
Young Writers Society

One Part Salsa, One Part Shanno

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:32 am
cheese9975 says...

What IS up, my homeskillets? As most of you know, I've been around for a while, but I've just become really active in the past few weeks. And, I have to say, I love y'all.

My name is Shannon. Please call me that, but I don't really care if you call me anything else pertaining to my name or personality. I haven't gotten a ton of actual WRITING done for this site yet, which I am definitely trying to improve upon. I keep getting these monstrous ideas and biting off more than I can chew and not finishing my projects. My one project I was nearly finished with... but then it was all erased and I only have about halfway through saved on here :(, so I'll have to re-write most of it.

Anyway, I love to read. Not only do I read books but I also love reading the paper. I joined the school newspaper this year, and must say I am loving it and have a new found love of journalism, though I'm not sure that's what I really want to do as a career. I think I'd rather be a Spanish translator, work in the UN someday, that's really up my ally. Either that or a Spanish teacher, which I'm not as keen on. Who knows, though, perhaps I'll end up being a tap dancer? I have no coordination at all, but I won't let it stop me!

It's also important for you to know that I have long red hair. Natural, of course. It's a very big part of who I am. Irish, too, in case you can't tell by my name and the red hair, and whatnot.

Other than that, I love listening to music. Music of all different genres and qualities. My favorites are Taylor Swift, John Mayer, Jack Johnson, John Legend, and Kanye West. It's a weird mix, but believe me, I know.

I love watching TV as well. 30 Rock has given me a new love for Tina Fey, The Office is my life, Gossip Girl is my guilty pleasure, and Real Housewives of Orange County is my endless amusement, and Ugly Betty is simply fantastical.

That's pretty much it. Is this too long? I hope not. I like talkin' bout mahself. *smiles sheepishly*
"The manatee has become the mento." -Tracy Jordan

"Live every week like it's shark week." -Tracy Jordan
^30 Rock is love

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:10 pm
Angel of Death says...

Hey salsa!

It's cool to know more about you! I'm jealous, I've always wanted red hair, but mines is reddish brown and you can only tell when the sun hits it. They say that red hair was gonna go extinct in five years because people either dye it blond or some other color so please don't dye your hair!

I love reading too! Who are your favorite authors? Books?

My school has a newspaper but I really don't want to join it because they don't talk about anything I'm interested and they don't even regularly have one.

Ooh I love John Mayer and Kanye West!



P.S. I've been meaning to tell you earlier but your avi is really scary. Can I ask what it is?
True love, in all it’s celestial charm, and
star-crossed ways, only exist in a writer’s
mind, for humans have not yet learned
how to manifest it.

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Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:04 am
fluteluvr77 says...

Heyy there!
You have red hair!!! Luckyyyyyyyyy! Mine is like jet black and stands out absolutely everywhere. Hehe, it drives me crazy!
I love Taylor Swift too!!! What's your favorite song by her?? Haha, I have waay too hard of a time picking...I love her new CD Fearless though, I spent like an hour downloading the entire thing...
Haha, you think YOU are a klutz??? Don't worry I'm wayyyy worse. I couldn't dance for my life or I'd severely injure myself and everyone else around me... :P
I love books...like a lot....I love the Philip Pullman series...What are your favorite books?
Anywayz, this was really interesting to read!

Love is the answer to life yet the slowest form of suicide.
Love is a paradox.
And that's why we love it.

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If you want something badly, you just gotta believe it's gonna work out.
— Andy, Parks & Rec