
Young Writers Society

how young is young?

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Mon May 11, 2009 10:53 am
deleted3 says...

hey there YoWris!
(think about using that - remember who coined it ;-)
id like to introduce myself, i am first and foremost a lady *curtsy* and a creative one at that! but i was wondering if 21 (pushing the ancient age of 22) is a little out of the in-crowd on this site.... it brings about that age-old (hehe) question.. how young is young? and furthermore *gulp* do i fit in that category?
that being done, can't wait to mix and mingle with writers of all ages, shapes, sizes, species and colours! its encouraging to know you're not alone when your an up-and-coming-almost-famous writer. :) please do introduce yourselves and respond to my topic question (lets not be too harsh now)

(not the name on my birth certificate, but this is the internet after all! i dont know you well enough... *suspicious eyes*)

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Mon May 11, 2009 1:54 pm
lilymoore says...

Hey there and welcome to YWS, the only writing society smoothered in awesomesauce!

First off, let me just say, you are by no means the oldest individual on YWS nor are you the youngest. But the majority of us are in within the age range of 13 and 18 but there are always a few older members. For instance, Nate, our fearless leader, is about to hit 26 if I'm not mistaken.

But, I should mention that there are a few rules on YWS. For one thing, if you are going to post your writing, you should first have made two of-length reviews. See the little review counter on the left under your name, that will tell you how many reviews you've made. It's considered a common courtesy to always have at least 2 reviews per 1 post. You can always have more.

Also, when you are in the forums, you should use proper grammar. This is a writing site after all, grammar should be key. Also, profanity should be limited to the literature forums for future notice and be sure that once you do post something, you rate it if it requires a rating.

Other then that, share a little more about yourself. What do you write? What is your favorite book? Who is your favorite author? What are your hobbies? Things like that.

Have fun.

Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.

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Mon May 11, 2009 2:11 pm
Shauni says...

Hi therE! Welcome aboard!

I'm Shauni and you are nine years older than me! >.<

22 is a good age. Well, every age is proper until the 25...so don't worry! There are people that sigh here with 25.

So, firstly you need to know the basics, just to be sure that no one rips your head off! xD
*kiding, just saing, if you haven't get it*

~Keep a 2:1, this means that for every post you make, you should at least make two reviews.

~No chat speak and/or capitalized sentences/words.

~Rate your works. Works rated PG-13 below will appear on the YWS front page. Works with f-word and/or sexual content must be rated R.

That's it for the basics. I hope you get alonmg just fine here.
Telll us a bit more about yourself! :P

If you need anything, have a question or just wanna chat, feel free to PM me!

Sorry for the lousy post, iI'm in school...

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Mon May 11, 2009 3:36 pm
XYZinnia says...

Well hello there! :D I’m Y, pleaser to make your acquaintance, *bows*

So… it seems as if everyone has the basic rules down. So, I’ll tell you about the colors!

Notice how some people colored names? Well that means they have a certain “job” so to say.

Blue: These people are Greeters. Greeters welcome newbies, (new members to YWS,) the rules. They are the first people newbies meet.

Purple: These are Instructors. Instructors critic you work, to make it even better!

Dark Green: Theses are Moderators. They keep YWS running smoothly. If you have a question or problem, these are the guys you tell.

Light Green: These are Junior Moderators. They take monitor of a certain forum. They are in groups called “crews”. If you need help in the Poetry forum, you would want to talk to someone in the Poetry crew.

Red: These are Admins. Admins oversee all of YWS and are like the “behind the scenes” people. The make YWS work. Nate is the creator of this site.

Orange: These are Distinguished members. They are people who have proudly stopped being a Moderator.

Well that’s about it for me, remember to use proper grammar. (There are some serious grammar freaks around here. :) ) And no “chat speck”. (i no lik win peoples talk lik dis.)

So, your 21? There’s nothing wrong with that! So are you still in college? Which one? What are you planning on majoring in? Do you already know where you want to work? We ask a lot of questions. :) If you have any, don’t hesitate to ask!

See ya around! :)

I am always saying "Glad to've met you" to somebody I'm not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.
— Holden Caulfield