
Young Writers Society


Return to Apocalypse 101 [Now Accepting]  

Creator: Audy
Roleplay: Apocalypse 101 [Now Accepting]
Nickname: Ed

//AGE: 28

//APPEARANCE: He has the body of a longed legged spider. There is a light and deliberate movement with his every step as he has incredibly long and thin limbs. He has a wolfish face and beard with green eyes and long, dark curly hair. Slight lopsided grin all the time.

//PERSONALITY: He is loud and restless, often times he would find himself singing for no real reason, or playing on his harmonica or a discarded ukele, absolutely anything he can get his hands on. He's not a very good musician, but it's something to do with his hands, and more importantly, he'd do anything to ward off the silence. He hates silence or sitting still, so he will always be making some kind of noise or getting involved in some kind of short-sighted scheme.

He's the guy who laughs the loudest at his own jokes, and has a habit of telling exaggerated stories, making frequent, dramatic gestures. People's opinions are everything for him, as he hardly makes up his own mind about anything. He also has a longing for adventure and freedom, as he hates being cooped up in the bunker and has made many cases for getting out of there.

//STRENGTHS: He's athletic; strong and fast. Cheerful, generally positive attitude and a fun loving guy, he never stays angry for long. He genuinely cares about and protects people.

//WEAKNESSES: He's never serious when it matters, he still thinks everything will work out and there's no way any harm can come to him and those he loves. He can get easily distracted by inane things.

He's not very wise or book smart and can be rather ignorant and slow to get things. (Doesn't know the difference between a bacteria or a virus/would attempt to show off and waste matches by playing with fire/that sort of thing) He's got no hindsight.

//HISTORY: Was a rather unmotivated student of Mr. Donahue. Knowledge and some experience with carpentry, window-cleaning, some construction and handling engines. I'll come up with more for this after workshop :)

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
— Woodrow Wilson