
Young Writers Society

Railyn Yora

Return to The Waiting Room  

Creator: Omni
Roleplay: The Waiting Room

Name: Railyn Yora
Age: 19
Appearance: Railyn is tall and lanky, with a thin face and curly auburn hair. He is also growing what he thinks is a beard, but it is mainly stubble. He usually has a slight smile on his face, but also he cannot hide what he's thinking or his emotions, they are immediately plastered all over his expression. He is lean, with most of his muscles being in his arms, much to his chagrin. He has tried gaining muscle, but it never works. Starting at his wrist and ending just above his elbows, he has faint tattoos of a spiralling dragon, creatures of myth and legend that just appeared on his arms when he was a toddler. They have grown with him, increasing in intensity as he aged, with the maw of the duo dragons ending at his palms. He wears loose clothing with autumn colors, and he usually wears a crop top.

Personality: Railyn likes to go with the flow, and use humor to lighten the mood and shelter his insecurities. He is a very anxious guy, and has fairly low self worth and self esteem. He constantly seeks validation and approval, and sets low standards for himself. He doesn't view himself as competitive, but he secretly is. He is also just always preparing to be let down, especially letting himself down. He loves quick quips.

I am not a person I am a natural disaster
— TheWordsOfWolf