
Young Writers Society

How to be a Knighted Angel.:)

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Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:05 pm
KnightlyAngel09 says...

Let's see.

My mother had cancer when I was three. I didn't get to see her for two years which resulted in me being closer to my dad. After a while he had to work somewhere far away so it was me and my mom and over time we got glued back together.

I'm the youngest in a family of five. I have two older brothers and they scare away any boy who dares come near me.

They're both drunkards. My eldest brother does drugs. Physical and emotional pain inserted *here*.

I love my family. To tears.XD

Okay. That's my family history.

I'm fifteen and a senior in high school. I got into the top university in the country. Yes, allow me to brag on this one, please. I shall be humble in other aspects. I'm taking up journalism this June. I'm graduating this March. I'm really happy about the whole college thing since it's gonna take me away from my current home life. College is in another city.

I'm part of the volleyball varsity in school. I'm also a Debate Varsity, School Paper and Student Body member. Which practically means I'm waaay too busy in school.

I'm known for having a really fake looking smile and a really funny laugh.

I have the best friends in the entire Universe.

My eyes always look teary.

Now, I got started writing because I read a book. I forgot what and I hated the ending. This was about 4th grade I guess. So I thought I'd write another ending for it. After a while I was writing original stories then my focus went to poetry. I started joining literary contests when I got into High School.

Debate became my focus when I was in second year. I went to the nationals when I was in third year. This senior year I also debated but I kind of became the School's player for Extemporaneous speaking. I won my first contest then after a few months I was at the Nationals. And take note, I have major stage fright. Stepping out of my comfort zone is my achievement.

Hmm... random facts:
1. I live in the Philippines.
2. I am of Spanish ancestry. Everyone in this country is. (almost)
3. I speak two languages. English and Tagalog. I studied Latin a little.
4. Oh, my name is Nixie.
5. I am going to marry Mr. Darcy.
6. LES MISERABLES is the best book ever written. Swear.
7. My favorite poets include Thomas Hardy, Longfellow, Robert Burns and Edmund Cooke.

Well, that's that for now.
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you.:)

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Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:03 pm
Incognito says...

Oh dear, do you really have your heart set on marrying Mr. Darcy? For I am afraid, we are now engaged! I love that man!

Are you really apart of the debate team? My sister Mandy was on it at her high school. She ended up going to Nationals too, but now she has graduated a LONG time ago. She is 25 now.

What made me chuckle was how you started to re-write the endings of stories when you were only little. I did the exact same thing when I was a young one. I guess I still am a young one. But that does not matter! I also have a question, have you seen the play based on the book Les Miserables? That was a gorgeous musical. I loved it dearly. It brought tears to my eyes. My favourite song would have to be 'On My Own'.

Well, it was nice to meet you and I hope to see more from you on the forums.
~Incognito (The Stealthiest of the Stealthy)
'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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261 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1802
Reviews: 261
Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:49 am
KnightlyAngel09 says...

Dear Incognito Temptation,

May the best girl win! I shall not permit you to have my Mr. Darcy.XD haha. Kidding. Wait, I'm not kidding. I ain't giving him up.

Yep. I'm in the debate team. We have a debate subject this year and varstiy members serve as adjudicators so I practically have two hours free time every wednesday when everyone else is debating. 'Tis why I joined the debate team in the first place. Debate's really fun and useful. You should try it too. Like your sister.

I've seen the play. It's quite famous in this country since one of the actresses was a Filipina.
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you.:)

I am always saying "Glad to've met you" to somebody I'm not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.
— Holden Caulfield