
Young Writers Society

Lincoln Bryne

Return to Eternal  

Creator: ChristenedPages
Roleplay: Eternal
Nickname: Link

Character Alias: Lincoln Bryne

Godly Name: Apollo

Magic: He wields music like a language, with the ability to play any instrument, etc. He also has healing abilities that terrify him- he hasn't explored them much, but they manifest themselves sometimes in situations where they're needed.

Gender: Male, he/him

Appearance: Lincoln stands at about 6'2", with a lean but muscular build. He has messy dark hair with lighter highlights (which may or may not be natural) and stark brows that contrast with his bright blue eyes. Is usually seen with unkempt stubble and wears a piercing in his right ear when not at work, along with an inspirational tattoo circling his left bicep. His usually warm expression and sweater-over-button-up combos give him an overall fatherly appearance.

Personality: Lincoln is very withdrawn and thoughtful. He's developed good people skills and truly cares about making others feel listened to, but only really opens up when he can work on his songs privately. He's also clumsy and absent-minded most of the time.

Up for Romance: He's very guarded in this area, thanks to some traumatizing experiences, to say the least (see Backstory). However, he's also too much of a romantic for romance not to be a possibility. Tentatively bisexual (but hey, he has an eternity to figure that one out)

Backstory: Lincoln first became conscious in a shrine to Apollo. He found himself in a humble village several miles outside of Rome, and quickly adopted the laid-back attitude of the people who lived there. During his early days as a sheppard, he first started experimenting with music- using the simple pipe to call his sheep for more recreational purposes.
With the fall of the Roman Republic, Lincoln, then under the name Bartholomew, travelled to Wales. The brunt of his first several centuries could only be described as restless. He travelled country to country and tried profession after profession, all the while never growing older. Nothing felt right to him. It wasn't until he came to New England in the 1700's that he finally felt a sense of peace. This was also when he discovered the harpsichord during an apprenticeship. He bought one with his savings and quickly mastered it, composing countless songs in his free time like a madman. From that point on, most of his careers were music-oriented.
He never married, finding that all of his relationships ended in sudden tragedy. He boiled it down to some sort of curse- every lover he had either died in an accident or had their lives ruined. Try as he might, he couldn't help falling in love over and over again. So, in order to prevent any more tragedy, he tended to move and change his name every time he felt himself growing attached to one individual.
Against all reason, Lincoln tried his hand at love again in 1953 when he met Amelia Barrow- a bright, passionate woman who dreamt of becoming a reporter. At that time, he called himself Richard and worked as a travelling violinist, and after several months in a fast-paced relationship, was considering proposal. She took a train to surprise him during a tour of his in Chicago, only to die in a violent collision.
With a broken heart, he swore off any and all romantic relationships, and threw himself into his music. This came with its own problems, however. Any new state he went, his uncanny musical talent threatened to get him discovered. All of his identities and careful lifestyles would be for nought if his face became known among masses. With many opportunities and contracts turned down, he kept his music good enough to earn a living publicly, and extraordinary privately.
He currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee, working as an elementary-school music teacher.

Other: For a time, Lincoln studied to become a doctor. He dropped out of medical school, however, when he discovered a powerful healing ability that he couldn't control.

'They are afraid of nothing,' I grumbled, watching their approach through the window. 'Together, they would brave Satan and all his legions.'
— Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights