
Young Writers Society

Nikolai Strauss

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Creator: Corvid
Roleplay: Superpowered
Nickname: 'Oracle'

Secret Identity: Nikolai Strauss

Superhero Name: Oracle

Superpower: Flight, (Limited) future sight

Gender: Trans Man

Age: 18

Nikolai looks like the boy featured above. He’s average height, with curly blonde hair and brown eyes. He tends to wear darker colors — dark grey, blacks, blues— and can often be seen in turtlenecks and hoodies. Nikolai never ties his hair back in public, and he is care never to obscure his face.

Oracle wears a leather jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, and brown leather boots. He keeps his hair pulled into a braid behind him. He wears a mask over the bottom half of his face and a pair of motorcycle goggles over his eyes.

Nikolai is a bit jaded, and is much more wary of strangers than most people his age. He finds it difficult to open up to people initially. He’s cautious in how he approaches and interacts with other people, to the point where he often feels as if he’s acting ‘fake’ even if he doesn’t intent to. As Oracle, he’s not as cautious. He’s outspoken and energetic, and feels much more authentic. A major difference between Nikolai and Oracle are their abilities to command attention and respect. Nikolai often has a difficult time getting others to listen to him or take him seriously, and Oracle does not.

Up for Romance: Yes! He’s pan.

Backstory: Nikolai discovered his powers at the age of 16. (Flight he discovered when the sudden appearance of a spider terrified him into flying straight up into the air, future sight he discovered while playing dodgeball.) Although these newfound powers were strange and confusing, they weren’t at the forefront of his mind. At this point in his life, Nikolai was living on a friend’s couch. His parents hadn’t approved of him being transgender, and had kicked him out. He spent the next few years focusing on graduating, and his powers became more of an afterthought. It wasn’t until he was heading off to college in New York City that they became relevant again — he had heard of The Actor beforehand, but being in the same city as them was inspiring. It inspired Nikolai to create the persona of ‘Oracle’.

- Once used his powers to track down a celebrity and get an autograph for his co-worker’s Secret Santa gift.
- His ‘future sight’ is best described as a very accurate hunch. He can’t control what he sees, and most of what he sees in crime.
- Goes to NYU for sociology.

Just because you don't feel like a hero in your own story, doesn't mean you're not a hero in someone else's.
— Tenyo