
Young Writers Society

Newbie Alert!

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:07 pm
Smiley_123 says...

Hi everyone, I'm Smiley_123! :D

Somethings I think you should know about me:

*I'm a pretty random person.
*I'm a total bookworm.
*I love to write but I don't think I have a gift at it. :wink:
*I'm a very shy person. :oops:
*I like chocolate.
*I get lost pretty easy when I'm new to a site. :lol:

Well that's all there really is... Hope to talk to some people soon. :)

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:14 pm
xDudettex says...

Hey Smiley =]

Welcome to YWS!

I'm Dudette *waves*

Don't worry...I'm shy too but everyone here is so friendly so don't be afraid to ask any questions :D

I'll leave the rules for someone else to explain...

So. What genre do you like to write?

What? You don't think you have a gift? Nonsense! If you have the ability to be creative then you have a talent :D

I'm sure your writing will improve once you start posting work as everyone's reviews are so helpful :D My writing has increased tenfold since I joined!

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

'Stop wishing for the sunshine. Start living in the rain.' - Kids In Glass Houses.

'Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?' - MCR artwork.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:33 pm
Smiley_123 says...

Hi Dudette *waves back*

Thanks :)

That's good to know that people are friendly here.

Hm... I'd probably have to say fantasy. How about you?

Hopefully then this site will be just what I've been looking for. :)

Ok, thanks!

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:48 pm
indigochild1991 says...

Hello there!

Aww, modesty!
I'll help by reviewing your work...in which case it will probably emerge that you have quite a lot of talent!

Ooooh, bookworm!
Nice!Me too!
Do you like Harry Potter?

And a fellow chocolat lover?


Nice to meet you!
'Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night'-Edgar Allan Poe

'Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent'-Eleanor Roosevelt

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:02 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

So, some pretty basic rules here:

1- Review two works before posting any of your own. This spreads the reviews around, and, people are very willing to return the favour. ;) A "review" must be at least three lines long, or else it won't count. The benefit is, the more you can point out (be it positive or negative) in a work, the better your own writing gets. ^_^

2- Chat-speak such as "gr8" drives some members up the wall. It's asked you always have proper grammar, spelling and caps. Stuff like lol, brb, MC, POV and other term abbreviations are fine, just don't overdo it.

3- Rated works are what YWSers like to see. If your work is rated, and not rated R, then it will show up on the front page of YWS! You might just get more comments. :D Rated R works have the f-word and/or graphic scenes.

You're among good company when it comes to fantasy writers! A good chunk of the site spend their time in that genre. In fact, once you get something posted, look me up for a review! Unless it has vampires/werewolves/ is general horror. I don't review those things.

And, if you have any questions in general, feel free to hit the little PM me button at the bottom of my post. I'm always happy to answer questions.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:08 pm
Smiley_123 says...

To Rosey Unicorn:
Hello and thanks!

Ok I'll be sure to keep those rules in mind.
That's good to know there are other fantasy writers on here. :)

Ok, I'll be sure to ask you for a review once I get some writing going.

Thanks, I'm still a little confused about the site but if I have a question I'll be sure to go and ask you. :)

To indigochild1991:

Thanks, and probably not but I'm looking to improve. :)

Yay, I'm not alone!
Yes, I spent the beginning of this year just reading all seven book. Do you?

Gotta love the chocolate! Because I mean who doesn't love chocolate?

Nice to meet you too. :)

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:09 pm
SeleneForeverDream says...

Hey Smily, welcome to YWS!

Well your a bookworm? Me too! What's your favorite book? Who's your favorite author?

There's a forum for randomness in the community forums. Trust me, there are a lot of people here who are random, including me. :D So welcome to the club!

Anyway, onto some useful stuff! I know YWS can seem a bit daunting at first, but it gets much better once you know your way around.

Tips and Rules

1.) Be considerate and kind towards other members on the site. You know, things you've learned since Pre-K.

2.) Make reviews at least three sentences long.

3.) You can join a group based off of your interests in the Group section.

4.) Put a decent amount of thought into each post, especially submissions, and check your spelling, capitalization and grammar. This will be greatly appreciated by everyone else on here! :D

5.) If your shy, don't be afraid to PM someone for help if your in need of it, like Dudette said. Everyone is friendly here and would be happy to help.

If you've been wondering about the people with colorful usernames, they are part of the YWS staff. They all have a specific job and specify in that area of work.

YWS Jobs

Blacks- Are regular members, like you and me. We rule the forums! :smt023

Blues- Are Greeters. They'll help introduce you to the site and make you feel welcome.

Purples- Are Instructors. They will critique the work that you submit on YWS very thoroughly.

Light Greens- Are Junior Moderators. They are Moderators in training and help control some of the forums.

Greens- Are Moderators. They help control all the forums.

Red- Are Administrators of the site. They help out other members on the site and control it.

Orange: Distinguished members, or retired moderators.

If you've also been wondering about how you get points and submit work, all of it is based off of what you post and submit for reviews.

Point System

Earning Points

Reviews- You can earn points by reviewing, and this is also how you can earn stars by reviewing. The maximum amount you can earn is 50 points.

Other Forums- In other forums, like this one, you can earn points by posting. The maximum amount of

Submitting Work

Fiction and Poetry- 150 to post.

Advanced Critiques- 300

I think that's about it. I know it's a lot of information to take in, but I'm not going to quiz you on it or anything. I just went on a greeting rampage there. ;)

If you have any questions, would like me to review anything or would just like to chat, feel free to PM me.
Got YWS?

You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:41 pm
Smiley_123 says...

Hi and thanks!

A fellow book worm, cool! At the moment I would have to say my favorite book is The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. My favorite author would have to be Agatha Christie. What about you?

That's totally cool! :D

*reads through all the rules and such* Wow, that is a lot to take in... I'll be sure to keep them in mind though.

Lol, at least I know what the rules are now. :)

Ok, thanks! :D

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:45 pm
SeleneForeverDream says...

Wow, The Thief Lord! *Puts on need-to-read list* I will have to look into that, because I have hear it's an excellent novel. And Agatha Christie... hm, I've never heard about her. I'll have to look into that as well! What has she written?
Got YWS?

You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:54 pm
Smiley_123 says...

It defiantly is an excellent novel. Agatha Christie has written over 80 mystery books, I would recommend And Then There Were None. It kind of freaked me out a little but it was a really good book.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:33 pm
Rosendorn says...

If you enjoy a lot of fantasy, then you'll want to check out the Groups button. There are a bunch of fantasy-based ones you can join.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:30 pm
MySunshine says...

Hey Smiley - love your name ;)
Welcome to YWS!

I hope you're enjoying your time here so far!

We do have lots of things in common - I love chololate, too! I just wish that Germany would have awesome Hershey's chocolate, though :( I used to eat that kind in the States all the time ...

Some things that interest me: What's your favorite movies? Hobbies?

If you need any help here, feel free to ask me ;)
Have a fun time around!
♥And if you go, I wanna go with you. And if you die, I wanna die with you♥

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Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:38 am
Smiley_123 says...

Hello MySunshine - thanks! :D
Thanks again! :)

I defiantly am enjoying it here.

Aw no Hershey's chocolates in Germany? That sucks. But you live in Germany? Cool!

I liked the movie 'A Walk to Remember' but there's others but I can't really think of any at the moment... Writing is kind of a hobby of mine, so is reading. My friends all call me a book nerd. ;)

Thanks and will do! :)

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Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:18 am
MySunshine says...

That's good to hear :D

Yeah, I know. Since there's going to be a Hollister downtown soon, they should think about importing Hershey's, so I can eat lots of it ...
Yeah, I do :) I've been born here and starting to get sick of it, so I'm already looking forward to moving away, haha.

Again some similiarities ;)
'A Walk to Remember' is such a cute movie - and it's one of the few where I also loved the book!
Yeah, writing and reading ... just gotta love it. I'm known as the book-freak among my family and friends ...

Have a great day ;)
♥And if you go, I wanna go with you. And if you die, I wanna die with you♥

— soundofmind