
Young Writers Society

Chayel Tuvri

Return to A Lost Tomb  

Creator: Shady
Roleplay: A Lost Tomb
Nickname: Chay

Name: Chayel Tuvri
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Role: Ranger

Appearance: Short black hair, pale skin, blue eyes. Her facial features are soft and somewhat ambiguous, allowing her to pass as a man if she really works at it. The brash, confident air that comes with most men of the region and the deep, booming voice isn't easy for her to replicate -- but with a hood up and a bit of silence, it's not too hard for her to pass, if she needs to get into a place that's not friendly to enter as a woman. She's about 5'8" tall and somewhat stockily built, well muscled, and looks like she's every bit as capable of taking care of herself as she is.

Personality: The most striking part of her personality you'll notice first is complete silence. She'll speak when she has to, to get information or blend in, but you'll not catch her talking just for the sake of talking, and small talk can go die in a fire. When she's really focusing on something she has a tendency to block out everything around her, getting so up in her own head that she doesn't notice what's going on around her, even to the point of not realizing when people are speaking directly to her. However, she's careful not to go into one of these deep thinking spiels when she needs to stay focused, and can force herself to stay sharp to notice even the smallest of details.

-Strengths: Attention to detail, intelligent, resourceful, blending in, compassionate to people/animals, good language skills

- Weaknesses: Can come across as unfriendly, if she doesn't work hard at being personable; focuses more on the mission at hand rather than the people involved; tends to withdraw from difficult people/situations

Magic: None, but open to learning spells if anyone wants to teach her

History: Chayel was the daughter of a prostitute, and grew up never knowing who her father was -- though, her mother had a string of partners throughout the years, some worse than others. From an early age she learned how to make herself as small and silent as possible, keeping out of the way to keep from getting smacked around.

In a lot of ways it was ambiguous whether her mother took care of her, or vice versa. Her mother loved her but was frequently emotionally or physically absent, forcing Chayel to learn how to be resourceful to keep herself fed and clothed. When she was 12 her mother's latest boyfriend -- the most absuive of the lot, but quite a bit -- finally hit her mother a bit too hard, and Chayel found herself completely alone in the world.

She vowed then that she would grow up to be the kind of person who helped other people -- to stop other bad men from snatching other little girls' mothers away from them. She started training as hard as she could between stealing her keep and working odd jobs, trying to get as strong as possible. When she was 15 she caught the eye of a man who promised he could teach her how to become a Ranger, which she's been doing ever since. She truly loves her job.

Up For Love: Sure, straight

Other: Chayel has a soft spot for animals. She is easily distracted when she sees a cute critter (and her definition of "cute" is broad when it comes to animals), and she can lose her temper, fast, when she sees anyone mistreating an animal.

u can't have villains exist just 2 b villains
— ShadowVyper