
Young Writers Society


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Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:18 pm
*writewatiwant* says...

Hi slash! Welcome to the big family of YWS! You'll soon be addicted :wink:
I'm Kat, nice too meet you. I love black, rock music (mostly Linkin Park) and I'm a major fan of POTC (Pirates of the Caribbean). Short briefing :wink:
So, we have three major rules here!
:arrow: We have a 2:1 ratio. That means that for every work of yours you post, you should do two reviews. Posts on the Community forums or Groups don't count.
:arrow: Rate your work. Rated posts will appear on the front page. Except rated R, that is when you have a work that has rough language or adult themes. In those you should rate R. That way, our younger crowd won't read things they shouldn't.
:arrow: Do not use chat speak (thins like MC, POV, and the traditional lol are allowed) and keep capitalizing to a minimal We're all writers here, so we looove proper language. So don't use things like "I g2g!", neither "I LOOOOOOOOVED IT!", okay?

Now, I would also like to explain to you our rainbow! We have a beautiful rainbow :D
Black - people like us, normal writers with no definite job.

Blue - Greeters. They welcome the newbies and help them through the beginning (like what I'm doing right now!)

Purple - Instructors. They give the most constructive and detailed reviews and answer questions you might have. Like Mars above, that did a good job by redirecting you to the Rules.

Light Green/ Dark Green - Junior Moderators and Mods. They make sure the others above make their job properly and control the correct use of language and so.

Red - Administrators. They keep the site running smoothly.

Orange - Distinguished members. They're basically retired Mods and Adms.

Now, some advises!
~ Click on the button at the top of this page that says 'Groups' and scroll down. You'll find many user groups, where you can meet people with the same likes as you and discuss anything related to that theme.
~ Be nice to everybody! We're all nice here Razz When somebody, signs your guestbook, reply.
~ If you want to chat or hang out, check if the chat is open or go to The Lounge (pass your mouse on the button that says 'Community' and select Community forums. Scroll down and you'll find it. You can check the chat on the Home page or in your YWS).
~ I know you love cursing, but no cursing outside the Literature forum. Which I remind you to rate your work R, if it has swearing in it.
~ Don't take reviews too personally and don't be afraid to post your work. We won't bite (much).

So, tell us more about yourself! What are your favs? Music/artist/movie/author/book/food, etc?
Where do you live? Which type of things do you enjoy reading and writing?

Feel free to PM me (the middle button at the end of this post that says 'PM'), if you need anything or just want to chat!
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it. You feel it.

The Buddy System Check us out!

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93 Reviews

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Reviews: 93
Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:51 pm
MagnusBane says...

Hello, Slash! Welcome to Young Writer's Society, soon to be your second home! The site might appear confusing at first, but don't worry - soon you'll be just as addicted as the rest of us!

As Kat said in the post above, there's a 2:1 ratio on this site. So, basically, if you post a story, you should also do two reviews, just to keep everything even and to make sure everyone else gets some helpful advice, too! One of our biggest rules is that you must review at least 2 stories before you post some writing of your own. That's not too hard, though, since there's a lot of great writing here just waiting to be reviewed!

Tell us some more about yourself! How long have you been writing? What genres do you write? Fantasy? Romance? Adventure?

If you need any help, pm me! Once again, welcome to YWS! Can't wait to read some of your writing!
“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” Anton Chekhov

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196 Reviews

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Reviews: 196
Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:10 pm
peanutgallery007 says...

Hello! I'm Peanut! Nice to have you on YWS after all these years...

I know, I ramble, and don't make much sense. But! I have some questions;

:arrow: Do you ramble like I do? ;)

:arrow: What is your favorite type of music?

:arrow: Do you write poetry, and, if so, what genre?

:arrow: What book did you just finish/ start reading?

Well, that should keep you busy for a little bit... I hope I can get to know you some more!

PM me if you need anything! :D
Have a peanut =)

Try your hand at my poetry contest!

Proud LGBT supporter.

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39 Reviews

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Reviews: 39
Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:45 am
Bloo says...

Hi Slash, I', Ryan, you can call me Bolt though.

You might have noticed that there are titles above people's avatars, well these are ti represent posts and are ranks really, here is the system for them

New Member: 0-4 posts
Novice: 5-14 posts
Junior Writer: 15 - 49 posts
Writer: 50 - 99 posts
Senior Writer: 100 - 249 posts
Novelist: 250 - 499 posts (This gives a perk)
Speaker of the Forum: 500+ posts

Also when you get to novelist, you get a custom title, that's where I have "I am the king of awesome, now dance for me puppets, dance"

And below the avatar you might have seen stars, well those are ranks to, but for the reviews you hold
here is that system

For Yellow Stars:
5 Reviews = 1 Star
25 Reviews = 2 Stars
75 Reviews = 3 Stars
150 Reviews = 4 Stars
250 Reviews = 5 Stars

For Blue Stars:
350 Reviews = 1 Blue Star, 4 Yellow Stars
450 Reviews = 2 Blue Stars, 3 Yellow Stars
550 Reviews = 3 Blue Stars, 2 Yellow Stars
650 Reviews = 4 Blue Stars, 1 Yellow Star
750 Reviews = 5 Blue Stars

For Red Stars:
850 Reviews = 1 Red Star, 4 Blue Stars
950 Reviews = 2 Red Stars, 3 Blue Stars
1050 Reviews = 3 Red Stars, 2 Blue Stars
1150 Reviews = 4 Red Stars, 1 Blue Star
1250 reviews = 5 Red Stars

It seems impossible yo get to blue let alone a red right, well some do, these people have been on here sense the beginning, so they have had time, about four years of it.

So yeah I'll wait for you to answer all the questions you have, I won;t give any, mostly cause they took the ones I would ask.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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122 Reviews

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Points: 1656
Reviews: 122
Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:29 am
WaterVyper says...

Hey slash! Great to meet you and welcome to YWS! I can't really say much since the others covered it all, but I guess I can go over points. Points are what you get when you create a new topic or post in a place where you can earn points by posting. One example is the Welcome Forums or reviewing someone's work in the Literary Forums.

When you create a new topic, you automatically get ten points with 0.2 points for every character for a maximum of 50 points. When you post a work in the Literary Forums, you spend 150 points but you can get some back based on how much you wrote. Creating a new storybook costs 100 points but you don't get any points back. Posting something in the Advanced Critiques section costs 500 points.

Points are used to determine the member of the week. On the homepage, you might have noticed a chart that shows the users with the top five number of points. Also, you will notice a box that shows the member of the week. If you want to be member of the week, then you should be quite active on the Literary forums. Also, most of the time, it is dependent on how many points you have. Points are reset to 300 every two weeks or so.

Okay, everyone has already asked the questions, and there isn't much for me to add. If you need help with anything, you can PM me for whatever you need. I hope to see you around sometime soon. See ya!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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104 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1499
Reviews: 104
Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:05 am
Storm_Bringer says...

Hello. Welcome, Slash! I like your name by the way.

Well, those are some of the stuff YWS is here is some others didn't say.

The Chat!

Its on the home screen around the bottom left. This tells you if the chat is open and who's on it. You can talk to other members and just chat away. (Note: there are rules so please read them before you enter the chat) You can even do a private chat with a specific person on it!

And the Blogs!

You can even create a blog on YWS! It has everything, I know. There is a blog icon on the top of the page and go to blog control panel to set up your very own blog. It is very fun if you enjoy stuff like that! To visit your blog go to the icon and go to My Blog. Have fun with that.

:arrow: Some other tips and tidbits:

-If someone signs in your guestbook you should return the favor.

-Don't be too mean in reviews! Say nice things too!

-When you get a review don't take it too seriously. It's all to help your writing.

Enjoy YWS. ^_^ Feel free to PM me for anything. :D

"You know when you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
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Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.
— Louis L'Amour