
Young Writers Society

Antonia Westerfield | Asterux

Return to World Conquerors: A Magical Girl SB  

Creator: Mageheart
Roleplay: World Conquerors: A Magical Girl SB
Nickname: Tony, West

Human's Name: Antonia Westerfield

Alien's Name: Prince Asterux*

*Nicknames include Rux and Aster. Prefers Aster but usually gets called Rux.


Magical Girl Alias, If Present: Star Knight

Age + High School Year: 16, Junior

Gender + Pronouns: Girl, she/her.

Sexuality & Romance Availability: Biromantic and yes!

Appearance: Tony basically looks like the photo up above. She has short, black hair with two white streaks in it, as well as dark eyes that border on black. She's almost always seen wearing a black hoodie, as well as a pair of jeans and sneakers. When she (rarely) takes her hoodie off, it's revealed that she's wearing a slightly too large graphic t-shirt that she probably got from Hot Topic.

Tony's not that tall, and definitely that muscular. But something about the shape of her face, the length of her hair and the outfits she picks make most people think that she's a guy. Her nickname doesn't really help, either.

Appearance when Transformed: The outfit she wears looks a lot like the one in the spoiler down below, with the exception of white replacing all of the pink areas. Her hairstyle also remains the same, but her hair goes completely white - almost like it's glowing.

Last, but certainly not least, she really likes to make a sword out of concentrated light. You can read more about how she does it in her powers section.

Spoiler! :

Personality: The best way to describe Tony is by calling her a free spirit. She likes doing things her own way. Case in point: her magical girl outfit. She strives for comfort and enjoyment. She also has a tendency to get incredibly excited about things, even when said things have a darker side to them.

Most people think Tony's a little odd. They also think that she doesn't know what they think, but someone doing their own thing doesn't mean they're not aware of social cues.

Power Set: Tony calls it star powers, but the best way to describe it is a fancy, concentrated light show. She can make it larger and more like a beam, but she mostly does it for special effects and to power up objects. Using it on objects can give them more energy so they hit a little harder, but she really likes using it on the sword she has.

Brief History: Antonia Westerfield was born into a relatively normal, stereotypical household. Her parents loved her dearly from the moment she was born, but they've spent more and more time working now that she can handle being home alone.

Just when Tony was about to enter middle school, her dad got a new job in the city our story takes place in. Her family bought a new house in the suburbs beside it, and Tony started going to school there. That was when Tony started to realize something...weird.

While her classmates at her old elementary school were used to her personality, her nickname, and her clothing style, her new middle school peers seemed to avoid her. She wasn't really sure why. She tried making friends with them, but she never really hit it off.

It wasn't until she joined the unofficial gaming club in high school that she finally had a consistent group of people to hang out with. They're not super close, but Tony considers them her friends more than anyone else. They're actually the ones who gave her the nickname "West" instead of her usual Tony.

(She suspects they don't all realize that she's a girl, but it hasn't caused a problem yet - so she has no plans to bring it up in the relatively near future.)

Other: Tony's an anime and web comic fan, so magical girl stuff is right up her alley.


Age + Age Ranking: Equivalent to a Human Young Adult, 2nd Oldest/Twin to Glaphyria

Personality: To put it simply, Aster's a schemer. He's incredibly motivated when it comes to achieving his goals, and he usually has a decent plan on how to achieve them. He tries not to focus on family relationships; he thinks they get in the way of his work.

He's also pretty smart, too. If it wasn't for Tony, he could easily take control of Earth; he's been planning on how to conquer a world since he was nine.

Motivations for Ruling Earth: It's what he was raised to do, and he's already spent far too much time planning his conquest to give up just because his human champion gets easily distracted.

Object/Animal They Possess: A little Game Boy necklace Tony ordered off of Amazon.

I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway.
— Vogon Captain (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)