
Young Writers Society

The YWS 2012 Yearbook

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Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:28 am
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LemonyIce says...

YWS<3 It's been an entire year! :O

I've been quite inactive around the forums this year, and I haven't reviewed much. I can't say that I'll do it next year because, you know, school. But I will keep coming back, as I always do.

This year, I realized that there are actually some people out there who do care about me (a little late for me to realize that, isn't it? xD) and who'll always be there for me when I need it. And those people helped me so much through this year. I probably would've gone insane if I hadn't had YWS to keep coming back to.

Naturally, I'mma thank Nate first for creating this site. :3 And then all the mods, as well. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much for everything you do for this place. <3


TwistedMuffins: No matter how many times I post in a YWS Yearbook, your username will always be first. Naturally. :wink: You probably won't see this though, because I suppose you well and truly have left. *sigh* Oh well. I honestly don't know what to say about you, because I never thought someone as amazing and wonderful as you could exist. I love you. *big hug*

Angelreader77: And your username will always follow hers^! xD Because honestly, you guys are amazing people. And I've had so much fun with you, and... I honestly don't know how to thank you guys for making me the person I am. You're awesome. *hugs*

ChocoCookie: I know we don't talk much, in fact, not at all. All we do is say Hi to each other in the corridors. But I'll always be there for you if you need me. You're a wonderful, lovely person. <3

Blues: DUCKY! *huggles* You've been an amazing friend, you know? <3 You always listen to my rants and always help me out when I need it. And when we talk, I actually don't realize how much time had passed, because it's so much fun talking to you. :3 You've never failed to make me laugh, or put a huge smile on my face. You're ALL the awesome, and honestly, one of my best friends. <3

murtuza: BRO. *drags you away from Uni* I've missed you so much this year. D: Out of the 365 (366?) days of this year I must have talked to you only once or twice! D: Hurry up and come back, alright? :3

Justagirl: CUPCAKE. You toooooo! I miss you so much. D: You have to hurry up and come back!

Cadi and MorningMist: CADEH! MANGO! Cake mush. Lemon-breathing kittens. asdf movies. TomSka. Huggles. Lots of loff. <333

Charlie II: Charleh! Where are your legs?! xD

ForgottenSpellbinder: Speeeeeeellll. I miss our super long wall posts! You've been really busy this year, haven't you? xD Good luck with everything! :D

TheDayBeforeTomorrow and ItalianIlluminist: DAY! ITA! My awesome chat buddies! xD You guys rock. <3

SparkofDoubt: My Squishy Tigger! <3

Lyricalias: Sorry about the Dead Forum, Lyric. :3 But I'll try posting more often, if you like! Also, GO FINISH READING HARRY POTTER. xD

Hei: Hoooooooolmes! I know this year's been pretty hard for you, but don't ever quit! You're awesome, and you can do it! <3

Also, to GeeLyria, 567ajt, Deanie, TheMarauderBandit, Epicdonkalous, SisterItaly, ScarlettFire, Amelieofthevalley (CelticaNoir), BogWraith, reason, Loose, Lava, noninjaspresent and AnnieBauthor You're all awesome people! <3

I know I'm forgetting some people, but y'all know I love you. :3

YWS, you're the best! xD
Last edited by LemonyIce on Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
I'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest.
The trees keep the tempo and they sway in time.
Quartet of crickets chime in for the chorus.
If I were to pluck on your heart strings would you strum on mine?

~Plant Life, Owl City

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Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:39 am
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TheDayBeforeTomorrow says...

*reserves spot* Afternoon of the 31st, after my last final, something awesome will be here.
Veni. Vidi. Vici.

People are made of places. They carry with them
hints of jungles or mountains, a tropic grace
or the cool eyes of sea-gazers. -EB

Love thy mangoes or die.

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Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:59 pm
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Skydreamer says...

I have never done a YWS yearbook post before so I am kind of excited!!

I wish people could sign my yearbook post, but I guess just writing to you all will do....I love this site! I haven't been here a lot (but I'm back!) and honestly I am afraid of reviews on my work (crazy I know, right?) and well, let's just say I am not the best review giver, although I try. But despite my weakness on this site, I love it because it is a family...you know how on facebook when you stalk people sometimes you leave feeling all depressed as if you have the worst life? Well, that never happens to me here (and keep in mind I stalk quite a few of you :P), and it doesn't happen because everyone is so open here, I can truly feel like writing whatever I want, and you guys can write whatever you want. And I love that! A big fat happy family! You can't really get that much in the internet world, so thank you all for that. And of course thanks to all the brilliant writers and people I know out there who have been there for me and with me; Lyric you are awesome! Drak, so are you!

And I just...I hope you guys will never cease to write to your hearts limit and beyond, and that you will be blessed with the new year!!
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:32 pm
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ScarlettFire says...


Spoiler! :
(I really don't quite know what to say here)

But to start. Dani Reason, here:
Spoiler! :

I think that says it all. <3
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:47 pm
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Sins says...


I'm not going to mention individuals because y'all know who you are, plus I genuinely have no idea who still visits the site anymore... I'm scarcely on here now myself due to real life issues (ew), but nonetheless, I still want to give my thanks to everyone who's been awesome this past year.

Things have been strained due to the Apollo updates and what not, but I know that so many of you guys have stuck with this site throughout that. It all just goes to show that so many of you are here through thick and thin, and while I may not be as active as I once was, I could never dream of leaving this place for good due to all of you incredible folks. Now that the site's receiving a kick up the backside by dear old Nate, I'm sure all of your hard work to keep this site going will be rewarded with some epic updates.

So yeah, basically, stay awesome.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:58 pm
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qaralynn says...

Hello there, lovely people! ^^ <3

I have been quite absent for the past few months due to exams, but hopefully I'll have more time the upcoming 4 weeks to catch up with all of you wonderful people. =)

First of all, I just really want to thank Nate for everything he's done for us and for keeping this site up and running. And I also want to thank all the mods who help him out and are there for us when we're in desperate need of a lifesaver and all that. YWS is just looking so amazing and it makes me happy whenever I sign in and see all the snowflakes and penguins and whatnot. <3 This site has really helped me improve on my writing and on my English in general, which came in rather handy on the exam by the way =P So THANK YOU.

And here a couple of shoutouts:
Spoiler! :
Murtuza - Thank you for being such a wonderful besty and for always being there for me. I am very lucky to have met you and yes, you're going to have to put up with another year of my babbling. =P I wish you all the best for next year. ^^

Bluewaterlily - You're an amazing little sis and I've really missed you. I could go on and on about how lovely and evull you are but you've heard it all before from me so I'll just stick to: You're amazing and I love you. Thanks for always being there.

Sakuragirl1 - You're also an amazing little sis (I love being older than you...) and I miss our totally interesting conversations (don't worry, I miss YOU too =p).XD I am very thankful for all those times you gave your honest opinion about something and helped me get things straight for myself. I love you, you're epic! ^^

Geelyria - Ah and my lovely older sis! How I've missed you and your babbling. We have a lot of stuff to catch up on and I hope to see you soon. Thanks for always being there and for just being your lovely self. <3

MiaParamore - Another very lovely sis of mine. ^^ I'm sad that we don't get to speak that often, but I know that you are a very nice and thoughtful person and I'm lucky to have you as a friend. Can't wait to talk to you again! <3

EpicDonkalous - FLUFFYPLUFF! ^^ In the short time that I've known you, you've become a very good friend and I am very thankful that you're always there for me. =) You have a really big heart and I love you! <3

Blues - MAI DUCKY! Pff I've missed you! You always manage to put a smile on my face. You are a great person and I couldn't have wished for a better son XD *squishes*

Creativityrules - You're so sweet! And I am very lucky to have met you! I hope you'll have a great new year ^^ Love yah! <3

ChocoCookie - COOKIE DEAR DAUGHTER! Pff it's been a blessing getting to know you, lovely ^^ Don't ever feel like you've never done anything for me, because that's not true! I really enjoy our conversations and you're just a real sweetheart! ^^ <3

Vettan - *hands lots of chocolate* We don't speak that very often but when we do, I always end up laughing and I'm just very thankful to have you as a friend. ^^ Love your creativity and your geniusness. *hugs*

Deanie - LIV! My lovely sweet little sister! I love talking to you and I hope you're doing great! ^^ It's been good to see you around YWS again! All the best for next year and thank you for being there for me! Love yah <3

Kopaka - Old Fishie!! I want to thank you for all the fun conversations we've had. You really know how to get a smile on someone's face. ^^ Hope you'll have a great year!

Hei - I haven't spoken to you in quite a while and I really hope that you're doing good right now. I enjoyed our conversations and I miss you!

Audy - GARFIELD! ^^ I love seeing you in chat. You're a really nice person and I'm glad to have met you. All the best for next year!

Hudz - *huggles* wow you've had quite a year! I am very blessed to have met you and I really enjoy talking with you. ^^ I wish you all the best for next year and I'll be here whenever you need someone to talk to. Love yah! <3

OmarEhab - I've really enjoyed talking to you and I hope you're doing well. All the best for next year and thank you for being my friend ^^

Nikko - Bro! =O I totally miss you! It's been quite a while! I hope you're doing well and that you're happy and all that XD All the best for next year and hopefully talk to you seen! You're a great friend ^^ <3

Mikko - AUNT MIKKO! Pfff haven't seen you in ages! Miss you <3

Lava - AZALAVALAMP! You're a very sweet person and I'm glad that I have met you! ^^ All the best for the next year and I hope we'll get to talk lots and lots more. =)

Emoplush - *huggles* I've really enjoyed our conversations and I hope there will be many more in the coming year! ^^ love yah!

DukeofWonderland - I haven't known you for that long, but I am glad to have met you. ^^ Hope you'll have a good year.

Demoness - SAGAAAAAAAAAAA XD Pff I've missed you. How have you been? I truly hope you'll have a great year. Love you!

And here are some more people that I love and want to mention: LemonyIce, fireheartedkaratepup, Jessa, Niebla, Seraph, iamjemo, Charlie II, PlasticStarLight, Monotone56, carbonCore, Skorpionne and Shinda.

Thank you, YWS, for this amazing year! ^^ Love you all. <3
"If they can't be with you at your worst, then they don't deserve to be with you at your best."

"Even though a ship won't sink at sea, it needs to be steered to get home."

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Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:54 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Another year has gone by, and though I feel I haven't been as active as I have been in the past, I'm still glad to be here, and I'm still glad to know the wonderful people who've helped shape me into a better writer.

Cheers to Nate and the ModSquad, and cheers to all you lovely YWSer's. Here's to another glorious year.
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:55 pm
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Matt Bellamy says...

I haven't been around much this year, but I couldn't let a year go by without signing the yearbook! So thanks for another year YWS - my eighth year, in fact - and here's hoping next year will be a fun-filled, writing-filled, corner-turning year for all of us. :)

Got Tumblr? Me too! http://www.writersam.co.uk

Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine is accepting submissions! http://peekingcatpoetrymagazine.blogspot.co.uk

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Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:01 am
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Alteran says...

I love this place so much! YWS always feels like home, no matter how long I've been MIA. I Might not be here as much, but the effects YWS has had on me are ever apparent. I've achieved one of my goals this year. a goal, had I not joined YWS, I would never have accomplished.

So here's to another year and I hope for many more!
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:29 am
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Ego says...

These are shoutouts off the top of my head; if I didn't list you, don't be offended - it just means I really don't care about you enough to remember you.

First and foremost, to those that I consider to be lifelong friends, that no time apart can change, in order of whom I love most inappropriately; Firestarter, Charlie, Rydia, Crysi, Meshugenah, Snoink, Dreamer, Farris, Jabber, Dream Deep, Fand, Duskglimmer, Imp and Nate.

To the people that know me, and have known me, even if they don't know all of me - Jiggity, Jennafina, Teague, Alteran, Griffinkeeper, reason, Persy, Lumi, Via - I hope to someday place you in the aforementioned group.

To newish friends and oldish enemies: Gee, Epic, Hudz, Euph, Cadi, Audy, Rosey Unicorn, Becki - for some reason, I like you. You confuse me.

To Chat-Dwellers: Celt, Scar, AJT, Bog, Blues, Badnit - please, God, make up your mind whether I hate you or like you.

To the noobs that make me, me: I wouldn't be Ego without you.

Finally - To Conrad Rice...Rest in Peace.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:46 pm
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Chuck10931 says...

Audy wrote:Nate,

Thank you for creating this amazing site <3 <3 <3 You have no idea how happy I am to see you back on here. You do such a wonderful job and you have been working so hard - and I can honestly say that /here/ was the place my writing started, grew, and developed. It's been five years, a long road, and continues to develop still. Here's to five more years!

Happy Holidays! Click your presents to open them!

Warning! These may cause shock or uncontrollable laughter. To that effect, I apologize beforehand. I only had paint, a mouse pad, and like 3 days (procrastinator for life!)

Spoiler! :
Blues: Image
Cadu: Image
Ego: Image
Epic: Image
Gee: Image
Jabber: Image
Jas: Image
K: Image
Kitty: Image
Kyll: Image
Lauren: Image
Lavvie: Image (your favorite color!)
Lava: Image
Lumi: Image
Meshu: Image (zomg cookies!)
Pengu: Image
Pup: Image
Qara: Image
Ree: Image (you'll prolly see this and call me a dork)
Rosey: Image
Scar: Image
Snoink: Image
Tenn: Image
Wonder: Image
Yoda: Image

And because this list is getting too, too long, here's to:


Everyone else: Ancientforever, Bandit <3, Beckiw, Bolt, Charlie II, CelticaNoir, Creativityrules, Dreamwalker, Daisuki, Deanie, Demsie, Devan, Dudette, Inkwell, Isha, Miaparamore, Mikko, Mikepyro, Murt, Nonninja, Nargles, Persy, Rache, Shino, Sachi, Skins, Twit, TDBT, Vast, Via and to those I've forgot to mention --

I love you all and I'm so thankful to have met each and every one of you. I personally believe every person I have ever met is crucial to me/mywritings/inspiration in some form or another. Whether I remember or not isn't truly important, because it still happened. The fact that you remember proves that and makes the meeting significant. I only hope we can continue to get to know one another better! <3

~ as always, Audy


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Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:14 pm
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TwistedMuffins says...

Argh, I don't know what to write!

I've been here for about a year and nine months, and its been... interesting. I've come to realize a few things about myself and about certain people around me.

Eight months (or so) ago I decided to leave YWS because I didn't feel that excitement nor did I get the inspiration to write. During those eight months, I was confused, I felt helpless, I was hurt, and I felt a lot of other emotions which I hid behind a smile. But later on, that smile began to whither and crack, and it showed my true emotions at not the most pleasant time. I relied on one friend, and I told her everything, but the reply I got just made things worse. She felt awkward around me because I told her a bit too much.

After that incident, I decided to hide myself. I told little white lies which I made sure that they never progressed into anything big. Those lies helped me show people someone they all wanted to see, and someone that just wasn't me.

When I felt guilty about all of that, I dropped the act. And I just stayed true to myself. I stayed quiet. I wasn't "loud, noisy or fun like I used to be". I yelled at my class if they made too much noise, I left class during Lunch Break, simply because I preferred it to be quiet. That definitely got me new names.

Then I came back to YWS though I stopped writing. I checked few things here. Chatted with a few old mates. For the first time in a long time, I felt me. I was myself. I was being Sakhi. I was being TwistedMuffins. I was being Justtrying. I was being the first person I came here as; myself.

During all this, YWS is still the place I can be myself, and not give a shiz about other people. During all this time, a few YWSers, whom I had gotten a lot closer to, held me up and told me to move on. Lava, Titi, Aku, Ajt, Cookie are just to name a few; The YWS family.
I don't remember all your user names, mostly because half of y'all have changed them, but I still remember you guys.

I really, really wished that I just listened to those few who told me not to go. Those few who told me to stay (Murty, ELFy, Musica, etc) Maybe then I would have survived better.

But the scars have healed, and I'm back home, and I am not afraid to get hurt again. Because I have a bunch of internet users who, like me, aren't afraid to be themselves here, and its those people who I can rely on.

Thanks guys.
Last edited by TwistedMuffins on Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
If I were to have a super power, it would be to time-travel, so that I could turn back time, and erase your very existence.

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Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:12 pm
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LadySpark says...

I'll do this later...
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:41 pm
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beckiw says...

Wow YWS, you're pretty amazing! Plus you have all these crazy amazing YWSers <3

Still not as amazing as me but keep trying and you'll get there...maybe...

I'll stick around and see how you do.
'The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.' - Hayao Miyazaki

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Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:25 am
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StellaThomas says...

Hi there YWS :)

2012 has been a bit of a rollercoaster year for the site. I want to thank everybody who stuck around, who showed that this really is a community worth fighting for, and also for showing that we have exactly the right people to fight for it.

I want to thank Nate for having the grace to come back to us. I hope he doesn't feel guilty, I hope all he feels is the overwhelming gratitude and love that I -and I'm sure every other member on the site- has for him. It's amazing the difference that one person can make to a site. And that one person is Nate. And he deserves every ounce of credit for the life and enthusiasm he instills in this community.

I want to thank all my YWS friends. I've made a few new friends, I've made different types of friendships with others, and with some it's the same as ever. You really are some of the best friends a girl could ask for. You people know who you are <3

And a final special shout-out, although they mainly got incorporated into the groups above, to the Novelettes. It's been a year full of encouragement and writing and fangirling and cackling, and in a year that had dark patches and a year when I was afraid YWS may fail us, you girls held it together. You're fabulous.

Tomorrow is my fifth anniversary on this site. It's been an amazing five years. I can't wait for the next five.

-Stella Thomas x
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

You know how hard it is to feel like an extreme falcon-headed combat machine when somebody calls you "chicken man"?
— Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid