
Young Writers Society

Welcome to Miami: Chapter 2. [Revised and Rewritten!]

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Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:17 am
day tripper says...

Since I'm done the story, its time to revise and rewrite! So here's chapter redone. Any other suggestions would be amazing.

Chapter two: Surprise! Surprise!

Evie sat patiently in her car, waiting for Carly to emerge from the busy halls of Mt. Manor High.

"Come on, come on!" She said to herself quietly as she tapped the steering wheel of her silver LEXUS. All the students had off Friday, but most of them went to the school to get last minute things which is what Carly was doing.

Evie looked out her car's window and stared at the sky: cloudy and drizzling. Not the best weather to start off Spring Break '08.

'TAP' 'TAP' 'TAP'. She was so busy looking up at the sky, Evie didn't notice the figure outside her window. She looked up and got lost in a pair of dark, chocolate brown eyes. 'Crap', She thought, it was non-other then the infamous Aaron. Evie couldn't think of a possible reason he stood outside her car and pondered on it a while.

He tapped again and Evie realized she hasn't moved since she gazed into his eyes. Quickly, she put down the window and waited for him to speak. Instead of talking to her, Aaron stared quietly. Getting impatient, Evie started the conversation first.

"Eh...yeah?" He was speechless. She rose an eyebrow at him. "Ugh... Aaron?" Evie asked, smiling.

He was so gorgeous. Everyone said that if he found a new group of friends and became more outgoing, he'd be the most popular guy in school. But truth is that Evie liked his shyness, and how cute his smile was, and how he tilts his head to the side when he walks so that his dirty blond hair wouldn't be in his eyes. He was too cute.

"Oh, yeah." Aaron's head snapped. "You left this outside your locker." He explained, handing Evie her coach bag which contained her field hockey and lacrosse uniforms.

"Oh..." She said, taking the bag, "How'd you know it was mine?"

To be honest, Evie was really wishing for him to say something like 'I saw you leave it there or 'I come to some of your games and know these are your numbers'. Though, those reasons were the complete opposite of who Aaron truly is.

What he told Evie aggravated her, "Carly told me to give this to you. She said she had to get her phone from her teacher before he goes home."

Lie. Complete lie. Evie knew that Carly received her phone yesterday, this was probably another one of Carly's plans to have them speak to each other. She jumped when she heard her car door open. Evie looked over and saw Carly putting on her seat belt.

"Bye." Evie said, and Aaron just simply put his hood up, as the drizzling turned into heavy raining, and walked away.

She stared after him for a few seconds before turning to yell at Carly. But she spoke first,

"Damn, it's cold and quiet in here!" She plugged in Evie's iPod and heavy rock came blasting through the speakers.
Obviously, Carly knew what was coming and tried her best to avoid it. Evie turned on the ignition and whippers, then drove. About half way home, she turned to look at Carly,

"Why would you do that?" Evie questioned. Carly looked down at her hands, ignoring her. Evie looked impatiently at her as she pulled up to a stop light. Leaning back in her seat, she repeated, "Why, Carly?" Evie gripped the steering wheel as the light turned green.

"I thought you two should actually talk. I'm tired of always seeing you guys staring at each other all the time!" She said, fixing her hair.

Evie's head swung and shot a glance at her, "I do not stare at Aaron Risoni!"

Carly stifled a laugh, "Evie, you're practically his stalker; just as much as he is yours."

Evie was quiet after that. 'Just as much as he is yours.' She smiled to herself at that thought and kept it on her mind the whole ride home.


"I feel like I'm forgetting something!" Evie yelled, frantically racing around her room. Carly sat on her bed, texting, leaning on her three bags plus a duffel bag. Evie had one bag and her coach, but not for uniforms this time.

"Exactly why I packed last night." Carly chomped away on pita chips, her eyes not leaving the phone screen. That's another thing, Carly's always eating. Evie raced over and grabbed the phone from her.

"Carly, please tell me you wont be texting the whole time we're there!"

She eagerly stood up, "Give me my phone back!" She yelped. Evie held it up. "Evie, please. I'm going on a week long vaca' with my best friend and boy friend." The phone was handed back to her. "Besides, the only person I text besides you is Brad! And occasionally my sister... Oh! And this really cute guy I met in Portug-"

Evie cut her off. "Carly, give me the phone."
"What? No!"
"No! It's my property!"
"Give me the phone!" Evie said, yelling.
"No!" She said louder.
"Give me the phone!" Evie yelled again.
"NO!" Carly yelled even louder.
"Carly, give me the damn phone!" Evie practically screamed, then placed her hand out.
"FINE!" She screamed, handing Evie her expensive motorola. Evie tossed it in her coach bag, then went back to searching for last minute things.


The rain cleared up by the time they hit the road, even though the roads were slippery. "Can I please stop in the Double T? Please?" Carly moaned in the front seat, Brad asleep in the back.

"Oh my god, Fine!" Evie yelled, waking Brad up by accident. It was 5:30, and Carly was dying to stop in the Diner for a quick, carry-out dinner. She turned into the parking lot and her and Brad raced in with twenty bucks.

Carly pushed open the door, setting off the bell. Her and Brad made their way to the post.
"How many?" The waiter asked, starting to pick up menus.

Carly spoke, "Uhm, actually, I'm here to meet with a guy who saved a table under the name of Aaron Risoni."
The waiter shook his head in agreement, "Oh."

Evie was reading so intensely into her book that jumped at the car's trunk being slammed shut. By the time she turned back to see who was at her trunk, no one was there. Then, she heard Carly getting in beside her.

"Say hello to the new comer!" She said. Evie turned around and saw Brad behind Carly's seat, but when she saw who was behind her seat, she could have screamed.

"Aaron!" She stated in shock.

He tilted his head up, "Hey, Evie."

"What- why?" She asked him, still in shock.

"They invited me." He pointed to Brad and Carly.

"But you don't even like us!" Evie spat out unintentionally.

That's when Carly butted in, "I wouldn't say 'don't like'. We just never hang. Hell, he could even love one of us." She winked. Brad scooted down, away from him a bit. Evie chuckled, then caught Carly's drift.

"You set this up, didn't you!" She shot at her, "that's why you've been wanting to come to this exact diner for the past twenty minutes!"

She put her hands up in defense, "No!"

Evie narrowed her eyes at her. Then, turned to Aaron, "Are you sure you want to come?"

He shrugged, "I got nothing better to do."

"'Aight, you're in for one hell of a ride." Evie started the car.

The car ride turned out to be quick and easy. Nothing went on as bad as they thought minus a few incidents involving Carly, Brad, and a few rubbery objects. Aaron tended to keep quiet and listen to his iPod, a few times he spoke to Evie about driving but then would recline back and bob his head to the beat of his music.

"That car ride was the least that I expected." Carly stated, closing the trunk of their car as they headed into the hotel.

"We're four seniors in a city outside of our own state: things are bound to be wild." Evie winked, trailing her suit case behind her.
Last edited by day tripper on Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

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Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:14 am
sokool15 says...

Just a couple of minor things, then I'll gush, I promise. You had a few typos: starred = stared, etc, but nothing you couldn't pick up on your own if you gave it a slow, careful once-over.

Also, between your sections you need to do a line, or stars or asterisks or something to let us know that you're changing places or times. Like between when they're in the car and when they're in her house, you need a little divider, and when they're out of the house and back in the car.

Positive things - again, I may have said this before, but you have an amazingly engaging style. I love to read it, and you have a fun, if a bit cliche storyline. I'm looking forward to chapter 3!!!

Could you pm me when you post it? Pretty pretty pretty please?

Au revoir ~ MademoiselleKool 8)
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:56 am
inkling says...

Aaarg!!! I had to dig to find this story!!!
I wanted to read the chapter Soooo bad!
could you also PM me when you post the 3rd chapter? (also :wink: )

Hummmm, what I would recomend is:
Putting more of a break in between scenes... If ya catch my drift.
eventhough you have tons of breaks already, a little more of a break would be nice " )
also, it wouldnt hurt to put a little more description, like, why did carly want the phone so bad??
Well, I'm not much of a punctuation person so, guess that's all!
Can't wait for the next chapter!!

~ inkling
dont worry about the world coming to an end today, it's already tomorrow in Australia.- Charles Schultz

Yes im obsessed with pirates, you have a problem with that BUDDY?

was that just me, or was that an earthquake? Nope, that was me

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Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:24 am
tRiCk says...

Definitely add a divider between each part, it threw me off the first time i read it.

Just a few mistakes:

"But truth is? I like his shyness..."

You don't need the question mark since you aren't asking a question. Or rephrase it so it is asking a question like: "You want to know what the truth is?". But just dropping it all together would be preferable.

"I rose an eyebrow at him."

Should be "raised".

Between dialogue you should also space it.

"that's why you've been wanting to come..." would sound better as "that's why you've wanted to come..."

But everything else was great!! I too can't wait for the next chapter. :P

Trick----> :smt041

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Tue May 13, 2008 8:05 am
budding writer says...

this chapter was not soo great. although don't stop, keep on writing. we all learn through mistakes right ?

the few things i would recomend is that make it a bit more intresting, with the chapter titled suprise suprise i am sure we all must have been searching like crazy for the suprising bit which i did not find ecept the aaron appears part. by the way how did he get there. the good bit :
now you see we all want to know how aaron even got there in the first place. by this we feel like we are in the characters shoes and feel exactly how the character is feeling and is a good thing. this is a vital part of writing which you managed to do very well. looking forward to the next chapter. :D

-bw(budding writer)
## My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations ##

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Thu May 15, 2008 12:34 am
nilou-and-amani says...

It was sooo good. You made a couple of minor mistakes, so just read over it carefully.
I didn't really understand that part about the skinny locker.
I also love that it's really comical. It actually made me laugh out loud.
The Aaron suprise was amazing! i didn't expect it at all! You engage the audience very well,and by doing that you proved thatt you are a good writer.

Your chapter is a little short. i suggest that you elaborate more on the ideas at the end. Not too much though. you do't want it to drag.

Anyways. pm me if you need anything.

"Security is mortal's chiefest enemy"- William Shakespeare

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Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:19 am
JC says...

Again, I think this was a very good first draft. There were some nitpics, but they weren't distracting in quantity.

You seem to be going somewhere, and that's good. You've set up a captivating story for your reader, and as readers that's all we can really ask. Unfortunately, we're picky types of people and do ask more.

I agree with Nilou, that the chapter was rather short, and you should expand on the idea's at the end. Those were all very laughable and character building potential scenes and you skipped right by them like Christmas. It's okay to make it a little longer, it's even better that way most of the time. There's a lot you can do with what you have, step up to your potential!!!!!

Keep up the good work!
(PM me if you have any additional questions)
But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:49 am
day tripper says...

edited and rewritten!
A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

If a story is in you, it has to come out.
— William Faulkner