
Young Writers Society

Isabella Garett

Return to Superpowered  

Creator: Elinor
Roleplay: Superpowered
Nickname: Izzy

Secret Identity: Izzy Garrett

Superhero Name: Firegirl

Superpower: She can control and manifest both heat and fire, and she is completely immune to both.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: As Firegirl, she looks like the above picture - her natural look. Ever since she started fighting crime, as herself, she wears a short blonde wig and big glasses to disguise herself and blend in a little bit more.

Personality: When you first meet her, Izzy is unpleasant at best. She wouldn't call it that. It's only looking out for herself and her best interests, and that includes one upping you at every chance she gets to feel better about herself. Underneath her fierce bravado, she's broken, and deeply in need of real affection. And she does care about people. Really care about them. But she'd never let anyone know.

Up for Romance: Yes/Straight

Backstory: Izzy was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and was an only child. She was always very smart, and a voracious reader. She was popular by first grade, and everyone either wanted to be her or be her friend. She acted in school plays, always in the lead, but she stopped after middle school. While secretly maintaining a 4.0 GPA, she dumbed herself down so she could attract attention from boys. She was also a bully, something like the Regina George of her high school. Freshman year she met Elissa Evans, who was new in town, and they became best friends. She and Elissa were the Queen Bees, and they partied every weekend.

Still, for Izzy, something was missing, and she looked forward to her fresh start in college. She was thrilled when she was accepted to NYU to study English, and she longed to become a kindergarten teacher. However, shortly after graduating, she and Elissa were both coming back from a party. Izzy was driving. She was drunk and flipped over their car and it collided with a semi. Miraculously, Izzy woke up in the hospital with only a few cuts and bruises. Elissa was in a serious coma, and her parents forbade Izzy to see her. That summer, Izzy realized something about her had changed. She could control fire. She told no one, and took a train to New York from Boston that August to start her life over. Maybe it would go away. But it didn't.

Other: She is in love with a coworker, Derek, an architecture student at Columbia, but he is both unaware and oblivious to her affections because he's already in a serious relationship with a girl named Britt.

Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.
— Albus Dumbledore