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Do You Believe In Ghosts?

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Mon May 14, 2018 3:35 pm
shaniac says...

Just like the subject asks: do you believe in ghosts? If you do, have you had any experience with them and if you don't, why do you do not believe in them? If you do believe in them but rather not see them, share some ghost stories of your own!

For me, I'm a little bit of both. My friend told me a ghost story once of these children that haunt a train track near my house. Supposedly, the children were going over the train tracks in a car but the car ended up running out of fuel. Then, coincidentally, a train was barreling down the track and the children inside the car were not as lucky to survive.
It is said if you park your car on the tracks, turn it off, and wait, you will begin to feel the push of the car as if someone was trying to save your life.

Lemme know some of your thoughts/stories. I can't wait to boolieve it. ;)
Shaniac starter kit: you must be fond of wind, squeaky shoes, and moldy bread.

You're like the Flash but in reading - @scribbleinks

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Mon May 14, 2018 3:45 pm
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Hattable says...

Were the children driving the car?

I'ven't ever had an explicit encounter with ghosts or anything, but I once heard a very clear voice in my ear while I was trying to sleep, and the voice didn't belong to anyone in the household. So that was absolutely terrifying and lead to me sleeping with my hands over my ears, humming to myself to block out sounds, and buried under blankets for much longer than I'd like to admit.

I may have been fine and not slept like that if it had only happened that once, but another time my brain was a little too active at night and I heard laughter that definitely wasn't supposed to be there, so yEP.

I'm like 90% sure both occurrences were just my brain being overactive and thinking these laughs/phrases and then I felt as though I heard them, but hey, where's the fun in that--

Otherwise, I can't recall anything. There may well be some others stories, but yeah-- I'll update if I remember anything. Good thread idea! and great pun, lel
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Mon May 14, 2018 4:34 pm
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Holysocks says...

My family tends to refer to them as spirits. I'm not sure if they're the same thing as the usual ghost type things, but we have had a fair amount of encounters with them. One in particular that caused a lot of havoc was one that lived in a really big garage where we used to live. You could also feel it when you were walking outside at night there- just a presence. It's hard to explain the different occurrences because 1. they sound kinda hokie, 2. some of them seem to be easily explained if it hadn't been you, and 3. I don't really want to go into too much detail because they''real my friends and family's stories, and 4. I don't want to sound TOO strange lol. But let's put it this way: we all felt it in there. Even before it was spoken that the garage felt weird, everyone was feeling it. When the topic eventually came up, no one was surprised other people were feeling it too.

@Hattable, I used to get those voices/laughter at night too! And a friend did as well. If you want them to go away, you gotta really work at it to shut them off. Imagine putting up a sort of screen. Those creeped me out a lot- at first I thought it was kinda cool, and so I strained to listen to them, but then they started getting really loud and it would sound like a busy concert thing- where everyone's talking at once. But it just started as my loved ones talking and joking and laughing. Was weird.
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Mon May 14, 2018 6:19 pm
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alliyah says...

I'm very religious - Christian - so that definitely influences how I understand the undead.

I believe in the Holy ghost - third person of the trinity, though this I would consider to be like a wisdom that's given to us rather than an invisible spirit that sits around on our shoulder and tells us things. It's something that gives strength, understanding, faith, and knowledge.

I believe that demons can and do possess people, though I think that's pretty rare, and I am super skeptical with labeling medically diagnosed conditions with demon possession as that can create a whole lot of issues. Demons though, as I understand them are not the spirits of people who have died, but are their own other category of existence. They work with the devil, are evil, etc -- shouldn't mess with it. I would blame demons though as the explanation for a lot of "ghost" stories though. I mean there are so many around, and some sort of well-documented, that it's hard not to believe there is something there.

I think in theory maybe a human person's "spirit" might be able to communicate with the living after they've passed on. But again, I'm pretty skeptical - like I won't rule that out, but I have certainly never experienced it. Leviticus 19:31 warns us not to search out and speak to these types of spirits though. Which I think is probably good advice. It's one thing for us to think the saints and our loved ones are "watching over us" or to ask, "what would Grandpa Walter want me to do in this situation" - it's another thing to try to contact spirits and live your life according to symbols and whispers in the wind that you interpret to be from spirits...

I don't know, I'm skeptical of human (non-demonic) spirits being able to contact people from the dead, because I don't like the whole mind-body dualism. When our bodies are dead, your soul is dead too, because they can't really exist separately, they're interlinked, intermingled. The soul is not like something you can pop out and reanimate exclusive to the body. This is why I believe on the last day, when Christ returns, that there will be a bodily resurrection - where our souls and bodies will be resurrected. (Not our old bodies made into zombies, but a new physical form for our being and life to interact with). So even then, I don't think that we'll be "ghosts" in heaven - but something brand new and very much alive in body and in spirit.
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Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:57 pm
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Jezebel says...

A thread about ghosts = all of my dreams coming true.

shaniac wrote:Just like the subject asks: do you believe in ghosts?

Kind of. Here's the thing: I am a total skeptic, about everything. I'm an atheist. I believe in science and reason. I don't consider myself superstitious. Buttt, there are two very stupid things that I take far more seriously than any skeptic should: the first is astrology, the second is ghosts. I don't know if I could truly say that I think ghosts are real—I tend to roll my eyes at a lot of the supposed evidence, and the logic of it doesn't hold up to much scrutiny—but I have a bad case of Fox Mulder Syndrome: I want to believe. I love the idea of ghosts. I love the idea of being able to communicate with those who've died, and of being able to stick around after death. Really, I love everything ghost-related, so while I'm pretty incredulous overall, I still read books about "real-life ghost encounters" and go on ghost hunts and act like a total doofus when it comes to spooks, specters, et al.

If you do, have you had any experience with them?

One big reason I go back and forth on ghosties is because yes, I have had odd, unexplainable experiences. Of course, most of my experiences have been rather tame—my friends and family have had creepier and even more inexplicable encounters, but those aren't my stories to tell.

If I were to list all the weird stuff that has happened to me, I'd be rambling for days. But here's an abbreviated list of some of my greatest ghostly hits:

Spoiler! :
When I was little, I once heard humming coming from a nearby hallway. I initially chalked it up to a friend of mine, who was over at my house visiting me. I thought she was trying to bug me, so I ignored the sound and went about my business. Then I looked out the window—and saw that my friend and my mom were both outside. They were the only other people who were home at the time. Anyway, the humming continued for a bit (managing to scare the bejesus out of me)... and then it stopped. Eventually, I worked up the nerve to go look into the hallway—and, of course, no one was there. Still can't figure this one out.

Another time, I was at an old, historic hotel that has a reputation for being haunted. Unbeknownst to me, I was also staying in the room that supposedly gets the most, er, "ghostly activity." Anyway, the day I was supposed to check out, I laid out all of my things on the bed in preparation for packing my suitcase. Then I left the room briefly, and when I came back, all of my things had been dumped off the bed and unceremoniously thrown to the floor. Now, mind you, I'm not talking about one or two things falling off the bed naturally: I'm talking about a whole bunch of clothing and personal items somehow ending up on the floor. I don't see how they possibly could've ended up there—unless, of course, someone threw them off the bed.

On another occasion, I was at an amusement park with a friend. This was an old, old amusement park with a storied past and, in preparation for the visit, I had read up online about its history—to be more specific, I read about the people who died there and any rumored ghosts that haunt it (because I'm weird that way). There was one particular story that stuck with me, about a rollercoaster that is said to be haunted by a man who died while riding it. The story goes that riders will sometimes see the ghost of the man (who looks just like any other regular-schmegular person) board the ride, but when the coaster comes back around and everyone gets off, the rider will have mysteriously vanished. Now, fast-forward a bit, and I'm getting on that very ride with my friend (who doesn't know the story). We have a blast and I'm not even thinking about Mr. Ghost Dude, the legend having completely left my mind. But, at the end, she turns around and tries to see something in the row behind us, then looks at me, confused. "Where'd that guy go?" she asks.
"What guy?"
"There was this guy who got on behind us. I wanted to see if he enjoyed it."
That jogged my memory. I got excited, told her who she may've seen, and she freaked out. We never did find the one-way rider...

why do you do not believe in them?

This goes back to my skeptical tendencies. Also, I just think there's really not enough evidence to support the idea of ghosts, not to mention the fact that it requires one hell of a suspension of disbelief. I'd love for ghosts to be real, and I have had enough odd experiences to make me consider the possibility. That said, do I really believe in them? I couldn't say yes. But I also won't give a firm no. I can't rule it out—nor would I want to.

Oh, and also:

I once heard a very clear voice in my ear while I was trying to sleep, and the voice didn't belong to anyone in the household.

If I recall correctly, auditory hallucinations can be a symptom of sleep paralysis. That may've been what you experienced. Though the ghost explanation is definitely more fun! :smt003

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Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:02 am
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zaminami says...

Ahhhhhh yisssss

Okay so I am actually in a ghost hunting group and lemme just say I've had a few encounters of my own, all pretty scary

Honesly, because I'm on a Samsung, I don't really think that its a good idea to type it all out on a phone that is horrible at spell check, so I'll leave it go for now.

However, if you want to hear some stories, you can PM me!
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Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:40 am
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aulyasela3597 says...

Personally, I do believe in Ghosts. Because it is taught in my religion, Islam, as in our Holy Bible, Al-Qur'an says that "God has created Insan (human being) and Gins (ghosts) for my pray". Let me elaborate. I grew up in a family who is not so traditional. My big family is quite religious though, my grandmother's favorite remark on mystical stuff is, " If you believe in God, you shouldn't be afraid. "

Honestly, I don't have any experience having an indigo and seeing ghosts, but I have a boyfriend who had a sixth sense, he is able to see Ghosts. Everytime he told me ghost stories when he is home alone, it is thrilling and freaks me out. The fact is : in my country (Indonesia), most of people believe in Ghosts, supernatural things, and superstitions (depends on which region, and the culture). Most horrifying... late news, there were several high school students being possessed by some demonic spirit *shivering*

Many Indonesians do seem to believe in ghosts. I think it's because mysticism still plays a big part in people's lives here. You know what it does to people. And also, one does not simply escape people correlating every single thing to supernatural-thingy here. The habit is in the air. We may pick it up. There are also reported sightings of what we think are ghosts. But we can never be sure of its existence until an undeniable, logical proof appears.

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Thu Jun 28, 2018 2:11 am
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Jezebel says...

Okay so I am actually in a ghost hunting group

That is very cool! I've always wanted to participate in something like that. How did you get involved in yours?

Also, @shaniac, I only now realized your username/avatar/signature is all a reference to Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural (which, coincidentally, I've been binge-watching for the last couple of days) and I just wanted to say that I love it. (By which I mean I love both the show itself and your account's references to it.) You've earned a follow :smt003

Anyway, that is all. *slinks into darkness*

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