
Young Writers Society

Edalyn Ralia

Return to Lux Academy  

Creator: atlast
Roleplay: Lux Academy
Nickname: Eda

Name: Edalyn Ralia
Age: 20
Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: Eda has a boy-ish figure and stands at about 5' 5". She has wavy, unstyled, navy blue hair that reaches hip-length. Eda has two small brown antler-like horns on top of her head that are buried beneath her thick hair, which also seems to always have leaves and other bits of plant matter interlaced within the strands. Her eyes are a true shade of green and they're framed by a pair of round glasses. Her lips are thin and her teeth are slightly crooked, which shows when she smiles. She isn't particularly fit, but she is in shape enough to carry some strength in combat. She wears plain, worn-in clothes, usually a solid colored shirt tucked into a pair of dark trousers. Eda often has small plants or flowers and other trinkets stuffed into her pockets and wears a silver hoop in one ear.

Thematic: earthy colors, brambles and hidden trails. exploration and soft beams of light shining through tree canopies. wild magic and nonconformity.

Aura Color: a smokey blue that appears like a wispy fog when partially active, but roils like crashing waves when fully active.

Magical Abilities: Edalyn has a deep fascination with all forms of magic, but she holds a natural ability in Primal Sense.

Affiinity: Eda's aura materializes into long, winding vines that wrap around her weapon and her arms. They are an extension of herself and her aura, allowing her to extend her range in combat. She can also manipulate plant matter around her, encouraging growth of flowers, thorns, and other foliage, in a manner that is similar to artificing.
Magical Weapon: The bo staff. Traditionally a martial arts weapon, Eda's was hand-carved from the heart of an ancient oak tree and passed down through her family. The staff is etched with winding vines that come to life as an extension of Eda and her aura.

Battle Style: Eda utilizes hand-to-hand combat, akin to martial arts. She uses her staff to block and initiate attacks, and her vines are natural extensions of her combat abilities.

Personality: Edalyn is confident and outgoing, and she is unafraid to speak her mind. If authority figures' commands do not align with her goals and intentions, she is quick to ignore or outright rebel against them. Eda can be brash at times, but her behavior is often a rouse to hide her insecurities. Her social skills aren't the best, as she struggles with boundaries at times, but her intentions are good.

Personal Strengths: Eda is loyal and headstrong, and she is extremely determined to reach her goals. She will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals and take care of the people she cares about.

Personal Weaknesses: Edalyn has an almost child-like temper. Her emotions run strong, and she is quick to cry out of anger or frustration. She hates that it makes her seem immature, and her emotions often to get the best of her.

Backstory: Living in an upper-middle class family in Glinthaven, Eda definitely had privleges that many others were unable to, which is something she struggles to remember at times. She grew up in a successful family: her mother a professor at the Luv Academy, her sister a successful potion-crafting mage with her own business, and her father a great weaponsmith, crafting weapons for the Lux Academy's combat and battle-readiness program.
Edalyn's mother favored her oldest daughter over Eda, and she was never able to restrain Eda's loud personality. She was quick to give up on Eda, deciding that she would grow up to be a failure, something that eats at Eda most days.
Her father was much more supportive, and did his best to help Eda's love of learning flourish. He passed her staff down to her, as it was passed along his side of the family for generations. Nearly half a decade before Eda applied to the Lux Academy, her father passed away in an accident while crafting a batch of blades, leaving her and her estranged mother to their own devices, allowing tensions to grow to new heights.

Reason for Applying to Lux Academy: Edalyn wants to learn everything she can about the magical world. She also wants to prove her disapproving mother that her rash behavior in the past does not define her success.

Connections to Lux Academy: Her mother's side of the family has served as students, then later administrators and professors, at Lux Academy. The Ralias have lived in Glinthaven for as long as Edalyn remembers.

Personal Goal: To learn everything she can about herself and her magic. She would love to earn a God Crystal, both to represent the deep magical knowledge she craves to learn, but to also prove to her mother that she can do more than ever anticipated.

Personal Secret: Edalyn is deeply interested in learning aura enhancement and manipulation, but was never able to find much information on the essentially forbidden form of magic. She had made previous attempts to dig up information about the skill, but was shut down by every scholar she spoke to. Eda eventually decided to keep her interest to herself, afraid it would draw adverse attention towards herself.

Personal Fear: Failure. While Eda's internal motivations revolve around gaining knowledge for its own sake, she fears failing her family and becoming the nobody her mother says she would be.

Other: Eda is attracted to non-men (nonbinary people and women)!

Thoughts on Edalyn
Railyn: Oh Railyn and Edalyn are gonna get along amazingly if the right things happen. I feel like both of them would be good sparring partners, and out of everyone, Railyn would probably seek validation from Edalyn the most because of her confidence.
Cyra: I feel like Cyra would deeply respect Edalyn, and I believe they could be friends if Edalyn is patient enough to deal with Cyra. She might not be, though. XD.
Thane: Edalyn and Thane will likely bump heads. Given how immature Edalyn's temper is going to seem to Thane, especially watching her retaliate against authority figures like professors when Thane's grown up with actual supressers, Thane is going to think Edalyn is childish and spoiled. Also, because of Thane's background, she's going to have a difficult time trusting Edalyn's intentions once she finds out that she grew up upper-class, especially since it'll definitely make for a very one-sided view where Edalyn growing up upper-class is just going to "confirm" Thane's thoughts about her. Thane will steer clear, but if Edalyn doesn't, she'll be blunt and if she especially doesn't like Edalyn, she won't hold back from saying some hurtful things.
Euphemia: She probably wouldn't mind Edalyn, but I think that the whole 'disprespecting authority figures' thing would make her a little unsure. Euphemia never really was put in a situation where outspokenness was glorified, so she would see it more as bad manners. She might possibly give her a try, but it's pretty unlikely.
Kynina: Kynina knows firsthand the difficulty of speaking out when you have a lot to lose, and she'd admire that Edalyn can do it without fear. Her brash attitude might make her think she wouldn't make the best friend material, but Kynina would want to be on good terms with her at least.
Safiana: Edalyn is going to be an interesting case for Safi. She might admire the fact that Edalyn isn't afraid to speak her mind when it comes to authority figures since its something Safi doesn't ever have the courage to do but her harshness is going to be seen in a different light because of her background. She might end up clumping her with everyone else she saw in that light and not pay enough attention to Edalyn to realize she has her insecurities too. Although this means she's just going to be extra cheerful and nice to Edalyn while trying to interact with her as little as possible.
Aapeli: Pel would be bewildered by Eda and her eagerness to rebel against authority when she doesn't agree with it. He might even dislike her at times, confusing her rebellious nature for a need for attention. But if they got to know each other better, Pel would respect Eda's determination to reach her goals and her loyalty.

There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
— W. Somerset Maugham