been better because of you.

I'd also like to mention: Skins, qaralynn, JabberHut, Mikko, Snoink, Demeter, Lumi, TheMarauderBandit, noninjaspresent, reason and everyone else. xD
“(...) and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - Gandalf, The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

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Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:31 pm
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Lavvie says...

Lovely YWS! :)

I haven't been here a lot in the past year and I miss quite a few people quite a lot. But I'll be back when I can and when I feel like I should.

There are a few people who keep reminding me of how much I miss YWS and you know who you are.

I love you and let's have a good 2013.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:50 am
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bluewaterlily says...

Another year gone by.This one has been full of struggles, hard lessons, crazy friendships, but also lots of important lessons, progress, especially in my writing. This has been a pretty good year and a huge part of it has been because of my YWS family. Here's a few shoutouts to my YWS sisters.

GeeLyria: Sooooooolvy. You are so awesome and sweet and fun, talking to you makes me so happy and brightens my day. You have really been there for me this year through some tough times and I am very thankful for that. I didn't think it was possible but I've gotten even closer to you. And you've helped me so much with my writing; you are undoubtedly my biggest fan < 333 which is why my first novel shall be dedicated to you. Whether you know it or not, you are a huge part of my writing. Thanks for being my sis always caring. Owa uhi lok. BTW (you're still the best).

qaralynn: MAI SASSY GLASSY. You are so sweet AND sassy and I love talking to you just so you can give me my daily dose of sassy. xD Thanks for always listening to my problems and giving me good advice and just being there for me. You have really showed me what a true friend is and we've gotten so close this year. < 3333 I could keep rambling about your awesomeness but you already know it, you beautiful sassy glassy person!

MiaParamore: SHUBS < 333 I really miss you! It's like the time zones are trying to keep us apart, but of course we are still close as ever, and even more this year. Thanks for another year of your friendship. You are one of the sweetest people I know and I love talking to you. You have such a sweet happy personality and every time I talk to you it really shows. And thanks so much for helping me with my writing and my math (and being so patient xD). You're an amazing friend and sister.

Sakuragirl1: I just realized that today is the two year anniversary of our friendship. I love talking to you about writing, books, boys (even if we don't agree on what makes a cute boy) and I love hearing your opinions about everything. Thanks for being an awesome friend and sister. < 3
"A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language." - W.H. Auden

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Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:20 pm
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Hannah says...

I haven't been here, but just knowing that I came back to friendships that were still fresh and open makes me love YWS all the more. Thank you for keeping your hearts warm for me.
you can message me with anything: questions, review requests, rants
are you a green room knight yet?
have you read this week's Squills?

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Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:52 am
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Angelreader77 says...

YWS, you're the awesomest place ever with the most amazing people. Iloveyou. <3
"The cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears or the sea." --Isaac Dinesen

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Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:28 am
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MiaParamore says...

So, if I forget to add your name here, please know that I belong to an asylum for people with bad memory. Anyways, here's my list.

bluewaterlily: How to begin saying that I loffle you so much? We started on a story which was an epic fail but I'm glad we took that story up or otherwise we would have never met each other. Can you imagine that? I love helping you out with your maths, and even though I do so little at that, I hope I can help you more in the future. Your writing befuddles me-like how could you write so brilliantly? You're the only one with whom I've shared my *actual* YWS agonies, which makes you my bestie here. <3 Love you. Never change. You're amazing. We'll meet soon-in New York or Puerto Rico-as planned. lols. And I do wish these timezones would just curl up and die. Agh!

*coco: Our friendship is new but nonetheless strong. Writing with you this year has been such a great experience. I couldn't have asked for a better writing partner. You're so patient with my laziness that it just augments my love for you. I always feel relaxed talking to you, so thanks for that. <3 Hope we can talk more soon.

Shearwater: You're one hell of a writer, darlin'. If there's anyone on YWS who can juggle all the genres so beautifully, then that's you. I've enjoyed talking to you, especially about the Hindi serials and their ridiculous plots? Your writing inspires me to do something fruitful with my own writing. You're so sweet that I fail to express it in words. Keep Smiling. <3

Skins: You're one funny chick. I remember the first time I reviewed your story and you reviewed mine. My writing was so horrible back then. lol. But you are such an amazing writer. You literally get into the skin of the characters. Plus, who can't admire the dedication with which you write. Those novels you finish? Envy me. I hope I can achieve even half the awesomeness you have. Also, thanks for helping me with almost all of my writing ventures.

Lava: You're one of the very first people I became friends with on YWS. You've been there for me whenever I needed your help and you're fun to talk to. Plus, you're so intelligent. Like managing YWS, writing and Science? A freakin' genius. xD! But you're adorable.

Hannah: We've talked so little ever, and you might not know but you're the reason my reviews improved. When you used to assign me those tasks related to reviewing, I used to feel so glad that somebody was taking the pain to help me out. I really miss your presence on YWS. So try to be on more.

JabberHut: So your new name is Jabber Heart? Okay? Because I totes love you for everything you are. You're literally a chatterbox which is one the best qualities you have. You can throw in your wonderful sunlight for others to take the warmth. Our PMs were amazing, and I wish we can catch up on that again.

GeeLyria:Whatever your name might be, you'll always be Solsssy for me. The growth you've shown both as a writer and as a reviewer is remarkable. I remember when I first reviewed you-and now when I read your stuff, it puts me to shame. 'Cause I can't write like that. You're so funny and popular with the YWS crowd. :) Keep on spreading your awesomeness all around. <3

QaralynnWonderful friend I've made this year. I wish we could chat more, but anyways when you're moving to Russia this year, I am hoping that things would change slightly.

AngelReader-Amazing, girl. These days we've been chatting a lot through the wall posts and it just stuns me that you read so much. You're younger than me but you've read so much that it puts me to shame. Thanks for being my to-read list helper.

Yuriiko-You're amazing and I miss you. Please do come back? Pretty please?

ItalianIlluminist/LouisCypher-Ah, your songs are totes awesome. Your choice is actually really good. You're an excellent SBer and writer. It's always nice to chat to you.

Blues-Ah, I'm not sure what can I say. But do know that I like your company so much. I feel jubilant talking to you. You've got some amazing talent up your sleeves. One of the many people who are amazing always.

Tamara/ArcticMonkey : We haven't talked much recently but it's been always so nice to hear from you. Your enthusiasm for both reviewing and writing is genuine and impressive. I know you have so much of talent but I just guess you need to devote more time in sharpening your skills. Keep in touch always.

Nikko: Oh, you! The wonderful YWS photographer. Thanks for lifting my spirits each time I felt low with your photography. Your photos are so pretty. Totally take up photography. And you're one of my closest friends on YWS.

Lumi-Wish we could chat more, but anyways, you're amazing. Your writing is so good that every time I read something of yours, I take away so much. Overall, you're amazing. Like an all-rounder.

My Mod Team-What should I say that these folks don't know already? You're awesomesauce. Thanks for being there. ^_^ You guys rock.

Others-Audy, borntobeawriter(Miss you on YWS), SparkofDoubt, xDudettex, ScarletFire, Sakuragirl, PenguinAttack, borntobeawriter, SpitFire

So, yeah! I'm over with this. lol
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:14 pm
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murtuza says...

There's no place like YWS. It's like being at home. It's somewhere I belong, somewhere I'm loved and somewhere I can always find family.

Thank you to everyone on the website for being a part of it and making it a big fat happy one. Have a great year ahead.

It's not about the weight of what's spoken.
It's about being heard.

i, too, use desk chairs for harm and harm alone
— Omni