
Young Writers Society

Post Your Pet Peeves

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Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:43 pm
Sponson Light says...

I hate being cold.

I hate Chain Mail/letters/posts.
I hate them so much because they ask to spread it around and punish us with a bunch of marshmellows and fluff, and they promise everything in the world.
So unless they are for a good cause (ie. the Guinness World Record for the Longest Chain Letter ever created) Ill just copy the letter 20 (twenty) times and send it back to the same user.
You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, instead, you should read every single book to see what every book is about before you even come close to judging its viability.

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Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:43 am
Jennafina says...

Oh yeah. I thaught of a bunch more.

-Like someone back there said, little kids who wear thongs and eyeliner and any other idiotic thing that makes them feal grownup.

-Again, like someone back said, when I get interupted while reading, especially durring a good or suspencefull part.

-Abuse of the word 'like'.

-People who completely look through you. Or who ignore you.

-When after you say something you think is important, you look up to realie people arn't listening.

And by the way, sorry about my overanalization of the quote-on-quote or whatever thing. Yes, its stupid, but it still bugs me, lol.
Jennafina's Love Your Body Already Dammit Campaign


(To find out what it really is, just click.)

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Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:15 am
Carmina says...

1.) People who don't use turn signals
2.) Dirty public restrooms
3.) People who don't know how to take turns at stop signs
4.) When people drop by without calling first and don't get the hint that maybe just maybe you want them to go away
5.) Door to door salespeople who keep keep trying to sell me stuff even after I say I am not interested taht that they are upsetting my dog
6.) Telemarketers who are just recordings so I can't even tell htem off and ask them to not call again

Oh I can just keep going
I reject your reality and substitute my own

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Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:37 am
Elocina says...

1) Inconsiderate behavior
2) use of profanity every other word
3) Teachers who insist you know stuff, don't teach the subject, and repeat the phrase "Think About It"

For now, that's it.
Feeling stupid? Follow me!

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Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:15 am
bubblewrapped says...

Ooh I have some more:

- when people go suddenly quiet after I say something, so that I feel like everyone's staring at me and I have food in my teeth or something.
- when people dont laugh at my jokes, or just ignore them
- when people analyse me or try to explain why I'm doing something when I already KNOW thank you
- people who try to solve things for me
- patronizing people who treat me like an idiot
- sudden loud noises, like telephones blaring
- hiccups
- wanting to write but not being able to get started (i.e. writers block)
Got a poem or short story you want me to critique?

There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it. (C D Morley)

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Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:42 am
Elelel says...

- when you just sit there, thinking, and you think something funny, so you grin ... while you're staring at nothing and people think you're weird.
- when you read a book in the library or somewhere really quiet, and there's this really funny bit and you crack up laughing.
- when you grin at people's jokes that REALLY aren't funny, just because you always grin all the time at everything and then the person thinks they were being funny.
- when you seriously ask someone to stop doing something that hurts you (physically or emotionally) and they apologise being very very serious and swear on their grandmother's grave that they will never ever dream of doing it again, and then they do it anyway, so you REALLY INSIST and they swear they won't do it again, and this time they're being serious and then they get annoyed when you don't believe them.
- people who do stuff you could easily do yourself.
- people who even after you TELL them you'd can do it yourself, and thanks for being thoughtful, do it anyway.
- people who do this really annoying little snigger after thay tell jokes that wouldn't be considered a joke if the person hadn't sniggered and thus given you the impression that it was supposed to be a joke.
- people who take things that aren't serious or don't matter seriously.
- people who try to murder you for telling them not to be so serious.
- RoveLive. Rove is not funny. Rove is a wa ... ally.
- people who don't get that "give me some space" does not, in fact, mean "make everyone else go away then think you can deal with it all by yourself and ask me what's wrong over and over and over again, then get annoyed when I don't tell you" or "I hate you" it does not even mean "nothing is wrong" but DOES mean "give me some space"
- people who try so hard to get your pity for the tiniest things.
- people who follow you around talking and talking and talking about themselves or stuff that's happened to them when you're trying to do something else ... like buy underwear, as the case may be (which makes the situation worse)
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

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Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:50 pm
Bobo says...

When people bring back debates that either died or were locked.

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Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:12 pm
Duskglimmer says...

-People who get on my case for being optomistic/trying to see the good in a particular situation
-People that pretend I don't exist when they're angry at me
-People that refuse to talk to me, but glare at me from across the room, and then look right through me when I come within 10 feet of them
-the use of the word "Goddamned" when people really have no clue what in the world they're actually saying
-people that think I'm imply something every time I open your mouth
-people that won't believe me when I say how old I am
-guys that talk about the "gun show"
The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ~William Shakespeare, Othello
Boo. SPEW is watching.

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Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:58 am
zelithon says...

~When people make me feel stupid.

~Cheerleading is not a sport, it's a hobby.

~Fake people.

~People who really need to get out more.
Adults are just obsolete children, and to hell with them!

Deadpanners are backtalkers!

Atheism is a non phophet organisation

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Sat Nov 05, 2005 4:54 am
J. Haux says...

-When people sneak up behind me and say BOO
-When a *cough* certain someone eats my Take 5 Halloween candy bar and leaves the wrapper in the bag hoping I won't notice, steals my writing notebook or other personal belongings as a "joke"
-if I can hear those cornflakes being ground between your teeth, and I hear the saliva and cereal go down your throat, I have to leave because I can't stand it
-someone who ignores me when I point out punctuation rules...RULES
-lugubrious people(actually, they make me laugh sometimes, but...Hm.)
-people who use profanity between every few words
-disrespectful students who openly mock their teachers (grr)
-members of a group that don't show up for rehersal without a good excuse
-when I break something on accident
-people mocking other people. it's rude
-chauvanistic *cough*
-yeah, writers block
-my mom coming to tell me to go to bed when I've been writing...
-being interrupted while working on something creative

I dunno, it varies depending on my mood.
SPEW to You

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Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:14 pm
Jennafina says...

Ahem. I have more...

-Chick Lit. Ick! You know those shallow, trashy novels about celebs designed to make girls feal cool..

-Most Pop.

-When after I work hard learning how to do something (eg. draw manga) and someone comes along and does it effortly..

-Being in a car with an angery parent. No escape!

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Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:11 pm
concertchick16 says...

Yikes where to start?
-i hate it when people tell me to capitalize the "i"
-when girls talk about me
-when guys think girls are here only for them
-when people prejudge me because i'm not like them
-when people prejudge me because i am like them
-when adults think all teens are mindless sex starved teens
-when teens flirt with me
-when adults flirt with me
-when animals flirt with me.. :shock:
-when i can't get tickets to a concert
-when i can't think of anything to write about
-when the voices in my head wont shut up
-when people make fun of others before they met them
-when my parents try to analyze me
-when no one understand my writing
-when people act like they do, but they have no clue
-when people wear thugs
-those corset purses
-looking in the mirror in front of people
i could go on and on, but that would seriously bore everyone, including me.
"no, i don't hate you, don't wanna fight you, know i'll always love you but right now i just don't like you..."

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Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:44 pm
Fireweed says...

YAY!! a spot to rant about trivial littlle things that bug you!! what fun, what fun.

jennafinas copious spelling mistakes (apparently lotsa people hate that.)

mean peoples.

books that suck.

books that rock but the SEQUELS suck are almost as bad.

big toes.

elijah wood

sweat pants with words on the butt.

girls who wear their pants way too tight.

guys who wear their pants falling off.

ENOUGH ABOUT PANTS ALREADY!! no thats not one of my peeves.

simple plan, they are SUCH CRAP.

bad sci fi, the kind with freaky girls in jump suits.

sugarless candy. thats CRAZY man.

hello kitty. she's creepy.

super competetive people.

okie i think thats it fun thread jennafina!!!
"I myself am composed entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."- Augusten Burroughs

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Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:40 am
the_red_gem says...

-People who expect you to know something based on the fact you have a slight interest in the subject. (e.g. You learn French, How do you say "Once upon a time there was a little girl" in french)
-Substitute teachers that don't listen to you when you say things like "I've already completed this worksheet"
-Teachers that don't try to make a lesson interesting or creative
-Teachers that don't set work for a term then tell you that there are asessment tasks you are meant to complete by tomorrow
-People who look at you funny when you say a quote they don't recognise
-People who look over your shoulder when you are obviously trying to do something personal *looks over at person sitting next to me*
-People who give themselves a label but don't follow it to all extents (e.g. Don't call yourself Christian if you don't believe in heaven and hell)

That's all I can think of right about now... there are most likely more though

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Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:47 am
Elizabeth says...

at the moment
not being able to find a job although the US says that 14 is the minimum age and I NEED A JOB!

we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno