
Young Writers Society

Hello all :]

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Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:15 pm
AshliCorien says...

Hi everyone.

I'm Ashli, as you can tell by my username. I have a knack for writing and this site looked like a nice place to post my writings and read some other people's work, so i thought I'd try it out. People tell me I'm very liberal and unique. I love writing, photography, and music. I'm currently working on a short story and working on ideas for a thriller novel. Well that's all for now. See you guys around!
"All I can do is be me, whoever that is."
-Bob Dylan

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Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:46 pm
Linx says...

Hi Ashli and welcome to YWS! This website is the best site on the internet to learn how to write gooder. :wink:

:arrow: Ideas for a novel? Sweetness. We have lots of places you can look for help whenever you are writing. Like the Knowledge Base. There, you can find articles that can help you whenever you are writing. :D I use it a lot and it's very very helpful.

:arrow: YWS also has a blog called Write Gooder. You can see it right here at http://www.writinggooder.com/ There are lots of interesting things to see in the blog, like bad art cover and some writing tips. You can also make your very own blog. All you have to do is click the Blogs button on the top header and click Blog Control Panel. And then you can make your very own blog! :D

If you ever need any help around the site, feel free to PM or IM me. I'm almost always available and I'll be glad to help. :D If you are confused or if you want something review, just bother me! :D

(and you can never use too many smilies :D )

I hope to see you around!

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." ~ Lao-tzu

Attack, IM, or PM me at any time. I will respond. ;)

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Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:30 pm
lilymoore says...

Welcome to YWS Ashli.

So, tell us a little more about yourself.


*pokes the newbie*

Also, before you go posting too much on the site, you should know that there are a few rules on the site.

:arrow: The 2:1 ratio is a big deal. Before you make your own thread in the Literature Forum, be sure that you make at least two reviews.

:arrow: Keep chat speak to a minimum. This is a site meant to improve your writing. If you type in chat speak, you’ll look rather un-professional.

:arrow: When you post your works, make sure that you rate it appropriately. Swearing should be kept in the Lit Forums and remember that this is a site for young writers, meaning it’s a site for young readers too. Think before you post anything to vulgar or vivid.

Any questions about the site and its inner workings, just ask.

Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.

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Thu Jul 02, 2009 6:20 am
peanutgallery007 says...

A thriller novel? AWESOME! :P

Anyways, I'm April! I absolutely adore your avatar. It's beautiful! :D

So, I see the others have already told you the rules and stuff. Are you a poetry fan? I am!

Well, I guess I'll see you around! I was SO lost when I first came to this site, so if you need any help navigating or understanding something or just some clarification on... well, whatever, then feel free to PM me anytime! I'm also in chat a lot, so you can catch me there too. :D

Have a peanut =)

Try your hand at my poetry contest!

Proud LGBT supporter.

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Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:49 pm
Juniper says...

Hi Ashli!

Let me start by saying that I am absolutely in love with your name. It's so pretty!

Writing, music, photography? Psh, you'll fit in perfectly here-- a lot of members love writing (No, really? XD) and we have a nice handful of those who like music and photography. (Personally, I love, love, love photography and have a habit of spamming the art and photo section with my shots. XD)

So, music, huh? Favorite artist? Do you play any instruments?

A thriilller novel! (Michael Jackson's Thriller just popped into my head :P) That sounds fabulous! We don't have enough thriller and horror writers around here! Or... maybe we do, and I just don't read them?

Anyway! Seeing that no one else has done it yet, I'll explain the color legend on her. :)

Once upon a time... (No, really xD)

Red is Admin/Junior Admin-- these are the creator of YWS himself, and his two helpers, Firestarter and Meshugenah. Pretty busy people, as they have to deal with groundwork and renovations. ;)

Dark green is Moderator -- These people focus on keeping the forums organized and under control while managing other things. If anything goes wrong, go to them or a Junior Mod which is...

Light green! Junior mods take care of one section of the forum. Additionally, if anything goes wrong, feel free to report to them. ;)

Purple is instructor! These are [s]Barney Clones[/s] people who specialize in reviewing stories, being careful to pay extra attention to all the little usage errors-- generally, they're people you can bug for feedback on your work.

Aaaand blue is greeter! People who welcome you to the site. ;)

Any questions, Ashli? Post them here!

"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:58 pm
Jasmine Hart says...

Hi! Welcome to YWS! I hope you like it here. I think the others have told you everything you need to know, but if you have any questions, just ask.

"Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise."
-Maya Angelou

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Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:01 pm
JabberHut says...


A knack for writing. That's uberly welcome around these parts. You picked the right place to post, my friend!

In fact, because you said that you had a knack for it, I'm gonna show you one of our many usergroups, The Novelists. This is a club for those who are, have, or are going to write a novel. We exchange horrors, encouragement, and assistance to help each other conquer their novels. Perhaps you have some tips to give the goup?

Usergroups are generally a bunch of clubs you can choose to join. There's fanclubs, writing clubs, book clubs, and tons more, so definitely take a peek when you can. You'll have tons of fun there.

There's a whole bunch of people around here who write music, and we're slowly trying to get them together and share their music! Hopefully, you'll be one of those people. I love listening to new compositions. I hope one day I'll play your music on my home piano or instrument. :D

I hope to see you around! YWS was terribly confusing when I first joined. I didn't even join any clubs/usergroups for nearly a year. Don't do what I did! Of course, you're already off to a great start 'cause you remembered to post in the welcome forum, so! I'll see you around!

Jabber, the One and Only!
I make my own policies.

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Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:11 pm
Angels-Symphony says...

Welcome to YWS, Ashli ^^ I'm Shina, one of the [s]barney clones/smurfs[/s] instructor-greeters on YWS *nods*

Ohh, you look like you'll fit right in around here!

D: And it looks like everyone else took what I was going to say.

Oh well @_@ But if you ever post something, feel free to PM me or request a review *pokes signature* if you'd like a critique ;)

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself into one.

The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal.

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Gender: Female
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Reviews: 2
Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:59 pm
AshliCorien says...

Hah, thanks for all the warm welcomes. :D

springrain, i'll be sure to check out some of you art and photos! My favorite artist would have to be Bob Dylan, which is why i took one of my favorite quotes from him to but in the signature.

peanutgallery007, thanks i got it somewhere off the internet. I love poetry, but i enjoy reading it more then writing it. Ha, i don't like my poems to much.

lilymoore, Favorite book would most likely be, The Thief Lord because it was the fiirst book that got me hooked on reading. I haven't found an author that i just adore yet and i don't really have a favorite genre, i just like a good book. The Fountain will always be my favorite movie. I loved the the music in it by Clint Mansell and the acting. Food would probably be a steak and salad :)

Thanks again for all the help and greetings! :D
"All I can do is be me, whoever that is."
-Bob Dylan

Every first draft is perfect, because all a first draft has to do is exist.
— Jane Smiley