
Young Writers Society

The Lizinator.

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Points: 890
Reviews: 5
Sun Aug 13, 2006 1:42 am
Lizzybethrae says...

Umm...hmm...where to begin...

Well, I'm a Wisconsinite of 5 generations (And then my bloodline gets swirled with people from Illinois) I won a coloring contest when I was 4 years old (Up against like, 12 year olds which was really weird because in all honesty the picture wasn't very good) I lived in Milwaukee for about 10 years and then moved into more south-central WI.

I have blonde hair. I'm working on another half inch to 5' 4". I have a 17 year old kitty (Whose birthday happens to be the day before mine). I am also kind of...fostering a cat for my friend. The cat lives with me, in my room, (SHE IS THE CUTEST CAT EVER), while my friend's mom looks for a new apartment to move into. The cat has been with us since March 2006. I also have a really big, really stupid, really droooooolllyyyy...{gag} dog named Toby. The only thing he's really good for, is that the cat that is in my room pukes a lot and for some reason he just LOVES to eat cat puke. But aside from cat puke, he also eats batteries, chocolate, watermelon (an entire watermelon...rinds and all...), canteloupe (again, rinds and all), piano music, books, homework, bread, pizza, glasses, yogurt cups...oh yeah, and he REALLY REALLY likes the Sims 2. He thinks it's the best tasting computer game ever.

:o :? :shock: :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
^My series of facial expressions the FIRST time he ate that game...

I have a sister and a brother. 13 and 6 respectively. My parents are married...maybe not entirely happy, but they're still married after 16 years, so...

Off and on I've wanted to be a writer. It's usually intermixed in my childhood with things like Superwoman, a garbage collector (Don't ask!), a dog walker, a mommy, Superwoman, a marine biologist, A vet, Superwoman...And yes, I did try to fly off my garage once. Did not work. At all.

My current celebrity crush is Eric Szmanda. If you don't know who he is, try watching CSI some time. And I found out that the likes to cook! :D Ah, he is my DREAM MAN. And guess what? I was born in 1991. HE graduated from highschool a mere 30 minute drive from my house when I was 2 years old. (Yes! We are BOTH Wisconsinites!) His Great Uncle is the Menards guy, whom I remember seeing on TV a bazillion times. Also, he went to Carroll College which was a college I am considering and have been considering even before I knew he had gone there. Do you think that MAYBE when I was like...2...I drove past his house or something and didn't even know? I should have gone up to him and told him that one day we were going to get married...hmm...

My favorite TV show is CSI. Because it is cool. If you don't like the show, don't say anything, because for the rest of you life I will only try and convince you to like the show. :wink: Sara and Greg are my favorite characters. Sara/Greg is my favorite ship. {fangirlish squeal} Today I read a REALLY AWESOME Sara/Greg fic but we won't go into that, will we?

I'm known for having really super vivid and yet odd dreams. For instance the other day I dreamt there was a bowling alley in my school, and in Health class we had to write about...umm...yeah, and I said I know people who keep that from happening and I brought in Sara and Warrick from CSI. But don't get me started on CSI because I won't stop....

Moving on.

I was looking in some book thing...like, 6th grade...and in it it had asked what some of my talents are and apparently when I was in 6th grade I said I was good at writing but "I don't like it" :shock: WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME???? Everything. I had won a writing contest that year, and I read the piece aloud to a bunch of old people who thought it was awesome.

I don't really write anything except for fanfiction (Guess for which shooowwww....) but I am trying to come up with my own original idea. So far I can't come up with anything that holds my own interest, so why should it work for the people who would read it? So yeah. I wrote one thing, which has a rather cheesy happy ending that makes you want to gag, but it is a true story all the same.

My favorite fanfic that I have written is actually one that I am writing. "I Tried and Fell" It's about Sara being accused of her father's murder. (NO! I did NOT come up with her father being murdered, if you WATCH THE SHOW, you would know....{done spazzing})


I like rootbeer.

The end.

"You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there..."

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368 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1125
Reviews: 368
Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:32 pm
Shine says...

Wow! big introduction cool.

Hi Lizzybethrae!
Hey even i am a cat lover,there are loads of
in yws who love cats.

Whats ur catty's name?
Seems u are a pure pet lover.

I don't like dogs that much though.

Nice to meet u.:)
"A good plot is like a dream.If you dont write down your dream on paper the moment you wake up,the chances are you'll forget it and it'll be gone forever"-Roald Dalh.

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5 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 5
Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:56 pm
Lizzybethrae says...

My 17 year old cat's name is Oliver, after Oliver and company because he is orange.

The cat I'm fostering's name is FRANCES. And she is so cute. :D
"You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there..."

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368 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1125
Reviews: 368
Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:56 am
Shine says...

wow,name is really good,

he is orange,really?very cool.:)

Frances also a nice name.I wanna to see ur cuteee.Wish I could.
"A good plot is like a dream.If you dont write down your dream on paper the moment you wake up,the chances are you'll forget it and it'll be gone forever"-Roald Dalh.

You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend.
— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein