
Young Writers Society

I accidently wander to this site

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Sun May 24, 2009 8:15 am
RainWanderer says...

Hi everybody! I have been here for a while, and I think this is a perfect site for a wannabe writer like me! I am working on a story right now, I planned to finished it before I introduce myself, but it seem like I need help writing it, so here I am!

Now, the very first thing I want you guys to know, a very, very important thing, is: I am not an english speaker. English is not my first language. Then how the heck I am writing this in english, you ask? Simple: I learnt it for a few years. And I realized that I love english. I :smt049 english, and love to write it even more than my first language.(Maybe I am an english writer in my past life, who knows?) However, because I am not an english speaker, my english is not that perfect. Please tolerate me if my writing is so "rich" of errors. Now, to the best part: About me!

Name: RainWanderer( Not real name, obviously. And dont ask me why I choose this name, it's personal :wink: )

Age:16 Birthday: January 10th 1993 (In case someone want to give me birthday gifts!)

Home country/Nationality: Vietnam (Yes, I am asian. ASIAN :ftw: !!)

Currently live in: Canada (Study aboard)

Gender: I'm a guy. A boy. A dude. The opposite of girls. Simply, my gender is male.

Like: Writing. Start my love with writing since I was 12. I was writing love letters for the guys in need in my school...for a price, of course. Other things I like include: games, computers, programming, reading (I really fits into the nerd catergory, am I not?), anime + manga, adding comments and thoughts by parenthesis(Like this!), chocolate, day dreaming, and..err...what every...err...most guy like: Girls!

Dislike: Homework. Oh the dreaded homework! I hate it! HATE!!! I despite it, loathe it, abhorre it, holding a grude against it,...ok, im out of words. It takes all the time for my writings! Other things I don't like:math, science (I dont like to be chained to reality), people who moan when they just have to write a 500 words essay (I do that in 15 mins), any kind of sea food that is not sushi,...thats about it for now, I dont want to list about a few thousands things.

Now to how I found this site: I was doing work for Civic class, and I search on google for "Youth without shelter" In short, YWS, and what I found on the second of the list was this site! How fun is it?

Well I should ends here, this seem like quite too long for the intro, isn't it? Hope this helps we know each other more than it make you bored to death.
Last edited by RainWanderer on Mon May 25, 2009 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun May 24, 2009 6:39 pm
Shine says...

Thats an interesting introduction "RainWanderer".

Firstly Welcome to YWS!

I think you will find a lot of people out here whose all first language is not english,so don't feel the odd one out here,but use proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization.It will prevent mishaps from occuring.

Secondly,I hope you are aware of the few rules of YWS which should be obeyed all the times.

Like the 2:1 review ratio. That means for every work you post, you must review at least two of them before.

Rate your works properly. That means if it would need a G rating, then you give it a G rating. A PG-13, and an R are the other ratings.

Will be glad to read some of your works.
See you around.

"A good plot is like a dream.If you dont write down your dream on paper the moment you wake up,the chances are you'll forget it and it'll be gone forever"-Roald Dalh.

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Sun May 24, 2009 8:33 pm
RainWanderer says...

Thanks for the welcome! I feel a lot better now when I know there are more people whose first language is not English here.And also, sorry if I write things too long, it is just my habit to crush people under a walll of text. I need to change that some how...

Oh and I have a question: can you explain for me more about the rating? I think I have seen the guide for it somewhere, but I forgot. I remember R is for stories that have explicit contant such as swearing and sex, but what about the others?
Who am I? Just a wanderer, traveling from real life to dreams.

“Writing a book is a very lonely business. You are totally cut off from the rest of the world, submerged in your obsessions and memories.” - Mario Vargas Llosa

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Mon May 25, 2009 1:13 am
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

No, you're not the only person who doesn't speak English normally. I've talked to a lot of them. You seem to comprehend English well enough, so methinks you'll be fine.

The ratings are rather simple:

G= You could read it to a three-year-old and their mom wouldn't cringe. (The kid might not understand the plot, but the work is squeaky-clean)

PG= For a ten year old (thereabouts) or older. Some stuff that's "challenging" like breaking laws and perhaps some violence.

PG-13= More swearing, darker themes, some violence, perhaps the mention of sex, but nothing too bad.

R= The f-word, explicit sex or graphic violence.

As you might have noticed, I have a purple name. I'll let somebody else explain the other names, but a purple name means I'm an Instructor. Instructors on YWS are the ones you go to for help in your writing, or if you need any help for critiques. Look in your favourite genres to find Instructors who post there and ask for a review. You'll get better help from somebody who's familiar with the genre then somebody who's not. ^_^

Another place to get writing help is Will Review for Food, a subforum of the Lounge. There, people post threads saying they review on request. Look around, see who reviews the genre your story is in, and post on that thread with a link. The critic should get back to you with a review.

And if you want some general tips on writing, poetry, grammar and YWS, check out The Knowledge Base. It's full of articles on different writing topics and YWS. Poke around to find the help you want/need. (To find it, hover your mouse over "Resources" in the header, and click the Knowledge Base option)


Canadian, eh? xD Me too. What region do you live in Canada?

We're all nerds here, really. When you start poking around the site all you see are geeks. And that's why we love it here on YWS. People actually understand us when we go on random tangents. xD

What are some of your favourite genres?

If you need anything, drop me a line!

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon May 25, 2009 11:40 am
Demeter says...

Hi RainWanderer!

Don't worry about English not being your first language, because it's not mine either (I'm Finnish), and I seem to do just fine. :)

Welcome to YWS, it's a great thing you found us! I googled for young writers, and this is what I got. ;)

Anyway, I hope you find your stay here pleasant, and have fun! You can always contact me if you're having problems. :)

See you around!

"Your jokes are scarier than your earrings." -Twit

"14. Pretend like you would want him even if he wasn't a prince. (Yeah, right.)" -How to Make a Guy Like You - Disney Princess Style

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Mon May 25, 2009 10:13 pm
Phantomofthebasket says...

Hey RW!
Welcome to YWS!

Well... I hope you don't mind my calling you RW...
RainWanderer's kind of long...
Ahh, well, let me know else I may just keep calling you RW. =P

That is really silly how you found YWS!
You'll like it here, no doubt.
Its really fun and everyone's really nice here.

Ooh, and i know what you mean by writing loooong things and pretty much drowning everyone in text... I do that a lot. I have a hard time not writing a lot.
I don't know why...

And I'm sooo jealous that English isn't your first language! You're really good!
I'm attempting to learn Spanish...
BAD idea.
Me and Spanish... yeah, we don't get along.

I hope you enjoy it here and if you need a review or a friend, go ahead and PM me. =D
Talk to you later!

Phantom's Contest Basket <--Make me happy and join my contest! Due date: August 15th!
Phantom's Reviewing Basket <--Need a review? Go here and ask!

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Mon May 25, 2009 10:29 pm
RainWanderer says...

Thanks for all the warm welcome guys! :D I can see that people here is very nice and a happy bunch!

Oh and Basket, or anyone else, you guys can call me anyway you want (I might forget new names though, no guarantee), and RW is a nice one! It can stand for many other things, like: RainWatcher, RainWriter, RichWriter(hahaha), RoughWarden,RosyWind, etc. I love it Basket!
Who am I? Just a wanderer, traveling from real life to dreams.

“Writing a book is a very lonely business. You are totally cut off from the rest of the world, submerged in your obsessions and memories.” - Mario Vargas Llosa

Gravity was a mistake.
— Till Nowak